Just how strong would this guy be if he started MMA and who would be able to take him down?
Just how strong would this guy be if he started MMA and who would be able to take him down?
He's the current best in Judo, so would easily win every single belt
some heavyweight would eventually get a lucky KO like always, i doubt this guy knows how to defend against striking
can pure judo defeat wrestling ?
judokas are judogi babbies
some bjj fag would leg lock or strangle him
the dude is 131kg you'd better not send a manlet
My money would be on Jon Jones unironically, judo is pretty meh in MMA
why would want to take him down if he can't strike? :^)
Judo is completely reliant on grip, in MMA you have no grip unless you somehow can grip the dude's skin, would give good money to see this guy grip someone's chest and ripping half his skin in the process, would be kino
You should watch some "judo throws in MMA" compilations.
They seem to do just fine without the Gi.
Just get him above average in BJJ and Muay Thai desu.
>above the average on Muay Thai
>on mma
They have their own leagues and events
Ngannou knocks his head clean off in the first minute
outside of that persian guy, judo in MMA has been meh
Because decent judoka doesn’t care about mma
I dunno mate, I think he'd get absolutely rekt. His bodyguard looks badass though
This, is basically like asking how a yokozuna would do in a cage match. Different standards, different philosophies.
Ronda Rousey is one of the most successful mma fighters ever
Judo and sumo are not real fights like mma
That's why they're meme martial arts
>guns and knives are not even allowed in MMA
So unrealistic bro
Size doesn't mean anything in MMA. There are the famous examples of Bob Sapp and Choi Hong-man. Both disciplined and both bigger than this can.
That's not a fight it's attempted murder
sapp and the gook are freaks, this guy is well proportionned
Cardio is inversely proportional to body size, giant freaks get ground down and destroyed by any remotely skilled smaller fighter
It depends on how well he can learn the other parts of the game.
Satoshi Ishii was about as good as he was in judo and he didn't become a very good MMA fighter.
he needs to lose weight, the limit of the heavyweight class is 120kg.
>judo literally relies on grabbing your opponent's shirt or gi
You can't use 90% of judo's techniques when your opponent is sweaty and has no shirt on.