Why does he like drinking out of that fucking coconut so much?

Why does he like drinking out of that fucking coconut so much?

Attached: 17F0BD65-C3EB-44FD-9761-7A88AE847464.jpg (1113x1399, 428K)

>full arm sleeve
>derrick rose bottle
>uruguayan mate
>arty student haircut
Griezmann is definitely a wannabe, but I don't really know what he wannabe in the end

Zoomers magic potion: maté. Look at Iniesta, he clearly never drank maté, he already looks 55.

it's legal drug, gives you an energy boost without bad effects expect passing for a cunt

Le 28yr old prospect

Because mate tastes good

A faggot is what it looks like

French people enjoy their real life memes.

Greaseman looks like a rly based lad. His dedication and humility makes me wish the best for him. Feels good knowing he got a WC.


Its mate, mate




They're not signing you, nerman.

is he autistic

Attached: 4769AF3700000578-5188839-Antoine_Griezmann_made_the_very_questionable_decision_of_blackin-a-9_151354 (634x712, 55K)

You just wait.

based batman loko

faogo dos faggos

Faggot Grosso do Sul

>mfw greaseman has a "mpp-609" sticker on the termo

Attached: 1515702300657.jpg (393x393, 38K)

redpilled, greasemann is the definition of a 'bro'

ok Joao Gayinho from ItaGaí, Santa Fagarina

Her father looks proud in that picture.

t. Povertinho da Silva