This old man is revolutionizing Brazilian football right now. What are you doing with your life, user?
This old man is revolutionizing Brazilian football right now. What are you doing with your life, user?
I'm watching Jesus revolutionize Brazilian football.
He's trash, he starts Arão on the midfield instead of Cuéllar, that's retarded.
I see Larry brought his friend
You're fucking retarded jesus christ
You are the cringiest cuck on this board.
Get used to it.
You might think he's doing it because of characteristics for a particular game, etc. nope, he just likes to contradict what the majority says.
>he just likes to contradict what the majority says.
Kek, that's exactly what's happening, Arão is trash, Cuéllar is a much better midfielder, but he insists on Arão, no one knows why. And because of that, Cuéllar doesn't feel appreciated on the team and wants to leave. But since Flamengo won against one of the worst teams in the league by 6-1, I guess no one gives a fuck.
Cuellar just arrived from Copa América. Jesus got a lot of time training with Arão and he still needs to aknowledge Cuellar entirely. In few games he gonna be starting I asure you that
revolutionising youre mum's cunt
Sorry lad. I'm too busy revolutionizing futa milf porn
It's all right lad, I don't give a fuck about Flamengo at all, I'm a Fluminense supporter, so the more he keeps Arão the better for me, kek.
wow modric has really let himself go
Not having to live in Brazil
The brazilian night life got him
>one game against fucking Goias
okay user
Thanking my lord and savior, Jesus Christ, that I don’t have to live in Brazil
My gf is an Atlético Mineiro supporter. Can any huebros redpill me on the club? She bought me a jersey of them.
>best result in 16 years (against the 7th in the league with one less match played)
>Arrascaeta scores 3 and assists 2 and JJ humbly says he can still do better
Kek, are you seriously comparing losing the league at the 92nd minute of a game against your rival scored by a literally who kid with Lopetegui?
I guess we have the newest flamengo coach right here
robinho is a rapist and he played for them
theyre not even looking at each others
It's photoshop for Jesus to look taller than Lopetegui, a former goalkeeper
I'm comparing DOMINION (if WE lost it it was given that it was OURS) with LUCK (that literally who you mention). Truth is Benfica won four league titles in a row since then.
>celebrating a Sevilla title
The state of your agremiação
Lottopegui couldn't
>losing three (3) trophies in less than a month is just bad luck
>someone who can't compete mocks the ones that managed to compete until the end
And I said Kelvin was a misfortune, nothing more
Yes, it was a misfortune that you only managed to score one goal during the whole game, and wouldn't even try to score more after we tied
Cry more, Mouro, and stay in Morroco where your kind belongs
>score sam fukin goals!!
Fucking based, I'll ask 's gf for a jersey too
>David Carradine is still alive
Fucking knew it