Friday 7:50pm - Adelaide Crows vs Essendon Bombers, Adelaide Oval
Saturday 1:45pm - Richmond Tigers vs Port Adelaide Power, MCG 2:10pm - Carlton Blues vs Gold Coast Suns, Marvel Stadium 4:35pm - Greater Western Sydney Giants vs Collingwood Magpies, GIANTS Stadium 7:25pm - Brisbane Lions vs North Melbourne Kangaroos, Gabba 8:10pm - Fremantle Dockers vs Sydney Swans, Opt*s Stadium
Sunday 1:10pm - Geelong Cats vs Hawthorn Hawks, MCG 3:20pm - Melbourne Demons vs West Coast Eagles, TIO Traeger Park 4:40pm - St Kilda Saints vs Western Bulldogs, Marvel Stadium
>The future and the past are set to collide in a major shake-up of this year's EJ Whitten Legends Game. >Rather than being all about past glories, the annual charity match is set to be modernised and played under the controversial AFLX format. BASED, the future is now old fucks
I'm drinking alone right now, it's a great way to get in touch with your real feelings. It's relaxing and you can do what you want. 6 beers and 1 Wild Turkey Rare down the hatch
Aiden Morgan
Samuel Thompson
Jace Hernandez
Luke Perry
compared to the crows power just seem so souless tbqh
wtf is this racist shit why isn't either team wearing their indigenous guernsey?
Nathan Martinez
i'm drinking with you guys.
Elijah Nguyen
drinking alone and watching westerns is goat
Lucas Jackson
Joseph Scott
do cam ling
Lucas Gonzalez
Why is their a coin toss? It's pointless
Tyler Scott
you're a fucking retard
Ryan Butler
t. Trent Cotchin
Aiden Hall
You ever played footy with a strong breeze m8?
Adam Kelly
Chase Clark
not everyone has friends/family/lovers i drink to cope with my pathetic lonely existence
Grayson Collins
essendon are FINISHED
Jace Lewis
drinking kopparberg apple cider 7% 440ml cans, not as nice as mercs but better value $ per standard drink
Ryder Price
I feel like weed would be a better and cheaper alternative for that though, depressed drinking usually just amplifies things for me.
Colton Scott
Carlton Dry cans BOIIII had 9 of the fuckers
Robert Ross
Have you looked at Somersby? Last I checked they were 10 cans for $20 for the apple and pear (both nice) and get you right off for a good price. That was like 4 years ago though
David Smith
that shit is absolutely loaded with sugar, fuck that
Jaxson Anderson
>all this liquid jew talk >during MY Dry July for shame
>all those old boomers struggling to move a ball a few metres down people should be euthanised at age 70
Samuel Thompson
mercs are regularly on special for $18 for a ten pack around here, don't know where you are that kopparberg is better value.
Kevin Lee
somersby are 1.3 standards a can, 13 standards for a 10 pack at 20 dollars $1.54 per standard kopparberg is 2.4 standards per can 15 dollars for a 6 pack $1.04 per standard
Cameron Harris
This, that was embarrassing stuff. None of them could clear more than 2 rows of seats
Elijah Lewis
footballers must seem like literal gods to those people
Carson Edwards
>that shit is absolutely loaded with sugar, fuck that who are you trying to impress normalfag? go for a fucking jog once in a while you fucking desk jockey m-mmuh figure, gotta stay healthy to impress wet hole fucking kill yourself
Easton Rivera
who /winepilled/ here? absolutely fucking howling over these cunts talking about price per standard tbqh.
fucking hell mate you're on another level compared to me. Fair enough, enjoy. Kopparberg are damned tasty drinks too.
Nicholas Ramirez
mercs are usually $18 for a sixer though i have seen them occasionally in the bargin bin spend $10 dollars get one item for $10 i get them with my goon when thats the case
Benjamin Sanders
red gets me flushed and sleepy and white is for whores
Jackson Kelly
wish I had some weed but i'm too autistic to find a dealer. really miss watching intense games of sport extremely stoned
Parker Sanchez
Ryder Bell
rip tex
Cameron Watson
For me, it's bourbon with a generous amount of coke.
Jack Davis
you must have the metabolism of a literal boomer if you are scared of a little sugar, you got called out faggot
Daniel Barnes
quartertime is dart time
Evan Ortiz
for me, it's a litre of vodka in the evening that leads to crying over youtube at 3:40am when I'm finishing the last of 30 standard drinks
Oliver Martin
this fireball whiskey is pretty shit straight up. Gonna start mixing it with coke.
Jacob Ross
Wish I could pull that stunt but I start work at 6:00
Isaac Mitchell
that wasn’t me but he’s right, you are projecting. based and teapilled
alcohol makes me extremely emotional and my depression 10 times worse
Lincoln Jones
For me? It's keeping a spare pair of pants and undies handy to swap out when I inevitably shit myself while drinking with my mates. Pretty sure they haven't clued in yet either.
Kevin Thompson
measure of fireball plus and measure of peach schnapps and finish with apple juice. The Apple Pie, thank me later. Don't mix it with coke the cinnamon will taste like shit
Hudson Scott
hey lads check this one out essendone
Aaron Perry
And by my mates I obviously mean /afl/.
Nolan Robinson
for me it's a couple points of meth, 700mg of DXM and some GHB
Grayson Martin
the one time I put money on the dons and they turn into a bottom 4 side
Jordan Ortiz
got a bday in amsterdam with some mates in about a month, I’ll have to remember to do this
Jason Murphy
Why the fuck is /afl/ filled with thots all of a sudden?
Joseph Gray
Talk about footy or get the fuck out desu
Nathan King
is it fucking raining in adelaide? what the fuck is this scoreline? kick some fucking goals
Leo Bell
Caleb Turner
anyone else see that special needs lookin fella in the back there
Aiden Morales
alcohol/fastfood and sports go hand in hand you fucking casual
Bentley Lewis
blame the crows awful midfield ball movement and forward fifty entries
Parker Jackson
Essendon are SHIT
Jordan Reed
for me it's doing mdma at a rooftop club and mid trip realising you have nothing in common with other people and genuinely might be on the autism spectrum as you awkwardly try to join in people's conversations while feeling like you're looking through a window on socialising while pondering geo politics and the time space continuum as other people laugh and bond over relate able life experiences and plans for the future which seem completely alien to you
Jacob Mitchell
>drinking whore liqueur genuinely either kill yourself or fuck off mate
Sebastian Wilson
Did someone say KFC?
Christian Russell
I've just had about 9 Chemist Warehouse beers and I'm thinking about having a Mitre 10 outta 10 pizza before the Maccas Hotter Tastier Jucier female-friend comes over for a quick root.
Is that enough footy for you, you fucking cuck?
Jace Green
imagine being this much of a judgemental cunt on 4channel thinking you are above anyone
Anthony Cruz
how does an amerifat watch it?
Ryder Taylor
just because I gave him a drinks tip doesn't mean I drink it you fucking sperg. lmao sad cunt.
Luke Nelson
>thots >whore liquor
sensing a pattern, have sex.
Ryder Cooper
get raped poofs pmsl
Christian Brooks
Jeremiah Taylor
>he drinks lolly water liqueur
Isaiah Perez
lmao imagine getting roasted this hard and this is the only comeback you could muster up. How fucking pathetic.
your mother would be ashamed of you, if she wasn't busy getting rammed by Mr Chadcock
Gabriel Hughes
got these godless faggots seething
Justin Long
how come essendon can only play well at home?
Jose Perry
are you ok mate? Is there something you want to talk about? You seem to be acting up a lot to get some desperately needed attention. The /afl/ community is here for you.
if WC lose this weekend I will kill myself as any single loss from now on = no top 2 = no flag = may as well do it now
I didn't have a balls to do it last year like I said I was
But now i have everything planned out and WILL do it
Jeremiah Davis
lmao imagine getting roasted this hard and this is the only comeback you could muster up (stealing my projector roast. How fucking pathetic.
got you on a string, pet.
Levi Hernandez
for me, it's a nice cup of black yorkshire tea, brewed for 1.5 minutes. with l theanine to keep you relaxed and focused and a small amount of caffeine for the perfect wholesome mental boost.
Michael Mitchell
cool, keep us posted.
Hunter Walker
Put it on your resume the next time you go for a job lol, I really couldn't give a fuck mate.
Brayden Brooks
Jonathan Scott
Will do. I'll post a picture of my suicide setup later on (gym equipment)
Parker Ward
STILL got him on a string
Brandon Taylor
why does no top 2 = finals? you've already proven multiple times now that you can win at the G or are you scared of having to face the big strong brisbane boys at the gabba for a second time?
Joseph Bennett
is it fucked up that when they call it the c-word i immediately think cunny?
Jonathan Hernandez
that's p based
i'm a zhezhe man myself
Julian Gutierrez
nice drop retard
Leo Howard
almost as big a blunder as when your mum dropped you on your head
Isaiah Ramirez
projecting again i see got you on a string lad
Asher Lee
still hurts a little bit
Christian Murphy
might throw on some 90s music later and weep for my lost youth
Eli Ross
t. zoomer born in 1999
Jaxon Fisher
might do the same t.21 year old boomer
Levi White
for me it's neil young
Sebastian Torres
Hey Hey, My My
Brayden James
How many of you own a Sherrin?
Wyatt Jackson
you sound like you could use a good visit to the Pinnaroo Point Toilets
John Martinez
was a nice goal
Jaxon Watson
my my, hey hey
at least one in the garage somewhere
Dylan Reyes
Ryder Torres
whats for dinner? i made japanese curry
Gavin Butler
Worsfold to Fred? or are they going to go with Sumich?
Ryder Richardson
What makes it Japanese?
Dominic Wood
Don't Ross is going anywhere.
Hudson Roberts
10/10 choice. japanese curry is based
Spice mix is pretty unique. Not sure exactly what it is though
Andrew Parker
he's got 2020 then he's not contracted but if it's another cellar season I rekon they'll move him on mid-season
John Jones
Is that the stuff that looks like runny shit?
Jeremiah Lewis
same thing that makes indian curry indian and thai curry thai
Justin Martinez
Marc Murphy plays for Carlton m8
Sebastian Williams
Alright, how about this one: essendone.
Xavier Sullivan
already been done lad by me
Cameron Anderson
might listen to MPP and pretend it's 2009 again
Wyatt Lee
lmao this gay cuck is replying to anyone trying to roast them. grow up softcock.
Camden Butler
had an idea for a sketch where a guy keeps saying he needs to go to Dan's and his friend is perplexed as to who is Dan but he actually just meant Dan Murphie
Go to a good nightclub espcially if a lot of poofs go to it its easy as piss desu
Brandon Miller
Are you me?
Jaxon Price
lmao @ this little mong shit
Alexander Kelly
what is this furphy meme? i've seen it advertised down me local but i've never taken the time out of my day to try it
Nolan Reyes
leave him alone, he’s been given a bad hand to start life born in alice springs and all that
Michael Sanchez
It's pretty inoffensive. Big boomer meme like 150 Lashes.
Julian Bell
based and durrypilled
Jose Cooper
any Saturday cheat day snack suggestions for a true executive like myself lads?
Asher Morales
Just had 4 chocolate twirls and am feeling a bit guilty now.
Christopher Moore
Got no idea, became the meme beer like 2-3 years ago out of nowehere, personally i think its average, saw a big furphy logo hoisted above a pub the other day as well, nuts
Xavier Sullivan
arnott's rasberry shortcake biscuits
Brayden Hill
For me, its not being overly hostile for no reason towards my close friends from /afl/
Kayden Jenkins
for me, this is based
Asher Richardson
twirls and timeouts are pretty decent but you can definitely go overboard
based was thinking about raspberry tartlets last week, thanks lad
Dylan King
they don't fucking mate rasberry tartlets anymore and i'm still ropeable.
Jacob Powell
Absolutely seething that coles bakery gyppers stopped making custard scrolls and coffee scrolls
footy is the only thing that keeps me track of what day it is
Camden Davis
For me it's coming down from a coke binge on the train home with a jaw ache, contemplating what the fuck I'm doing with my life
Nathaniel Price
tried some of the coles salted caramel and white chocolate cookies on a whim the other week. found them pretty disgusting.
Justin Evans
Aldi's has nice biscuits.
Joseph Richardson
Too much fucking sugar in those innit those little custard numbers they used to do had me addicted
Also checked
Liam Wilson
love a good tart especially when they have a good pair of tits
Leo Sanders
how expensive a habbit is coke? i'm not a poor fag i've been on the dole for years and live with me parents so i've got 10s of thousands in savings i just dont see the value in blowing hundreds of dollars in a single night of entertainment when i can spend 10 bucks on a 5L goony and get absolutely fucking cunted for two days straight
Alexander Wright
Adelaide Camry Chokes
Aiden Roberts
crows will choke this, just watch
Levi Ward
been throwing money at these asian escorts
i don't even want sex i just want to buy meth off of them and go home but they don't allow it. don't have any other source.
imagine living in adelaide shudder to think about it
Gavin Scott
nice try
Julian Roberts
imagine living shudder to think about it
Leo Sullivan
eastern suburbs are peak comfy. everywhere else is shit though
Carter Bailey
You won't be paying less than $300 a gram in Australia. $309 a gram was the average in AUS from a survey done last year, prices will probably spike now that massive hauls are getting picked up over the world, 20,000 fucking tons worth 1.3 billion stopped in Philadelphia recently
John Lopez
what do you mean? I'm legitimately interested how you can afford the product and the "services" to the chink fuck boxes
Jayden Flores
lmao, what a fucking joke of a drug i really do pity junkies who piss away not only their own lives but their families lives on this shit the humane thing would be to shoot them
Grayson Reyes
worst parts of Melbourn and shitney seem tobe much grimmer than anywhere in adelaide 2bh
Luis Hughes
police are in this thread
Jacob Ward
*muffled revving*
Easton Mitchell
this. I never understood the le adelaide is shit meme when aside from elizabeth etc everywhere is pretty decent. where as sydney and melbourne has shitholes just minutes from the city
Easton Miller
it's the socialites drug of choice, footy players high level finance/business owners. Some guy over here in Perth got murdered by his "partner" (dealer) because they were slinging out of their bar.
sure mate, I love getting paid OT on a Friday to try and glean info from you poor fuck NEET junkies
Leo Gonzalez
Adelaide recently lost it's title of meth capital of Australia to Darwin. Anybody who has anything going for them at all leaves for the Eastern States or dumb shit men used to go to Perth for the mining boom, Adelaide is irrelevant by all metrics.
Acquired yuge titty big wagon qtgf due to this haha
Mason Rivera
Sebastian Lee
Jason Morales
Adelaide are psychologically cooked.
Colton Bennett
I wish BT covered American football.
Noah Long
>turn on 5aa >absolute panic >"STINKY STINKY QUARTER"
Ryder Scott
Evan Price
business idea sadelaide
Oliver Reed
Yes, but Essendon is going to be absolutely gassed going into the 4th. Adelaide will score four more. Watch.
William Ramirez
how about this one haha
James Wilson
pretty good if you ask me in my humble and all honest opinion
Jordan Thompson
Honestly lost my shit at the McGrath goal, bring it home boys
David Kelly
I wish BT suffered a bilateral stroke leaving him mute and completely immobile so he is left bedridden with complete awareness of his situation as he suffers multiple pressure ulcers and unable to swallow his own saliva until passing away at the ripe old age of 102 when he drowns in the warm piss of an abusive aged-care nurse
Joseph Baker
who the fuck are you mate?
essendon is the American team you cunt
Juan Wilson
Gonna need a depresso espresso after this
Evan Reed
>early twenties >NEET >fucked up on drugs 24/7 365
>bombers >amcerican team i believe it what is your countries obsession with killing helpless people?
Mason Roberts
oh fuck off bandwagoning cunt. you don't actually give a shit about the footie, you just want be a pussyfag because the pussies are stacked right now.
bombers are a symbol of the old anzac american partnerships. if you dont support the bombers as an american you may as well suck hilary's cock right here right now in this thread.
Essendon then? % is lower so they won't advance as far up the ladder if they win.
The Krauts started it....
Mason Russell
Liam Cruz
Luis Gray
Owen Reyes
>30 >work less than 10 hours a week in a shit warehouse job >live at home >23-25 was spent in a 2 year pretty decent relationship with an older woman >25-30 spent drinking a bottle of scotch a day and any drugs people put in front of me. I legitimately hate myself, the time went by so fast.
Camden Scott
its the modern day colonialism lad. we're spreading our ideals mate :^)
who the fuck is on the boong, everytime I see him there's not a tag in sight
Nolan Martin
think i have schizophrenia lads
Benjamin Phillips
>bandwagoning cunt. Got this in '16 at the MCG when Hawthorn missed a kick at the siren against Geelong in the first round of the finals. Not my fault I picked a good team to root for.
yeah it sucks aye I keep hearing voices telling me the crows are good
Gabriel Collins
Didn't know that when I went to the game. Just picked one. If I had been the Blues and they had won... well, they wouldn't have won, but if they had, I'd stick with them even now.
Easton Torres
>those mckenna foot skills
Colton Sanders
is there a disorder where sociopathy and autism are both present? (not that edgy teens/20's lol I'm a sociopath for reals) I mean the legitimate antisocial personality disorder shit.
Evan Nelson
Wow a quick and not retarded score review.
John Bell
They kinda go hand-in-hand, mate. Yes.
Parker Parker
yeah it’s called autism
Julian Ramirez
surprised that niglet wasn't paid the mark
Wyatt Ross
Draw on the cards
Charles Perez
>getting seen for depression and anxiety next friday just know i’m being put on some meds lads grim stuff
Charles White
its easy gibs lad
Chase Myers
They'll probably start you off with some pussy shit. Don't sweat it.
Gavin Sanders
Fuck meds man. Dont do it
Lincoln Gomez
Kayden Sanchez
Jordan Rogers
ketamine/mdma is unironically the best treatment for depression if ur gonna take drugs for it. Antidepressants are a fucking scam
Henry Flores
Nicholas Fisher
Eli King
i don’t want any of it might chuck em in the toilet and develop fully fledged schizophrenia for the bants
Isaiah Walker
>Dropsh Jenkins
Brody Harris
>depression and anxiety >can answer the phone >can organize anything and plan ahead >can talk to anyone >can attempt self-improvement
precludes anybody, psych is a joke. Anyone with legitimate issues would literally be unable to get help unless they're found after a failed suicide
Evan Gonzalez
Gabriel Sanders
Why is the commentary so amateur and shit?
Jeremiah Gonzalez
*be's choking*
Noah Rodriguez
jesus fucking christ we are fucking shit
Charles Johnson
You haven't met my mother.
James Hall
don't do it mate. SSRI's are big pharma poison. I was on 150mg of some air and the doc said "I don't want to bump you up again, it'll be to something not nice (serious)" It feels ok for a while because your symptoms subside but eventually you just become numb to pain and fun best description I heard was "it takes the bottom third off the worst moods/feelings and the top third off the best.
definitely seek help and talk to people but I wouldn't take those Jew mind pills again.
Carter Roberts
Sebastian Thompson
>Adelaide getting exposed Thank fuck, they are pretenders and have been shit all year. Easy draw inflates their ladder position every year
Jose Howard
*opens 5aa*
Gavin King
*be's tuning into 5AA*
Ryder Richardson
The crows choked from 30 up at home against the iggs too.
my gp and then a subsequent psychologist seemed to think it was worthy. Also for possible OCD symptoms. Might just end it all lads. Or have a beer and just not go. Either or
David Long
Julian Wilson
5AA link lads
Sebastian Nelson
Which SA team is the bigger meme? It's like they're trying to outdo each other.
Elijah Adams
Angel Smith
this is me. untreated for 5 years. the idea of going to the doctor again is too much for me to handle
Nolan Phillips
*be's the hot new meme on the /afl/ block*
Ryder Green
christ, between this and the sexual dysfunction i might just fuck em in the river and get over it myself
Kayden Ortiz
*be's having muscular 300 posts*
Aaron Brooks
power are easily the most plastic team in the league
Luke Wright
Adelaide boomers are going to melt the phone lines after this
Colton Martin
LOVING this *be's* meme
Charles Jackson
>sexual dysfunction It's not so bad if you have PE. I mean... so I've heard.
Juan Edwards
Hope you chucked some money on this lad.
Nicholas Bailey
Adrian Garcia
Told you
Luke Phillips
Evan Morris
Rev up them 5AAs boys
they're already losing their shit
Jacob Nelson
based and willtopower-pilled
Hunter Torres
never seen a crow choke this bad since i fed a sausage the one in my garden
Blake Morales
Explosive surge of activity after a quiet few weeks.
Christian Peterson
>pyke cant coach
Michael Fisher
Luis Collins
>he didn't be'd on /cric/ when I instigated and then revived it baka
Kevin Butler
>"Adelaide just went to shit, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME"
this is legit one of the best I've seen, eyes are very compelling, lotta soul for a hired AI
Alexander Smith
What are you trying to say?
Jeremiah Howard
Benjamin Hill
Sebastian Green
exactly, real men get out the calculator and work out which cider is the highest ABV / price
Alexander Russell
Blake Turner
Please watch our sport
Blake Price
reminder that XD posting is the sure sign of a mental midget.
Leo Young
gib zhe first
Gavin Perry
morning /afl/ hope you're up and ready to make the most of the day, not even that cold.
Aiden Thomas
>he calls himself a crows fan >he has any positive outlook, faith, or hope at all >he doesn't think something always inevitably goes wrong everyone getting worked up about >us shitting the bed exposes themselves as a cazzie. spectacular failure and ultimate suffering in comically pathetic ways is part of being a crows fan.
kino, used to stay up with a mate all night watching music vids to try and get a glimpse of a titty watching rage
Brody Collins
Good morning MY /afl/ family
Jacob Jackson
morning mate, its too bloody wet to get out on the motorbike so im going to punch cones and watch the WAFL on telly, then im off to optus to yell at walters to stop falling over. gonna be a good day lads
old friend sent me a message confronting me about being a neet, told him to fuck off and leave me alone
Jose Torres
old friend who got married and disappeared a few years ago texted and called me to get lunch with him last week but I was already stoned by 11am and couldn't face society so I just ignored it
Dominic Garcia
Futebol Australiano
Michael Ross
r8 my cheat day snack haul lads >dry July status, much like my will to live: broken
What's the point of a cheat day if you're gonna eat a week's worth of calories in one day? May as well eat one snacc per day every day
Justin Stewart
yeah usually, I rekon the only left overs will be maybe a third of the packet CC's and few of the biscuits. I've lost 32kg lol, good luck though skelly fren when you think you're eating heaps you probably aren't, go big.
Kevin Powell
Well Satan, if you're low carbing a cheat day will replenish you muscle glycogen so you can still hit it hard in the gym.
Gabriel Johnson
because in doing so I get to be a pig and have lost 32kg. Are you the same sperg that has a stick up his ass week after week about my "progress". lol sad cunt.
stop being meanies or i will stop posting and youll all have a cesspool of meanies to enjoy amongst yoyrselves O_o
Christian Lewis
keep inexplicably losing weight lads
Jason Ward
what would be better, Port being shat on after all their tough talk during the week, or Tigers bottling a great start to lose it in the last 10 minutes?
>2019 /afl/ >full of normalfags imagine my surprise
Brayden Thomas
what a shit team Carlton is, only barely doubling Fold Coast's score by Quarter time
Joshua Ross
>muh sekrit klub pathetic
Connor King
kys faggot
Hunter Martin
*be's be'sposting in /afl/*
Levi Allen
fuck up
Nathan Morales
/afl/ is a diverse community. We can't all be deadshit losers like you, mate.
Justin Richardson
got him on a string AGAIN lads
Ayden Bell
fuck up faggot
Jayden Brooks
Jordan Davis
dance my pet
Xavier Price
*be's elite AND muscular*
Leo White
witnessed an absolute masterclass today lads hope you all took notes
Noah Martinez
any anons going to the gabba tonight?
Bentley Hall
>delayed telecast of the footy, instead playing a rerun marathon of renovation show #3849 >"wHy Is n0-oNE WAtChinG TV aNyMore?"
Austin Phillips
i'd watch tv if they started putting more anime on tv again tfw you will never wake up early to watch cheez tv before school ever again
Jason Perry
>carlton will be above melbourne on the ladder if they win lmao peemons
Tyler Sanders
they have zoomer anime on often, but yeah, all i watch on tv these days are 90s sitcoms and kinodramas and the football, and also rage when i'm up all night drinking alone
Oliver Martin
its been pretty kino lately with sbs world movies having ghibli stuff on the weekends, always good to switch over to when the current games are fucking boring like these current two games on
Juan Rodriguez
honestly reckon the chinks are onto something with wearing the facemasks, sick of dirty cunts coughing on me on the train
Aaron Lewis
iktf, took me a decade to figure out that OG Cheez TV were cut because fucking Rove McManus got shitty over the puns at his expense that went over kiddies heads during the time he had a modicum of success.
for me, it's always Cheez TV but The Big Arvo was pretty decent after school back in the day. Something about that plain blonde girl Jen got young me diamonds. Was always jelly that I thought her and Ben were "doing it" I didn't even know what "it" was
getting picked up from school, mum told me on the way home in the car. I didn't really have a reaction to it desu
Xavier Flores
i thought it was a weird joke ad when i first heard it on breaking news. shocked me desu, almost as shocking as the gold coast suns football club's abilities to play football.
Ayden Powell
lunch @ high school it went through the gossip channels like wildfire. I acted like a faggot edgy zoomer and walked into class and said "Steve Irwin's dead lol" and got yelled at by the teacher, rightly so. Never realized how HUGE he was in the US, I've visited his zoo and everything. RIP Steve.
Easton Cook
This except it was my grandma
Hudson Murphy
my tiggas
Benjamin White
back home ireland mum told me when I woke up got a little teary used to love watching his show on saturday morning
Isaac Johnson
watching tracy grimshaw on the couch at home after scool
Joshua Phillips
yeah I was an edge fuck as well, I remember when Paul Walker died I immediately cracked a few jokes about it because me mates were big F&F fans