ITT: Yea Forums in 1992
ITT: Yea Forums in 1992
*gets raped*
blistering thread, OP
*not conceived yet*
Chuck's Fuck & Suck
>Absolute state of Denmark not even qualifying for Euro cup
the yugos are going to light this shit up, mark my words
>winning the rugby final in your own stadium
heh, nothing personal, Peengland
>doubting Ække, Brække and Klække
> Pakistan win cricket world cup
Laugh at England thread
That was
>Tfw 4th place in the asian cup that year
How old are you lads gonna be when you leave /spuh/?
Been here 9 years lads. Nearly 30 now.
nothing of note happened in rugby in 1992 though so I jumped back a few months
If I'm here by 30 I slit my throat with a pair of scissors off the black market.
Based Denmark
that day will come.. and you won’t kill yourself, kek
Only because the only scissors I'd be able to get by then would be safety scissors.
just turned 30 yesterday
will be here until I die or until the new green terror regime in Germany bans it
kwab what a bitch
Happy belated birthday pal. How did you celebrate?
getting drunk off my ass, as is the way of the degenerate
I born in 1992 lads
Is this how people celebrate their bdays at the age of 30?