
anabolic milkies edition

upcoming events:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who is your favorite fighter with no losses?

Jone "Bones" Jones


Attached: hardy-does-the-gamer-dance.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

who’s the whiter non-white fighter? I can only think jon jones bones

Greg ''redditbane'' Hardy

Absolutely terrible thread.

Gooby has won the story of every fight he has been in, so in many ways he is undefeated.

my dick

She walks around at 135 pounds do you think she could pick up some wins in the UFC if she went full time at ATT Coconut Creek?

Why did that guy stop making the threads with news and schedules?

Attached: destroyer of america.jpg (1080x1078, 191K)

DC and Jones are both twinkies. Adesanya makes white people gay jokes.

back to your discord, faggots. This is an OG /heem/ thread.

Life isn’t fair bros. I tried watching the whole card last night, but turned the fights off after the Hernandez Trinaldo fight. I couldn’t take another fucking decision, and just went to bed.
Of coarse since I’m a dumb nigger, I woke up today and saw that I missed the 3 straight 1st round Heems. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Attached: COCCSUCCAS.png (1100x1124, 822K)

DJ, Whittaker

Incidentally, my dick too.

Whitgod is almost 3/4 white though.

I offer you this

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>even Big Dan hates him

unbelievably based

god i wish i was him

I hate how PC culture is gonna prevent the Greg Hardy-Ai Shinozaki fight

Dan is a fucking hotdog skinned faggot, fuck that white knight faggot

free joe son

This but unironically. Fuck these nerds who hold grudges against people for their entire lives.

If you don't have atleast 2 domestic violence charges go back to plebbit

Ostovich is such a thot.

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The ref or the streamer?

i feel like paige could dye her hair black have her lips done and put on makeup like that and look exactly the same

Francis Ngannou vs Rei Kuromiya is the money fight

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what streamer you morbidly obese nerd, this is heem if you bring virgin streamers up again its gonna be your chin you got it? now get the fuck out.

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Cat confuses my penis, desu. She has a manly face, but you know she's thirsty and down for some fucked up shit.

This is Wimp Lo.

We trained him wrong on purpose, as a joke.

Attached: Kyokushinkai vs street fighter.webm (480x270, 2.98M)

Here's the best way to do weightclasses

125 flyweight
135 bantamweight
145 featherweight
155 lightweight
165 semiweight
175 welterweight
185 middleweight
200 light heavy weight
215 cruiserweight
216+ no upper limit heavyweight
Who disagrees?

holy shit lmao I did not see that coming

Attached: inshallahLuke.jpg (1080x1343, 395K)

Even the dog is disgusted by her dirty feet.

>155 lightweight
>165 semiweight
>175 welterweight
>185 middleweight
>200 light heavy weight
>215 cruiserweight
>216+ no upper limit heavyweight

You mean if we remove weightcutting via hydration tests? Then yea I like that too

yeah whatever. no upper limit is good. i'm stealing it either way LOL.

no weight cut hardy beats dc

>200 light heavy weight
>215 cruiserweight
>216+ no upper limit heavyweight

youre not a man if you dont weigh at least 200 pounds.



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Attached: ostovich stretch.webm (890x720, 3M)

Minus the ass plus some tits

meh failexcander derpcandez could have been a loss and no one would have complained

>3 weight classes from 200-216
yeah just make the thinnest divisions completely fucking dead

But the guys fighting at LHW are below 200 pounds

true. almost looks like women's flyweight

The LHW are guys walking around at ~215 who'd cut down to 200
Cruisers are guys at like 235 who'd go down to 215,
And the heavy are the 300 pound fatties who gas after 2 minutes

>Smiff commenting on and analysing Jones current form
>Im not impressed
>He's not evolving as quickly
>he used to be ahead of the game but everyone has caught up
kek, from a can who stood motionless and was used as a punching bag for 5 rounds.
What is this called?


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Attached: fuck off retard.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>manly face
I don't see it. She looks like a cute, comforting motherly type that would let you piss on her if you wanted to.

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Attached: boooop.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

A truthbomb

the redpill

What an utter nigger.

Attached: 1563748329921.webm (400x316, 612K)

>be can
>fight GOAT
>come out as beat up as a hard sparring session
he's more qualified to comment than anyone

I dont mind the analysis, just the messengers credentials are questionable

Attached: she cant slam you i---.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

smiths strategy against jon was ahead of its time.

>sit down and try to cast magic spells for 5 rounds

>use hyperbole and shit analogies


One more run at the strap brother


Attached: flushed.jpg (1080x1080, 87K)

Do you think there will ever be a cure for CTE? That's the only think that makes me weary of really getting into training for competition, but if there was a way to get hit and knocked out an infinite amount of times but then still be fine for the rest of your life then there would be nothing stopping me. Not only that, but it would make more people willing to seriously train which would make the sport more popular and ever division deeper. Everyone likes fighting and martial arts, people don't want to do it because of the risk.

Shades of cain

There's definetly going to be a cure for it someday, niggas have reversed aging in mice already

>The face of a psychopath

Attached: 6768787875.png (477x596, 498K)

Why no webm of the finish so far?

Because fuck domestic abusers.


Attached: hardy-vs-adams.replay-1.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

Late stoppage unironically but juan deserved it for being a bitch ass nigga

The black dude from the last thread was right. Whites and blacks will hit women if they act like they deserve a smack, but soulless bug asians treat women the same way they treat dogs/nature/everything.

In Australia, we call this small dick cope, a bad case of overcompensating ricecock.

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Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C

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Honestly not a good call, the guy wasn't out he was just trying a stupid thing. Should have just abandoned the single attempt and stood up again and continue from the stand up.

sorry, this is a 5/10 in Texas

some rando spic with caked on makeup, hard pass

t.unemployed pol retard

Seek help. I truly worry about the state of mind you're in.

What? He was completely out and tried fucking single legging Ogre Dan. He barely moved to evade the strikes and didn’t block a single punch

It was a good call, Dan saved the fetal alcohol syndrome dumb shit from a bad gameplan and CTE.

t. seething ricecock

It's only chinks, koreans and occasionally japs too. It's pretty funny that the ''jungle asians'' like viets, flips and so on are more civil than you.

Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C
Hep C

Attached: grow up.jpg (1366x768, 142K)

Wrestlers have been in such a shambloic state lately that dustin will win

Just download the torrent.

exposed lad
dont really like asians tbqh but sperging out on sp with muh white race shit is cringe


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Mini Khabib vs Jade

Who is /our girl/?

jade is a can. Mini khabib heems her

Sorry you're a needle dang chang.

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I don't watch wmma

Mini Blessed heems Tiger and Gooby Jr

I feel like Juan Adams is the bastard child of Yoel Romero and a Pineapple.


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Post more brazillian trannies

let's see jade do this





there was a card last night? i dislocated my knee so i forgot about the heems :(

Tonys a legend. Youre an unemployed deus vult retard.
Please dont use his image

427 tpA rD yelkaO einnA 0846
4593-02198 VN sageV saL

427 tpA rD yelkaO einnA 0846
4593-02198 VN sageV saL

427 tpA rD yelkaO einnA 0846
4593-02198 VN sageV saL

427 tpA rD yelkaO einnA 0846
4593-02198 VN sageV saL

427 tpA rD yelkaO einnA 0846
4593-02198 VN sageV saL

Attached: 5555555555.jpg (956x1440, 375K)

Based but dont put that ugly retard in the pic

www.twitter.c Anonymous Sun 10 Feb 2019 10:29:56 No.90826227 ViewReport
no trolling: who is your favourite female fighter without lying to me or the team? - mini khabib (kylie meade) san diego california, punisher bass derek schott netflix enthusiast wwe fan st louis missouri.
IM BACK THEY SAY THE 3RD POST CAN BE TRICKY BUT I AM STILL TRIPPING !L/mapW1pwc Thu 07 Feb 2019 19:00:21 No.90768343 ViewReport
as if contending with these statist captchas wasn't enough we have some low iq poor derek schott working us into a shoot
Anonymous Wed 06 Feb 2019 21:34:56 No.90755271 ViewReport
Derek Schott
16h16 hours ago

#DonaldTrumpsTheTypeOfGuy who doesn't know how to buy groceries. Why? Because his greatest true accomplishment in life was the one time he wiped his own ass without smearing shit onto his balls.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Derek Schott
16h16 hours ago

#DonaldTrumpsTheTypeOfGuy who said a pack of tiki torch holding neo nazi pricks were "very fine people".
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
Derek Schott
16h16 hours ago

#DonaldTrumpsTheTypeOfGuy who doesn't know how empathy works. Remember how he had cliff notes on how to act when he met with some of the Parkland kids? He had to fake having empathy for kids who survived a school shooting. That's a sociopath.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
Derek Schott
16h16 hours ago

#DonaldTrumpsTheTypeOfGuy Who's so evil, he told a child on Christmas Eve that Santa wasn't real.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
Derek Schott
16h16 hours ago

#DonaldTrumpsTheTypeOfGuy who thinks we should easily be able to pay down the national debt by simply printing more money.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
Derek Schott
16h16 hours ago

Attached: 5555555555.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

*wins (the rematch)

Attached: benny.png (415x545, 52K)

Mini Khabib
>Yeah I predicted Luke landing tons of leg kicks in the beginning then going for the head kick but yoel finished him before luke landed the head kick . I also predicted curtis stepping into mark hunts upper cut but he came back and layed on hunt for 3 rounds.. so I almost predicted everything to the point accept the actual end result .. I basically predicted how the fight would go and every little detail but got the end wrong . I still take it as a win for predicting lukes strategy and how hunt would catch Curtis while he stepped in .

Mini Khabib
>Yeah I predicted Luke landing tons of leg kicks in the beginning then going for the head kick but yoel finished him before luke landed the head kick . I also predicted curtis stepping into mark hunts upper cut but he came back and layed on hunt for 3 rounds.. so I almost predicted everything to the point accept the actual end result .. I basically predicted how the fight would go and every little detail but got the end wrong . I still take it as a win for predicting lukes strategy and how hunt would catch Curtis while he stepped in .

Mini Khabib
>Yeah I predicted Luke landing tons of leg kicks in the beginning then going for the head kick but yoel finished him before luke landed the head kick . I also predicted curtis stepping into mark hunts upper cut but he came back and layed on hunt for 3 rounds.. so I almost predicted everything to the point accept the actual end result .. I basically predicted how the fight would go and every little detail but got the end wrong . I still take it as a win for predicting lukes strategy and how hunt would catch Curtis while he stepped in .

Mini Khabib

Attached: just another manic monday.jpg (474x710, 62K)

>spammy is canadian. Oh wow never would have guessed

knew it all along...

Attached: Schaub h8ers are literally serial killers.png (1454x83, 11K)

>this fighter who won could have lost

That's why we love this sport so much, Joe.


d4n13l 5h34

6480 4nn13 04kl3y dr 4p7 724
l45 v3645 nv

d4n13l 5h34

6480 4nn13 04kl3y dr 4p7 724
l45 v3645 nv

d4n13l 5h34

6480 4nn13 04kl3y dr 4p7 724
l45 v3645 nv

d4n13l 5h34

6480 4nn13 04kl3y dr 4p7 724
l45 v3645 nv

d4n13l 5h34

6480 4nn13 04kl3y dr 4p7 724
l45 v3645 nv

Attached: just another manic monday.jpg (474x266, 10K)


You keep falling back on that, pretty big projection. Is your newstart not supplementing your expenses to act like a faggot online?

Attached: IMG20190601053901.jpg (3120x4160, 2.89M)

nice to see so many quality posts on /heem/ today










Attached: 3 legged trap victim.jpg (474x316, 13K)

nice to pee so many quality posts on /heem/ today

nice place mate. how many degrees you need to work around those bins?

for all your answers to life's most challenging questions

for all your answers to life's most challenging questions

for all your answers to life's most challenging questions

for all your answers to life's most challenging questions

for all your answers to life's most challenging questions


Attached: i dont like mondays.jpg (474x715, 38K)

>a literal custodian



1.2k a week bud, idgaf

>y-you're unemployed

Attached: 1563483263475.jpg (1066x1600, 141K)

Please consider donating to help the victims of the KyoAni studio fire: gofuckme.com/f/help-kyoani-heal


>urinated states of america

that trash isnt going to take itself out bin boy
move it

>1.2k a week

Attached: 23EE4F93387A.jpg (365x450, 76K)

>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:00:20 No.94367282▶
> >a literal custodian
> lmao
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:01:31 No.94367293▶
> >pissuania
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:01:31 No.94367294▶
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:01:50 No.94367296▶
>File: 1563483263475.jpg (141 KB, 1066x1600)
>141 KB
> 1.2k a week bud, idgaf
> >y-you're unemployed
>What do you call 33 dead animefags? 07/22/19(Mon)03:01:52 No.94367297▶
> Please consider donating to help the victims of the KyoAni studio fire: gofuckme.com/f/help-kyoani-heal
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:02:47 No.94367305▶
> >urinated states of america
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:03:02 No.94367310▶
> that trash isnt going to take itself out bin boy
> move it

Pretty good man don’t listen to the haters

You're one step from posting wagie memes you fucking zilch. I bet your parents hate that they gave birth to a worthless momo like you.

60k a year
Ya, you are unemployed.

Ahhhh missa smiff. You tell me reason we need keep you move rubbish when robot can do better job for cheap.
Now go clean toilet, I do big shit fi minit ago and shit on seat.
go, now

Attached: gettyimages-180579898-640x640.jpg (640x360, 23K)

1.2k a week isn't anything to brag about. but you're still in the top 15% worldwide.

Attached: overHeem.gif (312x217, 917K)

>australia flag
checks out

> >>>
> >Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:02:47 No.94367305▶
> >
> > >urinated states of america
> >>>
> >Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:03:02 No.94367310▶
> >
> > that trash isnt going to take itself out bin boy
> > move it
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:04:31 No.94367326▶
> Pretty good man don’t listen to the haters
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:05:10 No.94367329▶
> You're one step from posting wagie memes you fucking zilch. I bet your parents hate that they gave birth to a worthless momo like you.
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:05:15 No.94367331▶
> 60k a year
> Ya, you are unemployed.
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:06:17 No.94367345▶
>File: gettyimages-180579898-640x640.jpg (23 KB, 640x360)
>23 KB
> Ahhhh missa smiff. You tell me reason we need keep you move rubbish when robot can do better job for cheap.
> Now go clean toilet, I do big shit fi minit ago and shit on seat.
> go, now
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:07:15 No.94367354▶
>File: overHeem.gif (917 KB, 312x217)
>917 KB
> 1.2k a week isn't anything to brag about. but you're still in the top 15% worldwide.
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:07:24 No.94367358▶
> >australia flag
> >chink
> checks out

Tony Ferguson

Based trips

Considering I had scares (plural), I'd find that difficult to believe. As it stands I probably fathered a kid or two around Europe by pumping and dumping.
Why are you people obsessed with my dick?
>Pretends to know something about History only to expose himself in the first two sentences as a complete moron who had a joke fly completely above his minuscule head & brain
>Has to sperg the fuck out like the autismo he is because I humiliated, bullied, BTFO, whopped, slept, schooled, murked and ultimately made him SHOOK

K, keep sperging out.

Read above.

>State of this thread: BTFO
>Author of the punishing BTFO applied to this thread: Yours truly.
>State of these (casual) goofs: PermaSHOOK.

Eh, what can one expect from physical and mental manlets?

>H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-have t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-to p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-project m-m-manlet s-status a-a-a-and i-i-i-i-i-i-insecurities b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-because s-s-s-s-s-someone on Yea Forums h-h-h-humiliated m-m-m-m-m-m-m-me s-s-s-s-s-so b-b-b-bad
>I g-g-g-g-g-g-got w-w-w-w-w-w-w-whopped a-a-a-a-a-and s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-slept

Attached: QUACKstonia.gif (406x260, 12K)

>30-27 hernandez


I'm quite upfront with it, though. I'm Scandinavian. Just not specifying where exactly from, though I accidentally outed myself by speaking my language to another countryman of mine.

>Trying to talk me into committing an Adan
I know you're too new here to know who Adan is, but no. Unlike you, my permavirgin, physical and mental manlet dude, I have a life.

You, you don't.

See View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Da face of da foightin Oirish.jpg, 168KiB, 1280x966
I own /heem/. Sun 01 Jan 2017 17:06:17 No.73399183 ViewReport
Quoted By: >
View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Feddarweight Killa.gif, 1MiB, 650x366
I own /heem/. Sun 01 Jan 2017 17:09:14 No.73399227 ViewReport

>Mfw another one of these physical and mental manlet casuals considers me to be their hero (and daddy!) and is imitating me non-stop now
Sad (!), but funny.
View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Henderson.png, 760KiB, 769x765
I own /heem/. Sun 01 Jan 2017 17:13:16 No.73399285 ViewReport
> &
View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Eddie Smurf.jpg, 33KiB, 500x504
I own /heem/. Sun 01 Jan 2017 18:01:40 No.73400085 ViewReport
God, I fucking hate your country, mate.

Heem yourself, my dude.

Attached: ccccc8jkyt.jpg (450x414, 29K)

when is this guy fighting again?

Attached: pereira meme heem.webm (900x506, 2.98M)

Thanks for supporting my original chinkbot discussion, then. The best part is we send our trash to China, yeah? So all shittalk aside, yeah I will pack it up for you big boy, enjoy literally paying for our garbage.

please note that the discussion only went that way when I called out asians, work is work but good ol small dick chang had a problem.

Attached: rena.jpg (851x696, 87K)

Book a flight and fight me, manlet.

>The reading comprehension of an AusFAILian

>Cumulative damage
Irrelevant in this case.

>Rest of the post is you sperging the fuck out because I, ONCE MORE, humiliated you

>No argument whatsoever
>i, u, i

This is how a child behaves after they get HUMILIATED and SLEPT. Man, you're sad.

I already defeated you. Murked the fuck the fuck outta you my lad, just end it all and off yourself.

Read above.

Cruz won R1, this is an undeniable fact. Learn to live with the fact that you're WRONG, my dude.

>No argument whatsoever after I constantly and consistently proved him wrong

See >No argument whatsoever, nothing new, shows his reading comprehension is literally ZERO (0)

>Thinks I come here every day
Kys, my dude.

To recapitulate:
>State of /heem/: Humiliated, whopped, slept, schooled, murked, bullied, BTFO and PERMASHOOK.
>State of me: Undeniable owner of the lot of you (wrong, casual, sad [!]) goofs

S A D !

Attached: ccccc8jkyt.jpg (635x476, 43K)

I don't waste my time with the intellectual equivalent of a Frediberto's 3am Taco, so no.

>Tell him he's obsessed and that he makes shit up about me
>Doubles down on it when called out
>Has to pretend "I'M GIVING YOU THE LAST (You)" after he begged me for one here @79911904
Rofl, rent fucking free.

Stay obsessed, sore physical and mental manlet.

>Repeating what I said to you 20 posts ago
First you try to copy Jon Hamm and now you copy me? I get that you idolise me, kid, but at least try.

Pathetic bullying victim, gentle heeminder you'll NEVER escape it.

>Your flag is nowhere near /heem/ after the days I said I'd be free
>You conveniently pop up months later trying to save face
I tried to make you feel better because your boy got fucking HUMILIATED, I felt pity for you. Doesn't change the fact that I'd mop the floor with your Shylock nosed manlet ass.

Try to save some of that welfare money up to get here if you eventually find your balls, little boy. But I doubt it. Let it be forever known that you ducked me like a bitch.

Attached: 5.png (1903x1194, 1010K)

when this mentally ill dissabled faggot finish with his episode I have a very important mma related discussion to put on table

Pereira vs colby, who is more basedpilled?

Go, we'll see it. Post a webm alongside it.


Attached: 1558546028125.jpg (970x542, 84K)

Dont even acknowledge these discord faggots, just ignore the shitposts or come back later

>Virgin finds his tiny testies to post when I'm here

Make a betting poll, then. These losers can bet on the fight, whatever I make after I clean your clock in record time I'll donate to your poor ass so you can go back home in a stretcher.

You keep talking, never have I seen you even seriously consider this. That's all you do. You're like a woman with those DSL.

>Always talking shit
Shit talkers are as old as the game.

>Never defending
He's doing bigger things. Right now he's about to receive the biggest payday any MMA fighter ever received. There was supposed to be an interim LW belt fight, but one of the guys pulled out. They have interim title fights like candies these days, have one for LW and then talk.

See , linked thread.

>Thinks I'm a Spaniard
Confirmed for newscum tourist casual. So what event brought you over, was it 206? I don't remember any Borat fighter in there, loser.

>Ronda took a year off
She did nothing.

>Conor took off to Iceland
He has trained in Iceland before:
>Faked retirement
Yeah, and with that retirement pulled in more media than he could've with any promo.
>Had the UFC fly out his entire camp
>Tried to break Nate's hand
>Rest is you sperging out and talking out of your ass

He's having another kid right now, a baby girl.

Attached: Cormier.png (701x691, 445K)

>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:15:34 No.94367440▶
> when this mentally ill dissabled faggot finish with his episode I have a very important mma related discussion to put on table
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:15:59 No.94367442▶
> Pereira vs colby, who is more basedpilled?
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:16:45 No.94367447▶
> Go, we'll see it. Post a webm alongside it.
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:17:11 No.94367450▶
>File: 1558546028125.jpg (84 KB, 970x542)
>84 KB
>Anonymous 07/22/19(Mon)03:17:36 No.94367453▶
> Dont even acknowledge these discord faggots, just ignore the shitposts or come back later

he is now my boy

Just found the best walkout song


Greg Hardy is a big guy


Attached: 1563353881854.jpg (256x268, 68K)

bout to take a yuge UFC 240 lads wish me luck

Did any fights for UFC 240 fall through or was it always this bad?

Zabit vs Ortega fell through

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-20 19.36.24.png (302x182, 87K)

why is Wonderboy so cute?

what happens to all the people in the world that died

Why on earth wouldn't you like Asians? They're basically upgraded white people.

you asked for this

Attached: 3371F9EC-6375-4E2F-9979-A2C39B0FC445.jpg (302x182, 39K)

Spoken like someone that hasn't experienced Vietnala.

>I'm the joker baby!

Anglo phenotype.

Forgot to mention that asian women are the easiest and sleaziest, but head to any spot they outnumber you and it smells like shit, they spit and piss everywhere.

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No weight classes, fighters just agree to the weight they're going to fight at ahead of time.

Bisping looking rough lately lads.

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>tfw the CTE hits

In my experience seems like its same across board. Even distribution of hoes, god likes math I guess lol

>arguing with anecdotes
have sex

talk about schaub

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Is Woodley shrinking?

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Bro i fell asleep on that fight too


>tfw 80 percent of posts arent schaub related
what happened to you heem

why is this dumb game so popular?

The Schaub show lost it's luster after the climax being his special flopping in all ways possible.

There's nothing to be mined there, Schaub is finished, for real this time.

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Grow up and get a job coral

>schaub getting finished
i THINK youd be surprised!

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I miss Demetrious Johnson

is coral ok>>>??

ref needs to be more professional than that

hard times my man

he will never be okay

Attached: Big Country KOs some can.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

this is MMA the ref needs to cut a promo to sell his t shirts on the joe rogan experience

He screamed at him to do something and he didn't do jack shit. Not a late stoppage

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That cocksucker keeps ducking me, i keeps asking him how he got unbanned and he never DARES to respond. Even sometimes my posts inquiring get deleted.

I think he somehow either squirreled himself into a janny position or is in cahoots with one.

I've mentioned it many times how I finessed the system, perhaps someone else will tell you.

I said grow up and get a job

Learnt from the best

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Could ryan tap the bigger hall (urijah) in a no gi jui jitsu match

could he tap nagannou?

that wasn't me you were responding to earlier, I am aware Schaub is less popular on here than he used to be. I've honestly hit a rough patch in life and my passions for everything have wavered, which is why the Schaub posts have been toned down.

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coral whats your height and weight bro

and what weight class would you want to fight at

5'11 165lbs
Lightweight probably

Wish we had that one chinese ref that loved gore porn

Juan deserved the beating

>smaller dicks, smaller frames, no athletic ability at all
>improved white people
Is this a weeb post or bait?

>tfw even coral cant be a schaub fan after his dogshit special
we are in the schaub dark ages

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Is Masvidal, dare I say, based?

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I'm still a Schaub fan but I am a low energy poster now getting lost in all the noise.

Say something that makes me realise you're coral.

yeah that special was absolutely terrible I agree

Is A Aron Pico salvageable? There are fighters like Overeem who gets flatlined numerous times but somehow managed to have a respectable career.

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is this shopped?

Are you still refraining from gambling?

now you know how schaub felt after he got flatlined by roy nelson

His fame and fortune grew tremendously since that fight lol

why is this so fun

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dude I swear you said you were like 185lbs before, what happened

Look at how bad Rothwell looked off the performance enhancing drugs. It's safe to say "Big Brown" would have won the fight had Rothwell been clean.

Woodley has always been a manlet. That's why Usman looked huge next to him.

I was like 2 years ago

I'm refraining from suicide at this point. Picture that but a chop shop, we're stealing and breaking down bikes.

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the reem is a legend, getting KOed isnt as impactful at HW as it is in lower weights and he went on a solid run/ fought all the top competition and won a lot too. Aaron pico is a fuckin bum getting flatlined by dishwashers, fuck that smug shithead.

Hey man hang in there, you know how to contact me on discord if you need someone to talk to.

pls respond

>getting KOed isnt as impactful at HW as it is in lower weights
is this scientifically validated or did you make it up?

every heavyweight gets KOed you fuckin bum, now shutup before i heem you

Watch more fights

Why, where did he go?

support anything dutch

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what does heem mean?

He got traded for bathroom ben aspirin to ONE

stop making things up.

it cannot be described it can only be witnessed

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Except Ngannou

Always brother. I'm sorry that I'm slack, I'm just glad you know why.

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Jorge tapped

ngannous fought nobody

it's amazing how stiff Ben is, shit's creepy.

>admitting to being a criminal online

Who hasn't he fought?

if you want the most visible way to see CTE in real time, look for the fencing response


Rico Verhoeven

leon edwards gonna end the masvidal meme like how whittaker ended the romero meme.

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No worries bro, keep your head up, you've always got a friend in me. Try to stay out of trouble.


This woman is making her debut at UFC 242 how do you think she'll do?
reminds me of nadia kassem

I sell drugs too, don't care. You're a tard if you fear the govenment profiling, you're also a stooge and a nobody. Enjoy being nothing.

steroid abusing kickboxer

>thought you had my range BOI

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I think he meant that HW is a shitfest anyways. Doesn't matter how many times you lose, you can still get that belt if you string together 2 wins.

Early stop. Askren was going for a leglock from the bottom there.

That's why you're suicidal

Funny joke post. Rico is a living legend, you're just a faggot.

Which ring girl is this?
Please respond

yeah, half half. I'm not stupid, I'm fully aware of everything.


>big titted russian
>sponsored by radical muslims

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i mean like seriously, what a woman

this is peak femininity

>Rico is a living legend
yeah cheating on steroids

Reminds me of that Russian girl who got signed when she was 2-0 by the Fertitas

how salty was Edwards when he saw Masvidals record breaking heem

prove it

It's just virtue signaling.

nah he probably meant anybody can KO anybody in heavyweight so if you get clocked its not the end of the world whereas with Pico fighting at lightweight KOs are a bit harder to find so if youre a chinlet in that little boys division you're probably in trouble

Easy to be a "living legend" in a fringe sport no one watches while you're juiced to the gills worse than Brock and Bane combined

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What does a woman's butt skin feel like?

like jello

>short hair

Fucking shit-skinned nigger. Fuck your mother, sub-human cunt.


Wow, 10/10

seething slug

why aren’t all ring girls like this?

Who's going to the Anaheim card?

Me and your dad

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almedia at one point

>Easy to be a "living legend" in a fringe sport no one watches while you're juiced to the gills worse than Brock and Bane combined
This mentality gets you nowhere and I can tell you have deepseated issues.Talk to someone.

You first bike thief

Ask ya mum

Greg Hardy's pretty likable to be honest

literally me
Think about your existence. Truly think about it.

Yeah, I can't think of a good lightweight fighter that has been knocked out as often as Pico.

I wouldn't be surprised though. Dutch kickboxing is suuuper shady. It's kinda like PRIDE and the Yakuza type shit.

No shit, I respect Rico but he's had some shady finishes.The Dutch legit love kickboxing like America loves boxing and Thailand loves thai boxing. It really wouldn't surprise me if it was fixed.

Also did fightpass wipe glory from it's history? the fuck?


Because Dana's taste is still stuck in the '90s.

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If eating ass is wrong why does it feel so right?

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I don't have fightpass, how does it work now, with the espn deal? Are they gonna fold that into the espn+? They still have the pride library though, right?

You sniff little girls bicycle seats haha

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not wiped

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bobby here lads, believe me or not
thanks for the support

Hit one and be greeted to prelims but not the main card.

gays not welcome

I'm thinking pretty based

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You're the demented canadian pervert aren't you?

I dont circle jerk around here long enough to know any of you corn swabblers. Sorry bucko.

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Ohh you're just a Yea Forums tourist

i feel happiness for Ray Borg
but, i also feel sadness for Ray Borg

Wrong again. But if I was from Yea Forums I'd put you as a nominee for The Assumption Gameshow. Youd most likely fail, but whatever bro it's all good haha

works fine for me

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>flyweight fight

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You thought we could be decent men at an indecent time

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Joanna is pregnant again

Tiger is gunna have a brother

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his 15 minutes are up

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Is little Showtimespecial gonna be half black like his big bro?

Is this real, LMAO. Why would you wanna specifically recruit short people?

Edwards won the fight
But RDA's walkout won the story

how did ben rothwell not get knocked out

Arlovski hasn't had ko power since he got shoulder surgery

fighters with your body? for me it's dan hooker

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I actually fell asleep somewhere in round 3 of the main event and woke up with 25 seconds left in the 5th.

Couple good fights but man overall that card was rough to watch. I did win $60 though.

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Australia's own

Leon Edwards is SHIT

There aren't any fat guys with gyno that I know of

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Peeon Poopoowards

guarantee the hookmans got bigger arms that you, youre just skinny fat

That's not gyno, the niggas just fat
He's also much taller than me I imagine

how do you go on an 8 fight win streak at WW and be literally irrelevant, it boggles the mind

It's kind of weird, Usman was in a bit of a similar position prior


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>Masvidal criticizes Askren for calling out Khabib because they're in different weight classes
>Calls out Conor

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I think he actually went down in rank lmao

to be fair Conor did fight at 170 twice

So did Khabib

smaller targets for enemy fire

where in fuckin Kazakhstan

Lol is anyone even watching this? /heem/ is dead

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and bj penn fought at heavyweight
ngannou should call him out.

watching what?

Anderson Silva

I would tko 99% of you within 1:00 prove me wrong. 6’3 210lbs my right hand connects like a mini van full of dope heads withdrawing. I will make you depressed for months. Also fuck niggers and fuck spics. Gooks can get some too.

I offer you this: Massaranduba won

I would take your fat ass to a split decision

Fucking Cazzies. How long have you been spoon fed fights?

who cares hes old and looks like a monkey

It's a little silly to expect everyone to watch every bumfest that pops up

I live in deep waters good luck. I see your engine seizing up like a high mileage dodge caravan. Double leg to GnP to close out a 4th round W. GG mate enjoy the red panty night.

I keep a keen eye on prospects. I’m
Sorry you don’t the same.

I care stupid fucking leaf

does anybody have the picture of Alexa bliss blowing a nigger?

Jon Jones x Greg Hardy call it right now

Hardy via KO unironically, hes got like 50lbs on Boner Joney

>*what's "this"?

lmao @ u
lmao @ the state of ur bait

>on a 7 fight win streak wins a UNANIMOUS victory over Romero with a BROKEN KNEE to secure the title
>nearly fucking DIES before his next fight
>Romero then MISSES WEIGHT and HEEMS Rockhold in brutal fashion
>accepts rematch against Romero, even after he MISSES WEIGHT AGAIN
>risks legacy, legitimacy, health like a warrior and faces a fucking LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT
>realistically manages to secure a draw in one of the most valiant displays of heart ever seen in the UFC
>Bobby is a fucking CHAMPION fighter with a CHAMPION heart and if you disagree you can go and GET FUCKED.

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why did juan even shoot? he jabbed hardy like that multiple times

Dominick reyes

his arms might be bigger but im a sinewy goblin like him or ferguson

the goat Cole Konrad

For me it's Joe Rogan on an edible lying in the grass with his arms outstretched as his chickens crawl around him.

for me it’s Joey Diaz and Bryan Callen getting high on edibles and raping a young girl while Schaub gets scared and tries to ignore it and Rogan laughs and talks about 12-6 elbows

For me it's Bryan Callen showing up at my house and killing me

BJ Penn wins by submission

>technically outclass Romero
Lol not kidding but Romero literally threw 0 punches all of round 1 and 2 that was the weirdest gameplan I've ever seen and it almost paid off in round 3

Would a high level Pankratiast from ancienct Greece beat modern MMA champions or would they just be another can?

Can. They're one-dimensional and historically weren't even heavyweights. Welterweights at best.

Do they know Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Greg "The Thot Heemer" Hardy

worst thing ever is Joanna taking a shit haha

What's wrong with you?

They would be an Askren level can. Could probably get wins in the amateur circuit, but would run into difficulty when faced with true high level strikers.

coral cut it out seriously just chill

werent the average ancient greek warrior insanely fit and strong from healthier diet and life style compare to today's standard? the majority of white angelo males back then had to be at least 6 ft and probably 185 lbs if not bigger from all that farming and hunting and pure protein diet, there's a reason why ancient diets like paleo had a resurgence.

What's wrong about what he said? Do you think Joanna taking a shit is the best? That would be the opposing opinion of his statement. Maybe you should get your head checked scatfiend.

productive open mat today.

rolled with that young guy who reminds me of a less experienced me. So i smash pass and knee on belly him

rolled with this massive purple belt dude who i tap with a triangle immediately, then he taps me twice with some chest smother

rolled with this out of shape wrestler and somehow manage to tap him with a carny (first time)

rolled with a really athletic white belt who made me look like an ass and couldn't tap him with a hella secure ankle lock

rolled twice with one of those old dudes who is just so solid you can't seem to do anything to them but also don't be aggressive themselves.

What's legitimately wrong with you?

Absolutely not. That's a common misconception made by basedboys and Joe Rogan. People 3k years ago were manlets on average compared to people now. 5'10" was 6'3" back in ancient times. Someone who has takedown defense+good striking can absolutely heem an ancient Greek wrestler. He wouldn't even know what hit him.

they were doing armbars and RNC's and all kinds of shit back then. i doubt it was far off from modern fighting aside from the more lenient rules

whos gunna do big pooing in the main event joanna vs waterson?

Can you prove this with a source?

BJJ would baffle them. Someone like TJ would definitely heem them. He's a bantamweight manlet in OUR era, but he's absolutely /fit/ for his size and as explosive as he can be. The ancients weren't complete fighters. That's all (((hollywood))).

some stuff about it here

were the roman gladiators cans?

>Tapping to a toehold
Yup definitely cans


im sure most modern techniques would be foreign to them, but some ancient techniques would probably also baffle a modern fighter. keep in mind pankration was practiced and developed for 1400 years compared to the very young sport of mma, and the mechanics of fighting havent changed since then.

Jon ‘Bones’ Jones claims to be unaware of battery charge, warrant until now

prime (me) heems (you)

They still wouldn't be nearly as technical as the modern MMA fighters now. Someone like Asscrack would completely heem them with his funky sprawling style.

>According to Albuquerque Police, a cocktail waitress called officers to her home and told them Jones slapped her inappropriately, and pulled her down to his lap and kissed her neck, while she was at work.

>The waitress told police he also placed her in a chokehold and picked her up off the ground. When she told him to stop, Jones allegedly kept touching her until he decided to leave. He was then charged with battery.

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Why do MMA fighters like putting women in chokeholds? You read this all the time

Smiff wins the rematch

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smith wins the story of the rivalry

you still there pussy?

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Nah I think Santos folds him again

back up /heem/

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prime kleitomachos heems askren

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Ok that got me

Kys you fag

dude youre in my face

So can Amanda “The Lion” Nunes beat Triple C ? Idk.. she’s a lot bigger than Henry

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Is this gay? Asking for a (non-gay) friend

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checks out

heems always feel lacklustre after a boring card though. Also they weren't very good heems

>Centuries later, Aelian praised Kleitomachos for his temperance, holding it to be the key to his athletic prowess. In particular, he noted Kleitomachos' abstinence from sex, saying that he would even avert his eyes if he saw two dogs coupling.
name one fighter who could defeat the original triple C

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what is this image

Lol, Ben should have pulled out that move on Lawler and maybe he wouldn't have loss half of his brain cells

Could be worse. Apparantly Diego Sanchez stuck his finger right up Chiesa's arsehole in their last fight.

Diego gets a pass

brb calling out diego sanchez on twitter

Could the opioid crisis in the west be solved by just heeming every addict? Serious

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Size meme vs gender meme, there's no way of knowing. I think Nunes wins if she catches Henry and knocks him out early but if there's any infighting Henry gets a decision or a TKO.

made this for you heem

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He's a fighter, that's for sure. If it was a five round fight he would have just climbed up in there to protect himself.

Lol jesus fucking christ ronda all over again this cunt got gadooshed by cat zingano, when she inevitably gets brutally heemed into retirement you will all call her overrated rogan hyped shit

Amanda is the female GOAT and all...but mate...really? Cejudo would fold her like a mattress.

But she beat cris cbohg (86% male)


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That's why I said Nunes only wins by getting lucky early, you fucking retards. Henry's little jaw isn't immune to punches.

I just realized that Poirier is retiring Khabib. Pretty good feeling honestly even though it means Tong is probably getting snubbed again.

No one cares what you said because you’re a retarded cuck bitch. Just because Moraes has a more womanly voice than Nunes doesn’t mean he doesn’t absolutely obliterate her in actual power and technique

there is no way on earth a female fighter can punch hard enough to knockout a trained male fighter of any size

she'd have to head kick him and he'd have her ass on the mat instantly before that would happen

No room for "luck" in a mismatch. It's like saying Ngannou could lose to CM Punk if Punk got lucky early

>t-t-this time!

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If Poirier wins, Ferguson gets a title shot pretty quick and will still be holding it if Khabib ever decides to fight for it again. I'm worried that a Khabib victory makes enough saudishekels to incentivise keeping him away from Tony.

You can't train your chin retard

Well it is, get used to it

>If Poirier wins, Ferguson gets a title shot
Um lol????

If Poirier wins, tomato man will book Poirier vs. Mcgregor 2 in December.

a woman's max power is like 30% of what these guys face on a regular basis

andrade could blast CCC with the hook that floored carolina and eat it like nothing

*Jaw exercises
*Neck exercises
*ceebeedee awl

I just solved mma

>t-t-this time!

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>Neck exercises
Yeah that worked really well for overeem when francis nearly decapitated him

Exactly my thoughts, I really hate the fact that Khabob got that big just because of McGregor, in some ways he owes him everything he is enjoying now and that along with Dana being a jackass keeps screwing my boy Tony.

Henry seemed to tank Moraes shots nicely tho, between his right hands and a fucking headkick. No way Noones beats Cringejudo.

Attached: Cejudo Moraes round 2 spice.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>there is no way on earth a female fighter can punch hard enough to knockout a trained male fighter of any size

Delusion. With perfect technique a kid can spark out an adult, especially if they have been heemed in the past.

Why won't they just punch him in the nose repeatedly until he lets go?

Lol ok, your chin isnt better for having taken harder shots and not all shots that KO are that hard anyways. And I absolutely think Nunes could with enough force to put cejudo out.

Cejudo has a great chin. Women are better off targeting the liver or bullseyeing the solar plexus

Oh for sure Valentina is a nightmare match-up for Benavidez my guy

>If Poirier wins, tomato man will book Poirier vs. Mcgregor 2 in December.

Dana has just come out and said "McGregor is too small for 170", which means "We are starting to realise McGregor would get heemed by anyone in the division."

They want Conor vs Nate at 155 now, I think, he's finally going to stop fucking up 170.

Oh For sureee a flush Nunes right wouldnt faze cejudo

Attached: djtriplecfinish.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>I think Nunes wins if she catches Henry
you're acting like she's got insane power when she couldn't even knock Ronda down, be real she doesn't beat any top 15 bw

we are talmbout world caliber fighters here. there is no closing the physical gap with technique

The webm is pre juice Cejudo tho

She doesn’t beat any bantamweight, that uber mega ultimo can ryan macdonald fucking greg hardys her for real

There's a question of technique and luck. Ngannou couldn't even faze Miocic with direct shots to the head, but DC, who's far weaker, heemed him first go. All Nunes would have to do is put her full weight behind a shot and it could knock out any little person, if the technique was perfect and she was lucky. Please note I'm not saying women can go around confidently fighting men, I'm just saying a knockout is possible.

New thread

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completely different shots and points of impact my man, DC caught him behind the ear Ngannou was landing on him when he was moving back

>84 posts early

DC landed a full bomb right directly on the tip of Stipes chin. Ngannou didnt land that cleanly in that area at all. There’s no such thing as “luck”, punching technique and footwork exist.

do you unironically think she punches harder then DJ can knee?

power isnt the only factor, speed and reaction time of a man is superior along with every other attribute that is useful in a fight. nunes looks impressive because she's fighting other women. she has barely got a puncher's chance against cejudo unless he has a seizure in the cage

>There’s no such thing as “luck”, punching technique and footwork exist.

Technically there's no such thing as luck, but the variables on what knocks a person out are complex as fuck and so they can seem random. Rockhold, for example, is a dummy and keeps his arms down, but if Romero was in exactly the same position he could walk through shots that send Rockhold into space.

just blazed a fat 240 ufc haha


Jon fucked up again

he dindu nuffin

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not to mention the fact that a can like Pennington powered Nunes down just 3 fights ago Henry would wrestle fuck the shit out of her

Why doesn't Romero fight at light heavyweight anyway

>Here are the details according to the report. Allegedly, there was an incident at TD’s Eubank Showclub this past April. Albuquerque Police said a cocktail waitress called officers to her home, where she said Jones allegedly slapped her inappropriately, pulled her down to his lap and kissed her while she was at work. The cocktail waitress said that Jones put her in a chokehold and picked her up. She told him to stop, but Jones allegedly didn’t stop touching her until he left. Police charged Jones with battery for the incident.

>Allegedly, there was an incident at TD’s Eubank Showclub this past April. Albuquerque Police said a cocktail waitress called officers to her home, where she said Jones allegedly slapped her inappropriately, pulled her down to his lap and kissed her while she was at work. The cocktail waitress said that Jones put her in a chokehold and picked her up. She told him to stop, but Jones allegedly didn’t stop touching her until he left.

Sounds like some John Jones shit.

there ith thith w-weathel...george mathvidal...a-acthept the fight...leth do it...

>he, and multiple witnesses, stand ready to factually refute the malicious lies being told about him to the public.

money hungry thots

>why yes I do hate Jones and Hardy

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I swear Straya and NZ are the best shitposters and Brazilians are big dumb idiots

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Coral after dark

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>Joe: How do you think you'd go against Ben Askren in a kick-boxing fight
>Schlub: Straight kick-boxing?
>Joe: Yeah
>Schlub: .... I think you'd be surprised
>Joe: I think YOU'D be surprised
>Schlub: ....
>Joe: I think he'd fuck you up
>Schlub: ....
>Joe: Faggot

Jon Jones has subverted the meta and created the post-eta mega unto the alpha ega

Fuck that Kung pow bit will always be gold

Attached: CowboyLaugh.jpg (190x226, 32K)

Karate guy went a little hard there, skinny lad was just goofing around. Should have just kept chopping his legs.

unironically want to see cejudo v nunes

Hol up we talmbout cross gender now?

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Unironically will outsell any ppv and give a massive boost to PooFC. The athlethic commission will never approve tho

Poirier is gonna do it. He is going to viciously knockout Khabib.

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why doesn't anyone just knock Hardy the fuck out? they need to bring back Schaub

That would be a true clash of the titans

if i were fighting in the UFC i would simply knock my opponent out, winning me the fight

For me? It’s winning the story of the fight (Schaub’s scorecard)

I offer you shit : it comes out of my poopoo hole

but what if you couldn't...

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btw thats me in back on the couch

Poirier is going take a fat Saudi sheikh style shit down Khapee Nurmapoomedovs throat after he heems him

Diarrheabib will be wearing the gadooshed brown trunks for the rest of his career

I invented Diarrheabib

no you didnt I invented it two weeks ago

I agree but disagree for sure

>sells drugs
Unironically kys you scumfag pussy

I hope you get raped in prison by pack of niggers for years before killing yourself

Based Mel Gibson

He's gonna lose THIS TIME!

No scorecards when you get brutally KO'd

Attached: Schaub receptacle.jpg (900x851, 874K)

for me, it's Rose

For me its whoever invented the I invented meme

>a poo breaks the meta of the toilet meme
what is this

Dushit poopee is gonna take a fat doody on diarrheabib!!!

yeah thats me

I invented the meme of claiming you invented the meme of claiming you invented memes

again m8 that was me... but good try, fosters on me

*kevin pees on you*?

My invention!

thatta be me

Bathroom Ben Aspirin™

The virgin white knight
The chad womanbeater.

Poopy “no sex” fartass

Does he have the tism?


Does Daniel Cormier Defy the Evolution of Sports?

Yes. He's /OurGuy/

yeah für süre B

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Literal who

his name tag says leon edwards but he looks like any other spook that tries to sell me weed at the train station

any of you fags have the webm of brendan schaubs son cucking him? i need it.

Big Dan is a big pussy

honestly: I'd knock all of you the fuck out and have sec with aspen ladd the get hard 10 minutes later then fuck her again then get hard ten minutes later and fuck her again

ONE FC is on

any big names?


nah it's one of their smaller cards, "big" one in a few weeks, Alvarez is back from that savage injury

Name a more intelligent fighter than Anthony Smith

AJ Agazarm

Attached: slapmedaddy.jpg (533x436, 25K)

she is so fat and plastic now
fucking wall...
it hits them every time

max "the people's idiot" Holloway

>rolled twice with one of those old dudes who is just so solid you can't seem to do anything to them but also don't be aggressive themselves.
This is my most hated grappling partner. A rock solid boomer who just passively sits in your guard, being completely focused on defending and mounts absolutely zero offense. An entire round spent like that.

Best time to catch a quick powernap


>Diaz bros
>Dildo Danis
>Ryan Hall
>Rousimar Paulharris
Welp, I guess BJJ is really the sperg sport for me.

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*activate ninjutsu*

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>heeming hookers
how much more based can Jon get wtf

i love a handsome boi

Blame the roids


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Now that the dust has settles was she a can?

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guys call usada now.She looks like Michael Jackson wtf

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reverse smelling kimura

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reddit :DC
Yea Forums: JJ


How do I win the story in my life?

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I am the greatest MMA practitioner to ever practice MMA

How will he weasel out of it this time? Pay off the lady not to show up to court? Move states to dodge the warrant? Will he actually suffer consequences for his actions?

Or is this another lying THOT like the Nick Diaz thing? Strip clubs usually have tons of video cameras, the trial should be juicy either way.

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permaheem yourself

Classic case of being just too big for one weight class and just to small for the one above it. Romero's frame would look small at LHW.

There might be already, it’s called hyperbaric oxygen deep dive therapy. Google “joe Namath Howard stern hyperbaric” to see an ex football player talk about it and why it might not be mainstream yet (spoiler alert it’s because providing the cure means admitting you caused the harm according to legal Jews).

he's gonna rape and deepthroating her then choked her out while watching the DC vs Stipee Scatocic fight.Case closed

>Jon Jones charged with BATTERY for alleged incident in a strip club

Shiiiieeet, here we go again...

She's living proof you can't succeed, even in the weakest ever division, on pure athleticism and mediocre ability.

Wake up, Gillespie.

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she should just make porn I bet she would make more money heeming her vagina than heeming her brain


>fix feet woman in a division where everyone is 5'6" or something
>and she looks more muscular despite being much taller

She's clearly bringing more meat than everyone else. She's clearly bringing a bigger skeleton. She's clearly faster and stronger. And still she gets handled by soccer moms.


RDA is such a fucking loser.

Attached: Ferguson lands on RDA.gif (320x180, 895K)

Literally 50% more matter than her opponent, and she gets wrestled.

Attached: oopsie.jpg (1422x751, 112K)

Fencefucking is the new wrestlefucking, and RDA is just the test subject to discover it, like Barbossa was for Khabib.

>t. hasn't seen her pad work

New thread

he got beat out of the division