Hop in, user

Hop in, user.

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do people who dont go to the gym find ronaldo's physique aesthetic?

do roided gymrat meatheads not understand he is a football player and he must be lean and not bulk like a retard?

He has shit bone shape but his muscles look great

People who go to the gym also find his physique aesthetically desirable.

>hurr durr ronaldo isn't fit
His core is on the 99% percentile, it's pretty hard to be natty and look like he does.
His arms are thin but he doesn't really need big arms as a footballer.

He just doesnt look good bruh
pic related is an actual aesthetic physique

It's just that his physique is nowhere near as good as people who dont exercise at all make it be

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>roiding for this

That guy looks like a creep. 99% of people would pick Ronaldo’s physique over that guy’s.

That dude is on steroids.
Pic related is me, an aesthetic and NATTY physique

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useless thread.

Let me guess. You forgot the leg day so you bought that ugly pants lmao

come on guys,hes far more aesthetic than ronaldo will ever be,stop coping so much

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>do roided gymrat meatheads not understand he is a football player and he must be lean and not bulk like a retard?

No traps
No shoulders
Otherwise a solid physique

Roids, looks retarded

No back
No shoulders

I only find it cringe that he MUST flex in every photo. He’s incapable of taking a photo without flexing

Shouldn't one try to look their best when taking a photo

What kind of jeans would you wear with this physique? Just avoid wearing long pants altogether?

No woman wants this. This look appeals only to closeted gym fags who’s entire life and personality revolves around working out.

People who think this looks great, are psychologically ill. Same as with anorexia patients. You look at a picture or mirror, and you don't see reality.
This particular guy looks fucking unhealthy and unnaturally freaky.

Post a frontal, non flexing, non dehydrated, non pumped pics of this pseudo bodybuilde and we start talking.

Also Cristiano has some shitty body parts like pecs and traps.

So you put a bag over your head when taking a picture?

The natty anons shoulders are fine for a natty, its the chest and lats are lacking the most.


Attached: IMG_20190725_152236.jpg (720x845, 88K)

/fit/ should be treated like /pol/ and as such contained. The cope those people have about being ugly insecure gymcels is insane. You can post people like Ronaldo who are at the absolute top of their game and they will come up with something about small legs or not enough signs of roiding in his neck.

This still looks retarded. Sage northcutt, tyron woodley and yoel Romero have the most peak aesthetic bodies cause they’re literally built for functional combat

All autistic boards should be contained. That means that any /pol/, /fit/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums or /fa/ discussion outside of those boards should be a bannable offence. I'd say the same of Yea Forums, but that one's so widespread because of the origins of the site that it'd be a losing battle.

I find /fit/ somehow more annoying than the others you mentioned. As soon as they are confronted by anything good looking they resort to something about skipping leg day even when said person has a very normal leg - torso ratio just so they don't have to feel bad about their face or height.

u fuckin homo

No, I put one over your moms

Post body dyel

No u
How original

No way fag

Absolutely roided and looks retarded

Btw, greek is gay
How surprising

Imagine being a non athlete (power lifter etc) and saying this.

Absolute cringe and embarrassing. Nothing gayer than lifting for your mirror selfies. Imagine thinking his physique isnt fit.

Literal fucking retards are the only ones who disagree, don't need a response you lunks are just wrong.


>He just doesnt look good bruh pic related is an actual aesthetic physique

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Hop in, user.

Attached: 1524250961550.jpg (960x1280, 383K)

you look gay af brah

What's her routine

there's nothing more cringey than a male wasting time in the gym, and then uploading his physique on social media like a woman.

a rich man with a large belly and a whore on each arm; he is a man i respect. there's nothing good about being male and trying to replicate the Kylie Jenners of the world

dw user, i prefer your physique to this one . just looks more right to me

this looks like shit. if you like this you have a mental disorder as bad as an anorexic girl

Imagine being older than 16 and still finding this aesthetically pleasing. This physique screams 0 IQ and roids.


A 22yo who's been through that phase
