Selling baseball cards

My dad gave me his old card collection of 716 tops baseball cards from 1977-1981 there might be more and there all in pretty good condition. I organized them by team in a binder if i where to sell them all in bulk how much would they be worth? (image is the binder)

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Don't sell you fucking faggot.

>immediately selling off a gift from your father

Don't sell them if you aren't in financial need

Is there some magazine you can get that will list the values of each card? There used to be such things.
You'll need to figure out how much they're worth otherwise you might undersell.


Lmao is he poor

This is what meth does to entire families.

he just docent want them anymore

I love give u about tree fiddy

you can use beckett to look up the value and ebay them or take them to a sports memorabilia store, the key is going to be finding the right buyer, they are worth whatever someone is willing to pay, good luck

Does he have a holographic Charizard though?

That's the magazine I couldn't remember.
Yes, OP needs to look up what everything is worth.

That's a pretty specific collection - a complete set of Topps is 792 cards per season at that time, so 716 cards over five years isn't a lot depending on what they are, so you'd be best advised to research the values of specific cards.

yeah and really its only the rookie cards that still have some value, its definitely not 1990 anymore and people spending real money on sports card want graded rare cards

don’t sell them in bulk, look at individual prices for cards and sell them off at 1 at a time (if you have anything valuable) but if you find out you don’t have any card that’s worth actual money, THEN sell them at bulk

and if you have anything worth selling its probably worth having it graded and authenticated,
dont get your hopes to high buddy

These years aren't "junk wax" but iirc the only big rookies are rickey henderson, ozzie smith and maybe andre dawson.

Football, basketball and hockey from these years can be worth a fucking fortune because there were bigger rookies and much shorter print runs. If you just have baseball, idk, check for the henderson/smith and if you don't have them, get ready to sell for 50-100 bucks or just keep it around the house

I'd bet money they're not going to be worth much, maybe not even enough to make it worth your time

Like said, the heyday of sports cards as come and gone

stop touching them and get them psa graded

becket you mong