You know when I came here a few months ago, and I said that England would lead a campaign to win the cricket world cup, you all laughed at me. Well I have to say, you're not laughing now are you?
Only retards fall for Farage's shtick.
You've been at it all day in the sticky. Go have some Buckfast and fall into a slumber.
>3 years later
>still in the EU
Just fuck my shit up senpai lmao just lmao
quads confirm
>literally who the sport
And the reason you're so upset, the reason you're so angry has been perfectly clear from all the angry posts this evening-You, as a sports imageboard, are in denial. You're in denial that your cope strategies are failing. Oh no no, just look at the janitors! As a policy to impose dozens of hours of unpaid work on the janitors you've done quite well.
It is a common sport in former British colonies. You don't get cricket in the former Yugoslavia. Your equivalent would probably be handball.
t. low grade bank clerk
Quads confirm, he's a liar
water polo
Based and redpilled
>wanting to stop pedophile sex-rings is "shtick"
>sets out to get Brexit to leave EU
>Brexit is now leaving the EU
can't argue with results user
this. He's a jewish puppet. Vote Corbyn for acceleration
Is this cricket shit the equivalent of us meme spamming rapinoe and world cup champs? Were we this cringy though?
>wanting to stop pedophile sex-rings
Europoors BTFO
Kiwis BTFO
We were talking about Farage burger. Your politics are irrelevant here
americans are always cringe
they definitely fucked, right?
kek the GB far right is pure peed, and the ones that don't fiddle are MI5 agents.
These whores that lie about sexual assault should get the same sentence the accused would have gotten if their bullshit story worked.
>czech calling anything a literal who
based brit ready for whats coming
Wakey Wakey
Has Farage literally ever talked about this?
Go away burger
Based and brexitpilled. Do the other part where he says i know most of you have never worked a day in your lives
Brexit is a retarded idea and its no wonder that the government has asked to delay it several times.
it was our turn
feels weird being called a literally who by *moves cursor over flag* serbia
Jack Renshaw, the National Action spokesman got done for noncing a pair of 12 year old boys.
The GB far right is basically 100% pedos
isn't funny how the british labour party is more or less the most openly antisemitic party in the western world right now?
modern-day right wingers, on the other hand, are big and passionate supporters of israel for the most part
no mate I don't think it's funny at all not sure where the joke is
you just don't get the superior german sense of humor i guess
They're not anti Semitic, they just don't put up with Israel's bullshit and then they get called anti-semitic as a result
Literally name one (1) instance of antisemitism perpetrated by the labour party.
And no saying Palestinians are humans doesn't count as antisemitism
One guy referred to them as the Jews. That pretty much seems to be it
haha agreed bro!
there was some kind of documentary made by the BBC the other day that supposedly exposed the antisemtism within the labour party
It's mostly bullshit. Yeah there are a few isolated cases of real anti antisemitism but the vast majority of these cases are just people calling out jews in the labour party who are pro Zionists for their support of an illegitimate apartheid state, and then Zionist media starts well funded campaigns to try and smear them
Cringe but redpilled.
It's all fun and games and laughing farage jpgs until we have political crisis, another prime minister, a border crisis with Ireland that never existed before, voting ourselves out of the largest single market allowing the EU to fuck us like we've been fucking everyone for the last 30 years, forcing ourselves to be the bitch of USA or China or whoever has money, voting ourselves out of having a vote on European issues, and accepting more immigration from Muslim countries because we told all the Wojciechs and Iosefs to fuck off. But at least we got to control our own border (which we could do before), and laugh at the elitist lesbians at the Guardian.
2016 called, it wants your scare mongering back
So, there IS anti-semitism in the Labour Party.
I'm not a Labour supporter but I don't think they're antisemitic. They're just perennially butthurt at people or countries who are successful, like the US, and like Israel.
>scare mongering
That's all happening though. Brexit is pretty much playing out according to worst case scenario predictions
>blaming the victim
how would you like it if donald trump had raped your sister when she was a child? how would it feel to know such things were done to your mother? a mind closed up is a like a parachute: useless. you need smarten up quick because i can promise you that you're on the wrong side of history. in 40 years you're not going to want to explain how you defended trump doing disgusting things because "well... you see... there were these people called SJWs... it's kind of complicated". because the children of the future aren't going to accept rationalizations for rape and torture of children (look at the border crisis created by the trump admin)
i mean, it's not though is it?