Is breaking heat records a sport?
Is breaking heat records a sport?
>it's warmer here than in Greece
Grow a pair europoor
Sorry Obongo, but I'm not genetically qualified to live in a hot environment.
We don't have massive droughts like you, the humidity in the air makes it a lot worse than just hot air
>Country known for massive inhabital landscape due to heat
>Lel mate look at these temps
>Record temperatures all across Europe
>17° and raining in Ireland
Not fair lads.
>tfw you start sweating heavily over 25 degrees
>42 degrees in Paris
cope heatlet
I was told climate change was a myth?
Swap suns with me
>Bedroom under the roof
>30°c+ when you're trying to sleep
shame you weren't told how to use question marks
Went to the supermarket at 7am just to stay out of the heat. Still sweat through my shirt walking all my shit back.
>41°C here today
pay F to pay your respect to me
wish I could, its musical festival season next week and its misty, overcast and raining everywhere
my brain cells are starting to melt it seems
haha yeah
fuck that
we actually live on desirable temperate lands instead of putting down a bunch of flimsy paper houses in tornado ridden hellscapes.
>he doesnt live in the mountains
Most of Europe will be experiencing those sorts of temps in ten years apparently.
We're all going to die.
>27 degrees in the living room with airco on for several hours
gets comfy lads
go to the beach, get a floaty thingo and chill out in the water all day.
thinking british slags love to get their kit off on hot days, enjoy it
>35 with gentle breeze and only 40% humidity
leave your fucking basement and go out to a river or innawoods
>tfw living in the coastal North of Portugal
>tfw it RAINED last night
>tfw 18°C in the middle of fucking July now
>tfw can't go to the beach
>tfw it was mostly hot during all of last year (it was hot as hell last October and I don't recall raining that much in March or April)
>tfw reading a bunch of Snowfaggots bitching about 30°C on Yea Forums
Fuck all of you!
do you have a split system or one with a hose?
True. It was raining yesterday and the day before.
I though it wasnt supposed to get this hot near the fucking beach...
Kill me now
Portuguese and Brazilians without the sun turn yellow, not a pretty sight.
oh and friendly reminder to leave a bowl of water out on your front lawn for any doggos who need a drink
Make sure the neighbours see you do it for maximum good guy points
>tfw reading a bunch of Snowfaggots bitching about 30°C on Yea Forums
30°C seem very comfy and cool right now, but it's gonna be over 40°C here so fuck you
supertubos is pumping cunt
get out there
>he lives in the mountains
fuck dogs. the niggers of the animal kingdom
>imagine not having access to the sea
>imagine having access to the sea, but that sea being either the Mediterranean or the Adriatic
please watch our league
Fucking fuck off fucker
>bitching about 30°C
we're bitching about 40°C here, which are inhumane conditions that only subhumans can bear
We had 39 degrees here yesterday and I had to sleep in 29
Calm down Xherdan
unironically when?
ahhh, the indicator of the subhuman.
Dogs are mans best friend and showing them kindness which they reciprocate is the mark of the advanced human.
Where's your real home mohammed?
Straya knows how not to be a heatlet.
Solid business idea this
Stole this one from /hoc/ yesterday
Don't yanks use that weird system which adjusts the actual temperature though? I remember in winter Americans were saying whoa its minus 50°c or whatever but that was taking 'windchill' into account
in contrast, in minimul sun you lot turn bright red, which is worse
>I remember in winter Americans were saying whoa its minus 50°c or whatever but that was taking 'windchill' into account
There's no such phenomenon that can boost hot temperatures. Accuweather has a "real feel" index that attempts to adjust for humidity/dryness (i.e. a humid 90 degrees will feel hotter than a dry 95 degrees), but that isn't used for determining record temps.
Just go to the beach anons
Some of us work, Ahmed. But what would you know.
I don't desu
feels good being a dark haired Southern German
This. These people are disgusting
>be in Algarve
>lots of British families there
>fathers all look like Tango: bald as fuck, fat as hell, absolute units, mothers have all painted short hair
>quintessential proud british lads
>I go to the beach
>pass through restaurants next to it
>all British families are in there, eating their british breakfast
>all of them red as a shrimp, probably don't even use sun protector
>yfw watching a bunch of fat, red British people devouring a bunch of hot beans, sausages, bacon, scrambled eggs and coffee at 10 am right under the sun at 37°C
Brits really are the scum of the Earth. They are begging for an heart attack
>work posting on Yea Forums with the company AC on nearby
You are the lucky one
>Their kit
Wtf is a kit? Like take their clothes off? Just fucking say that.
Bikini you assperg
does it make you happy to work during summer break ?
does it fill the inherent void in your soul ?
Running in the mornings is still doable, but in the afternoon its fucking death out here.
just buy an air conditioner. I have two
this ere's a yurp thread inni bruv?
no jfs allowed
im very happy with all these rivers and lakes around me desu
22 Celsius in Helsinki
>40 C and high humidity
Iceland please adopt
I recon thats a fine kit she got on there yeh? If only it were like say 2°c hotter shed take that finer kit there off yeh? Would be noice yeh?
No one in EU has AC. Space cooling is 0.3% of household energy consumption in EU. Everything is designed for heating.
shant be rooting for you lad
who /inthenude/ here?
I actually go red and then that turns into tan overnight. My gf is always pissed off about it, because she just goes full on strawberry :DDD
Just got in, my shirt was like this but even worse.
>No one in EU has AC.
My parents do and their neighbors as well.
>18 degrees
>can't go to the beach
Do you have any sports clothing? Just wear them. The technical fabrics will whisk away the sweat ezpz
am I being fucking trolled? I got a new one from wally world before our heatwave just last week.. fuck me, I'm sorry
And in the UK, you need a loicense for that air conditionuh.
I keep telling my coworker every year to buy an ac unit. Hes in South london i think? Not 100% sure but every year he complains for about a week. Just buy an ac unit! Its also a fan!
imagine throwing a paddy at the word kit when your entire country speaks in ebonics and you don't bat an eyelid
>tfw you are the
The serious answer to your trolling question is that tempratures have changed drastically over a few years. Canals used to froze, now they dont. Most of europe was simply not constructed for heat, but cold so people do not really have AC in their minds. I do think more and more people are buying them.
the train from beckenham to london bridge this morning was the absolute hottest most disgusting journey i've ever taken, and i've been to some of the hottest, dirtiest places in the world in africa and southern asia and the middle east
i do like the sun though
Based british gods
what is it that's actually wrong with you?
I'll remember that for next time.
What part of RAINING do you not understand, Legoman?
But I guess you have to go to the beach when it's raining since it is always raining in Hamletland
Our homes are even build to keep in the heat. That's not so great right now :(
they're getting increasingly popular here because our summers are getting hotter and hotter and longer and longer
we used to have like 1-2 weeks of 30+ temperatures a year here, now it's more like a whole month collectively
Im in AZ and we get charged damn near triple during peak hours. Its a necessity. A cheap electric bill in the summer without a pool is at least $250
Yeah, AC was broken in the train from Amsterdam last Monday. Fucking everybody was melting and panting and puffing, people constantly moving into the carriage going "THIS ONE TOO!?".
Fun to see the tourists get fucked though.
>>yfw watching a bunch of fat, red British people
Did you see these people on the beach?
>i do like the sun though
t. liverpool hater
You only said it rained LAST NIGHT. Kill yourself.
Day drinking and copious amounts of coke. Waiting for it all to wear off. You?
Already 35C, just how can it be this hot, HOW!!???
Oh, yes, going to the beach with clouds in the sky and the sand all wet from the rain is great
>tube network is not air conditioned
>but i can work from home
>but i have no air conditioning
cant win
>maximum of 19C today
>northern france netherlands belgium west germany will go 40+
What went wrong
is climate change a real threat after all?
what will happen if we don't stop it besides constant heat waves?
hello AZ bro. SRP or APS?
Based norfmen working meds into a seething shoot
I remember a few people passing out in the DC orangeline because there was no AC. The doors opened and people realized there was no AC so they just left. I dont remember seeing people rushing in to help which was weird.
I'm in full kit right now except for socks
Apparently summers become much hotter but winters become much colder. rigged af, we dun goofed
you're a filthy souf that's all that matters
simple as
Just nuke Central America and then the Gulf Stream would not exist
but our winters have become much warmer as well
i live in the southwest and we only get like a week or two of snow these days
lack of sleep and mild depression
we'll be alright pal
>Bought a 750€ portable AC in June during the first heat wave with 30+
>everyone mocking me, friends, family, coworkers
>they are all suffering now
>shitpost on SP with a nice 25°C in my living room and fresh air
feels good man, everyone one should get AC in their home, although it's bit noisy and heavy
I thought brits and portos were bros
Fuck me why is it so warm, end this
just a bit a banter
Srp right now. I grew up here all
My life. They both fuck you when they can but trust me. Get a window ac unit. Those peak hours are no joke. I had a roommate that kept fucking with the thermostat in the summer... that cunt would leave it at 70° and was surprised to see a $500 bill
>not using this to get laid
We’re more alike than you think bro.
Scotland becomes the premier wine producing country
We are. The brits in vacations in Portugal may be disgusting, but at least they are not subhuman like all the avecs that come herevfrom your "country"
t. Edin McGarlic
That’s what I read but you are right it feels like winters are getting warmer last one was specially mild
Billions of India and Pakistan immigrants everywhere
i want to become self-employed working from a computer and then move around the world to wherever it's around 17 to 25°C (the comfy temperature range) at that respective time of the year
i'll be spending winters in the canary islands, springs in germany and summers in australia
haven't figured out a place for autumn yet though
Tourism here shoots up by 500% as the continentals try to escape the heatwave. I'm investing in a vacation home as we speak.
Genuinely curious. Explain. I live in a cookie cutter energy efficient house in the southwest. Its the desert so temps tend to drastically drop but its not a big deal.
>tfw I just realised american flags are statistically more likely to be a "black or hispanic person" than a white one
>tfw I just realised this is why they don't mind the heat
god I love being white
a home built to keep in the heat will also keep it out
you have no idea what you're talking about la
i'm gonna turn off the ac right now
Vineyards are actually popping up all over the place in southern england atm, it's becoming really commercially viable. Strange timeline
You dumb cunts probably open every window and door in the heat
Depends on the region but its still 60/40ish I’d say. You can tell by the grammar. CHIs kind of stick out because of the whole grammar thing. Im still convinced actual black folk don’t get on the chan though.
farmers in eastern germany are now starting to plant olive trees
Insulation is what it is. Whether its hot or cold. What are we talking about?
Vineyards have already been here for like thousands of years
You don't need a mediterranean climate for that
a magic house that keeps in the heat but cant keep in the cool