Is there a more beta religion than protestantism?
Is there a more beta religion than protestantism?
any form of Christianity tbhfam. replaced "eye for an eye" with that weak "turn the other cheek" shit
Both protestants and catholics are beta because prods worship the queen and cafliks worship the pope
Actually the only alpha position is to be a protestant republican
why are there no good protestant footballers?
why are all the GOATs catholic?
Because Catholicism is the undisputed GOAT
Who the fuck worships the fucking Queen. Saying this as a prod. Must be just a UK thing.
>Marches down your street signings songs about murdering Catholics
>Doesn’t have sex
The Queen is the head of the church of England
NI/Scottish prods do it because they think they have to be over enthusiastic in their loyalism to distinguish themselves from catholics
we own a sixth of your country mong. Don't know how that's 'beta'
Catholocism. Imagine following ordered from some old pedophile in Rome. Very cucked.
I'm from NI
you worship trump, that's 10 times worse
It’s a shame. I quite like Rangers and hate Celtic with a passion, but having a portrait of a germoid cuck queen in your dressing room is fucking cringe
t. Rory Repeal Soup Drinker Connor-Smith
George Best
Why didn’t they pay her taxes?
Only /pol/ worships Trump
closeted fenian
More Irish than you Paidrig
>picture of that fuckface in every school, hospital and government building
>not worshipping
He was a lifelong fan of Glentoran, one of the two strongest prod clubs in Belfast
Protestants are the jews of christians
They could always substitute that for Islam, like you.
Unironically worse than Mgubbus and Travellers.
it's coming
>any religion
>not beta
grow the fuck up with your retarded fairytales
im fucking plying huelofaggot
>Every school, hospital and government building
Don't know where you get information but hang yourself for even believing that
hang yourself for being a tripfag megahomo
*tips fedora*
lmao what a nerd
>Believing absolute retardation
>muh trip
Like I said, hang yourself for being a complete retard
I guess that's why you're such a miserable faggot. Seek Jesus and have sex.
Not as if many of those people actually follow Catholicism as a religion
>the only alpha position is to be a protestant republican
>tfw it's me
hang yourself for being a tripfag attentionwhore amerifaggot
>seek jesus
He's dead.
Both are beta religions.
That is me too.
Based huebro
You can Catholic my balls, Paddy
How did you know my name?
>follows a British religion
>doesn't understand the relevance of the monarchy
Foreign prods are cringe