Are they worth picking up?

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>he thinks Euro autists here actually play sport

Boots are shit nowadays

Why Not? Its a Sport Board

Which boots do you play with? I do have the Copa mundial, but I also like the tight fitting fit and thin Material of the newer Generation boots.

S-So no one here is actually PLAYING the sport that they watch?

nigger, im 32 years old.. only sport i do is raising my arm to lift my beer

imagine still posting on Yea Forums at 32

Just go play on the ascheplatz with your regular sneakers

Not really, the only posters here that actually do sports are the cyclists from /tdf/.
The martial arts guys are by far the most autistic and obese posters

Guilty pleasure, my macaco friend

no nike supports Kaepernick who is a fucking nigger.

go away boomer

I mean I guess if youre a faggot soccer player lmao

I like them, but I've been always been a Mercurial lad. Preds > Phantoms on the other end though.

>rent free

h-ha yeah, i-imagine
>t. Sweating 31 year old autist

Nope i'm staying. Gypsies should be range banned though

overhyped trash.
nike boots specially mercs will hurt your feet for a while before theyre wearable specially if u come from wearing copa mundials.
get adidas x instead.

>not wearing mizunos

I do, but not competitively. Just having a kick about every other week. That being said I really don't care about my boots though

i agree. OP you should play in dress shoes or bare foot.

Mate you must be new so let me explain. Round 'ere we even play sports we DON'T watch.

leave old fuck

>actually playing sports
no thanks

I also have some Mercurial shoes and I'm satisfied with them. I like how light they are. My first Mercurials lasted for 4 years which was pretty surprising.

not me btw

and then putting back down

Mercurials peaked with the vapor 10's, and have been shit since

nikes been pretty garbagio since, and addidas is not that much better.

do yourself a favour and get some leather pumas/mizunos

More than half of this board is either Americans who don't give a crap about football or poor South Americans like me who play but can't afford the latest meme boots

i said the same thing when i was 21 and now i'm still fucking here at 30

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once you're here, you're here forever

The 11s are great and I got some of the Ronaldo cut to brillence colorways and I still think they’re great. He soleplate in my mind is so much better here than in the 10s. I stopped buying them at 12.

My 11s lasted me longer too. I still wearing them might need a switch soon. I don’t fuck with leather anymore should I still get Puma? I was thinking of picking up the Nike Phantom. I’m not a Nike fanboy at all I just live close to the Nike outlet and I get discount. I tend to but older stuff. Looking for something new now. /end of my blog post.

lose weight

Copa mundial are the best boots.
New thin material boots are shit, doesnt protect the foot at all.

Im 34 and play at least twice a week.

I play with a 100 bucks old ass nike i bought 4 years ago that had free personalization so i could add my name to it

i would never spend more than 200 BR bucks (bout 50 dollars) on a boot, rather play barefoot

lol im skinny as fuck

Never tried them in store myself so can't tell but seen some boot reviewers on youtube really shill the fuck out of these boots which disgust me.

gain weight

I'm 40 and cant quit you user. Lifer.

Messi cleats are goat cleats they're very comfy. I have to buy different pairs every 7-8 months because they get torn the fuck up from playing almost everyday.

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Waiting for the price to drop before I buy the superfly version. Can't justify spending $300 on boots that will last only a few months.

based tobi

why not the tiempos? at least they are leather.


>using anything but black leather

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Are leather shoes much heavier than synthetic ones? I like having them as light as possible

that's just fat, not thick

>boomers who can't even run anymore shilling leather.
fuck off you old fat cunts. Its all about light weight and comfort in current meta.

where the architect?