imagine watching a sport other than the big 4 lol
Imagine watching a sport other than the big 4 lol
>not watching golf
>not watching collegiate and olympic wrestling
never ever ever ever gonna make it and neither are your kids
Brave spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds
>Big 4
>More commercial breaks than actual gameplay
Americans are disgusting
just talk to your friends or gf bro...oh wait...
Americans that watch soccer are reddit and you can not argue against this.
Breaks are time for socializing
What's it like to be into baseball? I don't mean 'what's the sport like', I mean what's the experience of being a fan like? I just seems culturally irrelevant from my consumption of American media, but yet it has 10 billion dollar revenue.
What is it like, how does one engage with baseball? is it comfy?
95% of shitflinging is started by annoying euros... makes me think..
Basketball culture is literally niggers
Baseball is comfy ultra
I feel like the next generation of Americans won’t even know what NHL stands for
i'm gonna say it
'ate communists
'ate soccer
'ate the liberal media
'ate Clinton
'ate Kaepernik
luv football
luv trucks
luv guns
luv da troops
luv da US of A
simple as lads
how can you watch hockey when you can't even see the puck
Handegg is just disgusting to watch.
>big 4
Football, American Football, Basketball and Tennis.
>What's it like to be into baseball?
Are you into cricket?
Both sports have similar rhythms and feel, with nuances that can really only be appreciated if you've played or dive deep into the stats, like learning batter/pitcher-bowling tendencies so you can follow along through an at-bat/innings to see how either is trying to outwit each other.
Baseball and hockey right now. The NBA has completely lost it with their obsession with twitter drama and marketing to zoomers. Rule changes have also ruined the sport, turning the sport too 3 pointer centric. 3 pointer should be a homerun play, relatively rare. Not a shot you come down and wantonly chuck.
Goodellball has ruined the NFL.
seems like a good sport Tbh if its atmosphere wasn't so aggressively American I'd probably watch and enjoy it
The NBA is not making the players shoot better, what can you do when 3>2 and brilliant american minds couldn't figure this out 40 years ago?
uh oh
I don't watch cricket, but I can understand why baseball would be appealing from how you describe it. It's a bit lacking in action, how do children enjoy it?
>what can you do when 3>2 and brilliant american minds couldn't figure this out 40 years ago?
3 pointers were hard once. When first introduced, the league shot .280 on only like 2 attempts per game.
Yes, we can't "punish" players for just getting good, but when athletes catch up to a sport's rules or dimensions, those should be tweaked, like when George Mikan used to dominate in the days of narrow keys.
kids are smarter and more capable of focus than people give them credit for
over here most kids will be more than happy to sit down and watch five days of a cricket test match for example
I agree with you, they should just take the 3 point line and let the teams figure it out other ways to score/guard.
and getting snacks
even without the three pointer issue basketball is a fundamentally shit sport probably one of the worst in the world and the epitome of style over substance
What would you define as substance in sports?
I grew up in a little town south of the Kentucky border... things were simple. You tended the farm, raised the herd... and if anyone gave you shit? Son, you beat the fucker down. You were a man. And under that hot alabama sun you learned the values of christ, america, and manhood- the missisipi trio as my pop called it... may god bless his soul... And a man like me? Well when we weren’t out hunting or at the bar? We watched sport. None of that pussy european shit- real sport, arizona sport. I’d get back home... hang up my duster, cold beer, my girl cooking some fineeee BBQ... and id watch muscular, toned black men. Sometimes they’d collide into each other, sometimes bounce a ball... but they were always fine specimens. I’d watch those darkies sweat and toil for hours... and I’ll admit my loins stirred more than once... called it the texas rise, heh... and when I watched those guys play, my mind... wandered. I imagined them taking my girl... like animals- hoo boy did that get me goin! I remember, in the 12th ad break of the NFL playoffs powered by mcdonalds I’m loving it, right after the arbys presents: the danger kick! I noticed my missus watching those stallions on screen... stroking that pussy of hers. And I tell you what... without a word I drove her down the city, philidelphia- my home- and she made love to every nigger in sight. I milked my johnson more than ever that night. So when you pussy europeans talk about sport.... remember what REAL men play
>It's a bit lacking in action, how do children enjoy it?
It can sometimes be hard to get children engaged during the game (children always love to practice) if they're playing the outfield, since little kids (6-7 years old) lack the power to consistently hit the ball out there, even on child size fields, but hitting gets better as the kids get older, and even though playing the field looks to a spectator to be a passive action, you have to pay attention to everything, since lack of focus could mean a ball to the face, mistimed play, etc.
On the hitting side, you should be focusing on what the pitcher is doing even if you're not batting. In MLB dugouts, you'll sometimes see players with tablets no doubt looking at a scouting report, evaluating his last at bat against the pitcher, etc.
depth, strategy and complexity
think cricket and baseball as opposed to basketball
What did the rest of the world mean by this?
I fucking love this pasta.
what am I missing?
They're fucking poor as shit.
>NFL refs literally blow the whistle and tell 60,00 people in the stadium there's a mandatory time out for TV commercials
Heh... suck is Europoors
>Test Cricket
>ODI Cricket
>T20 Cricket
>errr indoor Cricket?
Absolutely based
>My favourite part of American football? Watching the absolute units clash at the line, of course.
offensive line play is patrician and the difference maker for championship teams desu
cringe. humor for low iq people.
Imagine liking motorsports but settling for Nascar.
College football
Pro football
International soccer
Club soccer
College basketball
In that order. Change my mind.
Basketball has the best athletes on earth but the game itself is mostly boring. There's no intrigue or drama until the final 5 minutes
how about mercedeswinslol?
yeah totally three pointers need to be two and a half to balance the meta
>Pro Football
>College Football
>International Soccer
>Top level club soccer
>College BBall
Power Gap
for round numbers:
ft = 2pts
fg = 4pts
3pm= 5pts
that would be aussie rules actually sweaty
fucking kek
football, rugby, cricket and tennis?
>used to mock American Football
>learn the rules, play Madden with a mate
>it's actually pretty enjoyable
That being said I haven't watched a match with adverts yet, it may put me off.
MLB is making home runs too common as well
>the big 4
Football, Rugby, Cricket and Curling?
Yeah, I wouldnt imagine watching hockey or handegg, or fucking BASEBALL.
You’re just ambiently intimidated by Americans?
who here like big tidfdys
Honestly, it isn't that bad if you're live or watching with friends.
I've gone to more MLS games this year than the other 4 combined.
Just like the rest of the world bud.
I watch the big four only (cricket, aussie rules, rugby league, rugby union)
Fucking based
Aussie rules mate. a sport literally invented to keep cricket players here fit during the winter. Cricket in summer, aussie rules in winter. The two form a perfect symbiotic circle