How are you lads dealing with this heat?
Other urls found in this thread:
by being in winter like the rest of the civilized world
I'm fucking melting, lad
it's not hot
in fact, it's cold as fuck here
I haven't laughed so hard in fucking years m8
>tfw 23 c right now
Perfect weather
Had a big presentation today and needed to be dressed in a full suit. I don't know how I managed to survive.
39 degrees here. Pretty toasty
Just going about my normal business b/c I'm not a pussy
>couldn't sleep last night because of heat
>get some rain
>then have to close windows because of lightning
>only get like 10 minutes of total rain during storm
>hot again today
thought it was gonna cool down
it's gonna be 33 here tomorrow and the same again next week
im sitting next to an open door with a tshirt on and just dripping lol
38 for me tomorrow
it's gonna be cool when they die in the tour de france trying to climb the alps
By working in an airconditioned building, pretty comfy. Not looking forward to going outside in 5 minutrs and having to cycle for 15 km
Climate change isn't real.
I'm in Miami and it's comfy, eurosissies
Remember, the faster you go, the more wind you'll catch in order to cool down
Lool fuck off phil zhang
Same here
do you even american?
Freezing my tits off lads
>3 days of red alert
august is gonna be worst isnt it ?
There are mostly euros ITT bro
Never thought I'd see 40C in Britain, but that piucture is genuinely going to come true tomorrow.
We're fucked.
what kind of heat do you lads feel in europe? the kind that makes you sweat and feels suffocating or the kind that feels like is burning your skin but doesn't make you sweat at all?
>the kind that feels like is burning your skin but doesn't make you sweat at all
that one for me
feelin' good lads
I mean, my place is fucking freezing during summer, but right now it's pleasant.
windows are closes, blinds shut
At what speed do you think he would be getting negative returns as his body heats up faster than the wind cools him down due to the energy he has to expend?
Either that or 30 days of nonstop rain.
The 1st one
The 2nd one
If his body heats up, it means he's not going fast enough and should push on
Have you got the Ric Flair Drip?
Sorry bout that mate.
The neigbours wheelie bin is literally melting lads
>worst australia
>europeans dying in droves because it's 35 Celsius and they don't know to drink water when it's hot
you are a weak people.
Winter here, it's 19 degrees,can't have empathy sorry.
Thought you lot all just threw your trash out on the street in plastic bags there.
only old peoples in nursing homes are gonna die , always happen when theres an heat wave
Not sure if I should get an uber home to avoid the train heat or suck it up and save money.
The chad chicagoan who gets -45C and also +50C. How will stable weather babies ever cope with the future warm earth?
i'm off work tomorrow lads
what factor sun cream should I buy from asda before spending the day in my garden? I have somewhat 'tanned' skin naturally but the last time it was sunny I burnt to fuck
>Amerifats dying in droves because they're obese and they don't know how to put one foot in front of the other to exercise
Based Frenchman
Every time I believe abos can't get worst someone proves me wrong
send hel-
>I have somewhat 'tanned' skin naturally
It's also because not everywhere in Yurope has AC for some reason
Literally worse than africa
Reminder that Pozz Gaynolds is a 27 year old NEET pedo from Wollongong
notice how the one in the beanie is smiling
when was the last time either of you miserable cunts smiled
when i looked at a picture of niggers living in squalor
God bless ac , feel bad for some u british boys.
Rather doubt that Chiraq has ever recorded those temperatures m8
>How are you lads dealing
I'm not lads. I can barely get to sleep and when I wake up it feels like total shit due to the warmth.
My bro told me when it's this warm outside you should keep the window closed, so the warm air doesn't get in. It's cooler that way. Is that bullshit? Sounded like it.
the rest of your life is gonna be worst, enjoy your permaheatwaves from now on
5 minutes ago when I got a text from gf
lol dude just get a shitty fan from poundland and put in the windy, you have fans and windows in yurop right?
While I agree with 10-20 being best, it’s 39 here every day for a few weeks in va. Will be 40+ afternoons most days in August, but that’s with 60+ percent humidity. You don’t know hot till you swamp. I grew up in Miami and it was never like this.
It's 12° here now m8, cold as fuck
Anything above 25ºC is too much for me.
thanks China , Russia , India and USA
keep the windows closed and the blinds shut
Brehs it was 120°(49) heat index last week and more this week. I barely survived last week I don’t think I can do it again
the dash on my parents car melts a bit more every year lol
>eurosludge complaining about 100F
flyover BVLLS where the FUCK we at
>sitting inside an air conditioned cab
wow what a hard man
Lose weight
Drink water
Gain Melanin
Imagine not having air conditioning. Absolutely savage.
>mfw yurosnores are too poor to afford ac in their heavy machinery
Fuking fpbp
because before a fan was all we needed before , now we need acs
Iowa’s been so fucking hot working in the fields the last couple weeks
>no air conditioning
>not even finished basements
>literal wall stoves for heat in winter
Burgers are just the next phase in comfy evolution. Leave your forgotten continent and come be comfy bros.
its cloudy and not even warm here
>move to Australia in June
>come back to the U.S in November
oh yeah baby P E R M A F R O S T lmao TWO christmas
it's the fuckin sahara's fault. fucking hot african winds killing us
Welcome back brother.
>finished basements
We don't even have basements, but at least our houses aren't built out of matchsticks
>yfw yuropoors can't afford air conditioning
Still can't make threads though. I wonder whether the range ban was because they banned my carrier entirely or me specifically because of my shit posts.
>Welcome to Russiaktas | 20 degrees, winds & cold summers | 2019
Since you weren't invited to luminati bunkers in Antarctica, come here Yuromelts.
We can build houses of wood because we don't heat our homes with combustible material like a 15th century potato farmer.
They can't be, they were all built in 355BC my paisano, that shit had to last. Here if your house blows away you just get a new one.
this , fuck north africa
I will never understand the jannies. Why is this thread still up while off topic threads that are pivotal to Yea Forums's bro culture get deleted in minutes? They literally dont last 5 minutes, which is pretty funny there's someone pathetic enough to be policing a board meant for children for free 24/7
>yfw ameriblobs cant afford radiators
>yuropeons be like
>build a radiator
>put it in the basement where it can't burn anyone
>attach it to a series of tubes that also provides air conditioning
'afford' is the wrong term bongling
>it's officially literally the hottest day ever here
>it's gonna be hotter tomorrow
Cope. Imagine walking up yer stairs and the house starts creaking
eurosludge tomorrow
>38 for me
southern cunt hope you burn
>flat covers top floor of building
>open back door open front door
>15 mph free air con
lmfao enjoy your heat death plebs
it's like 32 here and pretty cloudy, comfy
35+ is hell though
How’s he doing in this
Throwing some mighty heavy stones from that glass house, Seamus.
>all this heat
>"global warming isnt real"
Where do the richfags live?
Haha yes but I own the entire top floor of a building and I'm cool fuck off.
>Tfw I can hear the neigbours partying outside
>Tfw they're having a bbq
>Tfw they invited me yesterday but I said I was going out
>25° atm
all good
t. Duke of Westminster
just go to the bbq? why are yurotimids so afraid of talking to people
Stop using plastic bottles lads I can't deal with this global warming thing
climate change is the most correct term really , we heating up while some other areas of the world are cooling down (which is unironicaly what deniers use to say : "see no changes cause that one area is not getting warmer !")
I never felt anything lower than 33 degrees F (.55 C) but I think I would legitimately prefer negative temps to triple digit temps.
>>then have to close windows because of lightning
What, why?
>he doesn't know
mph free air con
More like 15 mph stream of hot air in your face
38 to 41 degrees celsius is normal temprature, it only gets hot when it gets close to 45 to 50 degrees tbqh
You just learn to manage. Hydrate, close the blinders on the side exposed to the sun, etc. Common knowledge stuff. Or buy AC.
Between 25º and 30º is the sweet spot. We're at 35º now and it's getting a little annoying.
I've caught some 30º+ days in Brussels. Your people were melting down, you have my sympathies.
not great, not terrible
Tell me you French cunt
Lightning comes through the windows and searches for the iron in your blood.
>Frenchies are dealing with 40c
>tfw got to be in the corporate area for the friendly match I'm going to tonight
>they don't allow shorts or t-shirts
Lightning will burn off all the oxygen in your room and asphyxiate you
Fucking love it. Makes me feel like I'm on vacation
*throws acid in your face for asking for pork chops*
There will be literal deaths in the tdf tomorrow. Two horse category climbs back to back.
perfect for street shitting
wear a polo shirt you dipshit
wear linen
lads i'm being serious is this a good tip or not
i am literally melting
Based going to be watching this reminds me of death march during rio (the tokyo one will literally be hotter than rio)
>Global Warming isn’t re-
those tend to have ac unless its a championship game
gave your mum the tip and didn't hear any complaints
based westralian god
Literally hottest day ever recorded in Holland today. And the predictions are higher for tomorrow.
>75 year old heat record broken: it's 39.3 degrees in Eindhoven
Only if the temp in your room is lower than the temp outside. So yes, you should probably shut the windows in the morning (and close the blinds). And open them at night.
it says it's 80 degrees in memezil
Its only 34 here in Leiden, come to the beach.
You didn't hear them complain when for the last 2 years it was sunny in November or colder in April. But suddenly it's a bit hotter in July and now the whole world is melting.
Read Hindi
I bought an AC
Its 39 right now and 41 tomorrow, and its probably not the last time ever it'll be this hot so the investment was worth it.
>get boiled in the sun in literally 10 minutes for 5 degree difference
no way. I'm literally sad because I can't drink some beer by the pool cause it's too fucking cold
damn and I've been suffering in 29c today
could be worse
what temperature
As you wish. Trains have air conditioners.
ta senpai
Nice to know europe is now experiencing the regular mena temperature now
Leaving work is a ballache, nice cool airconditioned office to come back to my warm house
well I don't even have aircon at work so be thankful for what you've got
we've got 1 fan which is actually a heater on fan mode and it's fucking rubbish
Toilberg got you on his leash
oh fuck off
that's the perfect temperature pretty much
it's 24 here right now I'm fucking boiling
Why is it so hot fuk off
well, 20-21 is closer to ideal but 24 isn't that bad
>Why is it so hot
Gee why?
because people, especially here, are taught to "close the windows to keep the warm air out"
yeah tell me how you can swim and have a nice time on the beach in this temperature for example
>Water boils at 100 C = 212 F
>100 C / 2 = 212 F / 2 = 50 C = 106 F
>50 C / 5 = 106 F / 5 = 10 C = 21.2 F
>10 C(4) = 21.2 F(4) = 40 C = 84.8 F
>Yuropoors are complaining about 85 degree weather
It's 28 ºC and we're supposed to be in winter. Fuck tropical weather.
man up u bender
If it was 85 degrees we'd all be dead
I suppose it'll be cool underwater
fuck off that's the GOAT temperature
fake news!!!1
people like this mong: literally the reason an unnecessary amount of old people die in the summer
>American education
>American retarded degrees system
you don't get seasons in the tropics la
I'd be complaining if that was winter too
Why all the superfluous arithmetics Juan? Are you proud you passed your 8th grade in murrica?
>hot summer day
>cold summer day
Clearly didn't because 40C is over 100F not 85.
why can't you afford air conditioning?
>Texas in late July
>only hitting 88 today (31 C)
The fuck are y’all complaining about?
Go fuck yourself, you Southern piece of shit. We've been getting temperatures in the 30s these past few days here.
Yeah climate change creates more extremes moron. Read a book.
Here in Leiden shit hasnt been so bad, being near the beach and all, but I dont expect you to understand that.
Yuros can afford air conditioning units, they just can't afford the electricity to run them day and night. Then they'll brag about muh nuclear muh green energy.
in Western Europe residential AC is not really a thing. We never really needed it desu
I go swimming in autumn all the time no big deal
and weather isn't the same as climate, moron
>88 degrees
That's perfect optimal temperature
AC is/was a waste of money for the few days a year worth having it for. that said, i have a small AC unit for my bedroom and it's a godsend. if summers continue to reach these extremes, I can see AC being a lot more common.
look at mr. tough guy over here, swimming in AUTUMN
go back to school hans
>run them day and night
you don't need to run ac 24/7 at home
>Then they'll brag about muh nuclear muh green energy
that's not the reason why electricity is expensive you mongoloid
then stop crying about it?
uhmmm the based hockey stick graph doesn't care about your feelings sweaty
you should go instead uf you think that statement is wrong, you absolute idiot
just fuck offffff
so yuropoors can't afford anything that would be a convenience
American doesn't understand scaling
>get in water at 9 am before it gets warm
>swim for 1-2 hours
>leave before 11 am sun and tourist crowds
>arrive home, shower and start working
I swim all year round except rain days
the colder the water, the better
Yuropoors aren't complete consumer-drones yet like you guys lel
It's not wrong you fucking retard but neither is it in any way proof climate change isn't real. Read a book fucking nazi fuckstick.
didn't claim it was wrong and didn't claim climate isn't changing
but that graph has little to do with the current weather
Nein. Any house or building with poor circulation will feel extremely stuffy and hot.
65-77 is the GOAT temperature range.
18-25 for Yuros.
34C tomorrow, I'm dreading it.
But after that it's back down to 24C on Friday, with 18C and rain for Saturday and Sunday thank god.
ah yes those corporate AC shills make me comfortable in my house I hate consumerism
Its not even that bad, stop being a pussy.
I can fucking see like 4 macacos in that pic. Get out of that shithole.
37 here, i can't wait for the chaos
>you don't need
Fuck off
>that's not the reason why electricity is expensive you mongoloid
"EXCUSE ME MUTT, I'll have you know we pay some of the highest taxes on electricity in the world!"
America is getting colder while Europe is becoming a hotpot... This has to be some bullshit climate control, not even my country hits 41C°
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>Bojo PM
>Shit at cricket
>Literally opened the gates to hell
We could have a new record temp in London tomorrow.
>burger-consumers not understanding how unusual this is
Enjoy blistering heat and no time off work lol
Lmfao retard did you ever stop to think we don't have the same climate? Shocking, right?
it'll feel like the homeland mohammad
>Fuck off
thanks for admitting you don't need it you fucking locust
>some of the highest taxes on electricity in the world
no, that's not it either
importing fuel is the highest driver of price in electricity
Don't lower yourself to the Amercian-level.
Imagine not living on a tropical island
Who would stay inside on such a beautiful day :^)?
ok but why can't you afford an air conditioner?
Any tips on how to survive tomorrow? Should I just go to bed at 6am and hope to sleep through the worst of the heat?
Wow, you sure got me there.
Ebinly memed sir.
where la i dont see tehm
I can, I just never felt like I needed one until now. They're becoming more popular over here.
Why are Yuroheatstrokes so lazy?
Go to a pool or beach or something. Or even better, go to work.
That's perfect weather bro. Holy shit Britts are fucking pussies
t. global elite pedo rapist
Cool down, cool down
people who have jobs la
the humidity is killing me though, we have zero humidity in California
but rather be here than back home where it's supposed to reach 39C/102F
It's going to be around 38c with with 40% humidity here tomorrow.
>you don't need
Fuck off
>no, that's not it either
Yes it is
>the humidity is killing me
>we have zero humidity
People can afford them, there's just been no need until recently, and even now it's needed for about a week or less.
What's this mean la
40% is fuck all
It was -50F last year and it gets over 100F a few times a year and with humidity it gets even hotter. So yes I doubt you have a fucking brain you fuck head
That is the ideal temperature you sally
>Yes it is
[citation needed]
He's saying he's somewhere that isn't California, where there is humidty at present.
(in solmization) the sixth note of a major scale.
the note A in the fixed-do system.
This isn't so bad when you remember what we had last year, which was constant 25C+ heat with no rain that lasted about 3 months. This summer has been very mild in comparison so I don't mind a few days heatwave.
Imagine that.. a Yuro too lazy to do something himself
>29 with 70%+ humidity
>ideal temperature
[X] Doubt
On a clear-sky day at nearly 40? Nigger you dumb.
Stop following our imperial system. We've moved on. So should you.
>tfw 17°C
comfy af
I was walking around the house wrapped in a fucking blanket last week.
thanks bong, it was actually quite humid in CA yesterday which made his post all the more confusing
Because we never needed it over here before all this global warming malarkey
Are you poking fun at me la
Get AC you fucking dork
>he doesn’t know
The midwest is hell. We’re built to sustain immediate frost bite and heat stroke simultaneously
>this weather
i wouldn't la
>14ºC, 10 am
>beach completely empty
>get in water, warm up, swim for 20-30 minutes before feeling hypothermia
>get out of water almost frozen, shaking, can't feel face or limbs due to cold temperature and wind
>dry in towel, looking at the infinite sea, feeling like a spartan, a true man battling the elements of nature, completely alone in the sands...
>until two russian chicks arrive laughing, both a bit fat and out of shape, ugly
>take off their clothes and jump in sea in their underwear
>keep laughing and playing
>stay in there longer than I swam
>get out laughing and joking
>they have no towels, they don't care
>they don't dry up, simply dress up and leave
>I'm left humiliated in the beach
>runny nose
>my head hurts
>I think I caught a cold
10-15 is the best weather, anything over 25 feels like hell; I feel you britbro
I feel like I'm about to pass out. If I don't bump this thread in 15 minutes it means I'm dead.
My favorite meme is when it randomly spikes to 75 degrees in the winter and then snows a foot two days later.
>the moon
woopty fucking doo
>spend trillions to go the moon
>there's literally nothing
what a waste of time and money
But we didn’t go to the moon so don’t get too bent about it. Our Jews are the best at lying
>yuropoors too poor to go to the moon
based Russkies, even though 14 degrees is extremely warm for January
and you don't catch a cold from swimming in cold water, just (mild) hypothermia
>w-we didn't want t-to go anyway.... hmph
South Africa is the third most civilized country in your hemisphere.
see , fucking faggot
> why doesn't a cold country have ACs?
based retard
Go to doha 1 week
oh so it's cold? what's the point of this thread then?
> we
Is this Buzz Aldrin or the ghost of Niel Armstrong?
may God have mercy on your souls. Hope you have a climate control unit at home or somewhere to take refuge
I'm attending grad school in Vermont for the summer
What are the top two?
I have and they have ACs and umbrellas everywhere. It's much harder over here.
Jews trying to make people believe global warming is real
it really isn't. a lot of south american countries are doing better than they are. does anyone have a bad thing to say about chile?
straya/new zealand?
wasted quads
>yurosemens, rat eaters, and vatos will all soon be underwater
Sometimes I just drive for the fun of it. Sometimes, even though I'm really tired and I don't think I can take it, I drive some more. See you later fags.
But who else is in the top 2 with New Zealand?
Depends on the flat, really
wow you're living life to the full. i wish my life was that exciting
Drive with me man, enjoy it before you need the aquamobile.
should have buried your ass on the moon...
>For every mile you drive, A Dutchman drowns
I have a Spanish grandparent
a floridian will die as well so i guess in the end it's a win?
35 C here right now
trinidad is full of working class niggas
Good for you and the person you kill when you fall asleep at the wheel
>tfw the heatwave's over I have a flight to Yerevan
kill me
Florida rules
what about miami
I brought you into this world and I'm gonna take you out
>move from hot kitchen where i was fine to cooler room on different floor
>sweat now pouring out of me
why does my body work like this
>both men laugh
pretty soon it will rule the seabed as well
Just turn the ac on brehs
I don't know. Never been there. Don't care
Imagine being this much of an alarmist cuck
for real. what's the problem lol.
Why don't you guys go get an evaporative cooler? I'd guess at most they're 80 euro shekels.
I think it was this early spring where it went from like 33 in the morning and it jumped to 70 something. Fucking 40° difference in 4 hours
This, I have a fan in my room and that's all I need
This is not sports related
lmao it's fucking cold where I live
I had rib soup this morning, delicious
Fuck hot weather, I can’t fap in it. My dick is to sweaty so my hand just sticks to them uncomfortably.
Just get some cold on the cob... Don't yuros know to stay cool? It's time for a tall glass of southern sweet iced tea while you relax on the front porch. Nigel can grill up some pork steaks while Nigeletta whips up some fresh squeezed lemonade... God has bestowed a beautiful gift on the Yuros, a chance to be American for once in their pathetic lives and experience the true freedom of beating the Summer heat. I'll drink to that. I'll drink.. Budweiser™. Available at your local Wal*Mart superstore. Drink responsibly.
thats soft malnourished poortherners for you
>cold on the cob
>38 in london tomorrow
must be fucking nice mate
>all these euros complaining about a little heat
I was litterally overseas in Iraq/kuwait last year and 117 degrees was the norm. Stop being a bunch of little faggots.
it's 20° at home thanks to the air conditioning i dont know what are you talking about lmao
and in a few minutes they are broadcasting a shiton of Tintin episodes on tv
i'm the comfiest mother fucker ever
lightning is attracted to ligma
should i ask you why you were other there to make you feel better ?
i really dont care but it seems important to you
pick 2 always, but luckily this is the last generation of them as they are being conquered
19 degrees on Saturday tho
>being this new
My recommendation is to splash your face, hands and feet with cold water 5 times a day
>mfw an american was fat near me.
>living in hull
*magically gains 50 lbs right now near you*
There you go
the GOAT
£0.00001 has been deposited in your account
>mfw a fat yuropoor was hot in 23c weather near me
That's not a Calypso, pic related is a Calypso.
>In carge of education after 1815
I'm in the army doing a tour of duty.
That's it? It's been nothing under 40 the last week for me here, britbongs are weak and would never last out here
*blocks your path*
just buy a boxfan or a swamp cooler you stupid cunt
Lads what's the temperature where you are?
36C here
gain weight
based af
Inside my house with the AC on
Is obligatory to have AC here
Not a head though.
Its been 41c all week with hazardous air quality. Dont @ me.
>shit tier fla-vor-ice
Everybody knows Otter Pops are the GOAT
Burger using Celcius?
Yep im pretty sure this is based.
>tfw I work in a sterile roome at a top comfy 22°C
>with hazardous air quality
Stop burning coal dumb cunts
>boil order
Global warming
Work is the place to be - AC'd offices, mmm.
>inb4 wage cuck
>land on moon
>there is no crater from the landing
>the american flag is flapping more than in your average hollywood movie - even though there is no wind on the moon
Yeah im sure Buzz and Co had a solid laugh at the NASA test center after pulling this one off
Haha, its all the cars on the road. It's almost impossible to survive in Phoenix without a car.