Number of titles don't make you GOAT, it's your play and what you are able to do, while making everything look simple

Number of titles don't make you GOAT, it's your play and what you are able to do, while making everything look simple.

Attached: goat.jpg (1115x473, 167K)


>pippen babby
>backhand babby
>hgh iniesta babby
>genetic deformity babby

The only GOAT you have on that picture is Phelps, the other 3 are overrated flops

Yes, No, NO, Yes

fedERROR makes the sport look very difficult at times

The guy is old as fuck for an athlete and he still is better than every zoomer.He legit is better than Jordan was at this age or any other goat contender.

Messi isn't even the argie GOAT

Attached: todd.jpg (500x500, 84K)

Wilt, Laver, Pele, Phelps

Maybe, but the true GOAT also just happens to have the most titles by far

Attached: brady.jpg (1000x600, 70K)

>ted bundy
Thought he was American though

lmao no position in this sport can be GOAT. They all rely on each other far too much. NFl is a joke anyway.
>throws a 5 yard dump pass to gronk
>gronk trucks 3 players and runs for 35 for a TD
>brady goat

running backs are the goats

>a GOAT thread without the undisputed GOAT across all sports

Attached: TrueGOAT.jpg (615x802, 106K)

>he is still making threads
I figured you and Twain would just text each other your opinions now

Far worse than Ted Bundy

I can’t even count how many times I’ve see this man have a game winning drive. It’s sickening

No the reason Phelps is the goat is because he has the most Olympic gold medals within the sport and absolutely dominated for years since the age of 15, both in a suit and out of it. He also went to Beijing and won 8 gold medals, 7 of which being world record and the other being an Olympic record. The man continued to dominate up to and including the Rio Olympics at the age of 31.

He is the goat for what I stated above, not because of the way he did it or how elegant he looked, he looked fucked at Beijing after some of the later events. Putting him in this list to try and prove your point of Messhit and Federrer being goats despite their losses is just stupid.

I do agree Federrer is goat tho.

Wtf is that Todd Howard

this is sport not dance lmao

That’s because only street shitters and pakis really care about pakipaddle

>rings don't matter
>Still labels MJ as GOAT

Attached: Wilt-Chamberlain-vs-Michael-Jordan3.jpg (600x721, 163K)

Tom fuckin Brady. His nickname is literally The Goat

You're all wrong. This is the GOAT.

Attached: goat.jpg (797x594, 84K)

Imagine being you