/rwc/ WE GON GET KAWHI edition

/rugby world cup/

who has the most kino kit, and why is it South Africa?

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Agree with this tremendously thin americabro

no problem, south afribro

i do quite like that kit actually. havent even seen our but imagine its grim

It's the same style as the South African one but with the colours flipped

Prepare your welsh anuses. Fiji is coming.

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do they not allow advertising on rwc guernseys?

Yeah, that's the appeal of them

will be supporting france because my best mate is french and I'd like so see at least one game be won

Will be supporting whoever ausfailia is playing. A shame because I don't think the team is that bad.

Rugby Australia can get fucked though.

bit early m8
still got the TRC to go
come on over to /rug/

t. homophone

Not quite

t. still seething Westralian and force member

I hated playing rugby in school but I will give it a watch

ah yes me too mate me too

Redpill me on rugby. which one is better, Union or League, and why?

league is fucking shit just run forward lol no tactics no nothing only watched by coconuts and queenslanders (low iq)

union has actual tactics and depth
league is nonstop running forward and more "free flowing"

league is quite literally the retards version of rugby

I'm unbiased and gonna tell you that both are great rugby codes to watch. League is easier to get into because it's one-dimensional some say, mainly focused on speed and scoring.

Union is harder to get into because it is more complex. It has rucks, contested scrums etc. And at times it's not as fast as league. But once you get into it it's the best, like muscled Chess. There's a Channel on youtube called "squidge rugby". He does a great job explaining tactics.

Thanks y'all. Good to know we play the more based version here.

I'm so sad we'll be missing the party

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how long before rugby is 90% giga niggas

That's a pretty nice Kit in all seriousness.

excited for the wales v nz final (nz soundly beating us by 50 points)

I’m excited for the 6N teams not totally embarrassing themselves and at least getting into the semis

I think Wales, Ireland and England are all capable of going the whole way. Just feel like it's best to remain cautiously optimistic.

Will depend on the warm up games, I reckon. Ireland had a serious dip in the last 6N and opinion is split on wether that was all part of Schmidt’s master plan or if we’re up shit creek

I guess it's a waiting game. Went to watch that last game in Cardiff fully expecting some incredible last-ditch effort by Ireland against us.

A lifetime of disappointment has taught me to bet against Ireland in world cups. But who knows, maybe this time will be different