No football

>no football
>no basketball
>no soccer

what the fuck do I do bros? i'm so fucking bored

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go outside
talk to girls

be serious, leafbro

watch the U19 eurobasket

Seriously bro, its killing me. I cant wait for the season to start

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go outside and play those sports, find some pickup games join a team become part of something.

be serious, americabro

Start drinking heavily and eat shit for a few months

trips for triple truth

I started running 3 miles every morning, feels good bro

Baseball dumbass


kill yourself

I honestly dont like baseball anymore it's far too boring.

ICE is crEEping, Paco.

Actually go to a game instead of watching on tv. Completely different experience

Learn an instrument or a new language it actually feels great when you start progressing

I used to go to my local minor league team games, those are actually pretty fun.

Play chess? It stimulates the mind

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I actually am learning guitar

Have sex, I feel for the tinder meme and I actually have a date this Saturday

TV baseball is great too because you can see the catcher setting up for the next pitch and batters taking razor thin balls to work themselves back into the count and the like. It also better reveals the psychological state of players (ex. pitcher looking like he's about to shit a brick as he deals with a high leverage situation). People who find baseball "boring" just watch, waiting for balls in play, but there's plenty of things to follow along with in between (watching for pitch selection, anticipation if pitcher can hit his spot, great takes and foul offs to get back into the count, etc). I understand that's not interesting for everyone, though.

Girls are gay.

i'm a manlet so I can't use tinder

I'm a manlet too, 5'6 155 lbs. Just be confident bro

does she know about your height ? Also, are you fit? Getting ripped just isn't for me, I'd rather focus on DIY projects and learning guitar...

honestly im shitposting 24/7

Shes 5'0 and I told her my height, I'm not ripped but I work out at least 4 times a week. Self improvement is actually attractive to most girls. Just don't boast about it too much.

try to beat your masturbation record, you can go for 10 in a day i believe in you burger

huh, that actually gives me hope since i'm about the same as you (5'5", 145 lbs). I have a relatively healthy body, a little skinnyfat, but I tried the gym thing out last year and it's just not for me man. I'd rather improve myself in different ways.

Are you the same Brazilian post all the dbz threads today?

some not all

To each his own man, only roasties and whores care about a 6'0 chad with muscles. Any woman worth something would look pass that. Good luck bro.

Based, keep it up bro

Then practice the shit out of it. You really do get better proportionally to your practice. Try to learn a new scale every week until you can play it backwards and forwards without thinking. After you have a few scales down you can play along to anything

fug, I'm barely learning the cowboy chords right now. Switch between C and G is fucking ass, and I haven't even learned F which looks hard. I'd practice more but I had summer class this past month and I'm busy until late with research, so I don't have a lot of time to practice. But I am definitely making an effort to get better though.

stay inside
watch replays of games from the 80s and 90s on youtube

Drink alcohol and listen to 80's music and imagine a life you never had

Like me

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Ok if you're still on fundamentals you just need to get your hand muscles used to contorting to make chords. But you can still learn really basic scales at the same time like pentatonic ("blues") which will help both your muscle memory and give you an understanding of every notes relationship to one another.

Just keep at it user, the beginning is the biggest hump to get over

>no soccer
support your local you semen slurping bandwagoner

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chelsea plays in japan at 6am est on friday morning

I live in Austin, we're getting a team in the fall but it's MLeLS so fuck that. I'll probably go once in a while to get drunk or something.

>what the fuck do I do bros? i'm so fucking bored

I killed 30 minutes watching high speed car chases :)

MMA and/or boxing is year round, you can just stream the events for free every week

You're welcome to join us here: Pls no bully tho

i can get on board with this thanks paco

It's not height that matters most, its your face. Dont listen to guys like this

Watch Thurman retire Pacquiao Saturday night.

which bands you listening to?