/heem/ - Conor "The Fraud" McGregor

>turns auschwitz-mode to make a weight class he has no business being in
>fights manlets in said weight class, beating them handily due to his size and reach advantage
>moves up to appropriate weight class
>beats the weakest 155 champ in UFC history to become champ x2
>loses to multiple 155lb fighters his size and gets ragdolled en-route to losing his belt
>complains that he is too small for 155 even though he still has reach advantage over everyone else in his weight class

Is Conor the biggest blue pill fraud in UFC history, Yea Forums?

Attached: conor.jpg (414x540, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


isn't that what the majority of ufc fighters do? even el cucuy cuts dramatically so he can still stay there, if he were in middle weight in which his body compo is supposed to be he'd do okay but he'd have a harder time

ufc is just bloated men knocking out people below their body compos but u do get even fights and thats when sparks happen sheeple just like to eat it up cuz they also like nfl n hotdogs

dude we've asked you so many times to please have sex and you just dont listen

So is McGregor ever fighting again?

This thread should be deleted and you should be stoned to death!

Oh wait, this isn't the middle east... carry on!

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Is there any gayer forced meme insult than this? I automatically assume anyone who posts this is a smelly heeb tranny on the verge of suicide

He's already fighting your mom in bed! :^)

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for me its heeem

what does heeem stand for?

what did jon jones mean with this facial expression???

Attached: Jon-Jones-Fiancée-Jessie-Moses-pic.jpg (500x500, 38K)

>marrying a crusty white women instead of a black kween

You forgot to add
>gets KO'd by a 40 year-old retired manlet of a boxer after talking mad shit

Substitute Khabib for Alvarez on that exact night and Conor makes him look even worse

for me it's the #momchamp

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At least Conor actually did eventually step up a division. It's faggots like Demetrious Johnson (who thankfully ended up getting BTFO anyway) who truly abuse the weight division system.

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God I'm just so horny and lonely

have a wank mate

No, the biggest fraud is Jon Jones. At least Conor moved up to the "appropriate" weight class. Jones knows he'll be heemed repeatedly at heavyweight so he bullies at LHW. Not to mention that he's a PED using crack head that literally fled the scene of a crime but is still welcomed back to the UFC by that cuck Dana.

Champ Shit Only

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>complains that he is too small for 155 even though he still has reach advantage over everyone else in his weight class


And thus, with a single based-beyond-belief post, the entire nation of Burgeristan was forever redeemed in the eyes of r/heem.

Reminder that DC called Jon Jones a racial slur so he is therefore based.

Literally can’t stop staring at his bulge

>who truly abuse the weight division system

He's like 5 feet tall. What division "should" he be in?

conor is 5'9 and he was making fun of guys 5'7 it was embarrassing

Why is there a new thread already? You're going to get us Jannied.

heem sleepy

UFC 240 is fucking horrible, they should move Colby/Robbie there to save that shit. Same as how Tony/Cowboy saved 238.

I don't understand this "McGregor cut to fight midgets" stuff. Featherweight and lightweight have the same average height, and the shorter fighter usually wins. Almost every champion is short for their weight class and has short reach:
FW, LW and WW are all basically the same it's just about how much muscle and iron you want to pump and whether you want to trade agility for strength. If you're between like 5'5" and 6'2" you can fight in any of those classes depending on what style you want to fight like. I consider those 3 classes to be like the "normal" classes for most 95% of men they're basically the "normal guy" classes where 95% of men can fight in and that's why they have the deepest divisions

This. I think blacks just do whites a favor by taking all the white women with shit tier genes.

Fuck Conor got, all that coke and whisky does a number on u I suppose

Bon Appetit!

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Fuck Adams. Fuck thots. Fuck fake news. WAR HARDY.

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this is the best move for conor right now

>goes down to 145 for one more run at the strap heems aldo then heems holloway and becomes the champion
>porier heems khabib and calls out conor for the rematch
>conor heems him again and becomes double champ again
>khabib cries for rematch but conor goes for nate then goes for paquiao or canelo at boxing, wins and everybody remembers him as one of the better fighters of all time
>khabib gets flushed by tony and goes back to his farm and probably commit a suicide bomb attack at some ufc fight night

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I hate those thot single mothers who's contantly running some drama about their babydaddy.
It's such a pussy move to promote that shit.

if a 5'8 dc can be the hw champ a 5ft midget can compete at welterweight

>goes down to 145 for one more run
If he could, he would. He can't, because he can't use the IV to rehydrate anymore and because he got older which makes the cut harder.

instead of fighting all the time by using racist cards here why don't you compare your Internet speed? Whoever has the fastest Internet he heems us all here

Huge fan of bangers here.

most ugly feet i ever seen

Here Everyone Enjoys Magomedsharipov

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lol I beat him down with one punch

>Unironically thinks reach is a disadvantage

44%er confirmed, you have to go back

Cant wait for this dude be ktfo. His gimmick is the corniest shit.

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hall heems this goof

UFCStats is the archive of the official UFC fight statistics. They were bought out by Zuffa. The UFC website is using unofficial statistics recorded in real time.

You literally still aren’t quoting ANYTHING that supports your bullshit lmao

>hating someone because their gimmick is being happy
this says a lot about you user

He already got KO'd in front of his wife by a kid.


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I love happiness. Infact I want you to be happy user. But I don't like forced emotions.

>"Myself, I don't want it, because I think I'm going to be worth every penny of what Conor is," Alvey said. "I just need to get that win streak going and run my mouth a little bit. With a union like that I just don't like it.
literal grug

What do people see in Yan? In his last fight he was actually getting pieced up every single round until he got a knockdown in comedic fashion during the last few seconds every single time

Got fight pass trial, now what

Imagine being this deluded

live and let live, brother

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Hot take: Getting manhandled is worse than getting knocked out.

Cringe narrative, he was only close to losing the first round


I only appreciate responses from relevant countries

I only appreciate posters who watch the actual fight and don't get their opinion from luke thomas

Tony dwarfs McGregor in both height and reach so that's not right

The US is the only relevant country, my man. Any and all /heem/ narratives go through me,.

I've never seen anything from Luke Thomas in my life, fuck off scuffed Colombia your boy is an exposed can and he'll never get the strap

Yea Forums

>The UFC website is using unofficial statistics recorded in real time.
>recorded in real time

In other words, the UFC website is using statistics that are actually used to score the fight and reach a decision.

Your stats are irrelevant unofficial garbage.

Tibau never scored a takedown:
>It shall be noted that a successful takedown is not merely a changing of position, but the establishment of an attack from the use of the takedown.

Pinning your opponent against the cage is part of effective grappling:
>achievement of advantageous positions that produce cumulative impact with the potential to contribute to the end of the match


I would really hate it if aspen ladd used her body weight to pin me down and have sex with me against my will haha

>Forgot to change his vpn

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>he was losing every round until he won every round

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Attached: Leon Edwards elbow..webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Cody was winning until he lost.

How come he sounds like a toddler

Shan't be responding to your nonsense any longer

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>citing statistics that don't score the story of the fight

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There are two lithcucks in this thread, Nigel

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but what are her soles like?

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Attached: Leon Edwards.webm (712x400, 2.97M)

The Wall = 23 yo birthday

Conor haters are extremely low T

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Current champions of the story:
Flyweight: irrelevant, no story here
Bantamweight: Yan
Featherweight: Hall, interim Zabit
Lightweight: Tony
Welterweight: RDA
Middlweight: Whittaker
Light Heavyweight: Santos, interim Walker
Heavyweight: Stipe

I was thinking about making a list of the lineal story Belt.

>Santos, interim Walker
santos with a walker

>using statistics that are actually used to score the fight and reach a decision
No, that’d be the judges JUDGMENT you absolute retard.

Tibau took Khabib down, as officially recorded, and established an attack of moving towards Khabibs back. Cope more, Farthan

Failing to suck Tibaus dick isn’t advantageous. This is you blatantly editorializing, Farthan

Facts feelings incest etc.


btw i invented the story belt.

*Solves MMA*

Box me, I kick you from range
Kick me, I take you down
Take me down, you get tapped

Attached: HALL_RYAN.png (500x325, 149K)

How does the UFC decide when they do and don't do ceremonial weigh ins on free cards? Last week's shit got a ceremonial weigh in but not this week?


Doesn't every card have a real weigh-in and a fake weigh-in?

Here is the only source of official stats:

The fact that fightmetric stats differ from the stats provided on the official site proves that they're unofficial, irrelevant garbage. Just like your opinion.


>Tibau took Khabib down
Prove it. Show me the official stats. The unified rules clearly state he didn't.

No, some cards do the faceoffs during the official weigh in like today.

Oi mate. i'm here to talk about mma.

in many ways

everyone from Birmingham speaks like they aren't a fully developed human being and usually it's because they aren't

Fighters that Dern has already beaten without even fighting them:
>Tecia Torres
>Everybody at flyweight other than valentina
There's probably more i can't remember.

Attached: DernJJ.png (945x533, 545K)

You're in the right place my man. Who's your favourite female fighter?

Tub of shit


Oi it's that bird Mackenzie Dern. She's proper fit.

Attached: DernFit.jpg (640x640, 86K)

You know rose would get smacked around by Dern. Don't even lie.

Attached: Dernfc3.png (599x511, 364K)

Attached: Leon Edwards Highlights.webm (1000x720, 2.93M)

Attached: Leon Edwards 4.59.webm (700x394, 2.92M)

I dont watch wmma I just know dern is a tub full of shit

Leon Edwards beat the shit out of cowboy

Attached: Leon Edwards rnc.webm (720x405, 2.54M)

Dern is the best looking female mixed martial artist

They literally archive the OFFICIAL stats you dumbass lmao, they are OWNED by the UFC, that website you just linked is where the UFCstats website redirects to in their policy page

The official stats do say so you turd, your inbred mudslime interpretation of the rules, much like your entire impact on life, do no matter

Cope, Farthan

Attached: Leon Edwards Cerrone.webm (800x450, 2.93M)


anyone taking picks?

Attached: Leon Edwards headkick.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

Wasn't Jones banging Holly? Didn't knew he had a wife

Attached: Leon Edwards takedown to rnc.webm (640x360, 2.94M)


really hoping he wins tomorrow

>be son of asian immigrant
>father is a black man who ran out on the family
>grow up poor in the hood being picked on by all races
>get job at local barber shop to help pay the bills
>some douchey ex mma fighter comes in for a haircut
>boss isnt in but he demands to be seen
>walk out and introduce yourself "Hi, Im Jamal"
>"Sir, I understand that it may be unusual to see an asian american with the name.."
>Schaub interrupts "HES FUCKING ASIAN" *laughs hysterically for 30 minutes* "THIS IS SO GOING IN MY STAND UP SPECIAL" *pulls out phone and messages every single person that i am asian
>*Try to cut his hair but he cant stop swinging his head around like a wheelchair bound kid and laughing under his breathe "hes fucking asian"
>finish haircut as best as i could with him moving around like a retard
>he tells me i did a "gooder job" and l leaves without tipping
>see him on showtime calling me shit and making a profit off of fabricating the story
>still live with single mom doing my best to help with bills
Fuck Schaub

Attached: 1563428465530m.jpg (1024x805, 115K)

>They literally archive the OFFICIAL stats
Is that why the stats they provide differ from the stats provided by the official site?


Official stats for UFC229:

Ufcstats for UFC 229:

Nobody cares about your fake stats. Cope.

Finally you post something worth of a reply


>scuffed [x]
what the fuck is up with this gay ass reddit term and why is it suddenly everywhere?

Who's next for the Ladd clan?

Attached: the hills have thighs (not good ones).jpg (799x799, 192K)

because he is black

Those are unofficial stats recorded in real time versus the official statskeeper for the company. Do you see differing stats for Khabib-Tibau? No theyre on the official statkeeping website

It's an arabic name. So it's technically an asian name. Plus asian muslims might use Jamal.

>the unofficial stats are on the official website, I s-swear
Breathe, little fella. You seem to be drowning in your own bullshit here, but it's OK, you'll learn to cope with the truth.

>no story
>henry saved the division and flushed the division above

Black people hate whities

Flyweight is staying. There are too many cans and flushed fighters and injuries and cards every week to get rid of it.

stop eating so much and get a hair forehead implant

>The alleged victim told police that she asked Trujillo to stop multiple times and blocked him. But seven months later, after she refreshed her social media accounts, he started sending more nude photos, and she went to the police.

>In an interview with an investigator from the Castle Rock Police Department, the alleged victim said she initially welcomed the exchanges with Trujillo and liked the attention because he was “a celebrity,” according to the affidavit. But she became uncomfortable after he started discussing sex and sending explicit messages, and she asked him multiple times to stop.

It would be good for the division, I need to see him batter Masvidal.

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Yes, as those are the ones recorded in real time. Why do you think the UFC owns UFCstats? Why do you think the only UFC website to have stats on Khabib-Tibau is there? Lol this unbelievable damage control. I also notice you gave up on arguing your autistic incoperetation of the rules. And the judges. And Khapedophile being a seizing cutbabby...

>because he was “a celebrity"

waterwedoan? guy could legally be with girls one year older in Colorado and he's futzing around with that nonsense

so do i

>the official site provides the unofficial stats, I s-swear!

Also, I never gave up anything, you simply provided no counter argument and your refusal to do so is accepted as concession. Glad you agree with me that Tibau never took Khabib down.

Also, it's hilarious how you make all these statements about ufcstats.com, yet provide precisely zero proof. Prove every single word.

masvidal is so afraid of him that he only wants to fight conor or usman

Attached: oispa.png (858x673, 895K)

>Puke Thomas
>Jackoff Slack

UFCstats is an official UFC website and the only UFC website to have Khabib-Tibau statkept. Why are you coping so hard?

>you simply provided no counter argument
Oh is that what you call saying that your fake website or autistic imagination doesn’t override reality? How cute, Farthan

When Maidana beat broner he said he would retire if he didn't get Mayweather.
It's how the big boys negotiate


why couldn't Khabib do this to Tibau?

You can literally go to their website and see their policies redirect to the UFC. It’s hilarious how you still can’t find an actual metric which substantiates any of your claims other than “well this is how I interpret it!!!” You literally give up on arguing any point when someone doesn’t concede to your goatfucking reality lmao

Masvidal isn't really afraid, he just doesn't want to lose yet another decision to a lesser known fighter. He picks his matches very carefully. This is his last chance to get a money fight.

So no proof on any of your statements about ufcstats? No proof that Tibau's attempts at taking Khabib down where scored as takedowns when the official unified rules state that:
>It shall be noted that a successful takedown is not merely a changing of position, but the establishment of an attack from the use of the takedown.

Even your very own fake stats you posted previously show Tibau having zero control time, meaning he never established a superior position to attack from, lmao.


My cock wants Masivdal vs corner.

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I don't need to go anywhere or prove anything. I have stats on the official site. I have the fact that they differ from the fake stats you post. That's all I need, it is your burden to prove that the fake stats you post are official and that the stats on the official site are unofficial.

Your fake stats are as worthless as your opinion. Cope.

>The UFC began using FightMetric as its official statistics keeper in 2008.

And if you actually went to the website, clicked the policy at the bottom of the page, it redirects you to the UFC website policy page. How hard is this for your brainlet ass to do?

>Even your very own fake stats you posted previously show Tibau having zero control time, meaning he never established a superior position to attack from, lmao.
Oh and what is this based on? Your god awful interpretation of human speak? Thanks again for confirming your autism is the only evidence you use, mudslime

Gleison Peebau

Masvidal is oversized and even then was nothing special at 155.

LMAO now you’re literally admitting to not even verifying your bullshit and caring about reality. I can’t link a redirect dumbass

You have yet to disprove that Fightmetric is fake and that the Khabib-Tibau stats are fake. Its yet again your worthless mudslime cope

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>talking.. bla bla logic. facts..
My cock doesn't care about those things.

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it's Kunitskaya bitchz

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Burden of proof is also the ultimate brainlet cope. All parties in an argument should have an onus of proving or disproving. Junior level philosophy, Farthan. If I had to guess why there’s a difference on the UFC website it’s probably the shitty glove trackers theyve been using


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>arguing for literally 6 hours about Tibau vs. Khabib
Y'all ain't ever gonna have sex

Where we're going we don't need sex

I actually went to both sites and compared the numbers and the comparison shows that the numbers differ, which is all I need to know. Fact is, ufcstats is a private company using its own methodology to count strikes, takedowns and so on. This methodology is different from the methodology used during the actual UFC events and is based on their interpretation of the unified rules. In the end, these stats are completely worthless, as they are not presented in real time to the viewers and are not used by the judges to carry out a decision. They're not even objectively more correct, as they are based on a subjective interpretation of the unifies rules, which is proven by sometimes dramatic differences in stats between the official stats and the Ufcstats.

TL;DR: the stats provided by ufcstats are no more valuable or correct than the ones provided by the official site, because they are based on a subjective interpretation of the ruleset by the company and are, effectively, worthless.


>Oh and what is this based on?
Based on the official quote from the unified rules:
>It shall be noted that a successful takedown is not merely a changing of position, but the establishment of an attack from the use of the takedown.

Prove that Tibau establised an attack from the use of the takedown.

Wolk is dat u fren

Kys you discord faggit

So which round does Gilbert Burns submit Khabib in?

Attached: khabib.webm (634x360, 1.48M)

>You have yet to disprove that Fightmetric is fake
Lmao, why should I try to disprove that fightmetric stats are fake when that's precisely the thing I'm saying.

Breathe, little fella, don't seethe too hard, it seems to be impacting your cognitive abilities.

>if I say bullshit and my opponent demands proof then it means he's a brainlet

Tibau never took Khabib down. Your stats are fake, worthless garbage. Cope.

That sounds like a yes bb

In many ways it was the fans who won Khabib vs Tibau

The fans actually lost that one, it was a shit fight and I'm saying this as a Khabib fan.

“All ‘Bout Attitude” Champ Shit Only #AndStill

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*is black*

Attached: 1502572932314.png (322x458, 282K)

*blocks your path*

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>when Fight Night has stacked cards and UFC 240 is dog shit awful.

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based digits

Wolki pls respond. R u doing ok ?

>Dern will never be your muse

Attached: Dernmuse.png (898x448, 365K)

what a waste

Khabib Nigger Bernie Madoff

I couldn't do spinning kicks, I'd be too scared to hit my opponents dick

What a waste some she-boon mutt

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thats why you wear cups you kraut faggot

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I offer you this: khabib is unbeatable

Al beat him. Poirier is better than Al.
Khabib is getting knocked out

Hammerhead will smash and pound and grind this retard into a fleshy pink pulp until all his insides are on his outsides come Saturday. Screenshot this post.

>caconor cacagregor

>so shook he stutters through text

do the one with the tongue sticking out


Attached: image.jpg (1000x667, 118K)


Attached: 1Hx9XT[1].png (445x447, 493K)

sorry sweaty, he's not the real champ

you read my mind. but i wont do it.

>peru, but with a fucking leaf


do this one then

Attached: hungry goobs.png (299x301, 49K)


no do this one

Attached: B599917F306.jpg (750x877, 171K)

B-but he won the happy meal belt from Kevin Pee!

some aren't that good.

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wtf grandpa what are u doing here?Are u perv too?

Rent free.

Attached: UmLRDN[1].png (444x444, 382K)

Everybody cuts weight but no one has a weight advantage. It's a level playing field

rent paid

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>30 conquistadors vs 250000 trained warriors
>you'd be suprised

Name one good Paulo Costa win.

The data indicates it is, it's not an opinion that you can "think" about, it's a matter of fact vs denial.


Attached: danaherart.png (1109x471, 724K)


All of them

He ko'd the guy who ko'd Mousasi

why does shookbender never post pics with women?

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DC isn't 5'8" he's like 5'9" or 5'10"

t. seething manlet

he's noticably shorter than Khabib

do you have a non potato version of that?


can we discuss mma for once?

Et tu, Jamal?

Attached: qU1Ebm[1].png (442x443, 355K)

sure... so aspen ladds mom never smiles in her pics, thawts?

Attached: 64819627_153217115802486_1234419736675734666_n.jpg (640x640, 106K)

Because his girlfriend is white and he's worried about losing black fans because of it.

back to sherdog.
Who has the warmest, wettest, snuggest pussy in MMA?

Attached: aiportraits_1563569630.jpg (512x512, 13K)

really? I honestly thought he was a homo

Since all her kids are white I can only deduce that she's lacking a BBC (Big Brown Cock) in her snatch everyday, I gladly offer myself as a volunteer in order to make her smile of pleasure and then cum on her forehead

favorite local organization?

I found out a while ago archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/92093978/#92103924

She was there live when he won the belt but he wouldn't let her into the octagon just his sisters.

so drive up to pioneer, cali and drop off that lumber javier

5'9-3/4" MAX.

Why would increasing DC's height make me a manlet? Wouldn't a manlet want the heavyweight champ to be as short as possible, as undeniable proof that short men can be dominant heavyweight champions?
No he's not, he's like an inch shorter which would make him 5'9"
Yea this


You need to dig deeper

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fuck colby

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Conceive believe achieve

Rafael dos Anjos vs. Leon Edwards
Aleksei Oleinik vs. Walt Harris
Greg Hardy vs. Juan Adams
James Vick vs. Dan Hooker
Alexander Hernandez vs. Francisco Trinaldo
Andrei Arlovski vs. Ben Rothwell

Attached: espn4.jpg (3000x3000, 1.06M)

Attached: aiportraits_1563570270.jpg (512x512, 19K)

honestly cute af w a kiwi accent i bet too

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I wish I was in the UFC I would call him out for this. They all hate us, mock us non stop say we're all racist and then can't stay away.

Attached: secret girlfriend.webm (480x270, 1.47M)

That'd be waterson fer sure b

Combate Extremo was pretty kino, did it got dissolved?
Cali is a slum and I cant wait for an earthquake to open the San Andreas crack and engulf it totally

Monkey Adams

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then again to be fair DC could be slouching but yeah clearly shorter than Khabib and Islam who are both listed as 5'10"

I'm fucking crossing my fingers dipshit Bisping isn't commentary this weekend

i think it's Kanna. Look into it..

Attached: Kannasidol_d.png (914x517, 644K)

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he took it off according to his podcast

dos Anjos

Attached: misa5.jpg (1080x720, 61K)

based israel making white betas seethe

lol Hernandez got tits and a turtle shell for abs. unbelievable

They're wearing shoes ya dolt

why is khabib ducking lhw?

I have photo proof that DC is 5'9.5 or 5'9-3/4". I proved it months back.

One of the cutest coalburners I've seen. A real shame.

Not really because another Black man of power choosing a get out situation over black girls will make Twitter furious. They're really going to go on about a lack of melanin now.

Feel bad for her father

do you think that butter tooth freak has been holding her hostage?

>not seething

Izzy looks cooler with his face beat up like that

like he's a lizard from a late 90s fighting game

sean shelby has down syndrome

Why doesn't every fighter just pack on mass and everyone fights at HW?

Amanda Nunes is the greatest MMA fighter, let alone the best WMMA fighter, on the planet.

Attached: aiportraits_1563571146.jpg (512x512, 14K)

I'd gladly remove all her post fight sweat with my tongue, I'll clean specially well her asscrack if you know what I mean chief
Cejudo would put her to sleep on a blink

>why should I support my argument
Deep af

The UFC LITERALLY has Fightmetric as their stat keeper you sperg


Complete cope and officially BTFO

She's not p4p#1, when Cejudo takes her gold and becomes quadruple C, that will be undeniable proof he's the GOAT

Attached: aiportraits_1563571119.jpg (512x512, 24K)

>0-1 against BJJ blackbelts
Nah she's getting slept by Dern.

Attached: Dernsai.jpg (484x736, 60K)

For me its Sneed.

Attached: L4mQTz[1].png (772x833, 466K)

Lol look at this rambling fucking loser. Literally a whole novel to bitch that his feelings matter.

>p-prove to me!!
You’re arguing the official stat is wrong, Farthan. Go join your fellow 72 virgins

Oh for sure. Get her nice and prepped.

Attached: cutie.png (898x450, 585K)

have we reached peak meme training?

HW confirmed babby division

shut up gimp


Popularized by Poseidon Ice, trust fund YT streamer

I like the term, it’s a million times less annoying than most zoomer memes

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Methoght Jaemal was a moor, but lo! As he cometh onto ye chaember I seeth that he belongeth to ye people of Cathay, the land to the east!

Attached: aiportraits_1563571456.jpg (512x512, 29K)

only obese and dyel wastes consider calisthenics and resistance training super sets a meme

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Another triggered Khapedophile. Glad to be doing something right

Attached: WImNak[1].png (898x449, 746K)

You didn't do right by your legs

>The UFC LITERALLY has Fightmetric as their stat keeper
The stats provided by ufcstats do not match the stats provided by the official site. The stats provided by ufcstats are not the stats actually recorded and shown to the viewers during the event. They are not the stats used by the judges to carry out a decision. They are worthless garbage and serve exactly zero purpose, just like your opinion.


Lasnar vs Jon Jones will be the greatest fight of all time.

Attached: aiportraits_1563571867.jpg (512x512, 53K)

where can i see the most roided heavyweights fight?

Tibau took Khabib down and almost got his back while Khabib did absolutely nothing

who is your favorite Asian MMA prospect?

Attached: absloot_progidy_bee.jpg (670x391, 98K)

Sure thing, schitzy

Fightmetric was literally the OFFICIAL statkeeper for Khabib-Tibau. You are BTFO Farthan

Shut the fuck up.

Disprove the stats are wrong and unofficial. Disprove multiple national news outlets

Ok but ur still in a wheelchair. Post ur legs with timestamp if ur not (u are)


Attached: Based Cejudo.webm (1600x900, 2.58M)

>Fightmetric was literally the OFFICIAL statkeeper
You're literally spouting buzzwords that mean nothing. Fightmetric/ufcstats cannot be a "statkeeper" when the stats they provide are different from those that are shown and recorded to the viewers during the event.

You folks are low iq shit tossing baboons

I dont post my legs for schizophrenic pedos, thanks.

More like pooboons lmao

Already did, little guy:

Official stats for UFC229:

Ufcstats for UFC 229:

This proves that ufcstats presents an alternative set of stats compared to those shown at the actual event. As said before, these "stats" are worthless garbage serving no purpose.

Attached: aiportraits_1563572174.jpg (512x512, 19K)

I accept your concession you are unable to disprove that Fightmetric is/was the statkeeper for Tibau-Khabib

You must be new here.

bc ur a gimp lol

That’s not Tibau-Khabib, buddy. You know like how the articles said the UFC used Fightmetric officially from 2011-2013 at least

Concession accepted. No further schizo imaginations will be accepted, Farthan

Use this famalam

Attached: Cormier.png (701x691, 445K)

Join the secret heemcord eh

conquistador confirmed

Attached: file.png (899x448, 683K)

i trieed the crying ones but he looked like a mexican who was slighty disapointed.

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Sure thing, schitzy

Looks like anik


Leftist faggot.

Nuh uh, that's not how it works. I've already proven that Ufcstats generates alternative sets of stats compared to those actually shown at the events and presented on the official site. This is inarguable.

Now, you're going to prove me that the stats presented at the UFC 148 event are the same that are """kept""" by the ufcstats.

/heem/ more like... poop

You have to post your walkout song now

who is the most intelligent fighter?
who is the least intelligent fighter?

Do the Cucuy one where he has bleeding ears

Attached: aiportraits_1563571795.jpg (512x512, 12K)

Poopy diarrhea doodoo shit

hahaha. nice

Ryan Hall
Jeremy Stephens


Jon Jones
Jon Jones


No you haven’t. You just showed that the recent events differ. Prove they weren’t official for Khabib-Tibau.


no legs :)


So no proof that ufcstats from UFC 148 are the same stats that were presented to the viewers during the event? Cocnession accepted, now we both agree that these stats are worthless garbage generated post-factum, garbage that has no influence on anything and no purpose whatsoever.


>gets to flush Faber instead of fighting Benavidez

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Fightmetric provides all UFC data, retard. Live stats are only rough estimates. They go back after the fight and analyze video in slow motion to get accurate official stats.

Alrighty then, schitzy. Try not to dream about me

Cope. Loving these tears btw

>real sport

Attached: real sport.png (445x446, 248K)

>Dern poster wins the picks
>smoke appears from head

Very intelligent posts ITT

Very intelligent poops ITT

>They go back after the fight
So you agree that ufcstats are worthless garbage that serves no purpose, just like your opinion? Great.

>no proof

>made 100 million

anything else would get you laughed out the gym

>its worthless garbage to correct yourself
Lmao explains so much
Concession accepted, again. Inshallah, pedo

Right now who's your favorite fighter? Also who'
s your least favorite fighter unironically?

Conor, cejudo

Kevin lee
any woman fighter i skip them all

Adesanya is my least favourite.
Right now my favourite is tony followed by volkanovski

Attached: 1550658207176.jpg (720x899, 56K)

Bitch who the fuck are you to tell a women who whe is allowed to speak to and about what. You virgens need to stop pretending women irl would date any of you.

Fav: Gaethje
Least Fav: Conor

you think you can heem me? thy THIS *kicks you in the balls*



Attached: aiportraits_1563573383.jpg (512x512, 16K)

unironically khabob, mcgooby
ironic favs Ladd, askren
ironic least JBJ, lauzon, kattar

There's nothing wrong with liking Askren unironically. People can meme all they want about him, but he's the second most dangerous wrestler in MMA after Khabib.

Deontay Wilder

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Attached: oh lord almighty.png (900x452, 530K)

>worked 7 nights straight
>went hard as fuck on the heavy bag yesterday
>went to the chiropractor this morning and got adjusted and a massage
>gonna take the next two nights off
Feels good m8s. I'm ready to watch some fights and bro the fuck out with my /heem/ lads.

Attached: 1425190754160.jpg (700x538, 231K)

Shelby ordering the pull

I’d heem you in a round cunt

muh bois
Khabib, Pettis

meme boys
Triple C, Walker

least fav
le balls are hot man, the cringe dude weed lmao diaz

Tony Ferguson, Ben Askren
>least favorite
Israel Adesanya, any muslim

Since when did you become the physical type?

Attached: aiportraits_1563574513.jpg (1024x512, 59K)


he was my boy but he broke my heart, itll be hard to trust him again

>Pretending to be black

Dana "poo" Brown

>Is it true if a teenager breaks their leg in America they charge them 9000 for surgery?
A fight resulting in a leg breaking in 2 spots was around $50,000. The options were literally refuse to pay it, bankruptcy, or bargain it down and pay it off in increments.

Attached: (it's robin black).jpg (512x512, 17K)

Good choices


Anybody have a stream?

Rafael dos Anjos
Walt Harris
Greg Hardy
Dan Hooker
Francisco Trinaldo
Ben Rothwell

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After serious thought, I don't have a favorite fighter anymore. Now I just want to see people I dislike get heemed.

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I ended the Khabib meme.

Attached: 09519561-59C8-424C-A96D-4061E932C772.jpg (1280x854, 444K)

>jamie pull up that sexyama entrance

Attached: rogan.jpg (700x366, 40K)

*kevin pees on you*

Attached: IRxufg[1].png (447x445, 348K)

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I invented Khapee, Khapoo, Nurmapoomedov, Khabitch, Copebib, Khutbabby, Khabeastiality, Khapedo, Khapedophile, Khuntbib, Poobib, and *kevin pees on you*

This fag would get heemed by anyone with decent striking and BJJ

How does one become 5'5" and 225 with good cardio like Deron Winn?

Attached: deron_winn.jpg (1200x800, 107K)

Khabib is undefeated

Attached: luke.png (901x453, 832K)


>jimi hendrix
joe rogan's daughter looks like him

Sorry, b. We firmly established Poobib took the fattest L today and against Tibau. Fatter than his damn wife.

Huh. DC is Dr. Phil with a tan. Neat.

>ze Muslim is still champion? Activate ze Irishman and schedule the rematch

Attached: aiportraits_1563575852.jpg (512x512, 18K)

lanklets can’t compete

Attached: meathead.jpg (899x447, 77K)

Rated the basedness of each fight for tomorrow
It's all correct my dad works for the UFC

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Looks more like Tim Kennedy than Rockhold

why did you click on irene aldana

>Conor only getting 2 votes


Funny, when I looked at the record it says he won that fight

forgot who she was
brazilians need more name diversity tbqh


she's mexican

See? Colby is a draw. He got as many votes as Gooby.

Imagining you hobbling around on your stumps is nightmare fuel rather than a dream.


Can't be real

Attached: guro.jpg (899x448, 86K)

figured there would be a lot more posters there

Unofficial stat, look it up

Alrighty, schitzy pedo

>getting a new IP soon

what went wrong?

Attached: walrus carcass.jpg (1000x1047, 95K)

>tfw youre so bomb even khapedophile mudslimes want you

>tfw you make khapedos so shook they make you the object of their schitzy fairytales


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Attached: aspen ladd.webm (640x360, 1.54M)

“A lot of guys he’s fought have the skills to beat him,” Poirier said. “Fighting’s a crazy thing, it takes one mistake. He can be beaten by anybody. It’s just as camp’s going on for me, I’m starting to realize things and say, ‘Well I wonder if they made this mistake.’ I’ve only been in camp for a week. But, I’m noticing I’m paying a lot of attention to specific positions and the small details in those positions. I can see how somebody fighting a dominant guy who’s never been beat like Khabib could get not overwhelmed, but look too far in the details of defense and staying safe and position.

“It’s a yin-yang, man. You got to have a balance. If you just worry about that, you lose what you do the best.”


>tfw fools realize their fu is a can
>tfw "are u mad?"

Attached: 2018-11-06 00.17.31 18025972855046705_1906225869840944359.jpg (1080x1920, 208K)

He’s going to choke Khapee lifeless after shattering the rat’s jaw


just knee him when he goes for a take down

Khabib and Jonny Bones

Tony Ferguson and Jacare. Jacare's taunt turns me into a literal seething pile of putty

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We all love to dab on Slob
but I fucking love these food truck diaries vids



you got steamrolled by michael johnson and conor but godspeed dustbin

who is tony fighting next

outside of the heem bubble schaub is now a legitimate heavyweight super star

So how did he beat Gaethje and Duffy if Gaethje beat Johnson and Duffy beat Conor? Inconceivable!!

just thought of vera's message about angela magana lmao

Dustin after he shatters Khapedophiles jaw, forcing Khapoo to give handjobs to his farm animals instead of sucking them off.

he's dart choking mcnuggets in the head mods hit me with that #ChampShitOnly flair

i hope he gives tony his title shot it's the right thing to do

Made me think.

Attached: 312C78E1-3643-4FBD-9A80-916E93AF7FC8.jpg (1125x866, 563K)

Dustin has the power to give Tony the fight with Khabib.

The loser of Khabib-Poirier

>m8 decided to buy some Propah 12 for tomorrow's practically PPV card

What alcohol do you consume with your heems /heem/?

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why yes i am going to track down and gravely injure dustin poirier with a steel pipe so that tony ferguson can replace him for the title fight, how could you tell

Attached: base.jpg (884x1200, 60K)

>they actually made this the main event

Attached: 123154162.png (300x200, 95K)


Attached: Bingbong.jpg (634x432, 46K)

lol bumped for a day and a half


fuuuuuck forgot image do this one instead
Obviously a brainlet like me will never get his picks right but:

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where's her bf thiago

it's alright 4 people didn't even pick all 6 fights


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gimpy gimpy goo goo!

lmao I have a friend that looks just like her dad

u need an image you fuckin IDIOT

Thought on Bartsool's Rough n Rowdy?

>Rough N Rowdy is amateur fighters with no defense throwing haymakers in the most action packed 4 hours you'll ever have. Rough N Rowdy will put tears in your eyes laughing because you've never seen anything like it.

Lol this khapedo is STEAMING

Attached: 2A4F6BC4-8165-472A-B9A4-88D2612C688B.gif (198x276, 1.93M)

Forgetting your pic for picks = shook

Attached: Dernlel.png (671x840, 727K)

>poirier heems khabib
This is where your plan apart

Also this

Attached: khabib_gun_1.jpg (620x413, 91K)

K**e clownshow.

I indulge with a single tall glass of coke which I nurse for the last 3/4 of the main card.

I invented Khapedo

>implying I forgot
>implying I only submitted one set of picks
>implying I didn't make a last minute save not putting my pick pic on a shitpost, thus saving my credibility
you'll learn one day bud

I check the thread once every hour. You reply immediately, like no later than 5 min after I post. Say what you want but that proves this place is your life you fat legless freak. Absolutely pathetic!

lel you're shook as fuck mate.

Attached: 2017-02-03 19.11.33 1442215388280287522_28844142.jpg (1080x1080, 88K)

When I go 6/6 saturday I'll be expecting an apology

>i-i-i-i ch-check once an h-hour, s-stop r-replying
Get off my nuts ya little schitzy weasel, you been trying to crawl up my ass like if i were a preteen. Take a shower, chump.

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Can RDA get past this size difference?

Attached: 020640e0b5ff95e918b20bc78e350480.jpg (1403x1047, 362K)

>sorry blank american no pic literally who?
okay buddeh

Attached: 2012-08-12 17.54.13 256413167251406835_28844142.jpg (612x612, 101K)

Kike garbage

>Rothwell looks like that
Rip Arlovski

RDA's garbage so i highly doubt it

>all these picks for arlovski
your picks will be heemed with him

Attached: derp.jpg (175x285, 10K)


I could actually beat up everyone in this thread, quite easily. I train at jackson wink, but I have no intention of going pro. I only do it for the love of the sport and to prepare my friends. Yes I have trained with holly and jon, yes they have probably fucked. None of my business though. They call me the enigma. They always ask "who the fuck is that dude? He is a killer. Who does he fight for?" And then they find out I'm a chemical engineer and do it for fun, and they are impressed and slightly confused. Good times.

Attached: the great blahino.jpg (225x225, 6K)

i was hesitant but the guys lost his past 3/4 fights by decision because of his shitty new style of fighting so im hoping this will be the fight where he wakes up and stops point fighting and goes ham on rothwell.

That’s four times in the past hour, boy. Kick rocks.

Attached: 148C82A5-EE27-4160-9DF3-48AF1B2EB989.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

A gunfight with Rothwell is his best chance

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>triple three

Conor won the third round confirmed. Khabeastiality on pooicide watch

Bet the farm on CopDA

Attached: monkeystache.png (784x708, 451K)

Arlovski needs to bite down on his mouth piece and go blow for blow with Rothwell to win

>UFC Stats

How to fix this mustache? I have the exact same thing where I can grow a thick enough mustache to look good on the sides but the crease right down the middle is barren

I pciked arlovski but i already realized that i'm gonna get goofed.

As opposed to your 8 you legless gimp. I'm obviously gonna stick around for 5 min if I'm on. Anyway, see you in a few hours for another prompt response since you're literally physically incapable of moving away from your computer screen. I mean you and the German autist have literally been arguing about Khabin/Tibau for close to 10 hours. Fucking pathetic LOL!

go back in time and convince your mother to fuck real men

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I'm conflicted lads

Leon will never recover from 3 piece meme

>heh. Nothing personal kiddo

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Edwards is gunna mop the floor with him but its your choice kiddo

RDA is just so ripe to get flushed. Might as well be Edwards who will do it.

Who is next for Edwards? Got to be Masvidal surely

RDA is literally unflushable

you can't call him a fraud if he's never been flagged

Not rating RDA is evidence of either cazziness or brainletitis.

Khabib flushed him a long time ago cazzies. Then Usman cleared the pipe when the poop refused to go down to the sewer easily.

Canor was the first fighter Canbib ever flushed

Till once RDA taps him and sends him to hehab


once Edwards heems him you'll be singing a different tune, he's looked like garbage for years now his last win was against Kevin Lee (lol) and even in that fight he didn't look impressive Lee just gassed because hes a retard with a shithole camp who told him to keep going for takedowns even though it wasn't doing shit but tiring himself out. He practically gave RDA the sub I guarantee RDA gets blasted tomorrow.

He 30-24'd RDA by modern rules. Turbo flush.

Edwards vs Till.
It's a massive fight..

Attached: Eddie-Hearn.jpg (800x600, 54K)

Edwards isn't getting a finish lol, RDA is duranle, resilient, and has a great gas tank. Edwards might get enough rounds to coast to a decision.

Oh yeah losing to the two best guys in the most stacked division means you're shit lol, who has Edwards beat? Canboy? RDA flushed him twice in his prime. An Icelandic cross dresser? Cmon now

Nah I think he will, Edwards caught Gunnar clean and almost ended him and RDA has accumulated a shit load of damage so he's due for a heemeroo.

he heemd my boy now he must die.

Gunnar is a BJJ player you fuckwit, RDA is going to dominate Edwards everywhere and people will be saying he was never good

Gunnar also caught him a few times and by the 3rd round was able to get in mount even with his very limited takedown skill. Leon coasts when he's ahead. RDA will absolutely not let him coast. It will be interesting to see how Leon responds to that level of pressure and volume.

> no business in
> never missed weight
> reach classes


you're an idiot

people can bloat up as much as they want after the cut date. most of the time, in the ufc (since people have less skill/dilluted) it'll benefit the fighter since a heavier fighter hits harder

>Ryan Hall will lose... this time!

Attached: 1519520211713.png (473x500, 8K)

kek nice larp


That nigger gassed in under one round retard

best blacked* female martial artist