I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe

Attached: Pato_MG25010.jpg (1619x1080, 199K)

but he is white


please buy him back

He was never that good and he's way worse now, he lost two really easy goals on the last choque rei

Pato was never good and you know it

his goal against barca was one the best displays of pure athleticism

His turn of pace in that sequence was unreal, just fucking blew past barcas defense

it was like a fuck you to barca's complicated play and went route one to show how simple it can be.

literally why
he never did shit aside from some meme passes in like two games, ten years ago

it's a universal term of endearment at this point. just have to be careful with it.

>not a duck

>not a goose

Attached: pato e ganso.jpg (930x450, 73K)

I like how teams that he plays for goes to shit. Cursed player.

>le kick and run man

What ever happened to him? Did he go to shit before or after his first major injury?

And you are a nigger

He was always shit, just like Oscar

Not an anus

will never forget that goal against barcelona in like 20 seconds

He grew alot in a really short time,this probably fucked up his knees or ankles.Than he got injuries and lost his athletic ability.

For me, it's Alex Duck