Should boxing be banned?

Should boxing be banned?

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Yes. That way we wouldn't get shitty boxing thread polluting Yea Forums.


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Why not ban you instead?

i dont understand how you can die in a boxing ring

these boxers need to rethink their strategies and stop allowing the other boxer to land punches on them

yes and also american football and all other sports were people turn into retards via concussion

>bang each others' head in
>be surprised when some of them die
Well, I never!

if we're going to ban stuff because there's a slight chance of dying then you might as well ban driving, cycling, swimming, bungee jumping, rock climbing, surfing...

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dying From Boxing Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Stay Away From The Opponent Like Nigga Be Better Haha.

Dont let monkeys reff the fight
Easy as that
Let them be schooled by mario yamasaki
Mmas finest


Dead sport
Dying athletes

Just a terrible sport. Filled with fat asses and manlets who kill each other. MMA has made this """""""""""""""sport""""""""""""""" obsolete.

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no ban only a pussy would die from boxing so it weeds out all non hackers

is boxing more dangerous than mma?

Yes, boxing is all about getting hit on the head while MMA is a lot more varied.

Nah, just ban killing people.

Yeah mma is focused anal penetration

Not to mention that a MMA fight is 15 minutes, while a Boxing fight is (usually) 36 minutes.

Boxing is more damaging, more dangerous, causes more CTE and long term brain damage and has more deaths than MMA, all whilst being an objectively inferior form of martial arts and combat.
Ban this fucking "sport" already, its a worthless impotent form of athletic competition. Boxers are losers who would get their shit pushed in by any skilled amateur MMA fighter of the same weight class, and any professional MMA fighter 2 weight classes lighter. Deontay Wilder would get fucking murdered if he fought any top 10 middle weight (remember Wilder weighs 210 pounds, which is the weight of a middle weight when they rehydrate and step into the cage).
if you're tough and like combat sports, fight in a real fight in the octagon. Ban this worthless and dangerous "sport" of boxing.

why does no one dies in UFC if it is so much brutal?

MMA is gay, weak and boring. Boxers would literally murder mma fighters. Whenever a fight happens between the two sports the refs have to bail the mma monkeys out. I’d much rather watch wrestling than UFC, at least wrestling is entertaining

100% boxing is way more dangerous, think of it like this, boxing is all about purely punching your opponent in the head for 12 rounds while MMA is all about humping your opponent on the ground while thrusting your hips into him and slowly dominating by humping him into submission

Fuck off monkey boy

>Comparing championship boxing fight length to a non-championship MMA fight

You dumb fucking monkey

Boxers only win when they're in a boxing ring. Boxers almost never win in a real fight. Boxers aren't as good as MMA fighters.

People who say shit like this have never watched a real fight. The majority of mma fights are standing

Kys you fat mongolid!

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theres a difference between slight chance and a heavy chance. in all the sports you listed getting punched in the head 1000 times is not the objective

Go eat some more sopa de macaco you savage beast

yeah, it's not even really a sport

When will somebody die on bareknuckle boxing?

>non-championship MMA fight
What? 15 minutes is the lenght of a UFC fight

never, it's a lot safer than boxing with gloves

True. Looking forward to watch BKFC 7, August 10.

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can't hit as hard without gloves, just more gorey since bone on bone causes more cuts

Reminder an MMA Fighter with a negative record (Artem) literally beat a 2 division Boxing Champ (Paulie)

In Boxing.

just in Argentina

Look how thin that neck is. No wonder he got rocked.

Yes. The gloves aren’t pillows, they’re clubs and allow guys to hit much harder without damaging their hands

Imagine believing this unironically holy shit the boxing meme died 25 years ago

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I cant get over how short Artem's arms are

Boxing and MMA need to be banned. Stop being a faggot thinking your preferred fighting "sport" is better than the other.

Boxing is a sport not a martial art

Legit. You're right

The most CTE'd man in America is twice as smart as the brightest man in Spain

MMA isn’t a real fight retard.

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>Be good at sport
>It gets banned
First cockfighting and bullfighting and now this

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Championship and main event fights are 25 in the UFC

No, euthanasia/suicide/abortion should be legal so people stop bringing more idiots to earth or leave once youre here.

The Manuel Velazquez Boxing Fatality Collection lists 923 deaths during the 118-year period of 1890–2007. Seems like a lot.

paulie is a known BUM and bare knuckle '''boxing''' isn't a real sport. Not even the ancient greeks thousands of years ago bare knuckle boxed.

Which isn't most fights you fucking retard

At least 3 people died playing rugby last year
And I don't see anyone being really bothered by it

>Literally end your opponent's life in the ring
>It's a draw
This is the real reason why Boxing should be banned

The "10 count" system or whatever is a little ridiculous to me. You can get knocked out completely, like what happened to Fury, and still be allowed to get up and continue fighting. Sure, he ended up winning, but he was severely concussed yet was allowed to continue getting punched in the head.
I'm not a doctor or anything but getting severe concussions back to back seems pretty bad to me.

said the toros guy


>Should boxing be banned?

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That guy was only 23? He looks at least 40