rest day doesn't have to mean no thread day
/tdf/ - rest day
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Hey DaneBro, not sure if you're in this thread, but I've been following along the past two days with the wonderful timestamps you provided.
I missed the previous two stages, so I just watched the recaps 14 and 15 now. I was able to follow along with the threads because of those lovely timestamps. Especially considering how the threads are now hitting the image limits.
Thank you!!
not me
For me, it's Pinot
Is that lad that hit the barrier the other day ok? Looked like he got fucked up
he was giving updates from the stage to a friend via sms live from the hospital bed because his friend didnt have a tv near him
Long sleeves day.
Ineos ebikes are being prepared. If necessary Thomas will just use it to Val Thorens, like Froome did in last year's Giro
Lmao get a load of this seethe.
Fuck Team Ineos and fuck british people!
Alps won't suit Pinot's style. Thomas is gonna defend his title, if not for a cheeky Bernal or Buchmann win.
Up until now this has been the best Tdf in years. Prove me wrong. Pro tip, you can't.
Been a bit out of touch with cycling the last few years. Is there any American rider coming up again to be a potential contender for the top classement positions? I was quite surprised to see some Germans up top again as well
Although the alps suit his riding style,I fear that Buchmann won't do well in next weeks heat
Why do you guys seethe so much at our success?
>Thomas is gonna defend his title
I hope so, but Allah Philippe has been doing pretty well so far.
>if not for a cheeky Bernal or Buchmann win
Bernal, possibly. He's looked strong, and Ineos are a very strong and well-funded team of course. Buchmann, I doubt it, personally. Crazy things can happen though, I guess.
>Is there any American rider coming up again to be a potential contender for the top classement positions?
No. Tejay van Garderen has already dropped out of the 2019 Tour and he's been irrelevant for years now really. Taylor Phinney seemed a talent at one point but it seems he's dropped off the face of the Earth now, he didn't even start the 2019 Tour, I have no idea what happened to him. Currently there aren't any American riders really contending for GC but there are probably up and coming American riders that I'm not aware of.
Alps suit Allaflip worse than Pyrenees, less explosive, longer and higher. Though the dude has surprised us all so far, so idk.
My picks for podium are Bernal, Pinot and Kruijswijk/Buchmann.
I do hope Kruijswijk can win it, but he's generally not really the guy to attack.
Jumbo has a few American talents with Sepp Kuss and Neilson Powless, so maybe with enough ketones they can get good
>no G
Come on now, surely he can make the podium. Also Bernal has looked good but he's a young rider and I really would be surprised if he won the Tour. Podium, sure, but winning, I doubt. If he won then he'd be the youngest rider to win in a very very long time. Andy Schleck was 25 when he won, but Bernal is just 22.
>paddies still seething after centuries of british domination
>not winning the Tour at age 19
Pussies these days
So if Bernal won it would he be the youngest winner since that guy? I wouldn't be surprised if it really is that far back you have to go.
Fignon was 22 as well so not that far
Friendly reminder that Team INEOS has 0 (zero) GT wins lmao
711 days to Grand Depart in Copenhagen, Denmark
Evenepoel will be 20 when he wins the Tour next year btw so Bernal is not that impressive
Umm sweetie, Mathieu van der Poel is winning the tour next year
Phinney was never a GC talent. He was primed to be a top classics contender and already was a top TTer, then in 2013 he had a horrific crash which almost required amputation of his leg. It's a miracle that he got top 10 in last years PR.
Neilson powless, adrien costa, brandon mcnulty, and sepp kuss were the prominent up and comers of the past 4 or 5 years. Powless hasn't really impressed as of late but he's in jumbo visma alongside kuss. Kuss dominated last years tour of utah, then i think did some work on the giro this year. McNulty turned down offers from WT teams to stay on Rally which i think was really smart, considering what happened to adrien costa. Costa was by far the top american project for the past couple of years until he got so burnt out that he quit cycling. Then last year he had to get his leg amputated after a boulder collapsed on it while rock climbing.
So yeah, other than that, timetrialing, and ben king breakaways, american cycling's in a shit position. This generation flamed out (talansky retired and >tejay forgot how to climb a mountain)
Ah interesting, fair enough. It's quite rare though, let's be honest. That was all the way back in 1983 and apparently he was the youngest to win since 1933, so says Wikipedia:
So yeah, pretty rare.
Ineos have won 6 (six) Tours, 2 (two) Vueltas, and 1 (one) Giro. Seethe more though, Geert.
wow I forgot all about Talansky
talk about a disappointment
Actually, despite having a star studded roster and the biggest budget of all WorldTour teams, Team INEOS has yet to ever win a Grand Tour. I get that this embarassing detail causes you to cope, Georgie, but it's the objective truth. I think you are thinking about some other team with a different name.
Please watch Deutschland Tour
>deliberately feigning ignorance of how cycling teams work just because you're so butthurt by british success
That really is sad.
cope harder lol
>doesn't have an argument whatsoever
Again this is just really sad.
Oof, this level of cope
Stop responding to retarded bait
They'll lose all of this in few years anyway
He's too autistic, he has to reply to ANY single post that disparages Britain/British riders in any way whatsoever
I'm amazed you haven't figured that out yet
that guy is a full blown retard, like so many brits out there.
>just repeats himself because he has no argument
Very sad.
Yeah true.
Lmao, sure thing Pierre.
>seething this hard just because britain has been successful
Lmao, how pathetic.
Wow, keep seething
>he's still replying
oh man it really got you upset didn't it
>inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded
Lads can we put all this retarded shit aside (and hope that one Brit just stops replying) and just talk about the Tour so far? Actually talk about cycling instead of repeating buzzwords at eachother in an autism-off?
Most exciting Tour since 2011.
It's still so open, feel like any of the top 6 can still win. Optimistic guess at the podium though:
1. Kruijswijk
2. Pinot
3. Bernal
But maybe Thomas proves me wrong and comes back well rested from today, who knows. Or maybe Flip doesn't crack. Or maybe Buchmann pulls off the cheeky upset, who knows. In anyway it happens, I'm excited for the coming week. What a fucking Tour, awesome.
that hurts.
Just because I'm british doesn't mean I don't have feelings.
If you cut me do I not bleed?
As long as you're not that one retard, I like you brother. There's no reason to hate someone just for the colour of their flag, and in general Brits have been civilized. It's just one retard ruining it for the rest of you.
>i-i-i'm not upset, that's why i keep replying saying how much i hate britain for being successful!
can Alaphilippe win?
I'd like to see a french man win the tdf
Thanks for proving my point, autismo
Britain is based and I love your country and cultural output
But I hate you
If it's gonna be a Frenchie, it's gonna be
I would really hate to see another Team Ineos/Sky win, but here is my guess
Buchmann finishing on the podium would be a huge sucess, but I can't really see it desu.
>Most exciting Tour since 2011.
It's just bait friendo
I don't think he'll last in the Alps, he's gone so hard so far. Surely he peaked too early and his energy is up ala Yates 2018.
But who knows, today is a rest day and the coming 2 days basically are as well so there's an outside chance it happens.
>well rested
Any word on why Wohan I-don’t-wanna-wide-anymore Dennis quit?
I still believe Alaphillipe will crack hard and finish off the podium. It will be such an anticlimax if Skineos win. Please save us Pinot.
Anyway best tour in years. Imagine how shit it would have been with Froome having G and Bernal as domestiques skytraining every mountain.
> yfw Quintana finally makes the big tdf attack we've all been waiting to see all these years in the alps on Friday
Seriously tho I don't think the joint leadership thing with him and Valverde has ever particularly worked and I feel bad for wee Nairo
Also Landa could have won this race if Movistar treated him as their #1
Plus he lost 2 minutes getting headbutted into a ditch
Nairo attacks every year. Attacks slowly for 10 seconds then looks back and starts flicking elbows. He is done. Now he's off to a shit team to become even more irrelevant. They even let him go in the break yesterday, obviously his rivals don't respect or fear him.
Pas de personnele, Mikel
We're gonna have some spicy >pinot for sure then
>Dutch people in this thread not realizing Kruijswijks bike will break just as Thomas attacks Alaphillipe
Either thaf or he falls somewhere along the line. Wouldnt be a Tour otherwise
It's ogre
>being this butthurt just because we won a few bike races
please delete this
just let me have hope
God, I hope anyone but Ineos. Even Buchmann would be fine, though the Germs and Germ media would be acting high and mighty again for weeks to come....
this desu. I would still be happy for Buchmann though. seems like a really down to earth guy
Maybe he got tired.
Yes, good guy...but the German media, man...
Are you illiterate? I just said the only thing I hate from Britain is you, the poster. I don't care about you Brits winning races. Admittedly this cycling decade has been a bit boring, but that's not because Sky is British, just because of how dominant they were. Could've been any flag. Not as bad as the Armstrong era though, I suppose.
But you're probably gonna just reply to this without reading and just say butthurt cope seethe.
How sad.
Why doesn't Dennis ride for a better team if he hates Bahrain-Merida and their equipment so much? Surely he knew what he was getting into when he signed up to a team that has a bike manufacturer as one of its title sponsors? Surely he would have had some idea about whether he liked Merida bikes or not before joining.
>he didnt put money on pinot back in march when he was nearly 50/1
more bankroll for me :)
Sad. I mean I don't even know which Dutch poster you were since there's lots of them obviously but yeah, the only reason you'd be mad at what I'm posting is because you're one of these people who gets butthurt at Britain winning. How sad.
Hello friend, do you also own a Bianchi, the best bike?
You keep replying as well (in fact you reply to any and all post about Britain even if they're not aimed at you whatsoever). Guess that means you're butthurt, by your "logic". And thanks for proving my point!
i own several. i got a movistar canyon specially sent here.
Nah I only respond to posts where people are butthurt about Britain or Ineos winning, just like yours.
I would really hate to see Ineos winning tßh >:(
actually I can't remember any mechanical so far at a time that mattered. we are due one
>not using pedals
me no see no thibaut pinot
show me the butthurt at BRITAIN in this post Go on, do it. Oh wait, you can't, all it contains is me being mad at you being obnoxious and spammy and autistic and /uncomfy/. No hate towards Britain whatsoever, love your country and some of my favourite acquaintances are Brits.
I'd get physical with that cunt. Someone needs to smack some sense into him
Yes, but I have a bad premonition about day today and few easy pedaling stages to come. Ineos might have found something again to boost their performance.
*inhales a few extra puffs*
I don't spam, I simply respond to posts that are butthurt about Britain / Ineos winning, like yours.
I like Quintana, but he's too far behind the standing. He doesn't really have his team behind him either.
He was really lucky today's a rest day or he would have blown up yikes style. Hopefully between today and tomorrow he can get his stamina back.
>can't show it and only addressses 1 word in my entire post
Concession accepted, thanks
>using couches
You've already said how butthurt about Ineos you are, butthurt idiot.
Damn bro
Was sad to see him go down, great exciting rider
>Trump wanted to create a Tour in America that would rivalize with Tour de France
Why is Trump so based lads ? What do they put in American food ?
Dude on the right looks like Uran
Kruisjwijk has been underwhelming imo. He can just barely follow Pinot and Thomas, never attacks. I see him making the third place at best. I hope he will rides bette in the Alpes
Bad idea. We already Race Across America and the Tour of California. Try marketing for those first and at least establish cycling as a sport in the US before trying to rival the Tour de France, which already has the history, financial backing, and fans behind it.
What would the stages even look like? It's got no pomp , unlike the iconic parts of the Tour.
He dropped Thomas 2 days ago tho?
And the long less explosive climbs in the Alps suit him much better. And he's always best in the third week. I have an optimistic hope for him.
>uran has been racing since 1989
And i thought valverde was old.
I think he is saving it all for the last 3 stages in this tour.
I mean, it was weird when he told his teammates to slow down the pace.
Dude on the right is Henk Lubberding. Won the white jersey in '78.
That's not based, it's delusional
Ah, also helped Zoetemelk win in '80, based.
>not knowing Lubberding
Crossneighborhood always has a good third week, no worries
I'm a 28yo boomer but I didn't start to follow cycling until 2013
You're lucky, following Dutch cycling in the 2000's was suffering. I still remember the days when our best guy was like 50th in the GC. We only had Boogerd in the classics, everyone else was shit
Yeah, guess I'm kinda lucky that way. Past 3 years have been really rewarding and hopeful.
Who will choke in the last week?
>tfw so happy because Weening won a stage in TdF.
Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on Rigoberto, Egan and Nairo?
Everyone but Valverde.
Robert Gesink started the revival of Dutch cycling I think by battling for the win in the 2009 Vuelta. I couldn't believe what was happening, I've been watching cycling since the 90's and I never thought someone from The Netherlands could do well in a Grand Tour, let alone win it. Sad that he crashed so many times in his career, he didn't deserve that. But for this he remains one of my favourite cyclists ever:
Now it is normal to see a Dutch guy doing well in the mountains, but this was the first time in my life I could see this
Meh, too soon to tell.
I'll always cherish Robert too, dude just had so much bad luck in his career :(
Could have definitely top 5'd a TdF if not for that.
Gesink was based af, all his crashes were unfortunate. He was at his best when he was out of the GC and competing for stage wins though.
After the win of an AMerican in 1986 and the TDF 87 being a really entertaining one. He thought that cyclism could have been a good sport in the US so he made the Tour de Trump which was the Tour of New Jersey. They had to pass in front of Trump casinos and hotels.
The first edition, a Belgian was leading the Tour but lost it because he was following a 'camera moto' who took the wrong road.
You had Thomas Dekker who was promising but turned out to be a fraud.
>Ioulianos Pseudofilippos
I remember the first time i ever saw a talent-hype video about a cyclist it was Gesink in 2006.
If only you rode for your country at the tdf. Who would win? The 4 main contenders
>Team Mountain Goat
>UK Postal
>Team White Flag
>Team Kanker
Big Tom
>Team Bloodbag
What the fuck has he been doing btw ?
Waiting for the alps to do fuck all ?
>Fuglsang + Riis tactics
wrong pic
Guys, if Bernal did win the Tour... I thought the whole point of Sky / Ineos as a team is to get British winners of the Grand Tours? So surely they should be supporting Thomas all the time.
>nobody posting
Feels bad man
>PINOT is the bookies' favourite to win the Tour, lads.
How does this make you feel?
How was your """rest""" day /tdf/?
Has an animal ever taken a soul on the Tour?
>another cultureless drudge through middle America
literally can think of nothing less interesting to watch.
>odds shortening on G and Bernal
Damn son that's a pretty good ride. All I've done today is sat indoors in my underpants watching YouTube videos. I wish I was lying.
Quintessential Belgian way to lose
Fucking lmao that's cool as fuck.
Looks like good news to me.
pretty based
>ignore all the hype in news about a heatwave hitting us
>on vacation & it's a rest day so no need to hurry
>check the temp as I'm getting ready
>fuck me
>gonna do the planned ride anyway
>not a single fucking cloud in the sky during the entire day
>go through ~8 liters of liquid
>didn't have to take a single piss break
Still worth it. Been planning to do this ride for a long time. Managed to even nail my hydration & feeding pretty much perfectly, didn't feel hungry or thirsty at any point but didn't overeat or drink either.
I didn't know there was a general for the Tour
>"The pace has been on since the very start. The level is so high now and that it comes down to the professionalism of the peloton, every detail can make a defence when you're at the very limits of human ability.
>"We're going to see the real differences in the final mountain stages and discover how people have ridden the first two weeks. Some have already been dropping off, including me, in the Pyrenees and it's going to be a real war of attrition right to the end.
>"The person who's bad day is the least bad, will win the Tour de France. This race can be won on consistency rather than being aggressive and attacking taking time."
Wise words from Daniel Martin
The only reason to come to this shithole board tbqh. Maybe for the snooker too.
/cyc/ & /147/ are the comfiest generals
seems comfy, will stick around then
damn right. apart from that I only shitpost in match threads. the everyday football threads are a joke
thank you guys for making the rest day bareable
Looked at /trans/for the first time in a while today, what a shitshow. Also enjoy /box/ but yeah /tdf/ and /147/ are the best generals by far.
>Maybe for the snooker too
/f1/ is comfy too (please watch our sport)
Interesting indeed.
The Guardian thinks that Bernal is going to win. They think Pinot will be second and Geraint third.
What do you think /tdf/? I mentioned earlier that the bookies' favourite is currently Pinot but The Guardian argue that Bernal will come into his own in the Alps and they think Ineos will be forced to switch leaders because Geraint, they think, won't keep up.
Idea to make the King of the Mountains less of a meme jersey:
Instead of giving the points to the first one over a mountain, and thus just rewarding guys who go on breakaways vs guys who are actually good climbers,
have the points go to the rider that gets up the climb the fastest. They already have everyone's telemetry anyway.
This way the strongest climbers don't have to worry about going on silly breakaways and can support their teammates and their own GC ambitions.
Plus, it would mean the jersey would actually go to the fastest climber, not just the guy who started fifteen minutes before everyone else.
Do you participate in racing events?
Some teams not fighting for the GC, will just let the climbers drop behind cruising to the foot of the mountain to go all in and continue to cruise to the finishing line.
>tfw Lance Armstrong said Kruijswijk is going to win the tour
conflicted feelings la'
Honestly wouldn't be too bad, though I also think the current system creates interesting battles
True, but we'd also get to see some guys sprinting up the Ventoux and have their hearts explode halfway up, Tom Simpson-style.
I know you want a Dutchman to win and that's cool and all, but the name of the cheating cunt should not be mentioned in this thread.
And of course when I say cheating cunt I of course do not mean Kruijswijk.
Imagine still being this seething
You are missing out if you're not listening to Lance's podcast. You don't even want to say his name but meanwhile he had someone who was riding this years tdf on his podcast yesterday. Get over it.
If you think I'm seething about your country then I most certainly am not. Greg LeMond is one of the best Tour cyclists ever.
Well whoever that rider is is obviously a cunt.
>yeah just get over the most elaborate cheating scheme ever since in professional cycling
Yeah nah, you cunt. You clearly don't give a fuck about cycling whatsoever.
>britbong gets all assmad about armstrong because cheating
Yeah I'm not a fan of people destroying the sport personally, but maybe you're not a cycling fan.
lol why are you so mad
Do you hate George Hincapie too? He is in regular contact with many current riders. Are they all cunts too?
Hope you're not a GVA fan. He's in contact with Lance too. Turns out a lot of the peloton listen to his podcast. Even David Walsh admitted he listens to it. Suppose he's a cunt too. You're ridiculous
>the most elaborate cheating scheme ever
It was hardly the most elaborate. It was, in fact, simplicity itself.
They didn't take any exotic drugs like people, just the normal stuff everyone else took: EPO, autologous transfusions, cortisone, testosterone.
The thing that made Lance's scheme work is that they bullied and aggressively attacked anyone who ever accused them of cheating so no one really wanted to go after him for fear of repercussions.
Lance knew what the other cheaters didn't realize at the time: people don't really want to fight and will back down nearly all of the time if you get in their faces.
Remember, even the ASO only took away Lance's wins once he himself confessed to the scheme.
>Even David Walsh admitted he listens to it. Suppose he's a cunt too.
...actually he is. Read up on his behavior during Tom Humphries' trial.
Fair point. Also a smug cunt, possibly the worst type of cunt
conveniently backdated TUEs.
>Oh yeah, those drugs I was taking that you found in my system? Uh...I was sick. Here's a prescription from today that says I needed them 2 years ago. I'm a totally clean rider apart from the pharmacy of drugs in my system, which I am allowed to take...because I'm sick.
This is absolute poetry
Hincapie was a cheating cunt too so yeah.
The word the US Anti-Doping Agency was "sophisticated" but yeah, same shit really.
>The evidence shows beyond any doubt that the US Postal Service Pro Cycling Team ran the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen.
I'd rather be mates with David Walsh than a cheating cunt any day of the week.
Were they? If that was the case then surely the anti-doping agencies would have had a problem with it.
The worst part is that Walsh said he was still friends with the guy AFTER the guilty verdict.
>The word the US Anti-Doping Agency was "sophisticated" but yeah, same shit really.
If the USADA said it was crude then they would look pretty silly.
The cop who takes a year to catch a criminal will naturally hype up the criminal's skill to make himself look like less of an incompetent clot who let a criminal run free for a year.
>EPO, autologous transfusions, cortisone, testosterone.
you forgot HGH
To the TUE matter, though, Nowadays you'd have to be an idiot to take stuff like EPO when there's plenty of great asthma drugs you can take legally with a TUE. The best of them (for performance) are the adrenergic beta-2 receptor agonists, which also have a side effect of massive fat-burning.
(Funny how the recent winners are all skeletal now, right?)
All you have to do is get some crooked doctor willing to say, with a straight face, that the one of the greatest time trialists in the world is also an asthmatic who's constantly having asthma attacks during race days.
Yeah possibly. Perhaps we can say it was the most egregious scheme, then, at least.
You can hate whoever you want but hating everyone who doesn't join you in your hatred is a ludicrous way to live. Militant SJW behaviour and not healthy.
At the end of the day I like cycling and Lance Armstrong has a good cycling podcast so I'll listen to it. Doesn't make a difference to me that he was a massive cheat.
Eh I just think the guy's an absolute wanker, the fact that he does everything he can to weasel his way back into cycling and the fact that he has no remorse whatsoever.
It's exercised induced asthma. If they weren't athletes then it would never be diagnosed. I tend to believe the asthma TUEs are legit. The problem is whether an inhaler just levels the playing field allowing them to compete with non asthmatics or does it give an additional boost.
Of course if they don't have asthma at all then it's completely fucking shady. Then you have the possible abuse of the TUE with Froome going over the limit and Wiggins being on some super powered meds that were supposedly way over the top for what was needed.
>Perhaps we can say it was the most egregious scheme, then, at least.
That, we can agree on.
kill yourself
post /tdf/ approved music
go to bed Hans
On a different topic I was wondering what the fuck happened to Tony Martin. Apparently he is riding the Tour this year and came 163rd in the individual time trial stage according to his team's website:
What the fuck happened to him? Is he injured or something? He's still the national TT champion of Germany (winning the title again less than a month ago) and yet he came 163rd in a time trial stage?
>The problem is whether an inhaler just levels the playing field allowing them to compete with non asthmatics or does it give an additional boost.
If it doesn't give a performance boost, then we'd have to look at the win rates of ""asthmatics"" vs. non-asthmatics. If there was no performance boost, the rates should be similar, all other things being equal.
However, At the 2012 Olympic Games in London, 700 of the 10,000 athletes were ""asthmatic"" (which is consistent with the general population) but they were twice as likely to win medals than non-asthmatic athletes.
The thing that stuck out to me was Katie Compton's account of her own exercise induced asthma, pointing out when she has an attack during a race, she can barely pedal. Yet on the day in question when Froome over-did it with his own Salbutamol inhaler, he also INCREASED his lead over Vincenzo Nibali in the overall standings.
>What the fuck happened to him?
The passage of time hits like a truck.
>Is he injured or something?
I believe he's currently battling an illness. I read that somewhere.
They should just remove the need for TUE and have a free for all. If there is no additional benefit then let anyone use them.
Armstrong is a psychopath, but hating him for cheating is a bit hypocritical given that all top drivers from his era were juiced.
no u
said that he felt to exhausted after 2 weeks of TdF, plus he didn'T really liked the profile of the track
That's the opposite of what says.
Asthma sufferers win at TWICE the expected rate, meaning the meds are a tremendous performance booster.
>The passage of time hits like a truck.
Yeah fair but yet he's still winning the German TT title so he can't be in that bad shape.
>I believe he's currently battling an illness. I read that somewhere.
Fair that might help explain it.
>said that he felt to exhausted after 2 weeks of TdF, plus he didn'T really liked the profile of the track
Interesting, fair enough, thanks.
>Armstrong is a psychopath, but hating him for cheating is a bit hypocritical given that all top drivers from his era were juiced.
I hate them all. And actually no they weren't all juiced, and that's part of the point - there were riders who didn't want to juice and so they were dropped by teams. At least that's what I remember from watching a documentary about it.
>Asthma sufferers win at TWICE the expected rate, meaning the meds are a tremendous performance booster.
Correlation isn't necessarily causation although sure, it is an indicator that there COULD be causation there. Where is that stat from by the way?
>Yeah fair but yet he's still winning the German TT title so he can't be in that bad shape.
No, but it's also not a very deep field right now. It's basically him, Niki Arndt, Nils Politt, and Jascha Suetterlin. Not exactly the Aussie pursuit team, there.
From the WADA's own data and some Australian university study. I'll have to dig it up.
>look up the profile of tomorrows stage
>see this
I think we all know what time it is.
>but they were twice as likely to win medals than non-asthmatic athletes.
>Asthma sufferers win at TWICE the expected rate, meaning the meds are a tremendous performance booster.
This does not confirm any cause, however. At the moment, we know that those with asthma win more.
Let's say, for instance, that those with sports induced asthma are those that work harder. After all, if you're working harder, you're breathing harder, and you may be more susceptible to sports-induced-asthma. So perhaps those with sports induced asthma are athletes that are currently working harder than everyone else. So they are more fit, and stronger, and have more endurance. They would have won without their asthma regardless. The inhalers just remove the asthma and allow them to compete at their higher ability and win.
Of course, this hypothesis is also unproven. All we know is that those with asthma win more, not the reason WHY.
the track wasn't suited to him, so he held back to conserve strength so he can help the team better.
That all makes logical sense, but remember Occam's Razor.
In this case, you have a bunch of world-class endurance athletes competing and the ones who have a breathing disorder winning at a higher rate.
You also have those athletes with the breathing disorder being allowed to take a drug that many of the the normal athletes risk their careers in order to cheat with.
On top of that, you also have cycling's need to appear clean and this does not help. Cycling should take the easiest route and ban the drug.
If it were up to me, I'd say, "Sorry, you can have your salbutamol in case of an attack, but not in competition. If you have an asthma attack, puff away and drop out of the race. No different than if you had to drop out because of the flu, food poisoning, or a crash. Sorry you got asthma, life isn't fair."
It'd be no different than when the PGA tells golfers they can't use a cart in competition. Sure, the golfer's knees and back may be degenerating, but the advantage gained from using the cart more than offsets the weakness of fucked-up knees and backs.
Rest in peace Birdsong
Looks like I was right, again