The Bomber of Dresden
The Bomber of Dresden
Jose Perry
Jack Cox
The Knifer of Neymar
Luis Wright
The Future of France
Asher Perez
The Terror of Treviso
Luis Hernandez
vini in mbop's age will be better than ronaldo
mark my words
Isaiah Lopez
Zachary Butler
Dylan Nguyen
The Excomungator of Christians
Liam Bell
mmm tab ins
Christopher Thompson
behold, Yea Forums dreamteam
Noah Hughes
another incomplete ver
name them Yea Forums
Camden Stewart
why are you seething? I hope he brings it home next year.
Elijah Lee
cum aguero?
Aaron Jenkins
Mudrich, Dybabby, Bidal, Aguaman
Parker Campbell
Matthew Bailey
Hudson Cruz
Don’t give them names ffs. It has to be left to the imagination
James Stewart
why am I seething? I'm memeing
Ian Moore
some of those names are pure comedy though
you can't deny that shit bong
Jonathan Russell
>big shaq
>not cube
Jace Young
aloha leddit
John Green
Next year ?
Blake Cook