Imagine being this cuck

Imagine being this cuck

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Imagine being the woman, you get to have sex with top athletes and swim in money and all it took was literally not eating like a pig and makeup

*breathes in*

Poor Messi, women are self centered sluts. Been that way since prehistoric times

that's pretty cucked, ngl

Please don't go on a shooting spree at a Joker screening.

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Show that alpha pic of messi throwing a sand ball at her face

I'm sorry Mr white knight, please try and refute a single point I made instead of projecting, thank u ;)

What does she do for a living or what are her education levels? I’m genuinely curious because I don’t know about soccer


The epithome of cuckolding since the kids ain't even his

*breathes out*

they look like him

you can literally see the autism in their faces which he passed to them


>not his kids
>Mateo litterally looks like him

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>everyone in this thread is now breathing manually

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Based /ourguy/

Looks like he's malfunctioning in top right.

What good is all the fame if you aint fucking models

>he doesn't know

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>did the same thing to a girl that loved me
>kicked her in the face with sand
>2years later was still interested in me
>to autistic anyways

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kek, based

lol trying to be alpha near his bros
actually the worst kind of beta

you just know

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No you're the worst kind of beta trying to find a fault in every photo

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real talk guys, did lio really put the green light on her past boyfriend?

any sports that show the true nature of w*men lads?

Have you got the one with him and bonmati in the barca kits ?

>Looks like he's malfunctioning in top right.
His Austim is showing.

Attached: Messi 'tism 2.webm (640x800, 1.9M)

he knows he looks better if he faces the camera head on
makes your shoulders look broader and the nose look smaller

That Jamaican dancehall dryhumping dance, whatever its called

Sorry pal, we all know its the Autism.

Attached: Messi 'tism.webm (360x360, 890K)

I wanna suck on her cute brown nipples

Yes, meanwhile Junior the test tube baby is definitely Ronaldo’s

Incel FREAK!

the only thing worse than an incel, which this is Yea Forums so be wary of this word, is a white knight, no you won't fuck her, no she doesn't know who you are, and here's a (You)

all have autism like messoy


shall be needing somebody to translate this post

sorry i'll speak in your language.

have sex and most likely have children

Guys hes like me

Smart guy that Messi.



jej, based leprosito

Messi knows to stay away from thots

Imagine being female, it would be living life on easy mode

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Imagine being the man, you get to have sex with top girls and swim in money and all it took was literally being born with the ability to kick a ball real good and showing up for practice

Until someone from r9k cuts your head in half.

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I see you driving sports cars but ain't hitting the throttle

on his knees lmao yikes

>same face
>same autism
>not his


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kek those fags are too scared to approach a female socially, let alone kill someone

Imagine the convos
>Hello, ma'am. Do you mind telling me which way is Jihadabbad? I'm on my way to Barcelona's newly built pre-season training centre. What's that? Oh yeah, I do speak fluent Farsi as well as Spanish, heh. Not English though. FUCK the English and FUCK America!

>let alone kill someone
Dude, someone from there just killed a chick yesterday.


Some 16 yo that was attention whoring

>killed a chick yesterday.
She wasn't dead, it was only a small scratch the neck, I'm sure a plaster will heal it well.

discord /soc/ orbiter and "oxychan" or some shit like that

Dumb emo incel killed a qt3.14 ethot and posted it on Instagram. Her name is Bianca something

oh seriously? who’d they kill?

we gonna need a link to this

Just type 'r9k killed' in gugl
Have a read through this guys twitter page he has boat loads of info

There are threads in r9k about it currently
Theres a pic of the faggot that slit his own throat after he nearly decapitated the chick
Unfortunately this fucker is still alive

I think the incels IG was yesjuliet or okjuliet or some dumb shit like thag. Just Google incel Instagram beheading Bianca

I just went over there and holy shit man. These betas really are something else

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Smart man. #methree

Until your 40 and then literally you're worthless

Betas is far from enough for this kind
Even omega is too nice

that bianca shit is legit, some incel on discord took it too far


Salty much ;) ?

>enter board
>try for a quick bait
>'unoriginal comment'
>Literally every 2nd post is saying 'dumb roastie deserved it'
Absolute JUST

What are we gonna do about the /r9k/ problem boys

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thats a based from me and i hate catalanoids

Give out free KSG's and rainbow face masks then the problem will sort it's self out.

I mean it already happen so what can you do?

calling a billionaire athlete a "beta" is beta in itself. get a life.


Rapinoposting will cure r9k

At least he doesnt have a daughter

But Messoy was pumped with hormones.

he is not afraid when the girl is ugly. If you are a girl and Messi touches you during the picture, it is a statement.

yeah being married with kids sure is cuck

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what goes on in ireland

>post about woman
>post image of man

Holy kek

>muffled tsuuuu in the diatance


>we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
what did he mean by this?

fucking disgusting bolt-ons

Why does Lionel Messi look like Dave Rubin's autistic twin brother?

>Where's my Sprite?

Did somebody summon us?

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based messi not hover handing like a bitch

Me too....messi's right?

How do I find true love like Messi? It’s dope she saved herself for him

start by making 7+ digits a year and we'll talk

I guess it's just another wife-swapping holiday for Messi and Suarez.

just... DO IT.

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i hate having short arms so much bros

????? nobody cares about this

mogs Messi, looks in awe at Ronaldo
messi mogged by transitivity

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how can you not care? short arms means you're limited in the amount of muscle you can get before it starts to look like shit

What he described is a form of autism

bench press is easier with short arms

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she didn't even care about him and when they asked her who the inspiration was she said ronaldinho (while standing next to cristiano) and now messi

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>believing a word that comes out of a woman's mouth
yikes bro

what was she supposed to say? she plays for barcelona. her body language and gesture towards ronaldo don't lie though

>what was she supposed to say?
I don't know maybe call Cristiano great for winning the award next to her. There's no body language, just a shitty pic with milliseconds of stare which is why Cristiano looks like shit in every photo, it was that candid.

thats a high quality kek

Fuking kek

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>ability to kick a ball real good and showing up for practice
except you have to outperform the other 1 billion players you stupid dipshit. lmfao what a faggot argument


ok i'll imagine being a goat who fucks a vapid, yet beautiful whore. ronaldo wasn't as wise as messi and had a partner with a real career. now he's with an obedient servant who can't support herself. the smart choice messi made all along. who cares about their social medias?

I like Messi hes not a cuck