Non-Commonwealth posters. Without googling, try to guess the rules of cricket

Non-Commonwealth posters. Without googling, try to guess the rules of cricket.

Attached: England_vs_South_Africa.jpg (3008x2000, 1.25M)

If you get hit in the legs without the ball hitting the bat first and the ball would have gone on to hit the wood yooooouuuurreeee ouuuuuuttta there buddy

Yes. Well done. It's called a "leg before wicket", or lbw for short.

Cricket is complete, utter pish

That’s an opinion not a rule though OP asked for rules

a very smelly indian poos outside the loo and another smelly indian hits the poo really hard with his paddle towards a smelly paki who then has to pick it up and throw it on the indians. the game ends in a tie and England are world champions

Disgusting oik.

Shoo, shoo!

People get random equipment from the back of a stopped truck and make up rules as they go.

if india don't win, then the cricket board is racist and corrupt, the pitch is racist, the ball is racist


basically swing ball

i guess you have to bat and hit the opponent wooden stand to score
the rest is probably similar to baseball with strike and shit

Ahhh, I see that you too are a connoisseur of the gentleman's game.

If you hit the ball and it stays in play, you can run to the opposite end for one point per run but if they throw the ball back and hit the wood and you are still running and not back in time then yourrreeee ouuutttaaa there buddy

The opponent throws the ball overhead to you. You try to hit it with the bat (or as they say paddle) then run towards some stick (wicket) to score points before they throw the ball back to eliminate you
This goes on for 6 hrs but if you and the opponent are equal in the end there's a secret ruling that says

Isn't cricket the sport with the wooden things that you need to hit with a ball? And there is the guy with the bat, who tries to deflect the ball away, and then some other guy picks it up and everyone just stands around for a bit

I think that's croquet

The rule is for it to be cricket is has to be utter pish

I know the rules because I watched the 2015 WC with /gong/

/cricket/ is still full of cunts though. Cant wait for /our boys/ to crush the Caribbean teams and become a force to be reckoned with

t. Dougal McSeethen

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motherfucker I already commented, now do your part and tell me if I'm right or wrong

You're definitely a Tory

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Yeah, pretty much. There are also boundary ropes around the field of play. If you hit the ball and it reaches one of them, it's the equivalent of 4 runs. If you clear the boundary rope, you get 6 runs.

correct and truthpilled

Imagine having to google what pish means. Sort yourself out

sorry, i don't speak Highland patois

What if it lands on the rope and then out of play?!

imagine being from glasgow

suck as many dicks as possible so you don't have to rely on American semen rations

If the ball lands directly on the rope after being hit, then it counts as a six.

I dont have to

So basically you hit a ball and run in between some sticks a bunch until the ball is caught or thrown back into play or something and this goes on for 36 hours until ”””tea””””” then the other team does the same thing for 36 more hours then whoever did more laps wins

Ah! Based thanks OP I like this thread

You win by zero runs.

Smelly skinnyfat men hit each other's balls with sticks

>act like expert one day after watching your first game

Attached: 6dBt2Oj.jpg (251x242, 15K)

it goes on for 5 days

I'm not from the highlands

Pretty accurate. Except they're called runs, not laps.

If you hit the ball snd someone catches it without it hitting the floor then yooouuurreee outta there, but if it hits the floor first your in.

I've been watching and playing cricket for more than 15 years.

how posh are you?

True, but the batsman can still be "run out", if he hasn't passed the white line that indicates that a run has been completed. If the fielder is quick enough, the ball can still be thrown at the wickets (the wooden sticks behind the batsman). If they hit them, or the ball is caught by another fielder who hits them, than the batsman is out. Of course, all of this is assuming that he ran in the first place after hitting the ball into the air. Sometimes they don't take the risk and just stay put.


"Posh" is a relative term. I did go to private school, but that's about it. Both my parents work normal white-collar jobs.

If a team is close to winning and the other team only has a few chances left to bat, the bowler is allowed to just roll the ball very slowly to the batsman, making the crowd go so mad they wanna lynch him.
Also every country gets its own team, even the UK countries, but the nigger islands in the carribean have to play together.

sure, whatever you say governor

>Cricket fan
> I did go to private school

The cricket fan part gave that away.

For me they run randomly trying to do something.