Why does he hate vinicius? is he racist?

why does he hate vinicius? is he racist?

Attached: arjen robben.jpg (968x681, 43K)

>hates bale
>hates vinicius
>hates basically any player whose main trick is push the ball very far and run after it very fast
based zidane

he really hates apelike players

North Africans really hate niggers

Vinicius hasnt learnt how to finish yet. RM is the biggest team in the world whether you like them or hate them, they can't afford having a player that creates chances but wastes them.

Yes (and that's a good thing).

but he played him against arsenal too

but he rates mbappé

he spent most of his time diving sliping yesterday

He also hates James and he's not that kind of player
>He's kind of racist

He hates good players.

Unlike Vasquez or asensio or Mariano

>is he racist?
yeah, and that's a good thing

>is he racist?
he isnt white and therefore cant be racist

>Mauretanian scum hates the Roman equestrian Vinicius

surprise, surprise...

i chuckled


Good point, even though it's hard to find a connection between Bale and James from a nationality standpoint or a technical one

probably players that are "soft" or not really dedicated, from his perspective

>a Carthaginian hating a guy named Vicinius

It’s obvious if you know your history m8

>not being racist

basedzane doesn’t know the meaning of the word tough bale is /strongmind/