Peak Ngubu

Peak Ngubu

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your fat lol

For me? Its N'poopy

>american nogs
tyrone mc'jamal jaequan latrellius
>african nogs
m'bongo ngubu bolikaku

explain this shit

>putting his signature in the pic
Not a fan of this gimmick

>Bolin Goli
He is the good one bois

your nation is dying lol

>german nogs
Kevin Pascal Eberhard
>english nogs
Ashley Lancelot-Wellington

English speaking versus Afrikaans speaking.

yours never lived ror

>Boli Bolingoli Mbombo
I assume he is of traditional Belgian descent?


Why did you growl at him?


>tyrone mc'jamal jaequan latrellius
Black Americans want to have a cultural identity that isn't nearly as tied to their legacy as slaves, so they don't want white-sounding names; however, they can't just take African names since they've been apart from Africa for over 400 years (and they don't even know where in Africa they came from) so they're just making shit up.

>m'bongo ngubu bolikaku
Those are probably normal names in their tribe's languages.

Is his name Boli Bolingoli or is Boli just a nickname

But why do they have to mix up regions of Ireland, latin -us endings and French sounding syllables? All the names they come up with sound ridiculous.

its like Lukaku (Romelu Menama Lukaku Bolingoli). Just call him Boli

theyre cousins btw


as a side note, it is weird that a german would deflect like that though. in the midst of his nation literally dying, the best comeback he can come up with is to deflect and mock a nation founded as a penal colony with more HDI and GDP PC than germany right now.

as a side note ur gay lmao zedong

Because they really are just making shit up. They don't know that they're mixing and matching.

I agree, it sounds ridiculous and, in fact, it harms their job prospects. Social scientists have done studies and have demonstrated that the perceived blackness of the name on top of identical an otherwise identical resume is a factor in whether they get called in for an interview.

e.g. Tyrone Washington and LaShawnda Helmsley won't get a call back, but Thomas Washington and Margaret Helmsley will, even if they're exactly equally qualified.

>>english nogs
>Ashley Lancelot-Wellington
Only Afro-Caribbean nogs have names like this, there are plenty of African mbombo ngala udama type players as well


>e.g. Tyrone Washington and LaShawnda Helmsley won't get a call back, but Thomas Washington and Margaret Helmsley will, even if they're exactly equally qualified.
this makes a lot of sense, the type of parent who will name their kid LaShawnda is probably not the kind of person who will provide a stable good home environment and this will likely rub off on the child even if it is not their fault - why take the risk on them not being that type of person if you can hire an equally qualified person who on surface level sounds like they will be more professional and composed etc?

Exactly. One of my friends actually had his name legally changed from Sh'Wayne to Wayne because he felt ridiculous and everyone had a preconceived notion of what he'd be like; even moreso when his twin brother got named Stephen at birth.


"Boli" means "hurt" in Polish. I guess he will hurt many opponents huh.

>dutch niggers
Zteeyven Tyroen van der Wijk
>french niggers
Ousmane Dembele
>spanish niggers
Luis Djongolé Camacho
>portuguese niggers
Alpha Mobuto Nascimento da Jesus o Santo
>brazilian niggers
>belgian niggers
Bugigumbago Bulugumba-Lubumbashi
>south efrikkan niggers
Mkwonzitobogolele Kwamazaqwokmnthpule

>Mkwonzitobogolele Kwamazaqwokmnthpule
more like malagasy

malagasy would be like

>Loïc Mananatambamamabalarivolamonotome

french is more like :
Jean-Baptise Kabaliese

Swiss ones are a mixture of French ones, or players with stereotypical Swiss names

>nigger nigger-emnignog
thats all I read and Im not even racist

This is your head on Yea Forums

all the pacy niggas running down the wings always have those double barreled names

Ynr Shaun Wright-Phillips

This man is probably related to Lukaku

Don't try and pretend like you didn't know he is

There's quite a bit of literature on the subject, the latin-sounding names came from the 70s, I think it's calling back to Egypt and Spain, as the Roman empire was blacker than a lot of people realize

cope 0

>the eternal burger