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That’s actually quite based

utterly based.

>having pride
>especially having pride for something you didnt earn
cringe and heathenpilled

>proud to be BLACK
is he /ourguy/?

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>my fellow African brothers

no way he wrote that sincerely


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pretty based

we are all African brothers and sisters, in a way


he was speaking to his fellow south londoners

Whats so Bad about being associated with africans anyway?
Africans are cool, theyre outgoing and chsrismatic, they can Dance very good, theyre good and loyal friends...

Arabs consider them slave tier, I read some books about the 2nd Iraq war where they were shocked and hated the black american soldiers not letting them in the houses but they let the white ones, not that long ago they still did have black slaves.

that's all very funny, but imagine you grew up thinking you had no black blood, and people tell you you have black blood, it makes you disgusted with yourself

Why are Algerians so nasty?

Ughhh thats so sad. I dont really like this self hating mentality... trying to be recognized as "white"... bullying "lesser" races and so on...
All races are equal... there is no better or worse... whydo so many people not unterstand that.

>Born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Zaha moved with his family - including his eight siblings - to Thornton Heath in the London Borough of Croydon, at the age of 4.

Nice immigration policy we have there

Fuck you turkroach

man hitler would literally gas you
have some proud in your historical heritage motherfucker

90% chance that's a Turk desu

Im mulato so my skin is a shade darker than most turks :p

For some reason Germany always seemed like an especially anti-American country on Yea Forums, even for Yuros. Now I know why.

The US is the most despised state in the world, by a long distance, because they are the enemy of freedom.

How are the shakes, Angie?

they are not good at controlling thier emotions and it explodes on sns

Its probably because they're the Euros most exposed to Americans thanks to all your army bases there

>because they are the enemy of freedom
go on, I am interested to hear an explanation of this statement (as sarcastic as that sounds, I am being genuine)

why are all german posters like this? it's like talking to an american woman

Relax comrade

Ask him to suck your dick

Your tourists are fucking annoying and your government is a piece of shit why would anybody not be?

Two thirds of the planet despises you

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he probably would too

Actual Africans in America are based. They're hard working and kind people. The Americans black on the other hand....

All tourists are annoying and just about all governments are shit. The only reason murrica makes others seethe so is due to to its immense power and influence.

Such a serious statement, and he still uses the laughing/crying emoji.

Ms. Merkel please stop destroying Europe

It's a win win situation then

imagine an algerian thinking they're better than anyone lmao

Have a (you)

He’s english