I may have found the only board game that can be considered a sport
I may have found the only board game that can be considered a sport
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this is full autismo but those trips compel me to reply
Is like a more retarded version of curling
Looks like carrom
I would fuck her ass
looks nice
the video aint bad either
Do they test for steroids?
probably smells like big greasy farts
probably smells like kebab since she's a scandinavian
it simply isn't fair, white brother. She belong with one of us white men of virtue, anime, and racism
>Eckhardt Reiner Elton Wettlaufer
now that's a name.
cornhole > crokinole
>I may have found the only board game that can be considered a sport
actually there's one other
Looks like a good drinking game
surprised he didn't just change it to Elton Flowers
this TERRIFIES the irishman
fake butt btw
Name? IG?
this is the redpilled sport
Looks fun. Like 360 table top shuffleboard
Based arab.
God I wish that were me.
For me, it's bulletball