
HOU: Gerrit Cole records 11 strikeouts vs. Angels
BAL: Mancini swats two dingers in win over Nats
ARZ: Escobar blasts two homers, drives in five RBI
ARZ: Flores (foot) could be activated on Thursday
KC: Merrifield extends hit streak to 15 games
TEX: Santana clubs two bombs in loss to DBacks
CLE: Kluber (arm) to throw another bullpen Sunday
CLE: Clevinger fans 12, allows one run in win
ARZ: Dyson removed Wednesday with hamstring cramp
HOU: Hinch: Alvarez still bothered by knee injury

since the other thread was nuked

Attached: phillywalkfix.jpg (409x480, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What happened to the other thread?

they custodians did it once again...for free.

Anyways philthies video I promised in the last thread is up, enjoy

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3rd for The Washington Baseball Eagles

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Literally who can stop us?

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Why does David Price keep saying stupid shit: deadspin.com/david-price-is-still-weirdly-hot-under-the-collar-about-1836469751

Based Price one of us

/hoc/ rules /mlb/

I honestly didn't know


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Morning, boys.

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Good morning dad

Good morning, dadre. I will always root for your team to do well.

I, personally, root for the Texas Rangers first and the Houston Astros second.

p-please have mercy

The rain

Thanks, user.

if baseball didnt exist do you think baseball nerds would analyze crime statistics instead?

Was it autism?

Attached: dims.jpg (530x245, 45K)

kek, this is great

Mests fans are absolutely OBSESSED with Paddack and Tatis. Feelsgoodman.jpg

DUDE, I saw the tweet from the Mets yesterday. Just a game going on in Miami between the Marlins and the Padres. You know, two teams no one should care about that you'd think isn't even on the radar of someone in big time NYC, and here comes Queens dabbing on Paddack giving up a no no in the 8th, because he lives rent free in their dome since they are still red-assed that he made Alonso look like an absolute scrub months ago. You hate to see it.

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>still over a week until the FIRST TIME THIS SEASON yankees play in fenway
this league is fucking stupid

Which players is this general obsessed with and why?

At this point I'm positive mets fans dont even watch their team, they just watch Alonso at bat and then go and watch tatis/paddack play to look for any errors. Meanwhile I just check alonsos stats every now and then and see him still not even batting above .300. You do indeed hate to see it

My schwarbies and my gallies :))

For me, it's the 2019 World Series Champion Los Angeles Dodgers.

Attached: Suzy_Dodgers_.jpg (530x765, 90K)

Eck is a bitch. Talked shit about Stromans actions on the mound like he totally forgot all the fingerguns he fired at struck out batters. Great pitcher, terrible personality

no it's the astros. this post is outdated

>beating the Yankees

Dont make me laugh kid

>beating the 2019 yankees
no that's acually doable. don't the yankees suck in the postseason now?

Attached: Cartarded.jpg (370x527, 114K)

>its actually doable

Why didnt the Astros do it then lmao

>Why didnt the Astros do it then lmao
Because all eyes were on them and they could no longer cheat

because the red sox did.

so any team that won the series in the last couple of seasons cheated? how did they cheat?

>mests fans are weebs as well

Lmao even fucking worse

>i need to point out hes a weeb because he posted a reaction image

pete>paddcuck anyway. shall be enjoying him seethe on tuesday

Attached: Nozomi.jpg (480x487, 37K)

Are you being serious right now?

yes now answer me otherwise your post means nothing and this is just a waste of my time

The Astros were caught using technology, fake passes, employees to steal signs. They were caught and the MLB just wanted to sweep it under the rug, but because they were in the limelight for it, it means they had to stop and they paid for it.


>doyerfags are still seething they lost a world series
shut the fuck up

Attached: NG.jpg (375x373, 48K)

Ok the astros somehow cheated. But did the red sox also cheat?

>it’s a cardinals hover around .500 all season and barely sneak into the playoffs at the 11th hour, look objectively like the worst team there on paper and proceed to cuck a number of objectively better teams en route to a title against a clearly superior AL opponent with a fanbase starved for success episode
Will it be against the Twins or Indians?

based and redbirdpilled


Oh is that why he went 0-4 against paddack as he owned the whole mets lineup lmao?

Against the twins. They owe the Cardinals a WS.

oh we shall see tuesday.

Attached: Smuk.jpg (1010x1200, 95K)

>twins make it to the ws
Not unless they fix their bullpen in a big fucking hurry

As a Methinals fag, I am far more assblasted at the Indians blowing a 3-1 lead and allowing the flubs to win a title than I am at the twins for denying us another ring 30 years ago

Who won that series too by the way? :^)

That's absolutely a possibility.
As high a count as AG let him pitch yesterday though, and the closer we get to his innings limit, who knows if he'll be pitching on Tuesday?

It is still curious why you're paying such attention to a random Padres rookie pitcher though.

do i care about some series in may? right here right now the mets are hot and the dads are floundering to the marlins also. i can care less if this team is hot trash, im enjoying this wild ride

its more we wanna go after dads fans just cos theyre bragging about their rookies and shit. I respect them, but pete has been incredible so far and is more than le big home run mang.

>its more we wanna go after dads fans just cos theyre bragging about their rookies and shit.

being Mets fans

>dads fans
being ones here or elsewhere?

>even further back out of the WC than the dads


check twitter its literally a shitfest between both after that game in may.

Attached: Yuno glasses.jpg (216x215, 17K)

wow you wanna brag about a game from may. thats even worse than us lol

You guys got a screenshot of this tweet

>the buffalo bills of los angeles

>wow you wanna brag about a game from may

Yes, the only game those two have actually faced off against each other. The only game we can actually compare the two since ones a fucking pitcher and the other is a batter. The game where both of them came in hot and had some shit talk going on. And paddack sat him down every single time. Yes I am indeed talking about that game

yeah, well you got tuesday until alonso fucks paddock 6 ways from sunday

Should I screenshot all the mests fans screeching or just one?


should I screenshot dads fans yelling at alonso also? :^)

Literally said this shit back in may m8 :^)

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wojakposting is NG

The 5 dads fans vs the 100 autistic mets fans? :^)


Sorry dont speak reddit

Dude, Twitter is a different animal. In that case it isn't bragging as much as going to bat for your player.
Pete Alonso being in the conversation for RotY makes it self-evident that he is great.
Paddack disagreed, and took him to the shed. There is no shame in that. When he is on, he is on. I remember Alonso being pissed in the Post Game, and the next day he was a different player.
So when you say "we shall see" you're absolutely fucking right. We shall. What I don't get is, what I described earlier:
>Just a game going on in Miami between the Marlins and the Padres. You know, two teams no one should care about that you'd think isn't even on the radar of someone in big time NYC, and here comes Queens dabbing on Paddack giving up a no no in the 8th.
Admittedly, I know Padres Twitter, and I enjoy a lot of it, but I'll admit that I'm not a fan of unnecessary, stupid shittalking. With that said, 95% of Dads Twitter is embracing and defending the comments of the Dads. Personally I operate from a standpoint of embracing reality over the fantastic. So when Dads fans are talking about the Dads making it to the Series in April, I want to slap them across their face, because thats fucking dumb, and not based on anything empirical. As such, when Paddack said he thought he should have got Rookie of the Month, he went out and backed it up from the mound. Based on the interaction between the two of them during that game, I don't feel it is an inaccurate statement to say that the point that day went to Paddack. Should Alonso light him the next time they face one another, I might not happily do so, but I will also say the point goes to him, and after that, we'd have a decent rivalry between them we might get to watch for years to come. But doing because of a bad outcome of one game in May, just feels like punching down, especially with the constant dismissal of everything in every market that isn't NY. I don't like the dismissal, but be consistent, NY.

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>batting average being important in the year 2019

don't worry, we also have the major league batting average leader if it still is

No you dont unless you're a yankee fan? And if you're talking about rookies you still dont lmao. OPS and OBP matter though right? Tatis is higher in both lmao

>mests fans talking like they arent super obsessed
>their own regional media does this

Fucking top kek. Living absolutely rent free

Man you're stupid
Jeff McNeil is leading the major in batting average

both sides are doing it.

Attached: Come on.jpg (338x305, 34K)

I dont think San Diego media is obsessed with Alonso like New Jersey is obsessed with paddack. But yes both sides are doing it

Literally fucking who? Is he a rookie? Hows he relevant to the discussion

I would legitimately like to know what makes you feel this way.
Like, as a Dads fan, all we've been talking about is the almost no no yesterday, Tatis coming out of the All Star in lukewarm fashion, which the team had also done before yesterday, and if/when AJ is going to trade Kirby Yates. The last we talked about the Mets were when they were being nationally laughed at for the Manager/GM situation, and whether or not we'd want to trade for Thor. As for Alonso, there was discussion about him within the context of the Derby I think, but besides that, there was the May game, it was fun for us, and we moved on, because the team has cooled from where it was since then, and we're more concerned about our own team's shortcomings over dunking on another one.

>I dont think San Diego media is obsessed with Alonso
As someone who starts each weekday with a radio show on the Padres radio network, that is co hosted by the sports anchor of the ABC local news broadcast, I can confirm this is an accurate statement.

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tb v nyy gamethread (doubleheader)

>expecting new Yorkers to be humble

That's where you goofed lad

no thanks x2

im actually humble because i dont get too cocky. I'll enjoy this, but at the end of the day both teams have two amazing players. Its stupid to have this battle, but let it happen anyway. maybe there will be a dads mets NLCS and it elevates it

Attached: Shrug.png (256x256, 114K)

Holy shit lel

Based uninterested user

On the contrary dude.
I literally said:
especially with the constant dismissal of everything in every market that isn't NY. I don't like the dismissal, but be consistent, NY.
We're talking about a Southern raised rookie pitcher, playing for a team that lives in the shadow of LA. If there is anything I would expect NY's ego to make it blind to, it's Chris Paddack.
>Oh he shut down Alonso? Shame nobody saw it, since no one cares about SD.
That's what I expect, because that's what we get from LA for EVERYTHING, and no one "Out-LA's" LA but New York. And yet, that's not what we've gotten. It's surprising and confusing more than anything.

doesn't get anymore based that this

baste i'll be watching this...

Ladies and Gentlemen, how do we fix the Chicago White Sox?

*shhh* guys, my yankees are on :)

astros desu

Who cares, *my * Yankees are playing.

jake arrieta lol

330 million lol

my jankees

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Alonsie make ya seeth?

get off the phone

kys faggot

phone postie scum!

Is there a more chad combination than being a Padre/Yankee fan?

Let's go astros

The Metsdians broship


Blow it all up and try again.

>being a Padre/Yankee fan
Since when?

hm, gimme some time

Marlins? more like Winlins

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This is so me. I only like the Padres because Machaddy tho. I wish he was on my Yankees :(

another delay?
maybe even another postpone for a doubleheader day


I'm a Padres fan that roots for the yankees on the side to even out the Padres' 0 ring situation.

>get one chance to live
>Be born a phillies fan

>get one chance to philthy
>kek philthy

>I'm a Padres fan that roots for the yankees on the side to even out the Padres' 0 ring situation, which the Yankees helped continue
I mean, come on user. It's just gross.

I f you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

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Bring on the fucking trades, my team needs more talent

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>rooting for the team that beat the Pads in '98

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Hopefully the MLB learns that making games more accessible to fans will increase the sport's popularity and make them more money.

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Does any playoff contending team have better trade pieces than the Dodgers?

time to blow up the dodgers

Are you retarded? How do you not know who Jeff McNeil is

Using YouTube as a platform is so much better than all the terrible Facebook games from last year at least

oh the dodgers lost? wtf KEK go astros

Big Hit Harper got the job done again. Absolutely dominant with runners in scoring position, and absolutely clutch as fuck. Both of these are officially impossible to dispute

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lol dodgers managed to choke? KEK go stros


Why are the Marlins so bad I feel like they have some good pieces to be a .500 team

since bauer is pitching for the injuns tonight, he's probably not getting traded

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not gonna lie mlb on youtube is alright.......

oh yu mad?

Attached: yu mad2.png (292x222, 85K)

>the first series that the Phillies didn't lose in over a month (not counting the Mets)
Jesus Christ, get your shit together.

gg doydoys

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It's against a bad team so he'll probably give up 10 runs

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he's right

My man.


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woah guis a team swept the white sox

relocation to utah when?

Yes, not being a fan of either of those faggot teams

Not just any team.... the best team in baseball!

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based cubyals.

Based sweepyals

in 2014 sure

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cringeyals suck big dick

>white sucks


cubyals yay

Attached: Cubyals (2).png (645x800, 83K)

I think the thing with Paddack is more because Mets fans had absolutely no idea who he was and then the team goes into San Diego and Paddack, unsolicited, starts chirping to the media about "being rookie of the year, not rookie of the month" after Alonso was named rookie of the month.

The Mets are an absolute trainwreck. They make the Phillies look like the Yankees

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hey momiji phillies poster, how about those closer issues eh?

Neris vs the Dodgers has always been bad.


Should the Phillies try to reacquire Ken Giles?

I'm saying I'm not too concerned. Starting pitching unable to go over 5 innings is a bigger issue

>starts chirping to the media about "being rookie of the year, not rookie of the month"
No need to editorialize, user.
>Paddack opened the series between the Padres and Mets by sparking controversy. He told reporters on Sunday night he was looking forward to pitching to Alonso in a statement that was confident, while maybe bordering on cocky, depending on who you ask:

“He’s a great player, no doubt. Does he deserve (the Rookie of the Month award)? Absolutely. But I’m coming for him. We’ll see Monday who the top dog is. That’s something I’m looking forward to, for sure. And I’m not saying that in a cocky way. I’m saying that because I know what I want, just like I’m sure he knows what he wants. It’ll be a fun little matchup.”


Unsolicited chirping, just like I said.

wow wtf I hate chris paddock now

>Dietrich removed from line up (knee)
You can thank Yu now.

Attached: Darvish makes Dietrich earn his base (Reds Version).webm (724x408, 2.16M)

>he made this whole video only to watch the phillies split with the best team in the majors
lmaoing at you

Phillies are based

You now remember Ed Delahanty.

Attached: ed_delahanty.jpg (350x525, 69K)

Based philly owns ya


uh oh here comes the douchebags!

my brewies have some of the best players (Yelich, Grandal, Moose, soon Hiura) but our pitching is legit one of the worst in the league. makes me sad and everyone predicted this would happen.

yeah, detroit has seen him a lot lately too. 3rd time in 2-3 weeks.

Attached: la-1550175267-4whcxhkcig-snap-image.jpg (800x450, 51K)

So he's just sitting there, reporters walk up to him, and completely out of the blue, Paddack opens his mouth, and begins speaking to the press with:
>He’s a great player, no doubt.
See where I'm sitting, and as my recollection recalls, he commented on an IG story announcing Alonso's reception of RotM. A thing countless people and athletes of his age do. However, it was that posting which caught the presses attention, which led to them asking him about his thoughts on Alonso, which makes his response make more sense, and also makes those comments solicited. Also, I can't remember the last time calling a guy a great player who deserves an award he received, but letting him know that you're bringing his best against him "chirping."

Are the dodgers, dare I say it, shit?

go jints

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Based and orange n blackpilled

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can't spell cringe without mlb

>marlins man bringing his tired, faggot act to a Yankee game

The high point of the Indians franchise was kicking that faggot out of the ballpark

LOL, GET FUCKED DOYERS!! The Doyers are winless in the youtube era while the Phillies are undefeated.

Attached: sdfsdf.jpg (800x450, 595K)

Spits douchebag kek spits scumbag

>youtube era

t. Doyerspic

Which players do you consider comfy and why?

Whoa that paddack guy sounds like a chad

>Strasbourg already at 25 pitches

>le get shook by humidity man

bauer bytes is legit comfy af, especially the arrenado and clev episodes



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What a gay ass video. Bet you feel like an idiot now that we went 2-2 against the best team in baseball over the last 4 games.

We are on the way up and that's a fact


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Reminder that getting swept in a series, tying the second series and going 2-5 on the season against the Dodgers is like winning the world series for philthie fans.

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My dick on the late night tv, yo dick got the hiv


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You don't know how winning a world series feels like

this fucker has no remorse

Do NOT reapond to Ph*lly fans

how does it feel the Giants won 3 world series this century when you are about to lose 3?

Oh fuck you

>dodges wins


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>twins finally DFA'd Magill
About damn time



Attached: barves.png (492x492, 49K)

Phillies are an international team, you retard, Of course they have international fans supporting them.

Dodgers are a budget NY Yankees more known for having earthquakes during games than by playing winning baseball

You were saying?

Tloses fans actually exist...? Ummm interesting...

portugal you chose a shit team to like

DC is more humid than Atlanta, senpai.

yes, twins fans exist user, just like white sox fans

Attached: triangles.gif (280x210, 865K)

We are on the way up, lad.
Plus we have Bryce locked up for 13 years.

it shows he's not a bandwagoner

A shit country rooting for a shit mlb team. Sounds about right.

>13 years
oof ouch yikes

>he thinks that's a good thing

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Attached: barfs.jpg (600x506, 51K)

The only thing phillies have internationally is the most losses in franchise history

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Twins in the spring and summer
Vikings in the fall and winter
Yes I'm very resigned to the suffering

no mild?

o fuck ya

>le Bryce Harper is bad meme


Sorry I fucked up. I crunched the numbers but they were uncrunchable

Never ever been a fan of hockey. It just doesn't connect for me.

He's not a bad player but the Phils over paid which will hamstring the franchise for the next 5-8 years.

he is overrated shit

Looks like portugal is /mlb/'s new running joke.

Yeah, you kinda need to not be a fag to watch hockey

Sometimes I feel the Lillie Portuguese roach is more obnoxious than the Iggles Turk roach

The Phillies have money.

I want to make a joke at your expense, but you have a portugal flag and I can't do better than that


t. alberto barbosa

Attached: T_alberto_barbosa__737cd367a5474ddfa3ca272b30c0d3b9.jpg (600x584, 40K)

We have money

Not anymore.

I just filtered turkey honestly. and brazil. Yea Forums instantly becomes so much better the instant you filter them


Guys dont be mean to Portugal, he's just a Phillies fan that's all

Attached: bryce3.gif (360x420, 108K)

>being able to filter the sperg weeboo brazilian nip baseball guy.
How do I create such wonderful magic?

another QS, 8ks for bauer. he's only at 100 pitches though so maybe 1-2 more Ks in the 7th.

Attached: pitchcountsareforfags.jpg (4724x2631, 832K)

theres a magical thing called 4chanX. use it, and you can filter all the trash you want

Attached: bocci_4.png (150x140, 6K)

O i respect ya!

Strasburg 3 for 3
5 RBIs


>Strasburg 3 for 3, HR 5 RBI's

Kill me please, we need a good pitcher ASAP. Give me MadBum.

>ATL pitching

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tommy edman is my n*gga

nats friends are probably my favorite posters. Pleasant for the most part. Really hope we get a Nationals / Dodgers NLDS

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The Phillies have at least won a world series in the lifetime of most people that post here.


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tried watching that game today, gave up after like 3 min in. the crowd was absolutely silent, the color commentator wasn't talking, even the stadium wasn't playing organ/music. really odd for a summer game

Unlike Los Angeles, the Phillies have won a series within the last 30 years

>"bro i know you wanted that last out, but i have these massive joints for tonight when we chill"

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this fucker is relentless

topkek user good work

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Tell me about cimber
Why is his windup so gay?

we're going to win #28 niggas and there's nothing you can do about it

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but what if my team won a world series against your team? in the world series


astros desu

the NL wild card will be determined in the final week

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gee thanks for fixing the astros anaheim you useless shits

no shit, dumbass


who ever wins the world series wins the series and the season

live laugh >mest

yeah Im thinking theyre back

Attached: baseballbird.jpg (600x437, 44K)

why do the phillies do this to me
cant they just win a series against a team that isnt the mest? theyre giving me hope by beating the dodgies enough but i dont trust them

They didnt win the series tho

the based shitty NL will have an awesome WC and offer up the dodgers as our 3rd team in history to lose 3 WS in a row.

we need to cards to beat the cubs in the division otherwise if the cards make the WC slot they'll beat the dodgers in the DS and while we will get more ENTRIES they won't be WS ENTRIES : /

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can you delete this comic? it's really offensive because the guy who got charged with vomitting was a troubled young man who died a couple years ago


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tloses kek

beating the dodgies twice, i meant. i know they didnt win the series

Good game, Braves. Stay mad, Mets.

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oh goodness

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>Charlie Culberson is Atlanta’s best reliever

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B-b-but muh dead player meme magic
Muh combined no hitter

dumb astros nigger not knowing his collapse is inevitable

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Retard alert

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Will it be revealed that Skaggs committed or overdosed with drugs.

I think suicide is unlikely
Drugs seems the obvious thing, but there have been cases of young guys just straight up dying. Wasn't there a soccer player whose heart stopped while he was playing?

retarded motherfucker !


Attached: my yanks..gif (640x360, 2.98M)

Dear Anthopoulos, this internal option shit isn’t working and is likely a few seasons away from working, make a fucking trade


Attached: yanks.gif (512x288, 3.02M)

It's weird they said they're not releasing the cause of death until October.

Darryl Kile died from severe heart blockage at 33 and he was in decent shape with no evidence of drug abuse.

Ian Anderson is probably the only farm system arm that should be untouchable

Can someone redpill me on Bauer. Is he based or not

he's based


Will he continue being based if/when he joins my New York Yankees?!

Whatever happened to those memeiner ""fans"" that were always here....

this 2bh

Uhh.. who?

apologize to Bryce and Bauer

Attached: B182A113-38A5-4500-82A5-224A670DF12F.gif (1100x450, 432K)

Yes. Him and Didi are already very good pals.

It's all about the Yankdres broship!

filtering this gay shit anyway

only one of these is based

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nah fuck the doyers

t. hunter strickland


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Yankees/Padres, stupid

Mmm... throw some ribs on the grill...

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ay my bad dawg


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*is already a bust






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They have such a large lead in the division there's no pressure to make a trade before the options are more clear. With the bunch up in the NL wild card, there are a lot of half-in teams and maybe some options fans/media haven't picked up on.

Tell me about the one called Recker.

watching above me

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guarding below

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my yanks dabbed on the montreal bay gays today.

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Astros win

>losing to the royals


this is my gif!

Attached: 1557285001642.gif (300x259, 1.43M)

Royals fan?

Dabbing on your ewww team!!!!

madbum is giving out spankies!!!!!


Let me stop you right there... Listed

Attached: clousau.png (184x250, 83K)

speak english you retard

fuck off larper you wont do shit you fucking pussy kys


how tf is pete alonso so bald already at like 20 years old


This team sucks. Fire Mozeliak already.

I made this for smartasses like you. It will be fun exposing you for the shitposting scum you are. Enjoy your stay on the list. Remember it's a one way ticket, and you won't be there long. I promise.

Attached: listed.png (800x498, 228K)


much respect to ya inspector!!!

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These posties are getting under my skin

Very nice work user! Mind if I save this?

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anything to help protect and serve inspector~~!

Attached: seed.jpg (801x318, 80K)


what does this mean?

gib kirby yates pls

You now remember Steve Carlton.

Attached: steve_carlton.jpg (653x994, 112K)


surely you jest

no, but i do detest

This is crazy

they should give it a rest

gib will smith pls

gob woll smoth pls

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Sounds like another free beer

Thanks for this post, I oldfag'd

make me a sandwich

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do you believe in meme magic?

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Okay mlb what’s the fewest number of pitches a pitcher can throw to get three outs?
>inb4 intentionally walk 2 batters then get a triple play


so I have to do THAT for a free beer?

3 ibb 3 pickoff 0 pitches

0, intentional walk and pickoff x3

I mean, if you're disallowing that theoretical option, a slightly more realistic one would be
>1st pitch groundout
>intentional walk
>1st pitch GIDP

Intentional walks, even though they no longer have to throw them are still considered 4 pitches on the book.


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he asked how many the pitcher had to throw, not how many pitches the dweeb keeping score records

>orange ducks

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B S G!

>Yu darvish might actually be good

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13th inning here

I wanna hear DICK DICK DICK across the stadium with a dickerson walkoff

Good memories of the 2016 NLWC from this mets and giants game.
>giants bullpen why couldn't you have just done your job and we would still have the ottoman memes

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the post that started it all

>we still in extras
I just want a win damnit

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>Busted Posey
>Golden Sombrero
LOL Gnats

Belli owns ya!

Attached: M V P .png (798x1181, 973K)

oh fuck ya
then cuck ya
put him in a choke hold
make sure he's broke

I really wished they let Bum go beyond 9. I'm gonna be so pissed if he goes to the Barves, I can't fucking stand that organization

Attached: 2Q==.jpg (262x192, 10K)

better than the doyers or bankees

it's a fluke, if he gets in a big game he'll tip em' and someone will call him a chinito an he'll be SHOOK

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he wont

Seriously though who is this obnoxious mets fan yelling to every player

True, and I think just optically it makes sense. I don't know much about the Braves but I think they're pretty stingy with trading away prospects
where do you think he goes

based belli!

Attached: gallieschwarbiebroship.png (1096x317, 563K)

Anthony Recker is a [insert here].

What about the Braves makes you seethe?

I hope not, that would suck. I want him to at least have a chance to redeem himself

Anyone else hope Todd Frazier gets cancer and dies? the guy is a piece of shit meme tto hitter and is known as a bad teammate(literally the only guys he gets along with in the clubhouse have an extra chromosome)

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>"Good Eyeeee Steeeeeeeve, I wanna go Hooooomeeee"

kys fat fuck

I'm giggling right now

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North Side dominance.
Also while this was going on, there was a fight on the concourse where a man in Bryant Jersey punched out a guy in a Giolito jersey, it marked the second time that day Bryant beat Giolito.

Attached: Cubs_beat_Giolito__White_Sox_6_3_as_figh_0_7485382_ver1.0_640_360.jpg (640x360, 20K)

It's the most enjoyable part of these extra innings desu senpai

horrible bad person you are, but i literally laughed out loud alone in my dorm, what does that make me?

>Justin Wilson in
RIP Mest chances of winning

Brian McCann Dansby & Donaldson are gatekeeping faggots. They're pretty slimy in their acquisition of islander players, but I don't think that their alone in that. Chip Caray is a pickle puffer. I don't mind Freeman Acuna or Albies though

a pure unadulterated psychopath

is there a video? post it pwease my white friend

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Only oldfag remember when AJ could still sick em

bro...I remember...i guess everyone falls victim to father time bro...

post the joker one please

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uh yeah uh
christian yelich a savage!
heretics be needin a bandage!
be out here with the laser!
cops best think twice before the taser!
yelich hittin balls fast as bullets
its best ya not be fullo'it
cause yelich watches fight night
while you just scared of heights

Attached: yelichcard.jpg (1400x1077, 117K)

He's been a snicker or two at the house here

Please show mercy

wtf that is...savage....

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There is literally one islander player on the Braves that was initially signed by them

>keith hernandez wondering out loud on the broadcast if his car is going to be locked in the parking garage


please don't hurt me

bajp hsn't been as driven since he hooked up with the dodger breakfast girl...i hate when the love of a female tempers a vicious and destructive man

just saying...dig a little deeper...through the looking glass...keep pulling the string..things are not what they seem...

You're getting warmer... keep following the clues

>they just talk about the birds
II can care less, its free baseball and its nearly 2AM. fucking meme shit

>Beede PH
This is madness

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just follow your intuition... we can solve this...

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This fucker needs to go 25 innings, I have tomorrow off and i wana see if i can stay up and keep drinking for the next 23 hours.

The Braves are just the team who took the fall for something every team was doing

>gelbs trying to feed the seagulls
even if the mets lose this is the best game all season lmao. meme shit


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Somehow this rando doesn't fill me with confidence

I already drank a 1/2 fifth of vodka, but I have another left and plenty of arnold palmer to mix it with, plus 18 of these fuckers(pic) i have league matches in r6 tomorrow night, so i dunno how my bros are gonna appreciate me showing up absolutely shitfuck drunk and tied.

>these fucking fans are great

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how often do giants fans get pooped on by seagulls?

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remember when reactionary ninnies were all worked into a seethe because they thought jeter and Manfred were giving stanton away essentially for free to help the Yankees

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if you were at this game by now your hangover would have started to set in


I want to see more Mascots do stuff like this, American ones are extremely mundane in comparison.

why don't you just go see professional dancers then? lol

it's not even funny how much better SNY is compared to the shitheads trying to call Giant games. I legit gave both a chance, even though over the last 5 years I've known SNY is top tier.

Attached: mets-660x400.jpg (660x400, 55K)

>mfw this game goes to the 20th and its 4am

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Keep in mind they stop selling beer in the 7th, this man is plastered

D.C. has that dreadful exhibitionist eagle that keeps frightening children

Fuck off weeb

Why can't there be professional dancers at a baseball game?

I'd say they're top 5 for sure.
that's what I meant about the hangover setting in

Bro you would love the ballet

Why did JD steal this man's socks

Even the Philly Phanatic lost

he's trying some reverse psychology lol, he's not a mets fan right?

wish this faggot behind home plate would shut the fuck up

this fucking heckler @ Mets v. Giants game is pissing me off

>Siiiick socks bro
>Can I get those on amazon?

100% he's a mest fan


>that guy on deck just taking practice swings like who-gives-a-shit


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the king has spoken!

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This fan isn't even drunk, unless he has some type of clubhouse membership where you keep getting booze, otherwise this poor fucker got cut off 7 innings ago...which is exactly why the 7th inning last call is one of the biggest loads off bullshit in baseball along with the posey rule and the new netting initiative.

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Based Hampie

posey looks toasted

Come on busted pussy, get a platinum sombrero.

oh gosh why didn't he run to 1st on that wild pitch ?! D:

>When your best friend is a mascot of a rival team who rescues you from your own cheerleader squad who turned on you.

i'll stop watching if that ever goes through

Time for more heckling
But first, stare at this Outback steak for the 100th time tonight

Or a mascot who fires T-shirt rounds at elderly grounds keepers.

>Giants broadcaster eating
its like they don't care anymore

I bet you wish it was an outback dick

>ywn have 10+ qts run after you for your klutzy mistake

mets broadcasters literally keep bringing up the seagulls. its kino




>I don't even think alonso even knows what a 2 strike swing is
>that 0 for 7 chant

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heckler bfto

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The most dangerous lead

Will the mest hang on?


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>Listening to the gnats announcers
What's wrong with you?


any team and fanbase that harbors busted pussy can get fucking aids and die.

>chant oh-for-seven with your literally who on the mound
fuckin a man, not like this
not like this

Kuip eats all the time, so does Miller

judge is better

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0-7, reminds me of your time on the white sox

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can judge bomb a ball in target field 474 feet?

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I'll railroad you harder than your worthless cocksucking faggot of a catcher.

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The best part about false flagging on BAJP is that he'll fall for it and play into it every time, this post has actual Giants fan endorsement

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how did that sucker punch turn out for barret? 2 batters later hit a grand slam and he lasted less than 2 years in the majors LOL

welp, mest are gonna lose now, time to go to bed


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BASED fucking Dickerson
Who the fuck is this guy again?

New thread

>want the giants to lose so they trade based Bumgarner to the yankees
>want the mest to lose to laugh at their fans