“Jump, you filthy mick”

>“Jump, you filthy mick”

This film would not be allowed in theatres today

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Oops. This was meant for Yea Forums. Please dont ban me mods

What sport is this

Top kek

phwoar i wouldn't mind a go on big kate in her prime

>no nigger characters

yea it'd be scrapped before even read





>tfw thread does better on Yea Forums than Yea Forums

Olympic Diving

Formerly unsinkable

>"You first you filthy low class wop"

ban the cunt mods he did it on purpose


>t. Mick in England

>But this ship can’t sink
>She’s made by micks, sir! I assure you she can

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No micks, no dogs, no niggers.

>Cromwell was too easy on you Fenian scum
what the fuck this was so out of place

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He didn't swim so good.

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it was made it belfast lol

>I think you'll find iron is stronger than ice, Mr. Lightoller
>Now full steam ahead. We'll smash right through that overgrown snowman and be in New York before dawn!

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Brainlet post

huh? Does Belfast not have micks? It certainly did in 1909

lead female would be the same (white woman) lead male would be a perpetrator of color

Oh I though you were implying it wasn't since it was made in Norn Iron

Never mind

yeah sorry, i was just surprised and amused that it was actually built by micks and paddies

harland and wolff were virulently anti-catholic so they didn't hire any irish people

Dont remember that particular scene

Why the fuck did the mods let this thread live for almost 2 hours but when I confused the boards and posted off topic I got INSTANTLY banned???
They jannies are a bunch of rasist confirmed


>want to make you seethe by reporting this for off-topic
>Reporting from your ISP, IP range, or country has been blocked due to abuse.

Should we load the women and children into the boats, sir?

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>each rivet hammered into the Titanic had "fuck the Pope” stamped onto it

That ship was doomed from the start by the bitter orange bastards who built it.