TEX: Gallo (wrist) likely headed to injured list
NYY: Sanchez diagnosed with Grade 1 groin strain
HOU: Jose Altuve pesters Athletics with three hits
HOU: Verlander brings the heat with 12 strikeouts
MIN: Twins designate Blake Parker for assignment
CHC: Bryant left game with right knee soreness
MLW: Chacin (oblique) 'very likely' heading to IL
PIT: Taillon (elbow) shut down from throwing
DET: Jordan Zimmermann falls to 0-8 Wednesday
PHI: Velasquez ices Tigers with season-high 9 Ks
Other urls found in this thread:
Cubs win!
Cubs win!!
>the absolute state of yankee '''''''''''''''''''''''''fans'''''''''''''''''''''''''
holy fuck
its doyers year everyone show some respect
9th for The Washington Baseball Eagles
Underline the 'This is actually why I use other websites more' to really drive home the point.
For me, it's the Los Angeles Dodgers, The Team of The 2010's!
>rain delay
>late goy television
Sad that Greinke likely won't waive his NTC to come here. He's one of the few pitchers to get a "Horrible contact", then to actually exceed the value of that contract
seeth at the jankees
doggie doos
>Roid Sox protesting a game because a the Rays aren't playing the game like a Baby League team should
>dios mio
doggie doos kek
That's ENOUGH!
You know where to find me.
on reddit? no thanks go back
low key this looks like judge
is that aaron judge of the New Angeles Doyers?
>Yeah I think the 2019 MLB Arc with the Tampa Bays winning the WS was a great timeline presented to us by based Rob, what gave it away?
sensing a seeth currently ;)
the homosexual boyfriend
Doos make ya seeth?
uglier than a dog. christ.
For me, it's the 2019 World Series Champion Los Angeles Dodgers.
nyy v min gamethread
Dodgers own ya, cusb.
what went wrong for the pie rats
Puig and Bumgarner on Phillies wish list.
Imagine the chemistry with these two additions.
They won't spend money.
“Why yes, I enjoyed the angels beating the cardinals in the 2019 World Series”
Bumgarner is a professional, so he'd basically toe the line and say "The past is in the past" etc. I doubt Puig even remembers what happened
I'm starting to suspect this whole doggiedoo business is just a cusb lifelong mad at a doyerfag. Either way keep at it cause i detest both those shit teams..
hey guys what is going on??
yeah, bumgarner is a professional. he totally doesn't have the reputation of being a short fused retard. he should get back on the dirtbike.
>kolarek is pitcher and not in the batting order
>when roe enters the game, he takes the first baseman's batting spot
>roe leaves the game and is replaced by a conventional first baseman
is this correct?
Brian McCann and Carlos Gomez were on the same team, and that shit got far more heated
Doggie doos kek
Watching some basedball
are you watching basedball?
i'm sorry i didn't know
astros desu
Trips don't lie
Will the cusbs ever recover?
yeah i had been watching some basedball
even more today
>t. seething doggie doo
cusb fan! It's definitely a seething cubs fan!
Based Bryce Harper!
This does sound like something a lifelong would do
It definitely is a seething cusb faggot. It's not even funny, and clearly fucking forced. He's been posting >doggie doos shit in our dodger gamethreads the last week for no reason.
Awoo poster had a point about the other websites when you see this all the time
oh this stupid forced meme
Stay mad, cusbs.
not a fan of either but seeing dodgers autists cry this much is funny
>kek doggie doo
>t. cusb lifelong
>t. seething doyerkek
>jew york
ay dawg I aint got no say in this but these dodger fans are makin yall seeth lol this some funny shit again I aint got a say tho
Doyerfags started all this by shitposting in our threads on a daily basis. It's payback.
doggiedoos kek
Rox at Nats 8:45 gametime
no one gives a shit about your shit threads ya egocentric dick kisser
LMAO you faggots really are a sensitive bunch.
>scuba keks taking credit for my meme
kek scuba can't handle the bants
We're reaching levels of falseflagging that rival 4 years back
My Yankees already won
oh this is definitely a cubs fan
>cusb didnt meme the meme, i memed it !!!!
You're doing it all wrong. Its:
cubs fan here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh this stupid cubs asshole with his stupid doggie doos meme...
Take him out back. Some spankies to boot. We want to make sure he pays.
You fags are gonna pay for all the shit talking you did and forced memes
guys im actually a dodger fan. the proof is in the pudding
uhhh why did stroman take his jersey off...don't leave...
Uh learn to read
Its you fags who are paying for what YOU STARTED
someone is going to pay dearly, for all these mean words...
Doggie doos can dish it out but they can't handle it. You fucked with the wrong fanbase!
stroman is gonna be a stros man
how's osuna doing
This so hard. crumbs fans think they'll get away with this meme but it just isn't going to happen!
he's doing alright, blew a save yesterday but so far he's our most consistent closer.
go go white sox
Thanks for the approval. I made the doggie doo meme and it is spreading like wild fire!
Literally who
holy fuck based
cringe as fuck
>pop up on a bases loaded 3-0 count
no but who?
we run the genny. You want to talk shit you have to get through us first!!
But but I thought moncies was makin ya seethe?
the offense is.
it doesnt help the sox have players on the DL as well
>lose 1 game
You wonder why everyone hates bawwston. Bunch of fucking babies
Don't really love the whole cubbie bear thing
The psychos are now running the asylum.
You can only respond to this post if you're team won a World Series in the 21st Century
Are the barves really going to lose to the royals again?
The captain is out to lunch and the psychos have taken over the ship!
It's a bloody mutiny!
Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2019 NL Central Division Champs
Who? Some Cardinals slut is standing in front of the 2019 NL Central Champs
You can only post ITT if your team is a division leader and has a top 10 farm.
Is that the team of the 90's Atlanta Braves and team of the 2010s Los Angeles Dodgers?
yeah apparently. this offense has been so shit lately.
Of course I am. I can't see who the 2019 NL Central Champs are!
stay scared lmao
I'm not even a fan of an NL Team. I'm just curious as to who is winning the division.
Yea Forumsstros!
Yeah I'm just gonna drop this here
Let's go poodres!
Freeways Eries time again
Uh oh, Something's wrong in Atlanta!
hello jints fan
Where did all the lifelong since June 2019 barves fans go?
Its called we saved our best pitcher for the Lillies this week. Prepare to get anally swept in this series fuckhead!
>We got swept on purpose!
Braves did get swept on purpose in the beginning of the series as a means to read the Lillies. And it worked as we are division leaders with a healthy roster while you guys barely sit in the second Wild card spot. Your swept on us was simply out of pure pity.
the fuck type of 67th dimension hop scotch is this?
>hits 3 dingers in your path
What game?
Also the Lillies farm is garbage while our's is one of the best in baseball. We have a future while you idiots spend money on old farts well past their prime,and all of them are now out for the year. Pottery is what the Lillies are.
But the guy we gave big money to is like the 5th youngest player on the team
>His team getting shit on by the Marlins, including being swept by them.
Not even the Mest can pull shit like that.
>Be Larper
>Watches ex team make the playoffs while he sits in the leagues basement of mediocrity
on the upside he gets to watch a typical nationals postseason and on the other side of the league mchaddie gets to look at the dodgers choke without him.
My team hasn't lost 6 of their last 8, like Trashlanta
This. We are so far ahead in the playoff contention we don't care about be swept by the Royals so we can trick Philthy fags into thinking we are slipping. Have fun against Soroka and Fried this week Philthies!
This is why i use other websites
You are about to be for a rude awakening. We did that to fool you guys into thinking that, and our best pitchers are do up 2 out of those 3 games with no Nola to save your sorry asses. Also we have hitters while yours are either broken, or slumping like shit. Also spoiler alert. Kingry just got traded with Bohm to Detoilet for Boyd.
pie rats more like poo rats lmao
Where did the dodgers awoo poster from last night go?
I'd legit be furious if Kingery & Bohm we're dealt for fucking Boyd.
>white sox offense
back to his subreddit
You forgot this is the Matt Klentak show, he being the MLB's version of Chuck Fletcher.
kek scuba kek
Live feed of Klentak when asked about those two.
not gonna lie doggies is a pretty good meme, at least the rags aren't alone now
oh he mad
But his boss has preached a very conservative view at the deadline, not wanting to move important prospects, which is consistent with the last few years
doggie doos kek!!
The royals shut out and swept the braves
>Ninny league
>oh he mad
He sounds really pleased with himself actually.
Lillies are know to trading off key pieces for a playoff berth. They didn't last year because they didn't collapse yet. And knowing them, they will trade someone like Bohm or even Kingry off to get some pitching and out fielder rental.
dabbing on the ewww barves!!! You guys all SUCKSSSSSS so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what yesterday I saw an ew bug walking around and I called it barves fan hahahahahahahaha you SUCKSSSSSS
Ok so now that the NL officially doesn't exist and all teams in that pathetic league suck baby cock. Which team wins the series this year? no don't say the astros or indians only real answers here
fuck the discord and fuck forced memes
Best post ITT
Barves collapsing.
isn't the discord just meant for gaygers to suck off cubs posters?
Why is this thread allowed to have thot posting, but not /ligamx/ ?
its where jazzy (red sox cucks and professional sports writer) sucks himself to some brazilians and a bunch of retarded people
It's quite enjoyable
isn't /ligamx/ pretty much thot posting?
I don't think either of those are going anywhere, largely because the Phillies need them. Philly's issue is they don't have the deepest prospect pool, so it's tough for them to get into a bidding war without getting into their top guys that they probably need soon at the ML level.
make my mouth your fart hole mommy
It sure is, considering how much shit talking barves fans were doing a few weeks ago.
(pls watch our league )
>doggie doos
don't worry dude i've squeezed my tomale in /ligamx/ plenty of times and still do
I mean who do i watch? also keep posting more thicc latinas
By the Royals
The fucking Royals
And then lose a series to the Marlins
The fucking Marlines
lmao lol you just got owned by the royals lol kek
based cubyals...based
this chileANO mod is killing our general, he doesn't want more thicc posting :(
>a seething mod
what can anyone do about that? i guess post more thicc until he spergs and gives up
what a fag (not surprised since he is janny on spee)
The angels aren't even the best team in the AL west but that's still better than the doyers desu
The numbers say otherwise, faggot
Doggiedoo posters, welcome to hell. I'll be your host for your short stay here. Consider yourself on my list
SpEds in the genny tonight
no they don't
I don't want anyone to get discouraged. I believe that this poster is connected in some way to the shitposting that went on late last season. I'm going to try to work hard for this. Just give me some time, I'll clear the clutter that has these shitposters hiding in the gutter for the entire year. If you have any information, please shoot me some tips. This is a top priority.
what godgers means if i'll play along and then this doggie poster will disappear...........DOGGIE DOOS KEKKIES KEK
Trash form, douchebags
alright take it to the discord
dabbing on inspector gaygers!!!
Yeah this is psychopathy the likes of which I haven't seen in some time. I'm going to f*** you toolbags up
who? oh it's regular season
The ringmaster has retired to his tent and the clowns have taken over this circus!
tloses ain't doing shit in the playoffs if they even make it
Who's got the better record?
after these next weeks not the dodgers. also trout still owns you
honestly this has to be one of the most autistic threads in the last few months
you now remember the dodgers are the whitest team in basedball
Barber: what kinda team u want bruh?
Doyers: What if 90s Braves and 90s Indians had a baby?
Barber: I'm on board witchu
The highschool where Ohtani and Kikuchi will play thier final qualfy game in 10 mins, if they win they will be on Summer Koshien
should i post the link here or just make an thread?
this is insane
Good day of baseball, Rockies. Stay mad, Mets.
since people was slow here is the game link
There's another Brazilian around here that would appreciate some NPB, but I haven't seen him in a while. I wonder what he's up to lately...
if he lives in brazil there's a good chance he got shot
what is his name?
you now remember asain baseball guy
I miss that guy, he was pretty cool
i am him your bunch low quality bait trolls
what an shame to your parents
I'm sorry :/
itss ok i am joking too, besdes i dont like this type of joke desu
whatever happened to him? havent seen him around here much. i heard koshien is coming up too...
i give up
dont give up! he's probably lurking somewhere, so i bet we can find him
user... i am him...
Dodgers thot poster here. Once I get my neet bux I'm going to buy part of a Litecoin so I can renew my Yea Forums pass. I missed not being able to talk on Yea Forums like I used to
only true koshien posters will get this
based abg
this edit will be always top kek
no one misses you, and introducing yourself as Dodgers thot poster is cringe
I miss ABG
>tfw warned for too many !'s
Anyways, you're doing it wrong it's:
cubs fan here!!
not again, i hate this desu,,,,
makes me feel that i died, and old
I miss BAJP :(
He was a based baseball fan from Brazil, he knew all the best baseball high schools in Japan. It was fun to see him around but then he just disappeared one day
based aj...:/
ok, enghout, the rapture hasnt happeend yet
you guys can stop with it please? i know that trips are not cool and suffs like that, and is funny trick people for kekess and lols but i want have some talk without it
please, my week wasnt so good for this type of joke
This is /mlb/
Me on the left
lel that means someone reported you because mods never browse this place
dont delete yourself, you gotta wait
i wont delet
i love here, i just dont like the trolls and this "do remember x" meme its kinda annooying
i just wanted talk baseball without being ingorated
the heart attack was inevitable
ok then tell me if toin will win
they are playing qualy quarterfinals right now
Top 7th-
Toin 7 Hanno 4
i only root for farmers and chads, so they better get there, unlike spring
there is lot of chads
today an lot of public schools qualificated
In Akita, Kawano lost but one that dont played in koshien for 47 years got onto
also the school that is playing with Ohtani/Kikuchi school is agricutal school
Sorry ABG it was just for fun, you're a good poster and in my mind a based centralbro for life
based centralbros
based central league
kek doggie doos kek
does that mean theyre country bumpkins? i like having country nips in the koshien
it seems so
iwate seems to be rural japan desu but idk much
Where did ABG go anyway? I heard he went hikikomori in the back of a shrine by dressing up as shrine maiden
of all jokess that was the worst
pls commit senppuku
how many teams do you think would be excited for seeing tokyo tower for their class trip? or do you think they prefer okinawa or hokkaido
the tournament is in osaka, not tokyo lol
but i think that Okninawa would be very suprised and happy to visit mainland japan
how do you think these high schoolin nips would react to finding out there's a small following for koshien on a vietnamese basket weaving forum?
they would be suprised, and somewhat happy
besides the focus of the teams is represent the local cities/provinces where they are from
does that one powerhouse team still have that half africa man on their side or did he graduate
its all going accoding with my koukaku
Okay, hypothetical:
REAL MLB all-stars vs REAL NPB all-stars
you meant Toin? yea he graduated after choke the 9th inning
im gonna play some dark souls 3 now bye guys
depend, the Jap MLB players would be allowed to join the NPB team?
besides last year MLB had an strong team that included 2018 ROTY and half of 2019 Home Run Derby lineup
no not for toin, it was another powerhouse team where he was a huge fella with some africa in him
i forget the name then
found him, that one nigga from yokohama
>swept in the season freeway series
haha who cares, i got alcohol
doggie dooos
>trashional league
Doyers would be lucky to get the second WC if they were in the AL West
Clubber Lang: I got a lotta mo. I got a lotta mo.
i honestly had no idea
Apollo Creed: Damn Rocky!!! What's the matter with you?!!! This guy will knock you on your a**.
Rocky: Maybe tomorrow.
Apollo Creed: THERE IS NO TOMORROW!!! (echoes in Rocky's head) THERE IS NO TOMORROW!!! THERE IS NO TOMORROW!!!!
>finishing third in the comedy central is like winning the world series for royals fans
Rocky Balboa:
You know you got a big mouth, you know?
-Rocky Balboa
wait is that the subway pedo sitting behind home plate????
best record in baseball babeeeeeeeeeeey
this is pure unadulterated SAVAGERY!
ay can I get a doggie doos in the chat
d d
how do you say doggie doos in mexican ebonics?
perro caca
perro caca
>doggie doo damage control
we need the detectives...we need them fast.
I was eating hot hot pepper s and now I'm scared to w*nk
>muh home record!
>muh runs!
>muh comebacks!
>muh MVP!
>lose back to back 1 run games at home against a 3rd place AL team whose pitchers are all either dead or injured
>Bellinger went 2-8 against AAAA pitching and was gunned down by 30 ft at home to end one of the games
Enjoy the third straight World Series defeat
hey doggie doos! I got somethin for ya!!
Add a picture of puig sticking his tongue out
add a picture of a hotdog
Add a picture of the dog pooping
lol this dodgers fan is really reaching trying to guess who the doggie doos poster is kek.
Me on the right
Philthie gonna get real salty when Atlanta booty blast them at their house for the next three days starting tomorrow.
Jankees!!! :)
me on the left
kek doggie doos
The Beta Bellinger
>Gets 'umpballed'
>Sulks back to the dugout and snipes until he gets tossed
The Alpha Rzzo
>Gets umpballed
>Yells 'YOU FUCKING SHIT' right to the umps face
me in her left hand, if ya know when i mean
post the picture of rizzo fucking zobrists wife
The fact he's mocking Jon Lesters with that outfit for his time on the red sox makes him the ultimate alpha.
I like this picture so much that i hope he gets traded
the alpha dog... #1 doggy doo
You guy's are okay and the real doggie doos are the Lillies thinking they will make it to the playoffs. Least you doggie doos didnt spend half a billion dollars for 4th place in your division.
embarrassed for you
is max muncy the next giambi?
my bad dawg
no, if he stays in the nl he won't be able to dh later in his career
doggie doos omigoshies!! i love puppies!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY
we need sheriff bailey asap!
f 17
cubbie wubbies??? ;)
Stranger has disconnected.
no remorse, these assholes have no remorse
/mlb/ needs another mass exodus, you lot are the worst of all time
Top kek lolyers and athletics.
Coming for 1st place in the East.
*Breathes in*
hot take
>series against the rays
>series against the yankees
>series against the rays
>series against the yankees
why is the MLB so fucking bad at scheduling
it's done by some exec cuckold's wife in her free time. not even shitposting l e l
she should get dfa'd for being fucking stupid
This is crazy
i think this is more correct
tell us what you REALLY think
The school where Ohtani and Kikuchi played got qualifiqued for Sumer Koshien last night
I miss ABG
o abg, where art thou abg
>yurop posters in my baseball threads
i will litteraly commit angry senppuku if you uys cntinue doing it
i am asing with education to stop, i know that here is Yea Forums but please stop with it
makes me feel like an ghost
Sorry lol it's just for fun XD but if you see ABG let him know we miss him
Has anyone seen this man?
do i watch dads-mest or cards-rats?
the fact julianna demands xtra spicy if very telling.
Ben Cuckbrist lol
Dads Mest
thank you
is this the most runs degrom has gotten in run support ever?
yea i get for fun, but its meh
my red burbies :)
>mest broadcast kid is shit, i bet i can do better
Based Derek Holland finna save the Phillies
What effect would adding Anthony Recker to the roster have on /yourteam/
He's a kid cut him some slack at least
>Unironically posting "subscribe to my twitch" baseball
no way, welcome to the fucking show kid
>He magically starts throwing harder and walking less the moment he became elite
Hmm, I wonder what totally natural workout routine got him there
has anyone seen paddack? last seen getting his ass whooped by cano
>Russell Demoted
>Happ Promoted
>Zobrist to be back in September
shut the fuck up
So you did see paddack? Cause I literally havent seen fat fuck do anything this series lmao. Couldn't even get a hit off paddack still. What a sad one dimensional player
yes alonso is a one dimensional player because he got two walks off of him and he was shaking and shitting his pants while pitching. Alonso will break 100 RBI's, tatis wont
Oh wow two walks bro any hits lmao? Oh and paddack still got him out
>player with more AB's and isnt a lead off hitter will have more RBI's than someone who missed a month and is a lead off hitter
Lmao no shit sherlock. Nice average OPS and OBP though :^). Series is just showing everyone tatis is a better player than fat fuck
>muh fat fuck
alonso still can hit the ball and do damage. He's getting rookie of the year and you will like it
>Fernando ".434 BABIP" Tatis Jr.
Yes hes a fat fuck, literally why hes playing first base cause hed be a liability defensively anywhere else lmao. And yes hes going to win NL ROTY, an award hes admittedly said he doesnt care about kek. You care more about another man winning a trophy he doesnt even care about than the fact that another rookie is actually better than him. Wew lad mests fans are brain damaged, but youd have to be to be a fan of them
>reddit stats
>it reliably shows my guy is going to regress so I don't like it!
so brain damaged because hes a good player, and actually IS a good first baseman? the fuck are you on about?
>good first baseman
>me gronk, me stretch out and catch ball
Wow, I'm genuinely impressed
no baseball day today........:( oh well kek doggies and scuba cusb
Huh still hasnt happened yet, that's weird
>muh shortstop
>can throw while jumping
Lmao fucking fat fuck detected holy shit. I wonder if fat fuck can score from third on an in field fly or if hes literally too shook because of his weight to even attempt it
Yes, one dimensional player like previously stated
because of what? alonso is more than that you fucking dunce
I'm not sure you know how that stat works?
>le if he doesnt hit a home run his presence is literally negligible man
except it isnt
Please, by all means explain how you think Tatis is going to magically maintain what would be the highest BABIP in single-season history, especially with his mediocre batted ball profile.
got £5k on mets -1.5
how BLACKED am i
You've literally done nothing to prove otherwise other than say hes a good first baseman which literally anybody with a low IQ can be. How is he on the basepaths?
*stuffs your fucking nerd ass sabermetrics into a locker*
That's how kid, heh
He can run you dumb fuck
Explain how it's so high if hes so mediocre at hitting the ball?
>1 SB
One part luck, one part speed (2nd highest infield hit% in baseball)
>first basemen need to steal bases
look grandpa, if I ever asked a POWER HITTER to steal bases I would at least want that hitter to be a contact one like mcneil. Alonso doesnt need to steal bases
>one part luck
Welcome to baseball
>one part speed
That's literally who he is. Thanks for playing
you're good
>literally proving his point hes a one dimensional player
not really
Ok but you did though
>le POWER hitter bro he doesnt need to steal
>ok well he doesnt always hit home runs
>well why does he have 1 SB, he hits the ball more than he hits home runs
Fat fuck is one dimensional player, more news at 11
user alonso is the next macguire. tatis is a flash in the pan name
This will please the Happ poster
>couldn't break belli's or Maguire's rookie HR records
Lmao oh no
NL WAR leaders (position players):
6.8 Cody Bellinger
5.8 Christian Yelich
5.1 Ketel Marte
4.1 Max Muncy
4.0 Trevor Story
3.9 Pete Alonso
3.8 Kris Bryant
3.7 Javier Baez
3.7 Jeff McNeil
3.6 Anthony Rendon
Oddly enough I don't see Tatis on this list
Nigga if you can tie that record its fucking impressive. Kid is a fucking beast when it comes to hitting the ball
The Mets must have won a game or two because I see that all the delusional fucktards have returned.
>didnt even tie the record either
Lmao. Imagine comparing him to some roider who's forever locked out of the HoF
gg dads, good series.
>missed a month
We've already discussed this low IQ mets fan
>Loses value because he can't stay healthy
wow what a star
still doesnt change the fact he isnt on there. sounds more like an excuse that he was hurt
Yes, a player that is hurt cant be on the field and improve his value. Wow I'm really speaking with geniuses here
I wonder if Alonso can even do the splits? Cause God knows he cant run
Alonso can play a full season
We don't have to fight like this, my centralbros
>despite missing a month tatis is only .2 behind Baez
Are mets fans trying to make themselves look retarded?
user, Aaron Judge of the New York Yankees broke McGwire’s rookie record :)
Alonso has a plate full of food and seasoning.
>Is so fragile he spends more than a quarter of the season on the IL
and still plays well
Yonder Alonso lol
Oh shit tatis made a huge play at short. He broke his wrist tho
Based Aaron judge on new York's real team, not some shitty smelly team from jersey
yet theyre both new york. that only applies for the nets
Oh shit Alonso ran into a double play because hes fat as fuck. But I was told he can run though
>1 SB
Pete Alonso lol
This. I'd rather have Terrence Gore over a slow player
Noah Syndergaard to the #Yankees.
Alonso will never injure himself because the fat fuck isnt asked to do anything but stand at first base lmao. True sign of a non athlete
Mets play in Queens (which is New York City, to be entirely clear). Are you not from New York?
>are you not from New York
No thank fucking God. Heard it smells like bum piss and shit
The nets play in Brooklyn
in manhattan and the bronx yeah, which is where the yankees are
Thor sucks now
deGrom sucks now
Conforto sucks now
Cespedes sucks now
Cano sucks now
Frazier sucks now
Vargas sucks now
Diaz sucks now
Familia sucks now
>b-b-b-b-b-but muh fat ass 1B
Which team is the most JUST team now based on their situation and expectations?
My vote goes Braves.
I imagine it would suck living in your bathroom, yeah.
But if you want to smell urine you gotta go under bridges, user.
How is that not the red sox?
>the mets play in queens
330 Million dollars rotlmfao
queens is a borough user. would it make you feel better if the yankees played in the bronx
we tied for first now. keep seething, chubs
tfw pierats fan
T. seething philthiesfag
go berds
Go back to discord
Imagine being from New York and not being a Yankees fan
>muh honor in not being a band Wagoner
Lmao no one fucking cares kid
It’s literally because of family dumbass. Can care less I chose the mets because I’ll stick with them, even if they’re the “inferior” team
Kill yourself bandwagoner.
David Wright lol
Jose Reyes lol
Carlos Beltran lol
life is like a mest kek
Imagine being a decent human being.
we wuz real human beans n shiet
Lmao sounds like you came from a faggot family kid
astros desu
Hey someone make the new bread
oh god no lord have mercy
someone make the new thread. get on it cusb babytalkers i own you now do it
slider is the least cool breaking pitch imo
doggie doos kek!
someone make the new thread so i can own you like the astros do
oh this asshole holds all the cards. do I make it or not? honestly I am in a seethe
did someone say new thread?
the virgin slider
the chad screwball
alright compromise
screw>sweeping/power curve>slurve>eephus>knuck curve>slider>12-6 curve
screwball gang
Mercy houspie. I beg for mercy, and leniency