
I may have found the only board game that can be considered a sport

Attached: 1554718831087.jpg (938x1144, 611K)

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this is full autismo but those trips compel me to reply

Is like a more retarded version of curling

Looks like carrom

I would fuck her ass

looks nice
the video aint bad either

Do they test for steroids?

probably smells like big greasy farts

probably smells like kebab since she's a scandinavian

Attached: 1561568463509.jpg (1537x1093, 396K)

it simply isn't fair, white brother. She belong with one of us white men of virtue, anime, and racism

>Eckhardt Reiner Elton Wettlaufer
now that's a name.

cornhole > crokinole

>I may have found the only board game that can be considered a sport
actually there's one other

Looks like a good drinking game

surprised he didn't just change it to Elton Flowers

this TERRIFIES the irishman

Attached: 1563418054711.webm (480x360, 952K)

fake butt btw

Name? IG?



this is the redpilled sport

Looks fun. Like 360 table top shuffleboard

Based arab.

God I wish that were me.


Attached: ChristianII_of_denmark.jpg (488x583, 181K)

For me, it's bulletball