Is Zidane just jealous of Bale's success?

Is Zidane just jealous of Bale's success?

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that's like saying pedro was beter than xavi and iniesta for barcelona

that's like saying pedro was beter than xavi and iniesta for barcelona

that's like saying pedro was beter than xavi and iniesta for barcelona

>in b4 low IQ Spanish shills jump in and shit on more club legends because marca told them what to think

Haha lol good one

Expected an American to post this nonsense

Bale played a major role in 3 CL wins.
Zidane played a major role in 1.

At Real Madrid, Bale>Zidane

>Zidane 1 world cup and the greatest moment in football history
>Bale has 0 world cups and even his number on his shirt is 2 minuses.

What a loser.

Gareth Bale plays for little Wales, Zidane played for the most stacked team in French history.

>club legend

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that's like saying pedro was beter than xavi and iniesta for barcelona

Did Zidane beat Northern Ireland 1 nil at the euros due to an own goal? Nah didnt think so.

Is that the same euros England got knocked out by Iceland?

>let me tell you about your club
Marca is shit and Bale is far from being a club legend for Madrid. Stick to handegg please.

that's like saying xavi and inesta were beter than pedro for barcelona

Pedro and Dinho would be a more apt comparsion.

Remember when he single-handedly won you two champions leagues and facilitated you winning four?

As if anyone needed any more evidence the Spanish are the niggers of Europe.

No, in 2006 he lead the team alone, he was player and coach at the same time, beat Brazil pretty much solo to help France moving to the Finals.

t.low iq shill

>American calling anyone low iq

That team still had Henry, Vieira, Ribery etc. All Bale has is Ramsey.

>Remember when he single-handedly won you two champions leagues
I dont

dragging fucking Wales to a Euro semifinal is quite an achievement desu

the Frank lusts for Gwynedd

he def dislikes the fact that bales goal was better than his in the champion league final becus before that everyone said that one was the best ever

you gonna keep spamming your bullshit in every threads?

>American understanding nuance

I’m not American

Well you're as thick as one

And as rich as one too :)


I don't get it.
The manager is Zidane.
Zidane doesn't want him anymore in the team.
That's pretty clear and honest.

High quality b8 desu

Dispute what he's saying fagmunch

Giving Tyrone a run for his money?

aaron ramsey did that

America and spain have the same average iq score.


Zidane's volley was also inferior lel

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Garbage post. Apply yourself

>single-handedly won you two champions leagues
just like Pedro

They play different positions, what a schewed statistic you got there.

ITT: madridiots on full damage control
kek stop SEETHING

the virgin arab
>disgraced “his” country by chimping out in a WC final continually stays away from big moments
>is threatened by bale keeps him on the bench to protect his legacy
>terrible bald spot doesn’t have the strong celt genes necessary to cover it up so shaves it off like a redditor
>eternally cucked by bale he wins him CL’s but plays golf when he feels like it still makes more money than him
the chad briton
>always turns up in big moments carried his small nation of 3 million people to the semis of a major competition
>once in a generation player loved by english and welsh alike
>gifted goal scorer with a full head of hair his lush celtic mane is the envy of all his teammates and coaches
>was at one point the most expensive player in the world if a deal with china is finalised he will become the highest paid athlete on the planet in terms of wages