Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

Attached: 1280px-Real_Madrid_CF.svg.png (1280x1790, 363K)

Hazard is fat lol

the thing about arsenal is they always try to walk it in

IT Crowd was never funny

I agree, there was not enough funny walking and men dressed as women to be proper humour.

>implying a German can know literally anything about humour

remember that time he he said "ni"?? LOOOL I am am laugh very many xD

No, I was partying with the lads

Literally never mentioned Monty Python, that's not the topic of discussion. Why are you being an utter deflecting retard?

ladbanter amirie? eh? eh? they say chips but it's akshully CRISPS! the absolute madmen!! CHIP CHIP CHEERIO

Think you've lost the plot mate.
All I said was IT Crowd was never funny and you've literally gone full sperg. Sort yourself out.

wait for it.... wait for it.... here it comes.... any minute now.............. just a sec..... IT'S COMING HOME kkkkkkkk )))) jajajaja honhonhon
like ladmatebruv we say it be coming home but we dont actually mean it haha TRICK'D BOOOY but actually we do :( hehehe arrogance shrouded in selfdeprecation HEH silly johnny foreigners

they should have learned a thing or two about comedy with England's national football team then

German humour at it again.

Get help.

It's "humor", thank you very much. This is an American image board and the preferred language of communication here is American. Please refrain from conversing in dialect.

Absolute state
Literally sent in a downward spiral from a simple comment

Just telling you lot how it is. Completely deconstructed the concept of British """humor""" in three posts.
Don't like it? It's a mirror.

Uhh sorry but French > German. There's a reason German will be almost dead in 100 years honey

Of course a Frenchman would say that.

Was it autism?

It's basically every British post on Yea Forums ever. Save it so every time you think of something witty you can just copy paste it.
The intellectual merit's about the same.

I think so, because he genuinely thinks he's done something clever and witty I thought he was just shitposting at first but the reality is even worse

You mean Nations League Elite?

> being proud of 3rd place in the International Community Shield

Attached: Namajunas smile.png (410x435, 164K)

Not sure what you're laughing at, with how shit Brazil is these days you'll never never get past a quarter final ever again desu.

Do one seething Scot

Germany sending bongs into a seethe itt