Is he the best Jewish footballer ever?

Is he the best Jewish footballer ever?

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Is he the best Muslim footballer ever?

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Beckham is actually ethnically Jewish

he's like 1/4th Jewish

One drop rule goy

david bechaim





if that 1/4 is from his maternal grandmother, he is a Jew for rabbinic law

הנשיא היהודי הטוב ביותר בתולדות היקום.
דונלד טראמפ ישתבח שמו.

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cent pour cent juif

maternal grandfather

why are jews so powerful?
highest iqs and the best athletes as well

literally unstoppable

what sport does he play?

Fuck you, Olaf. I was drinking Sprite and you almost made me spit it over my laptop.

superior genetics(pic related)

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he asserts his male dominance.

he sure does

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This actually explains his career. I thought it was Victoria doing the media manipulation to make people believe he was good.

For me its Walter Samuel.