What are some intelligent atlethes that can see beyond hoaxes and realize the hidden truth?
What are some intelligent atlethes that can see beyond hoaxes and realize the hidden truth?
Yeah, yeah, we know. Anyone who doesn't speak proper English as their native language is a fucking moron.
Lose weight (pierde peso), fatty (gordito)
A larger portion of Americans think the moon landings were a hoax than do people from outside of America.
>has a ''''heart attack'''' soon after
Why are they so threatened by Iker?
I don't believe man stepped on the Moon.
I also think the Earth is flat, communism can work and vaccines cause autism. I am so smart!
My bad, this claim is actually wrong and based on something I heard on a TV show.
can someone translate? I dont speak unemployment
>It's been 50 years since man (supposedly) landed on the moon. I'm having a John Cena with my friends, and I thought I would throw it open to the public! Did it really happen? Or not!
and I don't even speak spanish you dumb gypsy
Basado y rojopastillado
is being "based and redpilled" a good thing? i only see it linked to posts that say something stupid
Based and redpilled
Congratulations, now you know where 90% of "facts" about Americans come from.
If you speak a Romance language as your native and can't get the meaning of this you're an absolute bellend
High test makes you see the jewish lies
Do street sweepers in romania not have access to the most basic internet? Literally 1 second to translate via google translate.
>I dont speak unemployment
>steals copper pipe
redpilled only means conservative view
but everyone just associates it with any fringe controversial opinion
I hate when Redditors compare Moon Landing hoax wih flat earth bullshit.
There are actual evidences against Moon Landing.
name one (1)
>muh we lost the magical technology to go back to the moon
>can put satellites into orbit
>can't put a 200lb guy on the moon
TBF people who spend time trying to prove/disprove things on the internet would be better served by trying to improve their own lives than circle-jerking over conspiracy theories.
the context of the space race. Maybe they landed on the moon years later, but faking it at the time would be perfect just to convince the world for a few years.
It's from the Matrix, it does mean a fringe controversial opinion
cat de prost esti
>texas calling people fat
fucking kys
Based and jewpilled.
pretty good by American standards desu
Is stealing copper a job?
[_] Chill
[X] Aggro
El rumANO señores y señoras jajajaja
literally one second to type out the comment ffom the image?
shut the fuck up you thick amerishart cunt
Muchos golpes de cabeza al poste, pobre Iker
In the Matrix it means knowing and then acknowledging the objectively true nature of reality.