What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Your mother should have swallowed desu.
CAWDY had the worst non-womens match on the card legit.
The fact people keep rating this as an alternative to WWE and not rating it as a promotion period. If they did that they'd realize it's behind Impact and ahead of ROH
nice try impact/roh shill
Cody killing the whole company with one (1) single tattoo
Outstanding PPV
Cody's match was over-produced and under-wrestled. The final match was slow and Moxley can't make a single move look stiff whatsoever, so I never believe a single thing he's doing.
My local indy shitter fed is ahead of Impact.
>actually thinking jack swagger had enough gas to wrestle a long match
>actually thinking kris was gonna be a match against the tranny
>letting the young bucks kickout finishes and finish the match with a clothesline instead of the cowboy angel
>burying orange cassidy and making him human instead of booking him as the fiend
>letting cody have a shitty tattoo and his band play
>removing the belt from jericho and revealing that eye injury was fake all along
6/10 pretty disappointing
Now imagine where AEW ranks.
Just like TNA: Hotshotting all the WWE rejects
It was good and I'm seething
dunno but /woo/tists need to fuck off
Not much
Absolutely fucking nothing. Show was great
Unironically everything. I've been an AEW shill for a long time but this show will begin their downfall.
Women's match was shit and Cody's match was very underwhelming. Besides that it was great
It was a good show overall 7.5-8/10
the tag match was the best of the night
I know drone blah blah, but seriously, I legit dont get the morons who think this was good, for fucks sake get some taste man.
Honestly, their only stars are former wwe guys. They went wrong the moment they tried to say they were different than WWE when all they do is copy them.
You’re all in your fefes
>What went wrong?
That you and your boy Cornette couldn't go without having a bowel movement at people enjoying wrestling.
>nooo dont criticize my CAWdy yumyums
rent free
>seething that Orange Cassidy vs Pac is unironically match of the night
>"W-w-well goddaaaaaamn..."
>That you and your boy Cornette
No Riho and that shitty Cody band.
Better question is, what didn't go wrong?
I didnt even mind that match, it was a little kino.
It lasted only a night. It should have gone for 2 days like Wrestle Kingdom.
Needed more 50+ year old part time wrestlers who can't work in the ring and buries younger talents in 3 minutes and gets the strap
You had one in the title match. Not sure if you caught that with all the cum in your eyes
>Could wrestle
>Longer than 3 minutes
>Lost the belt
>Giving the torch to someone younger
You were right about the age though, kek
The match was over twenty minutes and Jericho lost. Fucking retard.
Jeribloat vs moxetty
Things that actually went wrong:
>Hager sucks
>Tranny and Alien are absolute garbage
>Cody overshadowed his blood feud with a shitty entrance and ridiculous tattoo
>The ring is a bad foreign object because it's too small and hard to see
>tag match should have ended with Hangman's OWA
That's it.
Holy bassist
>Young Cucks matches are shit by default, it went on for fucking ever and they buried too many moves
>send Kris and tranny right after them for maximum piss break
>match lasts too long for how skilled they are, tranny is still champion, still on tv and still alive
>Cody's music entrance
>Cody's tattoo
other than that it ranged from fine to great, I'm not sure that Jericho loosing now was a good move, especially after all the shit that they pulled on Mox
>What went wrong?
All the matches were way too long. Hager match should have been booked as a squash. I didn't really want to see Goldust wrestle in the 90s and I sure don't want to watch him wrestle now that he's 50. The rest of the matches could have trimmed at least 5 minutes and it would have been better.
>AEW fans: lol wwe sucks and you are drones
>also AEW fans: Jericho and Ambrose carrying the based company
seriously what the fuck do you all mean by this?
It’s what happens when they aren’t stuck in mid-card purgatory
mostly agree, that 'womens' match was such a crowd killer and the worst part of the night along with codys retarded neck tat
Former AEW fan here, it's fun watching the company crash and burn like this. But seriously you guys, we can't let Tony Khan get his hands on any more WWE wrestlers.
They rely on wwe has beens too much. They need to create their own stars. Until then, their ppvs will always resemble a random episode of Smackdown from 8 yrs ago.
Impact barely has money for tarps and costing the streaming and you think they have shills here? If anything the board is full kd aewtists and edrone shills
>if they did that they'd realize it's behind Impact
Oh he's retarded.
I dont seem to remember Young Bucks, Adam Page, Kenny Omega, Darby Allin, and a number of other tag team stars or rising stars like MJF or Jungleboy working in WWE
But go on.