When will they get a second star?

When will they get a second star?

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2018 lad

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Unironically never

Will we get our first before the English get their second?


*reality implodes*

what if Netherlands meets England in a WC final?

Next time that they'll rig an home world cup.


>implying we didn't win in 2018
>implying we didn't get mandela effect'd and now the african frogs have won it

Attached: English Pepe 5.jpg (782x757, 115K)

>tfw France their second Before Englel

Obligatory *wins* posting

Attached: 589px-France_national_football_team_seal.svg.png (589x1024, 130K)

Whenever they host (rig) it again.

We have a good squad now and a good structure. I just feel we’re missing that star player that takes you over this edge.

Cope harder


It affected, not effected.

Phil Foden

You'll have 3 or another euro before we get 2.

Literally just want to see this before I'm dead, maybe I have 60 years left if I'm lucky, it HAS to happen in that time PLEASE

You literally just won a world cup this week don't be greedy.


Get in line with the rest of us

That was great obviously but it would be nothing in comparison to football, it would honestly change the country immeasurably I think

No, you can say you were affected by the mandela effect or the mandela effect affected you. It's your own language.

he’s referring to an effect, not an affect

You stay out of this with your american-english patois you'll only confuse everyone else whilst simultaneously not being able to understand what the actual english speakers are saying.

but that's not what's being said. a victim of the mandela effect is mandela effected, like a victim of a troll is trolled. it's nothing to do with the difference between affect/effect because the phenomenon is called the mandela effect

Firstly it's a phenomena, not a phenomenon. And secondly what I already said still stands namely this

In what? After a couple of weeks of a piss up it will be back to normal I think.

you restructured the sentence. you originally said it was mandela affected, which implies you have been affected by a dead south african

>it's phenomena

phenomenon is singular, phenomena is plural

>it's your language

and I'm teaching it you

I'm saying that mandela effected is wrong, it should be affected by the mandela effect or mandela effect affected (which sounds funny). And it is a phenomena because it is not a singular effect by its definition.
I originally here should have explained it better, I can see how you've taken that interpretation and I do apologise for that unfortunate misunderstanding.

Next time the tournament is in their backyard and they can buy all the refs

Unironically 2030

World cups won at home dont count

2022 with Gareth la

you can now post ITT if you have more than 3 world cups. As of this month the US has 4

Mexico and the United States both will get one before England.

Attached: Smug_Dexter's_Dad.jpg (426x382, 12K)

Not only that but you'll get a second back to back before that.

Mexico is fucking trash and always fail to develop players.

will France (i.e. real, native white France) ever win a World Cup?
our white boys did it in 1966, but France's WC wins have come with a plain-to-see immigrant majority in their team

so have France ever actually truly won a World Cup? I submit: no.
>tfw you realise this is why they're always so salty towards England's actually genuine WC win

>the netherlands
>winning finals

I'm sorry but it's even less likely than us not choking in the semis

Fuck that simulant hologram shithouse
We need a human manager

After USMNT won theirs.

Lingard has potential

this but unironically

You'll get 2 before they do


when the world cup is hosted in england again and they get the ref to help them again

So it is in 2030 excepted they will be cucked by China

Did you mean another 3 ?

>eternal second
>winning something

After Yea Forums's third.

The England women are more likely to win their first before the men win a second.

Attached: Lexi Belle England.jpg (800x600, 49K)

Cringe tryhard

A 3rd or a euro, you're probably favs for euro2020.

Problem with us is even though our infastructure is actually good now, and we have a good team. Everyone else is still better, or at least will be once they get their shit together.


Ironically in the world cup everyone doesn't want

not when
but if

Look at this Jew trying to jinx our Chances of winning

0-0 full time
0-0 extra time
0-0 penalties
players keep missing or keeper saves until the end of time

2066, any englishmen is willing to live for that long?


england never lost a WC final, NL never won a WC final.

easy outcome

We got a Cricket World Cup & Rugby World Cup in our lifetimes, I'm gonna be happy for a long time. Don't be greedy, guys.

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I completely understood what you meant
I'm telling you we'll have another 3 and maybe a couple euros before you get a second star

I wouldn't be surprised what-so-ever.

Lol, yeah, I know.

I wouldn't be surprised at all.

That's not as iconic a photo as The Times seems to think. Too much of a gap between the players.

True, but considering New Zealand only needed one more run to win, it's still pretty close.

It would be weird if you didn't.

We can honestly get a second star anytime we want. Stay mad.

Fixed in 2 mins ty MS Paint.

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I’m pretty sure I was in love with Lexi Belle for a good amount of time as a teenager.

Much better

>second star
they have to win a world cup first


kek, even hues have forsaken la hexa

>players keep missing or keeper saves until the end of time
What happens if something like that ends up happening for real?
What if both cuntries keeps the same amount of goal scored/missed after 9 rounds and it's 3 fucking AM and there's no end in sight?

I dunno, but I once had a penalty shootout on PES end at something like 70 goals each. It was fucking torture.

>penalty shootout on PES end at something like 70 goals each.
Ohhhh fuck, I can feel it.

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when they let trans refugees compete in the wwc and btfo our team before we allow it

An African country will refball and bullshit their way to a World Cup win before England will get their second.

Well France did win the last one...

Attached: England win the ashes.jpg (1357x1303, 845K)

Solid 8/10. The grass around the quote on the left is a bit of a poor spot but otherwise, great effort.