Name your favorite sports franchise's most devastating loss that you will never forget.
Name your favorite sports franchise's most devastating loss that you will never forget
7ost 1t.
learn to write/read proper English you fucking beamer.
W*de R*ght is the worst loss in sports history
Oh come on, is losing that one super bowl any worse than the other 3?
For me, it's one yard short.
When McDonald's canceled the Mcbacon
The "McBacon" was never on the menu here in the US. Must be a Yurofat thing
I can see this one
Can't imagine this was too devastating because they won the owl the year before
I would say this is the worst one. I'd rather my team not even go to the own than go four year in a row and lose every time. You get one win and at least the other three lossses are palpable.
I was devastated for nearly a year after the Royals went 7 games in 2014 and lost because Alex Gordon wouldn't run home. After they won in 2015 I don't give a shit about 2014 anymore and all that hurt went away immediately. I feel nothing bad about 2014 and have a new appreciation for the season. Teams that lose a championship game after not having much history of being in them are the toughest ones to take
Game 5 2017
>implying they won't choke again this year
I didnt need this reminder
That was the meme game, right? where it was like 14-12 or something?
That game made me feel like the fix was in with baseball because they were definitely juicing the ball
Any team with a fanbase of mexicans should lose every year
take your pick
They deserve all of it because of their bountyring
Yea, shitload of home runs and both pitching staffs were absolute shit.
That's too bad. The dodgers were the better team and MLB was fucking around with the juiced balls.
Cleveland has some brutal ones across its 3 teams.
For me, it's miracle in minnesotta.
The double doink last year was bad but I still have to give it to "4th and 8".
I will never not have nightmares and curse god or the gods about it.
I'm an Atlanta Falcons fan. Guess it's the 1999 owl.
This was far worse, I think. The sadness of child me when I think back on this series is still palpable.
No Goal, since I was too young to remember Wide Right.
>tfw buffalo sports
This will never not be funny
Eagles losing the NFC title game on a pick 6, in the last game at the vet. That had to be devastating.
What makes that one worse than 28-3? It being their first owl appearance?
We were a shoe-in to win the natty and I already had tickets and a hotel lined up m
2011 world series game 6
janis joplin
OP meant to post this.
The reason Brandon Bostic still gets death threats.
yes you fucking idiot because it was the closest one
>has won three more super bowls since 18-1
I think the Patriots turned out fine, user
Oh that's easy, 28-3. Took years off my lifespan.
Good job narrowing it down to 4.
>instantly gets defensive
Probably the one I hate the most is the 2016 World Series. >We fucking blew it. It would've been better to get fucking swept but >we had to have a 3-1 lead and fucking blow it.
That was not worse than the NFCCG against the Seahawks
Thanks for reminding me that Eli's second ring has an asterisk on it
Boston sports teams are fucking magic, they have so many memorable moments they won and lost in every sport
The first one that came to mind is pic, forgiven but not forgotten
This. Absolutely this.
One strike away, twice.
Both sucked but the niners hadn't been that deep in the playoffs for over a decade.
As a Hawks fan it was pretty devastating because at the time there was serious dynasty talk and winning that game against the Pats could've really solidified that
Mitch Williams in the 93 world series.
That Phillies team was probably one of the most entertaining teams of all time to watch.
Then crazy mitch lost 2 games all on his own. They absolutely should have beaten that Toronto team.
Eurofags have peaked with state-approved comedy. Kys.
Game was rigged
- Giants constantly offsides
- Giants O-Line was holding on every play
- Moss getting held every play
- Welker was getting brutally roughed up without the ball
Just rewatch the Giants receivers, they're constantly pushing off Pats DBs.
You guys weren't beating the Royals. You were cold going in, even that fat Fogo de Chao Platinum member CGSO'd you guys(id love to have that status but i cant eat as much as he does). No one expected the Mets to win the 15' WS.
>2004 after they beat the yankees from being down 3-1 with MO on the mound no one in hell was going to deny the red xox, double runs scored in the series, just knew it was going to be bad.
>2012 The only "devastating" thing for me was the cardinals being up 3-1 vs the Giants in 2012 NLCS with Chris Carpenter 10-3 postseason record and known postseason badass coming up and would be available IF there was a 6-7.End up losing the series to the Giants. Though to even get to the 2012 NLCS took so much favor of the baseball Gods. The Atlanta WC game, The Nats DS comeback win...
>2013 Despite winning games 2-3(also winning game 3 was on a cheap as fuck interference call), I always felt some foreboding from the Red Sox waiting for them to assert themselves.
>2014 some incredibly close games in this series. In the composite box they outscored STL by 8 so w/e
>2015 Cards lost Waino at the end of April, and even though they won a MLB high 100 wins that year. The team was absolutely drained and exhausted at the finish and despite a very close composite box with the cubs, they just had more momentum.
White Sox
>2000- surprised their young guys won the division, composite box shows hat happened when they played hardened team of vets
>2008- won the 163 blackout game which was cool, but lost 3-1 vs the Rays(who made it to WS)- it was expected they
maple laffs
>game 7 2013
>game 7 2018
>game 7 2019
All of the middle aged white people in Ontario who still haven't seen the Leafs win a cup were ready to re-enact Jonestown after the loss this year
That was such a good season
Cunt. That is all
Astros getting swept in the world series
Oilers epic choke
Rockets 27 missed three pointers
that was at least a good game
Williams lost the whole game by doing the exact same stupid thing TWICE
I genuinely stopped giving a fuck after this
sports aren't worth it
>rooting for the patriots
Found the nu male pedophile
>"why didnt we win one of the million rings we won!!"
Thats why I hate you people.
He's talking about soulless American sports m8
It’s almost like they can’t win without killing the opposing QB.
Really makes you think.
Also that rams game Drew Bricks threw a pick in OT. He chocked.
I know it shouldn't be as bad considering the Yankees of this decade had won four world series prior to this but this one hurt because of what happened to the city because of 9/11. I'd give up 2009 to win this one.
seeing Canada lose in 2018 was my toughest. 16 years straight winning the Olympics and its gone just like that over the span of 80 minutes and a shootout
The helmet catch is (by far) worse.
Hand of god tier no call.
>this group never played together again
>16 years straight
if you're referring to ice hockey,
He's talking about the women's team you absolute plonker.
like the other guy said. i stopped fucking caring because of this.
damn I didn't know that Harden used to play for OKC too, I am merely a customer...
So why didn't they win anything? Has one of these players made a certain evolution since then and weren't they that good back then or were the Miami Heat and stuff simply too good during that time?
The fact that he's been supporting Atlanta since the 28 - 3 bowl so he do doesn't want to sound like a bandwagoner.
>all this corporate sports faggotry
38-1 Kentucky Wildcats
They really should have ran the ball.
harden wasnt great like now.
KD and Westbrook kept choking, and they had to fight some great Spurs and Lebron heats
Plus they jewed out and didnt want to guve a couple of millions to harden so he went to Houstan.
Beside KD who went to the easy route to get rings, the only one who won a ring from that is Serge Iblaka
How do UK fans feel about how the 2010 team went? All I heard that year was about how it was the greatest college basketball ever assembled and they get beat handily by 3 Euroball players and a 1-armed PG playing a meme defense.
There's nothing wrong with the play call, Wilson should've just been smart enough to realize he has 2 more plays left to get a yard and thrown the fucking thing in the stands if the play wasn't wide open.
This is the only Super Bowl I'll ever see my team participate in.
This. Fuck RAaron Rodgers.
Yeah, came here to post this
This makes me seethe so hard every time I see it. Warner should have had two owls. Fuck shittsburgh and fuck the fat rapist.
>sports franchise
Americans are filth
They were refballed
Literally worse ref balls have happened, and the ref didn't force Brees to throw an INT.
are you paid to dedicate your time and your emotions to some 'franchise' of some multi-millionaires? to spend a time on stadium etc
These are all unforgettable
What about bottlegate?
This absolute cunt not winning the Driver's Championship when it was fucking handed to him. I never liked him anyway, but fuck, he would have been Champion. Tool.
In before some whiny STL bitch comes bawling about Game 6, '85 WS.
I don't follow the Falcons with as much vigor as I used to because I realized they're always going to choke when it matters the most. I pretty much only care about college ball now
Dwayne Rudd:
This is lesser known but is the first game I remember watching with my dad
Literally for Buffalo take your pick(s):
>Wide Right
>Home Run Throwback
>No Goal
>1920/1921 but no one remembers those
>the other three super bowls
>Ronnie harmon
>Clay Matthews Jr.
>2007 ecf
>there are no flags on the field
>touchdown reversed falcons win
>tony romo's 5 pick game
>leodis mckelvin
>the streak
>meltdown in miami
>just give it to 'em
>seattle game a few years back
>jalen ramsey non-interception
>"muh 9/11"
Nah New Orleans ruined Texas so you guys deserve it.
I agree the balls were probably juiced, but the doyers weren't the better team
juicing the balls would be like moving the outfield fence back 30 feet
does it effect the game? yes, but both teams have to deal with it
There's worse moments in Philly sports history but their mostly eagles stuff which means nothing after BEWD.
what's this one
>does the Hotline Bling dance in the middle of play
what was Cam thinking?
>favourite franchise
Soulless mutt Americans
Ever since I've been following football, the worst losses this club has suffered have happened outside of the pitch. Other than that there really weren't any heartbreaking defeats, it might happen one day if Hajduk clinches the league in a direct decider game or something like that.
if its any consolation that's one of the most legendary playoff runs ever and everyone fucking hates the steelers
>le evil American boogeyman xDDDDD
I described the average American. The fuck are you on?
There are 300+ million Americans. You don't even live here but you somehow know what the average one is like. Carry on.
That was my favorite Bears team too. Such a meme squad but they kept on pulling off wins. Unironically would have won the super bowl that year
i literally laughed at that play. FUCKING CHOKED. Viking fans deserved this.
even with a recovery you still would have lost. and you will be fucking lucky is Cam makes another superbowl
Turned them into dome babbies
i understand why the Brazilian wouldn't understand proper English but a fucking kiwi like you should. The Franchise owns the defeat, hence the 's you retard
Unfortunately, I have seen a lot of American media and been to the US and you are all mutts who worship shlomos cock.
unironically caring/liking/ paying attention to soccer. why dont you watch a real sport?
>being this delusional
bitch you literally live in a fucking muslim country at this point. your pm acts more like a good dhimmi than an actual leader who cares about the freedom of your people. fuck off you discount socialist.
for me it's probably a tie between the phantom facemask and detroit's 2014 playoff loss to the Dallas cowboys. id say the facemask is worse just because it is pure bullshit, where in the playoff game detroit still had a chance to win after the refs robed them
1. I'm not Kiwi, I'm Australian. Our PM is a conservative, evangelical Christian.
We actually voted for a conservative party through popular vote. That wouldn't happen in muttmerica.
2. Deflecting doesn't prove me wrong.
The Chargers losing the Superbowl in the 90s. I cried.
Now that they're a Los Angeles team I'm glad they lost.
Being a Suns fan is just all around suffering.
Oh yeah when the Leafs haven't won the fucking cup since before my parents were born. Fucking hell I hate this team.
I dunno which was worse between the 2012 WS or the 2013 ALCS. Probably 2013.
2014 vs the Cowboys, the Pass Interference call that wasn't.
>"Behind the bag! It gets past Buckner!"
minnesota vikings fan
we've had too many soul-crushing losses to count
eddie Irvine would have been the worst F1 champion of all time, rivaling Keke Rosberg and James Hunt
Being a Sun's fan is the most kino expression of self-loathing.
Aaron Rodgers is what niggers mean when they say somebody has white privilege. The definition of a commission-babby who would never be anything but Rivers-tier if it wasn't for NFL propaganda and McCarthy's allergy to running the ball.
Mitch’s arm was falling off. Blame Jim Fregosi for pitching him into the ground
Not much to choose from.
Any of the DS elimination losses. They were all bad.
>instantly loses in the playoffs
no way were the Doyers the better team.
...sure, I'm an Astros fan that has season tickets and lives across from the stadium, looking at the jumbotron right now.... BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME BIASED
I visited your city recently and caught a game at Minute Maid. It's a beautiful stadium and was a pleasant experience.
The surrounding area was an eyesore.
You never should have survived the Music City Miracle anyway. It was as forward pass and you know it.
That is accurate. Downtown has finally got somewhat better. It's been nothing but office buildings for years. like every other city, an old industrial part of town is now really cool, and walkable.
Stuff outside the stadium is garbage. Not even dangerous. Just...nothing. Other than my building, ift course
Do you live in that building outside the left field windows?
i just laugh at this shit now.
I think I mentally blocked out the 2014 NFC Championship
Wound is still fresh but I've liked Kawhi as a player forever so it's not all bad
Also if we can count players leaving as losses I would say Gary Ablett leaving Geelong to go play for a new team with too much money and shit management. Wasting his entire prime there, at least he went back to Geelong to finish his career there
If the Saints didn't win the owl in '09 I'd probably have killed myself after last year, and the 2017 meaningless miracle, and the $(ers "catch 3" in 2012, and the beast mode game in 2011.
You know the worst part about this shit? The fact that in this situation, the 49ers didn't go to the owl after that great game vs. the Saints. I mean fuck, I was depressed as hell when that game was over as a Saints fan, but seeing the 49ers choke the next week just pissed me the fuck off because it made that came meaningless.
To be fair that buc's defense was legendary
Threadly reminder they're here because we're a superpower, not the other way around.
We did not become one because of them(no shit?).
The reason your team is shit in the big game now is because you robbed us all of a Favre Manning bowl, all because your city got flooded, whoppdiedo, you trashy fucks needed a shower anyways. But noo, NFL let you have your little feel good moment by taking away a Favre Warner NFC Championship game and a Warner Manning superbowl, or a Favre Manning Superbowl.
>muh Favre
He's hogged the limelight long enough relative to his accomplishments. Brees is the better QB even if he's a domebabby.
Man that was such a good game. It's tough being a fan of any AZ sports team. Always getting let down no matter what.
Recency bias but it's probably the single worst moment in Sixers history.
I'm sorry