/heem/ - Big Heems from small places edition

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Askern wasn't out

anyone else play body blows with their friends

yes and no

what kind of blows

I bet Aspen Ladd would feel really heavy sitting on my face haha

god I really dont want to be racist but this video really makes it hard not to be

Not being racist is cringe

blows with the bros

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Pure spartan mentality

I invented this thread and I will not have racism be a part of it

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Sorry, my mistake

Brendan fucking Schaub

Wake up JON

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One more run at some cte, brother.

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Imagine gaining CTE that early in life lmao

Jawmawl is Asian!

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Imagine how empowering it would feel to say the n word in front of ngannou and getting away with it


Realistically speaking, what do you think that it could be the consequences of someone say "I gonna smash your skull you dumb ass nigger" in the build up before a fight? Let's say is an hypothetical white fighter with not much notoriety before the incident

he'd get cut asap cmon bud

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How bout slavery b

Is it possible to lose the war but win the story of it?

Why? Is not illegal calling a big lipped higher coon, what if he was a drawl like Lesnar? Will he get a pass like Jones?

Stipe is winning the war against DC, if he wins the rematch then his total victory will be undisputed

im done with this site
youre all fucking LOSERS

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who is your favorite flyweight fighter?

I am the first guy you replayed to. I will tell you what would happen. Would there be controversy? Ofcourse, but what you have to ask what would happen if the white fighter that called the black fighter the n word won. It would be historic and quite frankly change the culture (for the better). White boys/men all over the world would be able to say the n word without getting in trouble.

Brendan’s ‘Jamal was asian’ joke wasn’t just low brow racist humor.
He was commenting on the increased gentrification of the greater LA area and how Asians from Silicon Valley are driving out the native black population. Hence, he was shocked and disgusted that Jamal was indeed, asian.
So brave of Schaub to weave political issues into his comedy. A true master of his craft.

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Great clinchwork from the darker one. High yellow boy lost the story of the fight by trying to get revenge after being heem'd.

Tito has not only perfected the art of fighting; he is a master of the spoken word and self reflection.


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A true murderer

I didn't know Sherk was a photogrisser, b

Give it up already it's a damn comedy act.

Nobody laughed at that so I think it hardly qualifies

I laughed

I laughed to jefe

Khabib in undefeated.

He will beat Dustin.
He will beat the 200lb CTE chinlet wrestlelet.
He will beat Gaethje.

And retire undefeated with a perfect 30-0 record and being the inarguable LW GOAT.

This will make the incels seethe so hard this place will implode.

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Tony is going to fuck him up big time if Dustin doesn’t do it first.

dustin heems khabib

khabib dusts heem

heem wins the rematch

Wake up Kron

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Fer sure, bee, the guy who was wrestlefucked and had his truly "world-class" BJJ completely neutralized by an "elite" wrestler Castillo is going to beat the best grappler in MMA. The same guy who had his BJJ completely neutralized by staph Kevin Pee as long as Pee had something in the gastank...

Easiest fight in the UFC, easier than Gooby.

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This. So is not hating homeless people.

Home is where the heart is, in that sense you're not that different from them

>ToNy HaS nO JiU JiTsIu

Imagine being over 6'0".

based Kamaru Adesanya telling like it is

Khabib has outgrappled a far better BJJ specialist in RDA. He has nothing to fear from a shitter who got wrestlefucked by cans.


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Ban men's 125, 135, 145 lb divisions, if you cant fight at 155 go back to college, also ban wmma.

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Hellbows from El that will /split/ that noggin like snow to a toboggan.

Probably be really gross to have her get all sweaty and have her sit on your face haha.

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It would be epic, right?

>would be

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Just like the "hellbows" he landed on Castillo, amirite?

>cunny posting bringed to /heem/

>Every fight is the same
Hottest take

Mighty mouse really has it rough after getting cut by the ufc


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I swear this dude has microcephaly. He ma got the zika for sure.

if Borrachinha has microcephaly i don't even want to know what you look like

Shitskins tend to have lower intracranial volume. Imagine being a race denier or a white traitor when this information is freely available on fucking Wikipedia or in any science journal.

lanklets and feminists seething

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His skull just tapers off back there. His jaw looks way too big compared to the top and back of his head.

>Kevin Lee completely neutralized his BJJ
How did that fight end again?

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If you watch Brendan Schaub or conor is your favourite fighter then you are either low IQ, autistic or have no social awareness

> he forgot RDA tapped him

I was a shoulders-to-belt legend. Not even memeing

Post shower poop posting on heem. Had to Danny devito walk 6 feet to grab a fresh TP roll. Ended up closing the grilled cheese sandwich if you know what I mean.

Favorite wmma fighter?

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My favourite wmma fighters are the ones that are cut and nong stamp

It ended with staph Lee gassing.

Funny how the so-called "hellbows" seem to be completely ineffective in fights where the CTE chinlet faces wrestlers, huh? 1st round Pee was hit by 2 (two) "hellbows" that did nothing. Castillo wasn't injured by "hellbows" either. It's almost like the chinlet's ability to fight from the bottom is overrated garbagethat only works against cans with no groundgame or injured opponents.

I fucked Meisha Tate 6 times in 2012, AMA.

Based asturbator finally took the khabibpill

I didn't forget anything. RDA is the superior grappler compared to the CTE chinlet. Why wouldn't he tap a healthy Pee who wasn't depleted by the weight cut when even groundlet cans like Cringeyson can?

Kron would btfo Ryan Hall and it wouldn't even be close, he literally submitted everyone at ADCC and in his weight class when he was still competing, he quit because people just started trying to stall him out rather than grapple with him.
Kron is a true Samurai.

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>he quit because people just started trying to stall him out rather than grapple with him.
He is about to discover the wonderful world of MMA where highly decorated BJJ specialists get wrestlefucked to decisions by superior wrestlers with some submission defense. Poocare can attest to that.

For me, it's Ediane Gomez

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Kron is probably the highest level BJJ specialist in the UFC right now so I'm actually pretty curious how he'll do against elite wrestlers

Can't wait to see Garry Tonon's progression

>TFW you let a white belt get a good position on you and he almost taps u

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Is that his mom?

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>t. Just got his blue belt

> i-it's his mom
you're absolutely seething
meanwhile the "man" who attacked him is incel

wake up khabib

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I see the Germuzzie is back in town

That’s what my body looks like after 7 years of alcohol abuse lol I just quit and I’ll probably look better than that in a couple months.

tfw my friend sent me this and did not know where the music was from
>is2.Yea Forums.org/gif/1562769990071.webm

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>being friends with cazzies

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Schaub's special

i invented can "the canman" booger


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Wish we had a proper thread instead of this garbage.

Enjoy your staph.

the op doesnt matter

My friend's friend is friends with Jorge Masvidal.
We got invited to a party in Atlanta two years back and given how much of a meme sport MMA is I managed to find him not surrounded by people and wanted to talk to him.
He was talking to some fat Blaxican looking chick (3/10 if you're being generous) so I felt I was doing him a favour in saving him from her. At the very least I would make him look better by showing how much of a super famous celebrity he is.
I told him how good orange man was in an attempt to gain his affection but he gave me a bemused "yeah...".
He kept giving me clues to fuck off but because I'm an autist at parties and was grateful for the chance to not be standing in the middle of the room with my hands in my pockets I wouldn't leave him.
He eventually came up with a bullshit "I gotta go to the bathroom excuse" but I knew he was lying.

On my life that's a true story.

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Niggers gonna nig

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Hey dick lickers shit the FUCK up before I HEEM u

It matters a great deal for me. I can't truly enjoy low effort threads.

A real estate agent neutralized Khabib's grappling for three rounds

This is a hellbow.

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have you ever been so angry a fight didn't go your way that you heemed your television screen?

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He did it for twitter upboats

The same real estate agent who beat the healthy version of Kevin Pee twice? You know, the guy who CTE chinlet beat for his fake paper belt, except the real estate agent fought the healthy version. And yeah, he neutralized Khabib's grappling so hard he was taken down in 3 rounds and lost a 50-43 decision, lmao.

>I've seen heems you people wouldn't believe...

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Why climbing mountains is so hard,even when you're in shape

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Oh fer ser Kevin Pee is a munster win

NFC - Juniorweight division

Are there any Khabib fans on here who aren't either Muslim or Slavic?

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The day she will make porn is coming fast now.Actually it will be even better if her husband cheat on her,something that will push her into porn from frustration

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Paige is trying to find her place in society

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la skanka

Her place is on top of an ever growing number of chads penises


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she will be doing good by relaxing some old farts in mma too

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>When legends collapse

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khabib looks like he's in better shape


his HOF speech was extremely kino

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itt: talentless hacks

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Imagine this moment
You've been fighting for most of your life, in the UFC for over a decade and never broken through past gatekeeper level, always in the top 5 falling at the last hurdle
You KO an absolute tosser who's beaten you before in the first round on 2 weeks notice and become the champion of the world

don't forget you get to cuddle your qt teenage daughter

His podcast with Theo Von is actually pretty funny

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I can only imagine half the creepy hollywood shit Byron Callums has done in his life that he keeps under tabs

i did

Schlob and Theo have great chemistry and Bryan is 100% replaceable. Imagine having 4-5 of the biggest names in normie tier main stream comedy as friend and still being a fucking failure

probably the procurer of children for beverly hills snuff parties

he's definitely taken or given dick to studio jews, no doubt.

What did he mean by this?

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RDA beats Edwards

He is a big fan of the British Broadcasting Channel and all the amazing shows they produce at the expense of the country

name 1 (ONE) amazing show the BBC produce

Tony bless

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He need to compensate since the fact that he need dickpills is worldwide known

Sherlock, Planet Earth, Fawlty Towers, Line of Duty, Blackadder, Extras etc...

Guys big earthquake in Greece.If something happens later to me remember this pic

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Triangles weren't invented before 1910, despite millennia of grappling and fighting. At that point humans were already flying planes. Remember that the next time you catch someone in a triangle.

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sure thing bud *forgets it*


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How many bongs until the UFC weigh ins?

I said produce not produced spergo, BBC is dead and that's a good thing!
Here's why

For me it's Tony

walkout songs



>le hikefu meme


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earthquake training


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walkout song

name of the band "Ebola little warriors"

155 is manlet

weighins in 1 hour 45 minutes

hopefully nigeria adesanya knocks him out with the first strike

Is there a more aesthetic name and surname combo than
Alistair Overeem

too many earhtquakes and i fantasize i have my dick inside Miesha tate's filthy vagina and when an earthquake happens,I'm moving in circles

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Zabit Namimargadornashavapamaripov

Garbagepal Urinestream

I love this slutty jewess

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imagine they way he looks at you when you are on the top

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absolutely SHAMBOLIC physique

I fucking hate Alistair Overeem. He could have had "Overkill" or "Overlord" as his nickname, it would have been perfect, and he completely fucked up that opportunity.

Asspiss "tub of shit" excrement

>Imagine the smell jk haha
I’ve just invented the /LaddsLads/
General... stay tuned for updates of all things Aspen Ladd related, including but not limited to: Hiking, Dogs, WMMA, Family, Nature, Food, Sexual abuse, And of course Aspen Ladds fat ass

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Magomed Magomedov



Why are d*gestanoids so unoriginal

I didn't plan to get into a gang. It's just what you did. It was a means of survival. People don't understand that your options are limited when you don't know any better.

When I was 14, my father was murdered. He was shot and killed at a nightclub in London. It was something to do with money. I don't know what exactly. It was some mad s---, but I knew that it could happen.

But that didn't make it any easier. It f---ed me up. It pushed me more into gang life and crime, toward the negative. My mid-teens were my darkest years.

My crew was involved with fights, robberies and stabbings. We sold some drugs. We smoked weed and drank, a bit. I was arrested a few times, for fights and having a knife.

It was mostly fighting. I fought to defend friends, I fought to intimidate and I fought because of beefs. I fought all the time. That's why my nickname is "Rocky." I got that from school. That's before I got into MMA. I got it just from scrapping in the streets.

There were a few things I did during this time that I truly regret. It's hard to believe it was me who did it. It's like a different life. I don't like talking about it. And I try every day to make up for them.

Woah crazy this guy is from the same place as me, yet I've never seen any gangs

like a melvin like you goes outside

Lee Murray?

Kron has zero standup, Ryan Hall would unironically heem him with a headkick

Awlays and ferevor

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I had to go to school, ya know the same place he was dealing drugs and street fighting everyday.

pic related could unironically gatekeep for LW division with ease
change my mind

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She just got married.

Kron has a serviceable standup, he trains boxing with the Diaz bros. He would probably heem Ryan who can only throw shitty meme kicks.




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Weigh ins are live:

wake up, henry

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boston salmon

one more run at the strap brother

>Ray Borg (136)
well he doesn't have to quit like he promised

>Waits for Cody to get deleted before he comes back

weigh ins link?


Realistically, who's going to have the worst CTE 15 years down the line? My vote's for BJ "The Prodigy" Penn

Juan Adams (266 pounds of shit)

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Ben "Chunky" Askren

diego canchez
craphouse cerrone

>Jennifer Maia (129)
lol ya blew it fatso

Glover Texeira

When you think about it there are only about 5 of us on /heem/ who aren't casuals.

And 4 of them are me


4 left

That doesnt include a cazzie like you then i assume

I, personally, am a cazzie.

Triple G is official. 266 pounds.

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*jabs you for being a cazzie*

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oh we jabbin' cazzies now?

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lol jennifer maia lost $2,400 dollars for missing weight

Khabib "tub of shit" nurmagomedov

Khabib "poo" nurmagomedov haha

are they having someone ready to replace him if he misses weight

Khab-pee Nurmbraap-poo-medov

khabib "bums" nurmagomedov lol

jennifer "tub of shit" maia


Khabib "poopy breath" Nurmagomedov

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Khabib "Undefeated lightweight GOAT making haters seethe" Nurmagomedov.

Khabib "Padded record" Numa-numagomedov

imagine the hype if this was schaub rotsmell 2

Name a single good MMA fighter (you can't)

Khabib "But Tibau tho" Nurmagomedov

Ryan hall you stoopid

Ger "poo" many ahah


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United pee--ingdom hehe

Oof ha ha fair play mate! :-)

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I just finished work I'm going to go train MMA, there's no trains where I live to the gym so I need to walk to the next train station 45 minute walk. Then get the train I will be late to lesson and need to wait an hour after the gym closes for a train home. I just need to pass my driving test and it will be so much easier but I'm terrible at driving, it's not happening like it's supposed to it's just eating my money.

>Hey user do you have a moment to talk about the stock market?

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Poopoo poopoopoopoopoo

KhaPoop 'Poop' NurPoopPoopMedPoop

shit haha

Shit "shit" shit

poopoo "caca" peepee

Tub of shit

How would you describe UFC 240?


Yoel "tub of shit" romero

stool "urea" meconium

I invented Loo Lee

it's a tub of shit

stacked with talent


Ufc "tub of shit" 240

I didn't know they could stack shit that high


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Amazing level of discussion, lads. I am truly humbled to be a part of this enlightened community.

humbled more like bumbled

communipee hahaa

Can’t wait for /ourguy/ to come back, guys

The ruler.

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Latrine lads

what did he mean by this

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ambraapzing peevel poof discpoossion, bladders. I ass pooly poombled poo pee a pooart poof pees enlightpeened commpoonitpee


Be hilarious if Masvidal vs Edwards got this amazing build up with so much trash talk and then Edwards just coasted a split decision and made everyone really angry.

Why is /heem/ obsessed with poo and pee?

heem more like peem lol

reflects the average age of the posters here



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*poops on your head*
heh, nothing poorsonnel, peed

Is that girl named Slutton or something

peem more like poom

>Toilet Till
>Latrine Ladd
>Urinal Urijah
>Outhouse Ortega
>Gent's room Gustafsson
>Restroom Rockhold
>Washroom Woodley
>Men's room McGregor
>Potty Poirier
>Loo Lee
>cesspool cerrome
>diaper dodson
>kakalina krapperkevich
>Pissoir Poirier
>Bathroom Borg
>Portajon jones
>Junkheap Jones
>Scat Zingano
>GloryHoley Holm
>Dustbin Poorier
>Compost heap Conor
>Diarrhea Dos Santos
>Robert Shittaker
>Stipee Miocic
Add more

Nate Peeass is going to get flushed by Pettis worse than he did in the Thomson fight, can't wait.

Worse than the non-PPV cards on either side of it.

i invented enema edwards


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The smell inside that vehicle describes UFC 240 on ESPN+ PPV.

dog nut and incest?

I hate women obsessed with dogs

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so this is what a meth addiction gets you

Tomorrow's card is actually pretty solid, unironically better than UFC 240


I just want to see RDA crush another can.

If I were to tell you that a UFC fighters name was Jamal, what ethnicity would you assume he was?

You misspelled his misspell you fucking dolt.

it's tough man.

oh hi /heem/

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A fat lipped nigger right? has to be

I think you'd be surprised, b.

Really? What race is he then?

That's a big yikes from me my guy.

Jamal was ayshin, b.

whats going on with the Jew princess?She is at 1-1 in the ufc having lost to Montana De La Rosa bu submission.When are gnna see her again?

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not going to lie, I laughed really hard. That was completely out of left field.

joey diaz isn't funny

pooey peeaz

Every comedian that has been on JRE is not funny with the exception of kevin hart

post more kaseem

amazing how he never runs out of stories to tell. his memory must be really good!

Tony wasn't even a brown belt when he fought Castillo and he still was landing elbows at will

kevin hart isnt funny either his standup his terrible but he’s a decent actor

Sometimes I wonder who exactly is funny to the nerds on here

He's not consistent but some of his stories legit destroyed my sides

someone give me a quick rundown on what's happening here

Kevin Shart

Also 5 years ago

Cock Breastner

(You) are

How'd he do it

>he still was landing elbows at will
Lmao, he wasn't and he wasn't doing anything with them either damage wise. Also, speaking of belts, Khabib was winning world submission grappling championships against brown-black belts while the CTE chinlet was a purple belt, lmao.

what's the "t" stand for?

>got his shit pushed in by canson tibau
>could only dryhump cans like trujillo and healy to decision
>couldnt even finish a chinlet and cardiolet in bumbozo
>ducked tony because owwwie my ribs! :(
>ducked tony again because owwwie my tiramisu tummy fatass :(
>ducked tony again because owwwie conor hurt my feelings by calling me a goatfucking pedophile :(
>biggest win is a coked up semi retired featherweight cardiolet
>second biggest win is a part time real estate agent on a days notice who spent months training for a striker
>has literally ducked every high level wrestler possible
>is an ovissexual
>has a fat pig wife
>diddles kids
>is a virgin
>has seizures

Is there a bigger fraud in sports?

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Titus christ

My best friend Nick Mullen

Khapoob "diarrhea" Shitcumgocrapdov

>got his shit pushed in by canson tibau

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George "Gaybread" Masvidal

'twas me who first conceived the phrase "toilet till"

you know titus wanted to marry a jewish woman but they wouldn't let him

You should see /cric/ and /nrl/. Just did a ctrl+f of "poo" in /nrl/ and got 19 results.

walkout songs

>Lmao, he wasn't
have you even seen the fight? why do you think Tony had more then twice as many total strikes, spoiler it was the elbows my man

Right here, right here the real inventor of toilet till, the real inventor of toilet till, right here.
This guy lies about it, when I say I invented toilet till Im telling the fucking truth

interrupted after 10 sec by

>being such a handicapped brainlet retard you can only defer to a bunch of retard judges instead of your own judgment

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>world submission grappling championships
NAGA is a MUNSTER for suuuuure. He’s a fucking can crusher who couldnt finish anything other than his humping on a part time real estate agent can on a days notice

i agree , u were indeed the one who invented it
but it was me who came up with kevin PEE

>unironically rating terrible judges

has a break in the shooting of some adult movie here i guess

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Where does fightmetric show control time for each fighter?

>being such a handicapped brainlet retard you can only defer to a bunch of incomplete sets of data

hype song

from take on me to Puritania is kinda like from Larissa Pacheko to Valentina Shevchenko

NAGA is a level unreachable by BJJ cans such as CTE chinlet who has never outgrappled a decorated submission grappler in his life and shat hsi pants at the prospect of going to the ground with RDA who would have subbed in in a jiffy.

exclusively for when i fight in boston

Loo Lee >>>>>> Kevin Pee

You mean the nonexistent control time Khapedo had? LMAOOO

>incomplete sets of data
Khabitch got outstruck and outgrappled. Would you have a problem with the judges scorecards if it read 30-5 Tibau? What would run through your pinhead during a split decision? Who do you braindeadly defer your life choices too then???

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like it
youre gonna lose.This song reminds you that she broke up with u to be blacked

LOL its a fucking minor league grappling competition.

>and shat hsi pants at the prospect of going to the ground
Is that why he tried to take him down twice? Hsi?

no no no it's a boston marathon reference

The superior upgrade

Ray borg didn't lose weight?

What is right pic

>nonexistent control time
Only in your irrelevant pictures. In the eyes of the judges, control time against the cage matters, which is why Khabib won the effective grappling criteria. Which is why Khabib won every single round.


who's unironically the fastest runner in the ufc?

>LOL its a fucking minor league grappling competition.
So we both agree that the CTE chinlet is not even on the level of a minor league grappling competition since he has no BJJ competition record and has never outgrappled anyone with a submission grappling competition record? OK.

he made weight (fighting at bantamweight). promised he would quit mma entirely if he missed this time. he's so fucking small despite the weight misses he's gonna get flushed out of that division

>RDA who would have subbed in in a jiffy.
oh for sure the guy who got out grappled by legends like Guida, Tibau and Alvarez and was struggling with Cowboy is a munster

This is even better then perry ellenberger dance

I'm a cazzie when it comes to following the sport but I'd still heem 98% of this general


Active? Shit I think you are right

Is there any path available for Conor to reach a higher level of fame, respect and admiration than he ever has?

>struggling with Cowboy
>when he KOd him in the first while the CTE chinlet got pummeled in the first
Lmao, way to lose any credibility you ever had.

More like Dis 'poo' ssion, lmao
I invented Crap Barry

>m-my feelings are better than your f-facts!!!
Yeah no one gives a shit you fucking pedophile, Farthan. Khabib had ZERO control and there is no such thing as your nonexistent definition of control. You don’t reward failure, otherwise you’d be doing something with yourself.

>effective grappling
LOL WHAT?!?!? The fuck is blowing another dude against the cage and FAILING to take him down effective? It’s not. And the rules literally state that simply holding a position doesn’t reward you SHIT

So let’s recap, Khapedophile FAILED to take Tibau down, had ZERO control and failed to advance to any position, and got TAKEN down by Tibau. At the very BEST, the grappling was equal for Khabeastiality (it wasnt). Now you go to the striking and Tibau fucking EMBARRASSED him

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dustin beats khabib and conor beats dustin again

All you’re doing is admitting you’re pimping a junior level competition that you don’t even know the value of, and that Khabitch is yet again a can crushing fraud. Do you know shit about anything other than navigating your pet goat and your familys orifices?

>such a cazzie he doesn't even know about the first fight

>he CTE chinlet got pummeled in the first
>rolled with everything took little to no damage and still out landed him
no wonder you like shit judges

>pummeled in the first
You off your meds again, Farthan?

Oh look!! The judges said Tony was up!!!

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winning the nate trilogy with a herb dean tko

I heemed my shirt when velickovic lost split to matthews, had him and lenz bet

Khabeastiality is a seizing cutbabby, as confirmed by his own teammates and family

>However, Josh Thomson, the co-captain of Khabib's team, AKA, told Brendan Schaub a very different story. He revealed on the Big Brown Breakdown that Khabib was actually in the mid 190s around the time of Helwani's tweet and has yet to drop below 182 lbs.

>“Who cuts a ton of weight at 155? Khabib! Khabib cuts a shitload of weight. 195 three weeks ago, 191 when he showed up in camp. Now he’s down to 182, 183... (On fight night he's) probably 185-182, somewhere around there."

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Darren Till reckons RDA ducked him, I don't believe that for one second. He fights anyone, all the guys no one else wants to fight. Fought Usman when he didn't have to just to try improve on the Colby loss. I wish they'd done Till vs RDA instead of Till vs Masvidal I would've gone to that.

Attached: RDA vs Edwards.jpg (2048x1438, 784K)

this is the best move for conor right now

>goes down to 145 for one more run at the strap heems aldo then heems holloway and becomes the champion
>porier heems khabib and calls out conor for the rematch
>conor heems him again and becomes double champ again
>khabib cries for rematch but conor goes for nate then goes for paquiao or canelo at boxing, wins and everybody remembers him as one of the better fighters of all time
>khabib gets flushed by tony and goes back to his farm and probably commit a suicide bomb attack at some ufc fight night

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Khabib literally admitting he cuts 37 pounds and his weight cut is a “two month process” including dieting

>"Weight cutting is still quite a long process and takes about two months," Khabib told riakchr.ru. "Everything happens in stages. Basically, we maintain a diet: drink plenty of water, go to bed on time and we eat only healthy food - mainly fruit and vegetables, a little meat and little bread. We do not use chocolate and ice cream, or added salt and sugar in food. This is a very difficult process and even if everything to tell, not all will be able to stick to it, because it is necessary to bring into your life.

And he has seizures because of this

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Also add Poop Rose

>m-my feelings are better than your f-facts!!!
No, my facts are better than your feelings. The actual, inarguable facts presented in the picrelated. You have not presented a single actual fact, only a stream of irrelevant feefees.

Pinning the opponent against the cage counts as control time, you know nothing.

>According to the rules of most prominent MMA organizations, when a person pins his/her opponent against the cage, he/she is in control of the fight.

Khabib won every single round, because he won the effective grappling in every single round.


>dieting is cutting weight

Neural network that transforms photos to resemble oil paintings.

what's the ufc equivalent of this match?

Comepletly and utterly BASED

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Khabib never had seizures defined as:
>A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. It can cause changes in your behavior, movements or feelings, and in levels of consciousness.

He has specifically described the symptoms he suffered during the weight cut and those symptoms were insomnia one day before the fight and fits of vomit on an empty stomach. The comment about "seizures" refers to Khabib having "seizures" or fits of vomiting, it does not refer to some kind of neurological condition, because that alone is grounds for immediate hospitalization and he was never hospitalized during the preparation for UFC229.

Attached: Edwards RDA face off.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

Khapedophile had ZERO control, got outgrappled more so than not, got outstruck. This is indisputable and your incest goat semen laden tears don’t change this.

>Pinning the opponent against the cage counts as control time
You see this right here, little mudslime? That’s a big fat ZERO. Facts don’t care about your terrorist feelings

>the effective grappling
Holding a position of blowing someone against the cage while failing to take them down is not effective grappling in any way. Facts don’t care about your feelings. At best it’s neutral for Khapee (he lost though) and got EMBARRASSED in the striking

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rda looks like a classic macho dude you just instinctively know not to fuck with

>Weight cutting is still quite a long process and takes about two months," Khabib told riakchr.ru. "Everything happens in stages. Basically, we maintain a diet:
I understand youre too fucking fat and poor willed to diet down, but dieting is weight cutting. What do you think happens to the lard he has?

One more run at the strap, bro

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leon is legid



>it does not refer to some kind of neurological conditio
He doesn’t need to be autistic and have a fucked brain from being a product of incest like you to have seizures, he just needs to be a giant cutbabby like he and his team admitted

As legit as I think Edwards is, his two best wins are going to be decisions over smaller guys. It's hard to see his heavy clinch style working on the top welterweights. Needed to see him vs Till really, that would've told a lot.

Your opinions are not facts. Your unofficial pictures are irrelevant and are, in fact, nothing more than even more worthless opinions.

Pinning your opponent against the cage counts as control time:
>According to the rules of most prominent MMA organizations, when a person pins his/her opponent against the cage, he/she is in control of the fight.

Khabib won not only the grappling, but he arguably won the striking as well, because he inflicted more damage on Tibau by causing a cut even though he landed a couple of punches less.


Reminder that /heem/ is a tub of shit-free general, refrain from posting about these tubs in the future


He never said "seizures", he said a word in a different language that can be translated in many ways based on context. There are multiple definitions of word "seizures": one of them refers to a neurological condition I have already described and the other is a synonym of the word "fit" or "attack".

Khabib described the symptoms he suffered while preparing for UFC229: insomnia for 1 (one) night and fits of vomiting on an empty stomach. What you translate as "seizures" was Khabib trying to vomit even though he had not eaten anything.


Idk why y'all use heem anymore. Just popped in for the first time since 235 and scrolled through the thread. It's just a bunch degenerate posting creepy shit that's barely relevant to MMA and a couple of spergs flinging shit at one another instead of trying to have a real conversation.

This place died a long time ago. Leave it to the weirdos who've turned it into a disorted friend simulation for the mentally ill. Let go. You'll feel better.

Cain Velasquez and Fabricio 'Vai Cavalo' Werdum are up there

>t-t-the stats are f-fake!!!
Stage 1: Denial

>According to the rules of most prominent MMA organizations, when a person pins his/her opponent against the cage, he/she is in control of the fight.
LOOOOOL you arent even quoting an actual ruleset you sorry ass mudslime. Khapedophile had ZERO OFFICIAL control time. Blowing someone while failing to go for a takedown isn’t control

No one cares, Farthan

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More like "just pooped in for the first time since 235"lmao

Okay, he's 26-1 in your world. That's still dominant and he's light years ahead of the Khabib that struggled with Tibsu. What's your point?

His team literally said seizures, and both of your fat pedophile mudslime literal motherfucking asses are making excuses. You don’t speak or look human so I understand the difficulty in grasping the semantics

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this is the excuse of someone who hasnt talent

That khapee nurmapoomdeov got his ass spanked by canson tibau and he’s a seizing cutbabby fraud

Ping pong learn english lmao


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Almost everyone cuts. Talking about the Tibau "loss" is like talking about Conor's loss to Joe Duffy. It doesn't matter, it's not relevant at all to the fighters they've become.

for sure khapoo is a well rounded MUNSTER, b

Would unironically be kino

Khapedophile is the exact same fighter except he throws a jab my niece would laugh at


Where do you live that the only way to get to get to an mma gym is by a 45 minute walk + a train? You must live in some village or town near a larger city

Just go running and become a cardio beast until you get a car and don't have to endure that horrendous commute

shut up luke

I wish she would look at me like that

>t-t-the stats are f-fake!!!
Of course they are, they are provided by an unofficial source. They are as relevant as your opinion, which is irrelevant, in case you haven't noticed.

Regarding the official wording of the rules, control against the cage counts as effective grappling, because effective grappling includes:
>achievement of advantageous positions that produce cumulative impact with the potential to contribute to the end of the match

Pinning your opponent against the cage = cumulative impact on his gastank and achievement of a position from which a fighter can strike.

So there's nothing wrong with the following statement:
>According to the rules of most prominent MMA organizations, when a person pins his/her opponent against the cage, he/she is in control of the fight.

Also, according to the official ruleset, Tibau never scored even one takedown, because he never "established an attack".

>It shall be noted that a successful takedown is not merely a changing of position, but the establishment of an attack from the use of the takedown.
>His team literally said seizures
They didn't. Khabib never had seizures in the neurological sense. You can use word play as much as you want, equating "seizures of desire to vomit" to "fits of desire to vomit" does not change the symptoms Khabib actually experienced and described.

Breathe, cazzies, and try to cope.

why do you have a german proxy on?

I fucking despise this attention whore cunt so goddamned much...

yeah, he admitted being turkish

Before deciding if bagelbro is boy status, I need to know is he Jewish?

I've admitted to being whatever you want me to be. You want me to be a Turk? I'll be your dedicated Turk.

Unironically hating Schaub or Conor is reddit as fuck

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He's definitely not Turkish. I'm pretty sure he's an American who's been in Germany for a while. I think he's a NEET or having a midlife crisis or something because you'll see him dedicate hours to posting essays on heem that none of the brainlets here will actually read or respond to every so often.

Perfect gameplan for Askrens next opponent:
>charge at him full speed
>He moves to the side, thinking a knee is coming
>Make him walk into a headkick

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why would that make feminists seethe

Ryan Hall solved the entire game of MMA, not just one narrow meme facet. Kron would get his head kicked clean off his body.

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coping roach

Fake and gay, why do reddit niggerlovers keep posting this

>the stats are fake!!!
It’s LITERALLY the exact stats the UFC uses. This is UNREAL COPE

>b-but c-control
Facts don’t care about your inbred induced feelings. Farthan

You’ve been thoroughly, surmisely BTFO, harder than a terrorist who arrived to hell to be surrounded by 72 virgins that look like you

I don't really need to cope with anything. I'm perfectly fine with Khabib being undefeated and having won all rounds against EPObau. Projecting much, hmmm?

give it a rest spammy. slamming that keyboard for hours every day might cost you another limb

>unofficial stats are official because I say so

>my feefees are facts because I say so

Also, the fact that you immediately forgot about the official rules the moment those official rules were quoted for you is funny.


Hey spammy, let's see you start posting some tranny scat porn, I dare you, I DOUBLE DARE you motherfucker! What, are you running out of proxies ot something?

Singaporean Elf flushes Pootega

You the guy?

Attached: J_O_E_L_I_T_O.jpg (702x786, 87K)

Is [asian nationality] [mythical/fictional creature] THE /heem/ meme of mid-2019?

It's embarrassing that spammy is American. To add salt to the wound, he probably had his legs amputated because he's a diabetic, the fat piece of shit.

It's either that or IEDs.

whats next for cuckboy

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Who is "spammy"? Is it the guy who constantly exhibits unhealthy amounts of hatred for Khabib?

>the stats are fake and unofficial because I said so
>this unofficial website I quoted is official

UNREAL cope. I can smell your goat semen schwarma tears from here

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he's fighting Geathje

exactly how they killed Kimbo Slice.They guy hasnt fought for 5 years but bellator gonna have a faka medical clearance for the purpose

Attached: killator.png (572x282, 28K)

he is fighting Justin Gaethje in September in Canada

COPE shitskin

Hopefully Gaychin heems his legs so bad he retires

What are some truly forgotten fighters?

For me it's Condit.

jesus told me greg hardy gets heemed ,,,,,,,,,,,,

>Russian doesn't cheat

Khabib 1000% uses IVs. He couldn't even make 170 without it. It's totally undetectable unless you literally confess to it like 70 IQ BJ Penn.

>muh plastic particulates

Imagine believing every lie that shill Jeff "Zero Formal Science Education" NoWitsky tells you

Will Cowboy survive the Gaethje fight, I think he could seriously be killed in the octagon

The guy who posts scat

Cyril Asker

completely free win for Justin

Turkey has plenty of good fighters, including legends like Gokhan Saki. Spain has 0. The Turk and his country would fuuuuuck you and your country up.

Conor wins the rematch
Askren wins the rematch
Luke wins the rematch
Ortega wins the rematch
Cowboy wins the rematch

The stats are fake because they are unofficial. If you claim otherwise, present the source and prove that they're official.

The website wasn't the only thing I quoted. I quoted you the official rules according to which Tibau never scored any takedowns in the first place and according to which controlling your opponent against the cage is part of effective grappling, but you have promptly chosen to ignore that.


OK. I'm coping real hard right now with the fact that Khabib is undefeated and won every round against Tibau.

Then I should feel lucky for having never seen his "handywork".

Refrain from posting tubs on heem

Darren "Will Kill and blood Spill to get his Fill of the Thrill" Till

lol man buy this guy a new phone

Ex-UFC Champion Conor McGregor Destroys, Steals Fan's Cell Phone (The Co... youtu.be/sh-tD_mrd9U

too much too wordy

Tears are delicious

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You have to go back to roachland

No proof that the stats you've presented are official? No arguments against the official wording of the rules I've quoted? Good, then we agree that Khabib outgrappled Tibau in every single round.

Glad you've managed to see reason.

stop responding to abdul bros we are better than this.

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You're the roach now. Screaming about your superior white skin won't mean much when your death is easily stimulated by any Turk. You're just gonna look like a bitch

Is Rasmell Pepperoniton free money against Irene Aldana?

>Eduardo was a white guy!

How does he keep coming up with these gems?

Attached: 1520385839626.gif (263x200, 1.07M)

Everyone who isn't Subsaharan African(nigger) or East Asian(chink) is white

takes one to know one

you're a nigger at heart

theo von isn't funny

This is true, there are only three real races.

Indians and Pakis are white?

UFCstats.com is literally a UFC affiliate. They are the archive of every stat recorded fight in Zuffa. Do you have any proof these stats are fake or are your mudslime tears the only thing you have to offer?

>no arguments against the official wording
The official wording literally doesn’t say anything about your fake website. The OFFICIAL stats even support this because Khapedophile had ZERO control. Are you ever going to supply an argument against if there’s a split decision or the judges scored it for Tibau? Or you saying Cowboy pummeled Tony? I know you have nothing else on your hands, Farthan. You can answer these easily

Facts don’t care about your cope

No there's only one race - the human race (asians, whites, arabs, latinos, indians)
Niggers aren't human

Bros, what if Israel "I came in my pants during my debut" heems Whittaker? I have a really bad feeling about this fight

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Medically, yes.

Asians (some named Jamal)

That's it. Choose your destiny.

They're literally Aryan

>the official ufc stats are fake and this irrelevant website overrides the rules

Is it the Islam or Incest that causes this level coping stupidity?

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Cowboy merks him

is their a difference between incest and islam?

One incorporates beastiality and pedophilia as a tenant

I never screamed, im typing. And i never said i was white, cope.

>Death stimulated
Shut the fuck Up dumb cunt

the human race is all that matters bros

your country is weak, therefore you are weak. Turkey would fuck Spain up and any Turk would fuck you up. you are in fact the roach to the foot here, the nail to the hammer.

Lol i could see this playing out

I agree, imo whites, asians, arabs and latinos have to unite to destroy the jews and the negros

I have nothing against any culture. Judge a man solely by his character, that's what I always say.

Are you turkish

Nope, American.

Its spergOP.

Lmao good one

German is macedonian albanian. The worst kind.

If dat batty bwoy heem me man Whitaker, me gwon be sick to me stomach.

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Why do you hate Khabib so much?

Izzy winning would be good for the division. He's active, skilled, and exciting. Spare me your mandrama.

Bro, i was un istanbul on vacations recently, those niggas are laughable and so the conditions they live in, also creamed themselves at the sight of a White person, and begged all the time. Understandable giving their shit wages

Child, UFCstats uses fightmetric data which has nothing to do with official stats according to which the fight is actually scored.

If you actually go and compare the official stats from the UFC event page and fightmetric page, you will notice that the stats are different.

Official stats for UFC229:

Fightmetric stats for UFC 229:

If fightmetric stats are official, why are they different?

Also, you seem to fail to understand that the rules I've quoted are the direct quotes from the unified rules:

Accordidng to the unified rules, Tibau never scored a takedown and pressing your opponent against the cage is part of effective grappling.

Your stats are worthless unofficial garbage. Cope.

You got the wrong guy. I really enjoy watching Khabib and think there's a very good chance he goes 30/31-0.

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They'd still lay you out though hombre

Khabib loses his next nine fights, then battles BJ Penn.

Could you guys cool it with the rascism?

Turks are cans, there's no way they beat a mexican

Idk bro I got the oil wrestler vs the Spaniard with no ground game

A thinking american, finally
Why are your countrymen so dumb? Is It because only 56% of you are white?

Moorish conquest lol

You really shouldn't talk about 56% i've seen some of you kind immigrate up here (i'm guessing to clean toilets) and you guys look odd.

racism in 2019 is the real brainlet move

He was hospitalized when his kidneys gave out after cutting weight for Tony

let the manlet make the thread.

Yes, he was. That was before he had a professional nutritionist. Now he has made weight 3 times in a row and will continue to make weight under professional supervision.


y nuevo

and new

I never said anything racist.


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snow, is that you?


holy shit heem is flushed

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