Why is this dogshit so popular?

Why is this dogshit so popular?

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The sport is fine, actually requires good teamwork and strategy the NFL is the problem

isn't cfb just as commercial ridden

>11 minutes of fireworks
>90 minutes of a candle burning

I'll take the fireworks

That’s bullshit, I timed Super Bowl 53 and came up with 51 minutes of activity.

Fireworks are a waste of time and money, just like football.

Football (soccer) yes

This metaphor won't get any less retarded no matter how many times (You) repeat it.

Check yourself for CTE


I only ever played football once and it was for one punt return down. I got yelled at for touching the ball too soon and got benched. Never played again.

[close game]
*fucks around for as long as possible*
*opposition calls a time out*
*fucks around for as long as possible*
*fucks around for as long as p-*
*game is over*


imagine getting baited into giving brazilian a (you)

It's way worse


During an average night out drinking with your friends you only spend 11 minutes actually swallowing. Why is going out drinking so popular?

I’m sure your spending a lot more than 11 minutes “swallowing” with your bros.


>Score once
>Literally just pass back to the GK and between defenders
>This can go on for fucking ever

This is why


NFL is the sport that can be rigged the easiest, easier than NBA, NHL, MLB, MLS (lul), UFC, Boxing etc

It is for sure 100% the most popular sport in USA.

that never happens ever actually, I’d love to see it though, the cheek of it

The 11 minutes of action is the dumbest meme in existence. I agree that the excessive commercials and penalty happy refs are problems with the current NFL, but football's design is fine. You don't watch it to see "constant movement." We have ice hockey for that. It's a sport of build up and anticipation where the viewer can play along as the coach ("2nd and 2, hmm play action? Looks like the defense is anticipating run going 8 in the box."

The real question is why is basketball popular? It's set pick and chuck threes for 2 and half hours while the announcers tell us what Lebron posted on twitter.

Football was the only sport I played in school because it was the only one I really respected. Baseball bored me, not tall enough for basketball and flopping is gay, wrestling takes too much running, and soccer is boring AS WELL as having flopping as a taught and integral part of the strategy of the game. Yes there's a lot of downtime but the strategy of this game is some of the most cerebral in all of sport and the downtime between plays just allows athletes to really push themselves each time. Combine such a tough, intelligent sport with a 16 game season which makes every single game matter, and you have the best sport ever invented.


During the average divegrass game, there is only 11 seconds of action

Attached: 1550639194061.webm (640x360, 2.75M)

how can be the most cerebral of all if you loose your brain while doing it? >300iq ameribros


The little breaks between plays allow you to process what went right or wrong on the previous play and watching how teams respond to that. What happens between the action is fun to bant about with your friends

Pretty clear that the webm you posted shows over 90 minutes of action.

College is even worse. Some SEC games are bordering on like 4 hours now.

There's nothing wrong with your sport. Some people will like it, some won't. It's harder for people from other countries to get into a sport they'll probably never actually play and Yea Forums is full of retards by default so they can't help but to shitpost. Having said that, there are really wayyy too many commercials. But that's 'murica for you I guess.

ICE is crEEping.


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just to be clear, you consider grown men jogging around and tapping a ball back and forth with absolutely zero effort to move the ball forward or score action? and you consider just settling with a tie instead of trying to win a game acceptable?

What sport are you talking about?

Thankfully the brain damage only really manifests in your 40's and 50's. Also I for one appreciate and understand the new rules and officiating because as frustrating as it is the future of our sport depends on mothers being convinced they aren't condemning their sons to permanent brain damage.

The new rules and officiating aren't really going to do shit to prevent brain damage. They're introduced so the NFL can say they're doing something, while not actually doing anything.

God I can't wait until kickoff

Name a better player.

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Nice strats guys

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same. the closer it gets the worse the wait is. it's like when you have to take a shit and you're on the way home and you get in sight of your place and you have to fight to keep your bowels from evacuating at that moment.

Lot's of Black BVLLS

of what? Stuffing your fat face with Doritoes?

i ask that question every superb owl. this and baseball are snoozefests. americans just have shit taste in sports i guess.

The halftime show doesnt count, Billy Bob

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11 mins is a meme low iq 3rd worlders created cuz they're too dumb understand an unironic 4d chess game like football. Pre snap reads by the offense and defense are just as big as post snap play - it's the reason the clock keeps ticking during pre snap cuz it's part of the game. In football you actually have to study and train your brain just as hard as you do your body.

Soccer > Basketball > Baseball > Hockey > Football

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Ordered from worst to best

You could probably say the same about chess.

>In football you actually have to study and train your brain just as hard as you do your body.



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I literally never heard about this sport other than in Yea Forums.