Reminder that tomorrow this time Paris will be ours , cairo will be ours and we're secretly sending our troops to Egypt to Free Palestine

But the jews want to trick you into supporting Sniggeral

Attached: 545.jpg (418x463, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm on board with the foxes. Actually, declaring support for Algeria on behalf of all the people of the island of Ireland.

No one cares about this NIGGER festival.

would he be rooting for Algeria?

Attached: 57217E72-B3B5-416D-92B0-9E6AE792ADDC.jpg (220x331, 27K)


Yes No one gave a fuck about the Gold cup , which is good for you since you lost to fucking short Spics

based irish ally

Attached: dabgeria.png (264x191, 20K)


Attached: The ladgeria.png (1650x1513, 369K)

People who choose to root for Sneedgal are pic related

Attached: Tyrone Kun.png (883x547, 423K)

I support Algeria.

They legit thought some hairy ape from Egypt and pacy negro were better than BASED RIYAD "BENCHED ALL SEASON SCORES A GOAL AT 95' TO SEND NIGGERS HOME" MAHREZ

Attached: KEKE.png (488x387, 438K)

The Aryan Super Saiyan Mahrez > Any other n'gubu

Attached: mahsupersaiyan2.gif (340x360, 1.22M)

How can one country be so based

Attached: pepegeria 2.png (600x600, 169K)

>and we're secretly sending our troops to Egypt to Free Palestine
>Reveal his secret plans anyway


Digits and Senegal gets raped tomorrow

Attached: pepegeria.png (861x758, 73K)

Can u stop us at this point , you can't even stop some retards dispora celebrating a quater final win

heck you can't even stop a bunch of old ladies wearing yellow vests

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Are Algerians white?

Attached: lui.jpg (1280x720, 49K)

At least Whiter than European N'gubus

Attached: chads.png (376x637, 399K)

Fuck arabs

>tfw he never got to live to host an afcon in libya
Worst timeline desu

Attached: 19849854.jpg (220x301, 14K)

that guy looks Spanish


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There are many legends about the origins of the ring, particularly concerning Richard Joyce, a silversmith from Galway circa 1700, who is said to have invented the Claddagh design as we know it. Legend has it that Joyce was captured and enslaved by Algerian Corsairs around 1675 while on a passage to the West Indies; he was sold into slavery to a Moorish goldsmith who taught him the craft. King William III sent an ambassador to Algeria to demand the release of any and all British subjects who were enslaved in that country, which at the time would have included Richard Joyce. After fourteen years, Joyce was released and returned to Galway and brought along with him the ring he had fashioned while in captivity: what we've come to know as the Claddagh.

This, and I know one Algerian restaurateur here and he's a very nice man and good chef.

Attached: imageedit_17_4201783951_1_.jpg (450x450, 49K)

Oh wow that's pretty based , I'll read more on this

Doesn't matter we're Amazigh

Senegalese BVLL here
Tomorrow, I'm going to BLACK an Algerian beurette while watch the game
Sah quel plaisir!

Attached: 1545785057-cr7-miroir.png (680x510, 281K)


Algeria senegal
Represented in one picture

Attached: aeaea.png (592x604, 650K)

user you're rooting for the good guys aren't you ?

Attached: 543.png (550x539, 719K)

hope mahrez gets a career ending injury and watches his team lose from a hospital bed

Meh, I don't want my taxemoney to be used to heal this French citizen

> Thinks Mahrez is our best player

this is why you lost

that and relying on Ahmed Mussa who got stopped by our worst defender

Attached: 1553548882811.png (400x350, 238K)


No worries There won't be a France tomorrow
it's now "La principauté de Marseille"

Senegal had a chance of behaving like feral nigger on Gambia back in 2017 and they behaved like gentlemen.
You on the other side always chimp out for anything like welfare queens.

3-0 you lose.

Attached: 499854.jpg (800x600, 83K)

I hope both teams lose.

Hopefully Israel nukes Egypt

>Tfw senegalese people don’t have internet and the ones that do are probably too scared to enter this site

>Israel nuking one of the only three arab countries that recognize them

chukee ar laa

Based retard.

You think i will mistake your flag for Senegal? Nice try Cameranon

there's no country without internet based retard. people just have priorities and senegal is a french country, based retard

Reroll with mayan power

Algeria I need you to calm down you’re getting pretty aggressive

France deserves to be destroyed user, the entirety of Europe and North America actually, just like that we will be free of globalism and we will be able to develop our countries without caring about morals and human rights.

He did though

Attached: 303AA049-B296-4D59-ACBF-FA4EE930D35C.png (200x234, 73K)

>Honduras flag.
>Highest murder rate in the world (before fucking Brazil!)
> Tals about morale and human rights

God, I understand Trump when he wants to build a wall.
You are worst than the White Walkers

>nafris banter

He says morals and human rights are hindering his country's developement.

>we will be able to develop our countries without caring about morals and human rights.

Attached: honduras-capital-mundial-crimen-pais-clama-manifestacion-hijos-dios_1_1171415.png (650x330, 440K)

based and redpilled

>watching the nigger cup

Without caring.

The joke is they don't give a fuck about human right already. I would like to see the result without any restriction.

Probably a civil war in one week

Yes indeed, I am rooting for Senegal. How did you know?


Don't worry, your countrymen are doing a bang up job of destroying my country

>says this while most his national team is filled with niggers
Based retard

it's ok Robert i know that your wife's boyfriend will beat you if you don't support them

Anyone got a streaming link for the final???

for me it's Senegal


Qu'allah foudroit les algeriens, dis wallah

they do sink american boats afterall

Can someone please post an Acestream link?


why the fuck would i go to a brit thread when this based algerian made one? fuck off

No cards allowed


I used to Play Algeria in PES there was this little bald man as winger who was goat. Cant remember his name

1 famine wasnt enough


cringe and fitnapilled

Go Senegal



Seething gypsy containement area

Only 1.5 million watched the match here, even the people of algerian origin don't give a fuck of this cup

Attached: 1.png (705x427, 57K)

What are you trying to tell yourself.
Its football you watch it together and the number of spectators in the stats actually refers to the number of devices.
One device gathers 4 people on average in such matches.
Safely multiply that number by 4.
What is your problem, jealousy.

Anyway, Its coming home. B)

Attached: champs.png (815x597, 802K)

>One device gathers 4 people on average in such matches

wow we were 95 millions to watch france croatia last year for a 65 million country that's pretty good

Cool lol
Numbers are trivial regarding how they are counted.
We Celebrate the loudest ;)

all i'm sayin your 4 dudes by tv is nonsense

Its not. When you said 90 for 60 you fucked it up further more.
They bring their numbers out of their ass.
TMC is not the only tv channel to broadcast the cup too.
Numbers mean nothing. They cant explain the epic celebrations you whine about :')
Your jealousy is pathetic too. We won the african cup of nation and you are trying to lie to yourself and spread lies that no one cares about. Are you a woman????

Is that a dubbed version of the original ninja warrior or some shit locally made one like they've done here

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No, it counts the people, not the device. actually to know the amount of spectators they use "polls", 1000 families from all backgrounds are given a device and they have to tell what they are watching and how many people are watching. the margin of error is generally 1 or 2% when 1000 peoples are polled

if you add the beinsport viewership you can probably reach 2 millions and that's roughly 33% of their population in france is the numbers are correct, such percentage is similar to the big games for France desu