Why are they so good at tennis?
Why are they so good at tennis?
Commie sport heritage, Nigel
Especially the females. Seems like every woman in the Czech Republic is either a pornstar, or a professional tennis player.
user, I....
Should just redraw the borders of that clusterfuck to four actually relevant countries: Ivanland, Greater Gypsia, Yugo Warzone and the Brothership of Butthurt.
...my sister lives there dude...
it's still the 80s there
Do you fuck her?
I know...
Does your sister have a benis?
the visegrad union is unironically based and redpilled, especially based hungary with orban
In both cases it's all about mastering the way of the moan.
Does she play tennis?
they never produced anyone who won anything of relevance.
and what the hell is a Kosovo?
Cool, the 80s were based.
Wukasz Kubot won Wimbledon two years ago.
>Not watching doubles
>and what the hell is a Kosovo?
We have troops stationed there "to keep the peace" so their clans can safely emigrate and commit crimes in Germany.
>what the hell is a Kosovo?
crime syndicate masquerading as a country
She may not have won anything, but Radwanska was a former world no. 2 and got to the final of Wimbledon. That's not nothing.
>crime syndicate masquerading as a country
Tbf, you basically just described every country in the Balkans.
besides Montenegro, not really
and I'm not joking or exaggerating here
we are literally ruled by a mob
For me it's Kavački klan
they were probably set at each others throats by the real boss (Brano Mićunović)
Nah, most are multiple syndicates masquerading as political parties. The countries itself are based on something else, not sure what yet.
Fucked up. Here there's not a classic mob that murders enemies in broad daylight but the political mob (HDZ) still got everybody in line
Slavs are generically superior.
Daily reminder that they destroyed Hitler and the Nazis proving that they are, indeed, the master race.
Only after 20 million Russians were slavghtered
Its still officially recognized as a part of ukraine
Depends on who you ask.
How do i set up a country lads
Go home Vicky
I wish I could live in the 1980s when Canada was still 90 white
>Kavački klan
>Brano Mićunović
who/what are these?