ITT: surreal wrestling images

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mmmmmmmmmy grandma is badass

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Damn, Based Ace was dimes even then.

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holy dimes

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When did he start getting orange?

That bitch mirin Bloatius The Hypermax Consumer

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I love this image more than life itself

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Yea Forums in an image

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what a waste of time that was

He looks like a young Suzuki.

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>those empty seats
kek what a no dimes bitch

kek I seen this shit in Dallas

I legit think Roman was seething because Brock sperged out with the hardway

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what a BASED of time that was

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i bet that kid has had sex multiple times since then

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i want to ejaculate on young tana's pecs no homo

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Got the one where they bill him as Torrie Wilson?

new japan has always been for chads

i want to go back

basically the ultimate warrior except not over

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WWE women were actually this hot at one time

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who's the white guy? it looks like Nash but I've never seen him with that kind of mustache.
is that really Goto? looks nothing like him.


wasn't she a softcore pornstar before WWE tho

>this is after Eddie's death

an outlaw film from 1999 where she goes topless

What the fuck was happening here? Rock looks sorta gaunt, unhealthy.

Holy fuck Naito is lucky he has hair

I think they forgot the 5 in front of the 6.

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I don't think Dawn Marie did unless it was a one off. You may be thinking about Candice Michelle. She did a few of them and some Playboy shoots.

main event on ion, very surreal.



Tanahashi with his idol, HBK.

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The legendary Hayabusa posing with a rape victim.

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probably when his managers told him to slim down so Hollywood people would stop thinking of him as the wrestling guy

i forgot rey was in new japan for a cup of coffee

This was the dark time he was doing kids movies at this time so had to get smaller

Remember when we were on Yea Forums?

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smart lad to wear a mask

AJ Styles wrestling in the Attitude Era.

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God I wish I could look as cool as Rick Rude

Vince McMahon and John Cena at an indie show in 07

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>get busted the fuck up
>know you're going to lose
>know you have to thank brock for the opportunity
>have a slow walkout hoping to gain respect from the fans a la stone cold vs bret wm13
>get booed anyway
>get booed for months
>win the title
>get booed
>leukemia comes back
>go into remission
>get booked like a simp
bros.. their psyops campaign to get me to root for roman.. it's working..

he was offered a developmental deal where he would have had to move to ohio(?). being the God fearing, respecting of women gigachad he is he turned them down so that his wife could finish her degree

A young and inexperienced Tanahashi pins Scott Hall clean, after taking a Razors Edge, just 2 days before 9/11.

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Why didn't Simple H tell the guy what his fucking finisher was? Did he expect him just to know?

hall was always based. knew he could put over younger talent and still be over and make a shit ton of money. glad he has finally found inner peace and pulled his life together

You think so? I was thinking it was because The Rock was exposed to Hollywood’s pedophilia and Jewish mind control, thus the unhealthy appearance.

Not the best picture of him but Rick Rude has one of the best aesthetics of all time
He's easily one of the best heels to ever work

Weren’t Chyna, Bob Sapp and Daniel Bryan on this card?

>Big Dick Devitt in the background deciding he's going to form Bullet Club because NJPW has gone soft

Is that Andre and Foley?

>glad he has finally found inner peace and pulled his life together
...until the next bender at least. He's fallen off the wagon twice already since DDP fixed him

>He's fallen off the wagon twice already since DDP fixed him
really? that sucks and now i'm sad

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He got beat up by King Kong Bundy for turning up drunk to a fan event in 2018 I believe. He was drunk at a wrestling event at a carnival just last year.

Kurt was just so happy to be doing anything with WWE
It's a fucking crying shame that he gave his last fucking match bump to fucking Baron Corbin of all fucking people
I'm still salty

Lol. It's been a lot more than twice. This was the very next year.

Dude was never clean

I'd be fine with BC being his last match if they actually booked BC strong. Instead, he's a chicken shit heel who rarely wins clean and is always there to put over the baby face for months at a time. BC isn't THAT bad, his booking is just disgusting for a supposed top heel. Every babyface is a heroic moron and every heel is a chicken shit coward. The WWE mould.

me on the left reminiscing about kurt killing himself doing basic wrestling moves five minutes earlier

>tfw worked by ddp into thinking based scott was clean

I know she was supposed to e gross, but goddamn, I'd fuck the shit out of her and wouldn't give a shit who knew.

Rape victim Deadie Cuckuerrero getting a prostate exam

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Yes. Here’s Andre with Shawn Michaels. Andre didn’t like him very much for awhile

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actual Dream Match

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Even so I don't remember him being that thin ever. Bizzare.

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He beat the shit out of Jimmy Savile once.

this definitely happened
me in the back

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I'm 99% sure I seen him in the dying days of WCW

Kevin Nash wrestling in a bingo hall for a hotdog and travel expenses

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Looking back, it's just weird that these 3 supposed NJPW lifers are all in very separate and different companies now. At the time, it seemed like these 3 were being groomed for long careers in the NJPW circuit. Goes to show that not pulling the trigger on guys at the right time has long standing ramifications.

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This isn't surreal, it's kino

>Most over pushed and dominant faction full of grand slam champions who were pushed to the moon reform the week prior in order to overcome the heels
>WWE legend kurt angle who had recently returned to the company
>Go home show to the last PPV of the year

>Still can't draw shit

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That time WWE mainstay Triple H led a bunch of NXT guys and girls, who made their names on the indie circuit, to invade the brand he and his wife run, and subsequently made it all about himself by cutting a promo about how this is all his doing and not including the NXT roster at all

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If you watch this segment can see the birth of AEW.

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This is why you take the neck pill

I don't know what's morw surreal. That this match was booked in the first place or that it was entertaining

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it's the hair that's fucking me up, he always has them short and here he's balding and has white man hair.
how the fuck is neck what you focus on, it looks normal. Body dysmorphia is a hell of a drug

>shieldnettys being the lowest drawing champs in the company EACH
>Angle returning after a decade of LOLTNA exposure
Gee I wonder why people didn't have faith in it

There's an indie show featuring a triple threat match with Sabu, Eddie Guerrero and a maskless Rey Mysterio

I'd post the image but fuckin janny tranny has blocked my IP form posting images

BMJ vs Kenta Kobashi in their prime would that match be based?

Kobashi vs anything in his prime would be based.

Sweet Japanese indy band.

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I think Zoolander was based off of this.

That wasn't the last time a fan groped her on TV either.

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He's not an attractive guy but damn they picked a horrible picture of him

Is that Hennig in the middle of the ring?

he was on the last month of WCW

Every single Michaels in this picture has left New Japan

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kek what a bald manlet bitch

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Commisioner smackbag was entertaining in my opinion

Heroin Rock was based

Pretty sure that was swedefag who killed himself when Paige wouldn't give him attention..

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vickie is hot as hell . shame she remarried some pensioner

I don't get it.

>Signature: Acrobatic Moves

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Kubed? More like KWABED

Ran by one John Cena Sr.

his body went into airplane mode LMAO

lol holy shit


this gem

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She’s like a d-list milf pornstar, and I mean that in the best way possible.

ding-dong diddly the aesthetics of this photo

Seems legit

I believe this was an actual ROH title match that Bryan retained by DQ, since Kamala was destroying him all match.

>I’ve licked it clean

So many questions...

Why would he put anyone over that was a good 6” smaller than him? They all look like children.

Is that guy sucking his dick?

Based Dusty working Steph into a shoot

The only Michaels in this picture is Fale, and he’s still there.

Big Red is legendary

>Not "Sex Having" Tama Tonga



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And now he's more roided up than ever and the biggest box office draw in the world. Just goes to show you roids = draw. Stallone and Arnie knew this.

>Steph so assmad she has Dusty taken off TV and relegated to hosting tours of the office

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Every person who stayed is the Michaels and the ones who left were the Jannettys

based bm chad

as a fundraiser for cops or some shit iirc that a cena family member is a member of

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>getty images
More like litty images

>Owen Harl

Did this actually happen?

Excellent trigger controll


He actually looks younger bald


Shield Kurt is based as fuck

still would

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The ace of the east and the ace of the west.

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Always thought HBK showing up around the mid 2000’s SD was weird. Probably the only time he was there.

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Juice banged Summer? What a CHAD.

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Natalya used to be cute. What happened

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How do you get this large without at any one point going "I really need to do something about this?"

I was freaking out and started hitting the weights when I got to 230+ not ever wanting to hit 240-250. How the fuck do you go to 300-400 lbs without once going "shit it's hard to move and/or breathe, I need to change up some shit"?

a vision from a dark timeline

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Not that odd, Bryan Danielson was in NXT and had a couple short stints on C/D-shows throughout the mid-'00s
>notices WWF turnbuckles
damn, had no idea he wrestled for the company that early

Her feet

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>that tan

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>Cuck #1
>Cuck #2
Just try and prove me wrong.

You sure this isn't a game screencap?

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what the fuck is happening with the guy on the left


imagine him acting for this picture with his pedo voice


Is that Bobby Monaham?

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>a Japanese fan

how is triple h in that picture twice

Well I'll be damned that really has always been his hairline.

Fake Sting is still wrestling?

This one blows my mind

That mask was pure dimes.

This period of Smackdown was the last time I really gave a shit about anything in WWE not involving Daniel Bryan.

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The were roommates

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I for one wish we got to live in the timeline where Brock stayed in Japan

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I don't know how Finn can look smaller than AJ in the ring even though I know and have seen evidence that he's like 2 inches taller than AJ. Must be the way he carries himself?

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Based Ace

MMA legend taking a dick flip.

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That’s Rey at the bottom

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Delete this shit right now

>Abdullah the Butcher smiling.
My childhood is fucking ruined now.

No wonder Asuka's booked like shit. That jealous cunt Steph is mad based Kikitaru chose the Empress over her.

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Shawn Michaels in FMW for some reason.

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Based ACE, Kyonko and Takashima.

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>posing naked next to a toddler
More like New Japan Pedo-Wrestling

You bet your sweet ass it would.

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based american dragon

>If you only knew how bad it is

Kyonko is 22 years old.

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Its full though you blind bitch ass nigger.



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Rick Rude was cool as fuck.

I remember Punk wore the zubaz pants for that tag too, but they had a third partner in that match that I can’t seem to remember who it was.


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Natalya's undeniable sex appeal working this Lil Jimmy into a shoot.

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Holy fuck Nick's hairline is just screaming mid-life crisis waiting to happen kek

Thank god this never happened in this timeline

This is a pic of my dad and my mom with Nakanishi Manabu from a tour in Japan.

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Sonya and Mandy look like THAT?

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It's funny. You see how flat the Bellas were before. And people think it was only Nikki that got a boob job.

Violence. Speed. Momentum.

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You obviously have never seen a woman get pregnancy titties. My wife was a b cup before the kids and now she's dd and hasn't breast fed or produced milk in over a year


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does sashit have aids here or something?

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>But Brohkuh-San does not care about spohtuh


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Is that funaki?

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The fat bastard in blue had an aisle seat with like no other seats within 10 feet of him,

Batista is better than Jindrak, but Sean O'Haire would have been better than both of them.

kenta and suzuki is dimes