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Typical limp-wrist faggot wimp

I'm sure this footballergay is an actual person and not someone who works at the daily mail. Stop giving this attention, and the 50 other times a footballer was coming out only for nothing to happen. It's made up shit by gutter press

He's just thinking of his career. It's not just mental. There may be actual physical backlash from the soccer players of more "diverse" and "tolerant" origins desu

as there should be
keep faggotry away from football, I know you mutts love this shit but keep it to yourselves.

Good for him, making the right decision. His sexuality would have brought the locker room into the disrepute, the club under scrutiny by fans targeting the guy, the FA into pressuring opposing clubs for "homophobia", and more bullshit identity politics.

Good luck to the player himself (if he exists), only the feral negro or the Saracen/Pakistani rape-orc cares about if someone is homosexual or not. I want to watch people kick a ball around and SCORE SOME FACKIN GOALS,and not read about forced outrage.

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We don't. But you're saying you love "diversity" more?

Is there any actual proof that this is a genuine football player?

Nah everyone just assumed it's true because the account panders to the audience's views and biases

How dare you apply logic and use sargasm you fugging HOMOPHOTONIC NAZI :DDD

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Plot twist: it was a shared account of every soccer player

-because soccer is fucking gay

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kek what a bitch

>American thinks any sport that doesn't feature 6'10 350 lb black men is "gay"
Like pottery

Shut up chicano faggot, I wouldn’t hesitate to crush your skull with my bare hands

gay thread t b h

last time a gay got exposed in american football he got kicked out of the league

You are not gonna fuckin believe this

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why is europe so homophobic? its quite shocking.

I literally can't name a single championship footballer.

You're the one shocking fags, mate.

Gonna make another account in a few weeks lads but this time as Trans

I think that was the joke he was making

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Then he’ll switch into the women’s leagues and dominate mercilessly and anyone who critiques his decision will be fired from their jobs

t.real man

>Championship player
At least I know it's none of my big strong Aston Villains

unironically sounds like some grug meme

how was that handle even free?

tabloids have probably bought up a load of handles with a similar theme years ago so they can write this same story twice a year from now until eternity

in football sure. Every team needs a good nigger or 2 to run around and fetch the ball.

What are the chances Gabriel Jesus is NOT gay?

He's brazilian, he must have fucked some trannies.

>only the feral negro or the Saracen/Pakistani rape-orc cares about if someone is homosexual or not.
And also every hooligans in existence. Depending on the country he is playingin, his safety could have also been in danger.

>I'm not strong enough to be coddled by the media and celebrated as a brave hero by all the major social voices
Typical look at me attention grab to push a false narrative that's all these disgusting faggots ever do.

My guess is he is that one thats always sucking cock

He was kicked out because he was shit tbf

Nothing wrong with sucking your mates cock and having a bit of bum time but the second you mention you're gay it fucking ruins the atmosphere and the team chemistry who the fuck even asked you to share just keep tht shit to yourself

Well he's in championship so that would be retarded. If he was in a well known team or league it would be smart

>my sole identity is my sexuality
don't do this

its 2019 nobody fucking cares if you are gay or not

fags are so annoying

do you honestly believe that? he'll live on normally and a lot of people would respect him, the media would love him, but that nobody would care?

yeah i dunno but im sick of having sodomy promoted and shoved down our throats

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>nobody fucking cares if you are gay or not
>im sick of having sodomy promoted and shoved down our throats

Fuck me that's some heavy denial.

bought it from twitter for the purpose of this

>social experiment

i dont care if someone is gay but i dont need to know about it

Follow me @TransLatinxNazBolFootballer as I'm a real soccerball player who will pander to your exact expectations for tweets, and as I said, is(am) definetely a real person.
When questioned my validity as being someone that actually exists, I may simply fall back to "lol the world is just too translatinxnazbolphobic for me right now"
Please leave the 60k retweets at the mail by the morning.

Sounds like you do care lol

sounds like you do care lol

It's a load of bollocks isn't it
just some fucking stupid attention seeking poof headcase

sounds like you do care lol

This must have a Guardian opinion piece writer behind it, just so they can write an article about it.

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Based as fuck move. No one gives a shit about your sexuality. Keep that shit to yourself and play the sport your paid to.

Why soccer enable so many fags lads? Some homo cant make into real football due the physicality unless they play QB.