Legitimately can't think of a more feared counterattack in the modern era than these guys...

Legitimately can't think of a more feared counterattack in the modern era than these guys. Has there been a more lethal duo since they split up?

Attached: wayne-rooney-cristiano-ronaldo-man-utd_13lku6us373ow1h9qrg29fbctj.jpg (533x300, 113K)

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Attached: FDAE78D0-9B85-4223-913F-9A0490EFDEE9.jpg (1200x900, 238K)

fucking cunts


Messi and neymar (occasionally suarez)


>the eradicators of thailand

Attached: mesut-ozil-cristiano-ronaldo-real-madrid_15cqk5a2choc41gmmss2b8fnnb.jpg (533x300, 117K)

Bale Benzema Ronaldo.


Ok this is epic

Salah, Mane and Firmino



>can't even win the league

oh i don't know, maybe the attack that won 3 champions league in a row?

Attached: 6e08789b29b72c296c1cb02d19d4a6f8.jpg (800x450, 47K)

>United went from Rooney, Ronaldo, Tevez & Berbatov to this Lingard, Rashford, Martial & Lukaku

Attached: 1552952135951.png (337x293, 145K)

Give Lingard time he’s still young

Mane Firmino Salah

Not neccessarily counter attacking but Kanoute-Luis Fabiano Sevilla combo was based as fuck

Nah senpai Martial is still young m8, he'll develop la'

God I miss that Utd team.


And that's a good thing!