>we invented your sport, take us seriously reeeee
We invented your sport, take us seriously reeeee
We were cheated in '86
>p-p-please notice us based britGODs
i have blessed your thread with my presence.
>That flag
everyone else just assume all posters with this flag are british?
>hating americans more than bongs
There's no way you're actually Irish.
People who live in the UK are British
How's that world series thing going on?
>American education, tome 43201
what did he mean by this
ok whatever i mean from england
>i i i blessed your tread with my presence, i i'm not seeething
based retard, but honestly the "4 different countries but it's also the same country
Yup. I forget scotland and wales exist most of the time
More enjoyable than crickcrackket
kek, god bless america
last 30 minutes of the cric final was the best sporting moment of the year so far
>global boker face
kill yourself
get a load of this cultureless autist and his "logic"
We literally did create all the world's major sports though. Everyone else is a culture vulture
sit down, shut up
We don't take credit for the bastardized versions of our sports that you play though.
just take pride in your british waifu
so wales NI england and scotland all have separate representatives in the UN?
Show me your England passport
a bitch i know has a scottish passport
amerifats btfo
Nicola Sturgon doesn't count she was just given a passport by Westminer to keep her calm
>American Education
Put me in the screencap please
Based top tier bait nice work lad