/bundes/ granate© soon

Triggering Razor to suicide edition

Attached: granadee.jpg (900x800, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you

>Ademola Lookman (Foto) ist der fünfte Neuzugang bei RB Leipzig. Der 21-jährige englische Offensivspieler, der bereits in der Rückrunde der Saison 2017/18 für die Sachsen als Leihgabe aktiv war, kommt für eine kolportierte Ablösesumme von 18 Millionen Euro vom FC Everton. Weitere 2 Mio. Euro sind laut „Bild“ durch Boni möglich, der „Kicker“ schreibt von 4 Mio. Euro. Englische Medien berichten dagegen von einer Ablöse in Höhe von 25 Mio. Euro.

just finished my 10km morning run
gotta maximize the chances to find a good lass and spread the Aue DNA

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Aue? More like Owie i hurt myself trying to get promoted lol


A legacy of mediocrity.

wer war das, geh aus meinem Leben

This. There would probably already be a german colony on the moon, if it weren't for jammer-ossis holding us back.

>t. Alois Meyerhuber from Rosenheim

*teleports behind you*
Call me a bavarian one more time and see what happens!

>t. Chenaya-Jackson from Castrop-Rauxel

*draws katana slowly*

>Hertha BSC hat sich laut einem Bericht der „Bild“-Zeitung mit Dodi Lukebakio (Foto) auf eine Verpflichtung geeinigt. Nach Angaben des Blattes geht es bei dem Transfer nur noch darum, dass sich die Berliner mit dem FC Watford über die Ablösesumme verständigen.

>Hertha BSC hat sich laut einem Bericht der „Bild“-Zeitung mit Dodi Lukebakio (Foto) auf eine Verpflichtung geeinigt. Nach Angaben des Blattes geht es bei dem Transfer nur noch darum, dass sich die Berliner mit dem FC Watford über die Ablösesumme verständigen.

>Der Premier-League-Klub hatte Lukebakio in der vorigen Saison an Fortuna Düsseldorf ausgeliehen, wo der 21-jährige Belgier großen Anteil daran hatte, dass die Fortuna als Aufsteiger überraschend Tabellenzehnter wurde. Der Flügelspieler erzielte zehn Tore, dabei unter anderem alle drei Treffer zum 3:3 beim deutschen Meister FC Bayern München.

1. BVB
2. Leipzig
3. FCB
4. Leverkusen
5. Hertha

can't believe watford don't want to give him a chance

time for some sunbathing

>Der #BVB bietet Mario #Götze 8m€ Gehalt pro Jahr, 2m€ weniger als sein aktueller Verdienst. Der 27 Jährige ist davon wenig begeistert und empfindet eine Gehaltskürzung als mangelnde Wertschätzung. [BILD]
he's so fucking fat bros

Im a huge fan of Götze and I love how hes slowly getting back to form, but hes crazy if he should earn 10.

Looking forward to Sané, boys

Yeah, cant wait for him to win the CL at City next season.


>a controversial goal by Götze, which he scored with his gut, decides the game

based stereotypical name poster

those numbers are probably bullshit but he's not even worth 5m

>you now remember that Rolex and Wurstl told Kroos to fuck off once he demanded the same wages as Fatze

*when he

give me one (one) reason why Sané isn't already at Bayern if he actually wanted to.
>he hasn't decided yet!

>Renato Sanches has another good preseason
Olmo alder

tHe NeXt mAtThÄuS

just like a new signing :)

>gefuehlt 4 Erstligisten [in the 2nd Bundes]
Who are the other two?

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Hangover and Nürnberch. lol

guess who’s coming to bayern, bitches!

götze should look inside himself or a mirror at least
and accept that generous offer

Hell be dumped to Buttgart or Crystal Palace next season.


Aue and Dynamo

>He can go if he want to
literally nothing new. just some clickbait article
post pic first so I can decide if I should give her my cummies :>


what’s wrong with welt, you faggot


not inteligant enough for me

t. „heute schon auf piss news gewesen?“


Reminder to keep your windows shut and your ventilators off. Don't risk tio get a steifen Nacken.

Franke confirmed.

Attached: Logo_SV_Wehen_Wiesbaden.svg.png (300x300, 46K)

>trusting the Springerpresse

what's piss news?

If this is true, people that life close by the sea would have a steifer nacken all the time, because of the wind.
check mate

I have a steifer peepee and I'm going to solve that right now

>what's wrong with Lügenpresse

Bold. Sadly Aki will cave in.

Bayern is the best part of Germany for sure
T. Never been to Germany

Der bunnis is quickly becoming le pacy nig league

see stop pretending


americans don’t belong
fuck off

altright i believe you

>Nils Pollit in the breakaway group
for what purpose?

T. Rashid hurrensohn, sohn des Greta und US Army Pvt. Jamaal Jackson (left Germany 15 years ago)

yes yes. still haven't answered my question though

which one?

have sex

whoops. wrong tab

about what pi-news is



Bizarro world

comfirmed virgin manbaby

ask that manbaby

Okay googled it myself
>Politically Incorrect (Abkürzung: PI oder PI-News) ist ein 2004 von Stefan Herre gegründetes, politisch rechtsextremes Blog, das sich der Selbstbeschreibung nach gegen eine befürchtete „Islamisierung Europas“ richtet
sounds like some site for peak Aluhut entertainment

how is that bundesliga related, hakan-jamal bastürk?

have sex
the others started it

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funny looking weasel


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>ich bin ja kein nazi, aber ich hasse alle muselmänner, juden etc.

I do!

t. ich bin kein nazi, aber....

fuck off ronny

>tfw I've been living in my parents flat in Jläbbisch for the past few days because of garden and balcony.
I won't set a food into cologne during the next few days.


frog posters fuck off

no you don’t

>not sucking israels cock
pi-news is just another rechtspopulismus site

stop replying to your own posts

"yes, please more immigration from africa!"

>doesnt know what the term "rechtsextrem" means
yes, CSU is also basically NSDAP

t. hartz4 parasit from hohenschönhausen

cute cat

Also have sex

I'm going for a shower now.

btw I'm letting the door open
*wink* *wink*

the csu surely comes across as rechtsextrem tho

t. never seen a woman naked irl

>"yes, please more immigration from africa!“

t. 13.semester Ethnologie und Medienwissenschaften

fake news

explain how

Anything's rechtsextrem when you're from Berlin.

> früher in der Bundesliga
> jetzt in der Regionalliga

Redpill mich auf, was Energie Cottbus passiert ist. Sind sie der EINFACH-Club des Bundes?

why is the new schokobon a deranged psycho?

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These bitches love Sosa
O End or no end
Fuckin' with them O boys
You gon' get fucked over
Raris and Rovers
These hoes love Chief Sosa
Hit him with that cobra
Now that boy slumped over
They do it all for Sosa
You boys ain't making no noise
Y'all know I'm a grown boy
Your clique full of broke boys
God y'all some broke boys
God y'all some broke boys
We GBE dope boys
We got lots of dough boy


me on the left

i don’t have to explain shit, incels
its gesunder menschenverstand

>In seiner Donnerstagsausgabe berichtete der „Kicker“ noch, dass der FC Bayern bei der angestrebten Verpflichtung von Leroy Sané (Foto) nicht deutlich weitergekommen sei. Dem Fachmagazin zufolge habe der deutsche Rekordmeister weiter keinen Kontakt zu dem Nationalspieler von Manchester City. Die „Bild“-Zeitung hält mit Berufung auf eigene Informationen nun entgegen, dass die Bayern zumindest mit den „Citizens“ grundsätzliche Verhandlungen aufgenommen haben.

>Laut dem Bericht hat Bayerns Sportdirektor Hasan Salihamidzic während der USA-Reise der Münchner Kontakt mit ManCity aufgenommen, um die Bestrebungen um Sané voranzutreiben. Die Verantwortlichen der Bayern sollen sich zudem in den nächsten Tagen noch einmal zum Thema Sané zusammensetzen, um eine Entscheidung zu fällen.


he’s wholesome
>white family
wtf is kinder racist???

why are they all making faces like they're looking at a jizzing cock


then it should be quite easy for you to explain in a few short sentences

>Laut dem Bericht hat Bayerns Sportdirektor Hasan Salihamidzic während der USA-Reise der Münchner Kontakt mit ManCity aufgenommen, um die Bestrebungen um Sané voranzutreiben.
does that mean they only NOW contacted city? after weeks of talk? pretty unprofessional
or was it more like a „pleaaaaase pleeaaaase consider it! we’re losing face here at bayern! muh job is at the stake! we didn’t even get cho!“ cuck call fro brazzo


>yfw Brazzo talked to a Anrufbeantworter for weeks without realising it

ok, so you cant, who would have guessed

Bundes failed to give them our energie cottbuss XD

>Diego is ded

Im pretty sure this is how it went down:
>Sané trying to get more money in new contract with City
>Bayern shows interest with FCB players saying he should come etc. and Uli/Kalle saying hes great
>He tells Bayern "Well talk about it after I get back from holiday"
>Meanwhile his agent is negotiating intensely with City
>Sané comes back from the USA last week
>Bayern is tiny bit afraid that nothing has changed
>City is either very stubborn or simply refuses to give better terms
>Sané as of the last 2 days realized his bluff is called and he wont get "enough" money
>Now hes willing to listen to Bayern's actual offer
>City now is willing to negotiate with Bayern

The real question is whether Bayern can pay enough salary to Sané and if Bayern is willing to pay 120 million to City.

since uli is gone the festgeldkonto will get plundered. sané is coming.
also bayern is bankrupt in 2 years.

I agree. As of yesterday's and today's "news" Im pretty sure Bayern is going to get Sané, but they will pay him the biggest salary at Bayern and 100+Boni to City. Then Lewandowski will use that to negotiate the "new" best salary at Bayern with his contract extension.

This whole deal will cost bayern 120 for the transfer, 17-20 per year for each Lewy and Sané and it will bleed the Festgeldkonto dry within 5 years, UNLESS any of the big shareholders like Adidas, Audi, T, or Allianz decide to back them even more. Which I doubt.

I love that our country's contribution to discussion in /bundes/ regards sexualizing a cartoon chocolate man.

Meta post.

>caring so much as to write a fanfiction

>politisch rechtsextremes
elmau, I guess statistics are nazi now

Glad you read my fanfiction.

you forgot to say "have sex" zoomie

>the absolute state of this thread
see you in the next one

Baumgartl to PSV

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kek what happened?

what is this based on?
>the city of Hamburg

I'm going for a walk now. If I won't return, start a war against the sun to revenge my death.

is there a tipico wette where I can bet on HIV abstieg? should have an extremely good quote while also being a sicheres ding.

you're a suicidal fool

ah, I found it. 25er quote. that's not even that good of a quote.

Naja dann vergleichen wir halt mal.

Sane (23) vor Candice Brook keine öffentliche Freundin.

Candice Brook (32), Sohn Tobias, Ex Freunde: Chris Brown, French Montana, Andre Drummond, Ex von Nicki Minajs

Ich habe gesagt, dass die Beziehung wahrscheinlich in die Brüche geht und das sehe ich nicht als soo abwegig an. Was Alter und Vorgeschichte angeht sticht Sanes Freundin nunmal aus alles anderen Spielerfreundinnen heraus.

Natürlich können Sie eine fernbeziehung führen, aber ich vermute, dass das nicht wirklich gut gehen wird. Und da spielt es natürlich eine Rolle, dass Sane dann mit 24/25 "alleine" in München sitzt, während seine Freundin in Manchester mit den beiden Kindern lebt. Sowas kann mE nicht gut gehen. Da kann man natürlich anderer Meinung sein, aber ich finde nicht, dass diese Behauptung lächerlich ist.
Mir fällt kein Fußballer ein, der eine Fernbeziehung mit einer 9 Jahre älteren Frau führt, deshalb kann ich das durchaus aufgreifen.

Und hier stelle ich halt die Frage, ob Sane die Beziehung zu Candice für ihn wichtiger ist als seine Karriere, da das die eine wichtige Grundsatzfrage im ganzen Transferwirrwarr ist.
Und meine Einschätzung war, dass sich Sane sicher schonmal gefragt hat, ob er den Rest des Lebens mit seiner Freundin verbringen will. Würde er das zu 100% wollen, dann wäre ein Wechsel nach München vermutlich schon vom Tisch.

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>imagine being a 23 year old football star
>imagine being a millionaire
>imagine having a 32 year old girlfriend
How fucking stupid do you have to be?

wake me up when it's a blow out in either direction

>How fucking stupid do you have to be?
well he's from Essen

>17-20 per year for each

>If they don't get Sane, Bayern is absolutely FUCKED, they are FINISHED
>If they get Sane then Bayern is absolutely FUCKED, they are FINISHED

It would be funny if that retard wasn't actually dead serious

Bisschen warm wa?

room temp has risen from 25 to 28 with everything closed over the day. Night needs to come soon.

>24°C low at night
Not much help

Now this is my kind of thread

Fucking dachschaden shareholders piss me off to the point where I want buyern to win the league again. Hope they get Sane too, fuck I want them to get the triple just so shareholders finally learn their place. Every year they shit on everyones teams preseason and act like they have to goat squad with the goat investments when really they have no clue. People thought Philipp, Wolf and Delaney would be great and an amazing squad improvement and it turns out it would be Sancho and a last minute signing that saved their season from being a disaster. Not saying the signings are shit but theyre delusional if they think they are going to win them the league.

why is the taschenmesser seething, lads?


why? because it was comfy? well you just ruined that by posting here, you dumb mutt.

bad Italiano

Philipp was two seasons ago, and I dont know if you rember that disaster. He started with really good perfomances though, when they still beat everyone 5-0 with Bosz
I dont know how to rate Delaney, but he is a starter, so its not like he is not important to the squad.
Wolf seems pretty negligible so far, yeah.

and I think their transfer strategy is pretty smart, because they spread them out, instead of two Granaten and three literal whos. So it doesnt matter when a Granate doesnt ignite(like Dahoud for example).

delaney is a flop?

>Dahoud to Werder



post yfw they do a freiburg

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Chef ...

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funny seating assignment

Tomorrow 2nd Bundes starts. Yay!

Ähm many Dortmund fans were pretty upset with the Wolf and Delaney signings

>tfw 30°C room temperature
t-thanks for the Dachgeschosswohnung, Vermieter-sama.

/bundes/ approved music:


It's our year la

>bottling against literal farmers

>implying they won't comfortably win the return leg

just like last season


1:0 for Haugesund but I guess you are all watching anyway

Attached: apu köln 20:00.png (620x450, 105K)

sören bitte

Das sind nur Schätzungen, Sie Dummkopf!



In other news, Holbæk’s new stadium pitch is 15 cms too narrow and 18 cms too short so they have to start the season with a dispensation to play there until the city and the Bayunternehmer solve the problem.


>hang laundry out to dry
>dry within an hour

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Whoopsie, meant for

2:0 Haugesund
>the city of Sturm


>watch our league la

>implying that all of bundes isnt already heavily invested into /best bundes/

1. Bundesliga = bundes
2. Bundesliga = best bundes
3. Liga = not even bundes
Österreichische Bundesliga = oh shit nigga what r u doing ur not even a bundesrepublik stop copying us you mountain chinese


era of the eagle

How much will Jovelic be sold to Barca for?

Judging by my current mental state, I will never again book a flight with a very tight transfer.

why the fuck has nobody posted major tom as /bundes/ approved music yet?

but you are wrong

1. Bundesliga = bundes
2. Bundesliga = 2nd bundes
3. Liga = not even bundes
Österreichische Bundesliga = best bundes

Attached: bestbundesrepublik.jpg (330x227, 26K)

Major Tom? In den Gasriesen.

if we go that far we may just post joachim witt

Adolf does it again!

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who still haven't filtered austria

Attached: 1548210248779.png (645x773, 49K)

>BUNDESrepublik Deutschland
>GARNICHTSrepublik Österarm
Ad acta.

Hmm should I go and watch Dinamo Tbilisi - FK Qabala on Thursday?

watch the shitby match


fucking hell frankfurt

heh yes

reposting the absolute madman


btw, check out what I hunted down last night, almost 10cm

Attached: ded.jpg (438x516, 21K)

absolute unit



For me, it's Bundesrepublik Nigeria

Just got back from the game, good effort from the mighty FC Flora. Thought Frankfurt would put atleast 3 past Flora but the boys fought well and held them back.. Almost equalised in the end aswell.

Nice atmosphere at the game, about 1500-2000 Frankfurt present


you guys played well, pretty deccent transition play

based and revalpilled

One day I will kill myself

Don't, we need you here

Attached: apepincher.jpg (375x375, 21K)

y tho?

pls ban yourselves
this is just awful

don't do it. it's not the solution, amigo.

attention whore
go seek help with a doctor or a therapist if real, but not here. call someone who is important to you but fuck off.

don't do it my friend

this guy just showed up on my tv

Attached: 01907.jpg (2080x1560, 2.25M)

Channel your inner asian and eat it.

hahah same could be said about PUSSY on the tv, miau, haha

Went to bed. It isn't pleasant.

noone cares about you

Yes. And?

I care about him. Blog posting is the foundation of /bundes/.

lying is a sin

>RB Leipzig will compete with Bayern for the signing of Alexander Nübel next year. Peter Gulacsi wants to leave to England next summer and RBL wants Nübel to replace him. Sporting director Markus Krösche knows Nübel from their time in Paderborn [Bild]
>Bayern see Nübel as a potential Neuer successor and are favourites for his signing. Leipzig however can offer him the perspective of being the number 1 next year unlike Bayern where he would be backup for Neuer [Bild]

Attached: EAWTWC3XYAIyfN1.jpg (720x829, 133K)

don't go, ngübel

if Werner is a Hurensohn for diving against >schalke, what will Nübel be called if he joins RB Leipzig?

yfw Leipzig goes out in groups in pathetic fashion AGAIN


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maybe this helps

Attached: 1537466325768.jpg (960x720, 83K)

Granate means grenade
Always (You) Bürdô bäärdë posts

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Bundesliga? More like Dummes Liga amirite?

>Dramatische Szenen um Ex-Nationalspieler Mesut Özil in London!
>Bewaffnete Unbekannte versuchten am Donnerstagnachmittag den Arsenal-Star und seinen Teamkollegen Sead Kolasinac zu überfallen. Beide saßen in Özils Geländewagen, als sich der Vorfall ereignete. Laut einem Bericht der Daily Mail näherten sich die Angreifer auf einem Motrorroller.
>Aufgrund des beherzten Eingreifens von Kolasinac, misslang der Überfall. Wie auf einem Überwachungsvideo zu erkennen ist, springt Kolasinac aus dem Auto und schlägt die Angreifer, von dem einer ein Messer in der Hand hält, in die Flucht.
>Özil, der weiter verfolgt wurde, rettete sich in das nahegelegene türkische Restaurant "Lykia". Fotos zeigen Özil in Begleitung seiner Frau vor dem Lokal. Die dortigen Mitarbeiter eilten zur Hilfe und vertrieben die Übeltäter.
>Ein Zeuge sagte der Daily Mail: "Özil sah total verängstigt aus, so wie jeder, der von Männern mit einem Messer gejagt wird. Er sah aus, als würde er um sein Leben rennen. Und ich glaube, das tat er auch. "


this just shows that özil really is german after all, a german beta pussy. kolasinac is a turkish kara boga alpha.

özil should be reinstated into the mannschaft and all his critics made to apologise.

>kolasinac is a turkish kara boga alpha.
>Sead Kolašinac (* 20. Juni 1993 in Karlsruhe) ist ein deutsch-bosnischer[1] Fußballspieler

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hallo /bundes/

we are on le autosage

Attached: nn.png (364x652, 189K)

he’s a true balkan alpha then
doesn’t change the fact that özil is a tiny dicked german babyman

thats nothing kiddo. I have one of those really big moths in my room almost every night. I mean they are cool creatures, but I really wouldnt want to be touched by one flying around

okay, just realized how big 10cm is, thats an enormous thing

another nichtaufstiegssaison for scheiß hsv starts today. can't wait.

fuck hsv

ynr the 2. /bundes/ will fix HSV comments
i watched a few games in the rückrunde, the sheer lack of skill and brain from the players was unbelievable

open window, fan with a wet towel on it, sitting naked here, bucket of water in the room, nothing seems to help, still 27,5° in my room, how am I supposed to sleep?

>how am I supposed to sleep?
you don't :)

Welcome, fellow dead man sweating.

>Polizei-Einsatz bei Hertha-Test gegen Fenerbahce!
>So sollte Herthas Test gegen Fenerbahce Istanbul nicht laufen. Beim 2:1-Testsieg flogen während und nach dem Spiels die Fetzen! Hintergrund war eine Rangelei zwischen Türken-Star Emre (38) und Jordan Torunarigha (21), die sich während des Spiels immer weiter hoch schaukelte und zu Spielunterbrechungen führte.
>Nach dem Spiel ging es weiter. Alexander Esswein (29) versuchte Torunarigha schnell in die Kabine zu bringen. Doch Istanbul-Kapitän Emre sprintete hinterher, wollte sich Torunarigha erneut schnappen. Es soll verbal sehr heftig zugegangen sein, Beleidigungen auf beiden Seiten.
>Im Kabinentrakt eskalierte dann die Situation richtig. Es kam zu einer wilden Rangelei. Mittendrin mehrere Hertha-Spieler und auch Manager Michael Preetz (51), der sich schützend vor seine Mannschaft stellte. Erst die Polizei konnte die Situation entschärfen.

Attached: 1,w=993,q=high,c=0.bild.jpg (993x559, 74K)

Türken sind solche Kleinschwanzkompensierer.

>schalke (on the right)

Attached: EAFyp0rXkAEFMEl.jpg (747x1200, 110K)

>türken and negers fighting each other

lel, just like the Leiharbeiter at my dads workplace

I'm stuck in the apathy phase