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*ruins your day browsing 4channel*

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what do her ass smell like

why is this women getting posted so much? she’s a literal nobody in sports.

A lot of forced memes lately. Must be election time or something.


she's a ballon d'or contender you fucking moron

Have your (You). But dont tell anyone, ok?

She triggers the incels.

NYC subway posters of /ourgirl/ have been vandalized with homophobic slurs. We can't let them get away with it lads. Time to mobilize the personal army.

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Even in "progressive" cities, white supremacist ideology runs amok. Absolutely disgusting country we live in.

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t. Nigger who would never in his life say shit to a white man, ever.

Now go back to the cotton fields Kunimel

Go post her on the robot then.
We're Chad here, we love our mothers and we marry women.

nigga you at least 60

she won a world cup

Why are you conflating proper values like anti-homosexualism with disgusting adherence to pseudoscience and false empiricism? What's wrong with you.

>tfw will never experience a rapinoe/aoc sandwich
why live

I would hatefuck these degenerate whores with a rusty sanding sleeve on my dick if you know what I'm saying bros.

Why do people post "i don't care"? Do you also go into every thread on the internet about something you don't care about and post "i don't care"?
i've watched less than 3 minutes of auto racing in my life and it doesn't interest me at all but i've never read an auto racing thread either. that's not caring.

>Yea Forums
Oof sorry sweetie

motorsport* you dumb femoid

>"This kills the 4Channel."

someone's upset lol


you'd be lucky to get any food under their rule


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oh yeah, a nobody, user. she's only won 2 world cups and olympic gold as well as be a vital voice in the political discourse
what have you done? who has even heard of you? lmao

Like cheese and trash

hahaha really?

>vital voice in the political discourse
>In America
>In 2019
So she’s awful in every way?


>Having your day get ruined by people with milquetoast liberal views that are opposed to your milquetoast liberal views

People really need to start going outside

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The dyke is manufactured hype over an inferior product as well as a voice that echos vapid and extremely safe political points of view.