For me, it's dybala

for me, it's dybala

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My dick is confused

she's a big girl

I’m lost for words

>jungle bush




Could she take a punch from mike Tyson in his prime tho

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Who's man is this

I swear evry time time I come on this board

how long until she kills herself?

Is this an ftm???? I'd still fuck her in that case

what a waste of milkers my god


i'd suck those tits

imagine having won the tit genetic lottery and getting them cut.Suicide bound once she realizes what she´s done.


Is sex with ftm gay or straight?

damn, she cut off these great tits? it would be like having a 25cm cock and being a trans

straight, you're fucking a woman after all

brehs ;_;

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Mine isn't. She's fucking gross.

*spills alcohol on the ground to honor the fallen ones*

gay if it's in the bum, straight otherwise if you're a man or gay if you're a woman

handsome lad

Absolute travesty of justice. Those poor tits.

What's its name

The doctor who made the operation should be shot

massive tits on that bitch

>from a pretty woman to an ugly man
she will regret it soon enough. also not fooling anyone with those hips.

A God's gift transformed into a souless hell Demon.

>inb4 200 replies

This is mad scientist level shit

lost, like tears in the rain


oh noooo

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>hips don't lie

whats going on in this thread

what a waste of fine milkies

when will this mass psychosis end


an hero incoming

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>cut off your lovely tits and sew a numb meat dildo onto your pretty pink puss
Totally not a mental illness guys

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What would you do if that’s your daughter (son)?


turn very pink and then probably kill it and myself in minecraft

breeding material

Shoot them and claim suicide

is this trying to tell me that 5% of all teens commit suicide? seems high.

I think it means 5% of suicides are commited by teens

It's known as a mental illness, the problem is the treatment is to indulge in the fantasy rather than actually help these unfortunate people.

It could be clearer desu

Do they actually get a dick sewn on? What happens to the pusy hole


Reminder that with Sharia law, this wouldn't be a thing.

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absent father

ask for a feel before he removes them


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> indulge in the fantasy

God, you faggots are dumb.

They are unhelpable. This is the closest thing to help they can get. Retard.

It's a personality disorder, not an actual illness. They jus "go by the fantasy" because it's the most simple way, and it's harmless to others

do not ask. the pictures are pretty disturbing.

Where do you lads reckon Bale might go to?

yeah they make some dead lump of arm skin and flesh, roll it up like a polish sausage and stitch it over the hole.
It's a pretty silly thing to do but these people are quite mad

That's fucking messed the fuck up. The surgeons and people who promote that shit need to be locked up for good

so if 5% of "overall population" suicides are teens, it would follow that ~40% of "trans" suicides are teens? so this graph doesn't really say much about trans suicides in general?

What the actual fuck has the world come to, why waste a good pusy hole like that? At least make it still accessible. Stitch that sausage on a bit higher or something

they make good money with it.

idk, but it shows being trans is hard and even harder when you are a teen and lack personality

>ugly man
You obviously haven't seen ftm trannies much

If they got the genetic lottery, it doesn't matter what they do, they still gonna be fine as hell

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If transitioning doesn't help them, why do it?

>Gender dysphoria is no longer included in the WHO manual of diagnoses

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They aren't all there are they, if they were they wouldn't be getting s bloody sew on dildo made from skin grafts in the first place.
Should in a padded room not a hospital you ask me

Ministry of Truth working hard.

What causes someone to do this?


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100% str8

They pay for it, someone is making bank.