The Bomber of Dresden

The Bomber of Dresden

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The Knifer of Neymar

The Future of France

The Terror of Treviso

Attached: donaldo.jpg (602x916, 159K)

vini in mbop's age will be better than ronaldo
mark my words

Attached: huh.jpg (250x221, 17K)


The Excomungator of Christians

mmm tab ins

behold, Yea Forums dreamteam

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another incomplete ver

name them Yea Forums

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why are you seething? I hope he brings it home next year.

cum aguero?

Mudrich, Dybabby, Bidal, Aguaman

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Don’t give them names ffs. It has to be left to the imagination

why am I seething? I'm memeing

some of those names are pure comedy though
you can't deny that shit bong

>big shaq
>not cube

aloha leddit

Next year ?
