4-time world cup champs

>4-time world cup champs
>Back-to-back World War champs
How does it feel being objectively inferior, other countries?

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White americans are european

Your land belong to mexico.
Your women belong to mexico.
Your trophies too.

Cope harder, euro cucks

>tfw live in a comfy suburb of 95% white people who are mostly doctors, lawyers, and other white collar professions, virtually zero crime, while in the greatest country in the world during the greatest time to be alive
Feels good fellow Ameribros.

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Aztlan is rightful american clay

you never won a world cup

White Americans are a minority in the USA though.

>4-time world cup champs
Cute and retarded.

>Back-to-back World War champs

Feels meh I guess?

It’s good to see that UK education system still holding strong

I love america. I'm going to disney in the end of the year. USA USA USA USA

There's not enough of us. 90% or bust.

Does that include North Africans, Arabs, Middle Easterners and Hispanic "whites"?

until we do something wrong and then we're stupid fat yanks.

>do something wrong
Not always necessary desu

>retarded mutt wants to roleplay as countries
>thread immedeatly devolves in to low quality race bait
every time

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4 times? dude you have way more then that like 40 or 50.

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The goverment is doing a good job in boiling the frog slowly, but I don't think even they expected that the frog would damage control his situation for them.

>How does it feel being objectively inferior

>the absolute state of amerifats

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this needs to be said desu

Disney is for kids and is overpriced. I recommend going to six flags

wtf is that mickey mouse cup in the middle?

oh nothing you'd care about

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>hes proud of white flight
White cucks, everyone

t. bolsanaro

Why does leftypol get triggered when foriengers like the usa

Why are Europeans so jealous of us? Is it because the entire world revolves around us?

>w-we're great I tell you! m-my wars and lesbian world cup!

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What has Argentina done on the global scale? Your country is an irrelevant cockroach

>lose exhibition war to bunch of Vietnam shits


You picked up two assists in OUR world war wins. And that's -4 world cups.

England would be speaking German right now if it wasn't for us

Oh, hast du eine Lizenz für diesen Kumpel?

Ernesto Guevara is more famous and influentional than any American military in history, and you are only relevant for your military

Two assists? We solo'd Japan while simultaneously providing massive amount of troops to the western European and Africa front. Additionally, we provided massive logistical support to allied nations and Russia by providing weapons and supplies.

That guy is just a cockroach commie who got executed


It would also be white

how many germans did you kill

Yes, Germany should have won ww2 but that's a seperate discussion

Chechnya kruto.

lose weight

Your little Japanese sidequest is irrelevant. They were no threat to Europe. I wouldn't even give America the assist in either wars. The Russians get that in WW2 and the French in WW1.

That's retarded especially your point about ww2, America kept supplying the allies before even their European operations

wait what? alaska is really that big?

i personally have killed 3 seperate germans, albeit i was born in 1997

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo says otherwise.