Is he the best Jewish footballer ever?
Is he the best Jewish footballer ever?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is he the best Muslim footballer ever?
Beckham is actually ethnically Jewish
he's like 1/4th Jewish
One drop rule goy
david bechaim
if that 1/4 is from his maternal grandmother, he is a Jew for rabbinic law
הנשיא היהודי הטוב ביותר בתולדות היקום.
דונלד טראמפ ישתבח שמו.
cent pour cent juif
maternal grandfather
why are jews so powerful?
highest iqs and the best athletes as well
literally unstoppable
what sport does he play?
Fuck you, Olaf. I was drinking Sprite and you almost made me spit it over my laptop.
superior genetics(pic related)
he asserts his male dominance.
he sure does
This actually explains his career. I thought it was Victoria doing the media manipulation to make people believe he was good.
For me its Walter Samuel.